
VystyRunning 16.04. I have a bluetooth speaker that is suddenly unable to connect to my computer. Can anyone help me troubleshoot?00:03
calamariHaving trouble with a chroot and dbus. I exit the chroot, then try  to umount, but the umount says /mnt/dev is busy. lsof tells me that /mnt/dev/null is in use, and dbus-launch and dbus-daemon processes are named. I looked into removing dbus in the chroot, and it wants to uninstall half the system, so that won't work. Any other ideas?00:05
calamariVysty: can you connect anything else?00:07
debronguys any clue on why my TV on any resolution show any red letters or anything red coloured like blur effect?00:10
Skaface82how is your tv connected? and to what? sounds more of a hardware problem00:12
debronto my computer00:13
Skaface82oh ok00:13
Skaface82can you adjust the image on your TV at all? like horizontal position or phase or anything?00:14
debronI can adjust brightness, contrast, v and h position00:17
debronand nothing else which i could find O.o00:17
Skaface82ive seen problems on some TVs where if the H position is out by 1 pixel it can do weird things with the RGB... i doubt it with HDMI though00:22
ericrajuinis the HDMI cable lose ?00:30
debronericrajuin: no00:31
debronI think it has to do with the tv model00:32
debronor the config of it00:32
debronPHILIPS 19PFL5522D-1200:32
debronit says just allows 1024x76800:33
debronbut even in that crappy resolution i get the same issue00:33
debronand 1360x768 works equal, so I stay in this resolution00:34
debronjust would love to fix this color stuff00:34
jahtemgIs final beta upgradeable to lts?01:02
Bashing-om!final | jahtemg01:03
ubottujahtemg: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.01:03
jahtemgBricks ?@@@01:04
jahtemgHope not01:05
luxio~2 wks until ubuntu 18, probably going to completely reinstall since it's an opportunity to put the OS on my SSD. If I put it on empty space that's on a Windows drive, will it replace the Windows bootloader?01:17
mattyAnyone have any suggestions on an IRC client other than Xchat? Other than IRSSI01:38
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oerhekshexchat is the fork of xchat, which is no longer maintained01:41
mattyoerheks, thanks. checking it out now01:42
mattyXchat has some dialogue window issues01:42
mattyim running xfce4(ubuntu) in crouton and it seems things like thr channel window freezes and locks up xchat01:42
mattyany type of dialogue i have to kill xchat01:42
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luxioIf I put Ubuntu on empty space that's on a Windows drive, will it replace the Windows bootloader?02:29
oerheksluxio, yes, you would get grub as multibootloader02:33
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:33
luxiodo I need to do any configuring or will it automatically identify that Windows is also on the drive and list it as an option?02:33
oerheksnormally it would be detected properly, yes, unless it is an EFI bios, then you would need an other manual02:36
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:36
luxiohow do I know if I have an EFI bios?02:36
oerhekssee the manual perhaps? legacy/efi bios02:38
luxio"Next gen UEFI BIOS with award winning design"02:41
Mahjongghi, I added joe  hard  nproc 65000 to my limits.conf file and logged out/logged back in. ulimit -u still reports 1511302:58
MahjonggHow can I have ulimit.conf honored?02:58
MahjonggI added hard and soft both set to 65000 and it seems to have worked03:04
slidinghornHow can I tell if my keyboard is running in BIOS mode?03:12
slidinghorn(ignore that question)03:22
luxiowhat do you need help with?03:45
shellsofsilveri`m testing mint03:46
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Marquezinigood great guys03:57
Marquezinihow i can become a aws cloud analist?03:57
Marquezinicarrer path03:57
Marquezinilpic * aws + ccna?03:57
slidinghornMarquezini: that's not on topic here...this channel is only for ubuntu support questions.03:58
Marquezinihave ubuntu server/?03:58
slidinghornMarquezini: try your question in ##aws maybe04:00
=== daniel is now known as Guest25313
aeyxay ubuntu no work04:33
aeyxafix it04:33
slidinghorn!doesntwork | aeyxa04:37
ubottuaeyxa: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.04:37
aeyxatrying to reinstall for third time first04:42
OntheAirHi, new here just wondering if this is the correct place to ask for help with viruses?04:53
OntheAiror maybe someone can point me in the right direction.04:53
aeyxaOntheAir: what you need help with?04:54
boblamontI'm trying to get some things to start at boot using systemd, but having no luck at all with it. I've tried following the example and directions at https://bit.ly/2AY8y1D my service file (which doesn't work) is https://paste.linux.community/view/163b2e7f and the script (which does work) is https://paste.linux.community/view/8cccf1ff04:55
aeyxaboblamont: did you enable the service?04:56
OntheAiraeyxa: I sadly have something that seems impossible to get rid of that is messing with my pc. I have used a gugman wipe on it a few times and the issue still persists. I am being phished...04:57
boblamontaeyxa, do you mean systemctl enable webserver? yes, and it said it made the symlink04:57
aeyxaOntheAir: have you tried clamav?04:57
slidinghornOntheAir: is this on Windows04:57
OntheAirheh, i've tried everything its in the kernel as well04:58
aeyxaboblamont: list all services under systemd04:58
OntheAirI've contacted the isp as well as ran clamav everything keeps coming back. I've actually had files stolen from me as well.04:58
OntheAirI think I am in a botnet04:58
aeyxaboblamont: systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled04:59
aeyxaOntheAir: reinstalling OS isn't an option?04:59
OntheAirI wiped it clean nothing works04:59
aeyxathat's literally impossible04:59
OntheAiryoud think right05:00
slidinghornOntheAir: again - which OS is this?05:00
OntheAiranyone else wanna have a go with it?05:00
boblamontok, brb (it's in another room)05:00
aeyxaOntheAir: So, you're saying you reinstalled OS completely wiping old hard drive and it's still there?05:02
aeyxaOntheAir: are you installing the os from a cd?05:02
slidinghornOntheAir: WHAT IS THE OS?05:02
OntheAirClearly ubuntu right this is support right?05:04
aeyxaslidinghorn: https://i.imgur.com/39Vdwob.gif05:04
luxiowhat is ubuntu 19 called?05:04
aeyxahe doesn't understand humor and has probably seen enough idiots in here to not assume anything OntheAir05:05
aeyxas/he/they for any people who get upset about that kinda thing05:05
OntheAirwhat does green text mean?05:05
boblamontaeyxa: webserver.service is listed in the enabled list, but systelmctl start webserver doesn't start it (no error comes up, but the webserver isn't running, either)05:06
aeyxaOntheAir: oh, probably you're noticing you're being mentioned in a message?05:06
OntheAirFirst time on irc05:06
OntheAirIf anyone wants to give it a shot i'd love to see this fixed I doubt anyone really can fix it since all I get is "Thats impossible still have a virus after reinstall / wipe." i'd pay05:07
aeyxaboblamont: did you do systemctl daemon-reload05:08
aeyxaboblamont: or reboot since creating the unit?05:08
aeyxaOntheAir: it's literally impossible unless the OS you're downloading from is infected or there's a network infection elsewhere05:08
aeyxaOntheAir: if your entire network is compromised it could reattach itself once the server comes back online05:09
boblamontaeyxa: I thought I did daemon-reload, I'll go double check. I'll also reboot. I'll let you know what happens in a few minutes.05:09
aeyxaOntheAir: I would completely isolate it without network or anything and reinstall from a fresh OS downloaded from ubuntu website only after 100% wiping the drives05:09
aeyxaI didn't mean for him to disable his network immediately lel05:10
aeyxaevery time I come here looking for help I end up helping other people instead and then solving my problem on my own later, lol05:11
aeyxaor any channel really05:11
slidinghornaeyxa: He was most likely trolling.  No relevant info, and naming practically impossible circumstances.05:11
aeyxahe could have not been wiping the harddrive05:12
aeyxaand just reinstalling the os05:12
aeyxawhich could have left some hidden partition05:12
aeyxabut yeah maybe idk05:12
aeyxaI assume everyone is telling the truth usually, it's a bad habit I have05:13
boblamontaeyxa: rebooted, still no running webserver. Also, know you're not talking about me, but I appreciate the help, I really am just an idiot who has no idea what he's doing that urgently needs to get a few things working that aren't.05:15
aeyxaboblamont: lol np05:16
aeyxaboblamont: you can also ask in #linux since systemd isn't just a ubuntu thing05:16
aeyxaand it's probably a more active channel05:16
boblamontaeyxa: they gave up on me there05:16
aeyxaboblamont: oh, well try with a different file instead05:17
aeyxaboblamont: like, something that just echos to a file, and then check to see if it worked05:17
aeyxaboblamont: are you creating the file as root, and what are the permissions on the file and where is the filr located?05:18
boblamontaeyxa: webserver was my different file :(    Before that, I was trying to get another program to start.05:18
aeyxaboblamont: do `ll /etc/systemd/system`05:19
protocol_hivefor anyone able to answer: i am trying to install i3-gaps on 16.04, i am running into an issue with ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr; which is throwing errors at me and cannot figure why05:19
aeyxais ll an ubuntu command? if not do ls -la05:19
aeyxaprotocol_hive: paste errors into pastebin and post here05:19
protocol_hiveaeyxa: autoreconf: Entering directory `.'05:21
protocol_hiveautoreconf: configure.ac: not using Gettext05:21
protocol_hiveautoreconf: running: aclocal -I m405:21
protocol_hiveconfigure.ac:16: warning: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is m4_require'd but not m4_defun'd05:21
protocol_hivem4/xcb_util_common.m4:8: XCB_UTIL_COMMON is expanded from...05:21
protocol_hiveconfigure.ac:16: the top level05:21
slidinghorn!paste | protocol_hive05:21
ubottuprotocol_hive: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:21
slidinghornprotocol_hive: unfortunately, software from 3rd party repositories isn't supported.  I'd recommend the #i3 channel or the ##linux channel maybe05:25
aeyxaI've been trying to install ubuntu 17 on my laptop and also install it as a dual boot on my desktop with windows and failing all night05:26
protocol_hivesorry fellas, im a little new to this.05:26
protocol_hiveill check out the i3 channel, thanks for the tip05:26
aeyxaprotocol_hive: there's no one there, lol maybe #linux05:26
slidinghornaeyxa: what's the problem you're having?05:26
aeyxaslidinghorn: on both of them, I can't seem to find it to boot into it after installation05:27
aeyxaslidinghorn: I'm installing from bootable usb and if I hold shift to go to grub, it goes into usb, if I remove usb it can't find anything05:27
aeyxaslidinghorn: one of them has windows so I thinkI just didn't install it in the right location so windows bootloader is ignoring ubuntu05:28
slidinghornaeyxa: have you verified the image you're using to install?  Do you have SecureBoot enabled?  UEFI?05:28
aeyxaI did have UEFI enabled05:28
aeyxaI also try without it and that didn't work too05:28
aeyxaI forget why it was a different error message, lol, what do you recommend I do if I have a completely wiped hard drive on my laptop without any existing os?05:29
slidinghornaeyxa: I recommend first verifying the md5 for the iso, then making sure SecureBoot is disabled.05:29
aeyxaslidinghorn: I can verify by booting into live, ya?05:31
slidinghornunfortunately, I'm half falling asleep in my chair, so I'm going to wish you luck, and go pass out.05:31
slidinghorn!verify | aeyxa05:31
ubottuaeyxa: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:31
boblamontaeyxa: the file is in /etc/systemd/system, owned by root. I was optimistic because the permissions were wrong, but I changed them to 755 to match the others, and rebooted, but still nothing.05:33
aeyxaboblamont: it should be 64405:33
aeyxaboblamont: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/system_administrators_guide/sect-managing_services_with_systemd-unit_files05:34
boblamontaeyxa: that's what they were, but I noticed the other files that came up all had execute on, so I changed it to match since I assumed the default stuff was all working, I'll change them back05:35
aeyxaboblamont: you should make sure your systemd version is fine and you don't need updates and all that stuff too05:37
aeyxaboblamont: there's also #systemd did you try there?05:37
boblamontaeyxa: no, I haven't tried there. I just installed the system last week and did all the updates, so it should be ok. I was thinking I should maybe reinstall it just to see if that helps. It couldn't really make things worse at this point.05:39
aeyxaboblamont: You said some stuff wasn't working which is why you were doing this, right? What caused that stuff to stop working? It might be that you're not doing anything wrong but systemd is just broken somehow05:39
aeyxayea if reinstall is a choice I would try that05:39
boblamontaeyxa: Well, I do need the webserver, but I've been trying to get Broadcast Using This Tool (Butt) to start at boot, too. That behaves the same. The script works when directly executed, but not as a service.05:41
aeyxaidk how to help anymore #systemd is probably gonna be more knowledgeable than me05:43
aeyxagonna get off irc now, gl05:43
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:56
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje05:56
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^05:58
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MrCrackPotBuildehi every usb that i plug in i cant access for some reason the owner ship is root with thi06:46
MrCrackPotBuildebrw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 17 Apr  12 14:32 /dev/sdb106:46
MrCrackPotBuildehow can i change permissions so i can copy and paste files to the usb06:46
MrCrackPotBuildei tried chmod 777 but didnt wwork06:46
mattymaybe thatll help ya?06:47
MrCrackPotBuildethank you06:50
MrCrackPotBuildehopefully can get it to work06:50
MrCrackPotBuildei actually dont want to auto mount as non root06:51
ducasseMrCrackPotBuilde: what did you run chmod on?06:51
MrCrackPotBuildedev sdb06:52
MrCrackPotBuildeand dev/sdb106:52
ducasseMrCrackPotBuilde: that's not right, you need to run it on the mountpoint06:52
MrCrackPotBuildehhhhmm that would be media/xx80-hg9106:53
ducassesounds right06:53
MrCrackPotBuildechmod 777 right06:54
MrCrackPotBuilde+x is for executeable06:54
ducasse+x also means you can enter directories06:55
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Guest54929i have problem with vpn06:55
MrCrackPotBuildeguest can you me momre specific06:56
Guest54929when i use anytype of vpn i cant connect blocked websites06:57
Guest54929openvpn pptp or etc06:58
ducasseGuest54929: unfortunately that's not something we can help you with, it's against policy to help people circumvent regional blocks etc06:58
Guest54929but my ip change when i check06:59
Guest54929blocked sites like youtube or facebook06:59
Guest54929i mean06:59
Guest54929nobody knows what is the problem with my vpn07:09
Guest54929its connect and my ip change but when i want open youtube or facebook it doesn,t open them07:10
Guest54929this sites are block in our country07:11
Guest54929in fedora my vpn work well07:11
Guest54929but in ubuntu doesnt07:11
dbuggerHi everyone07:46
dbuggerDoes anyone know if there is some special step to install a certificate to be able to use it while "git clone" a repo?07:46
dbuggerI moved the .pem and .crt file into /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/myproject/ and ran "sudo update-ca-certificates" but I still get an error when trying to clone07:47
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A4LI need help. When i try to modify Windows system32 files in linux (Kali), it says read/only file system. how to change that and write in System32_07:54
A4LI need help. When i try to modify Windows system32 files in linux (Kali), it says read/only file system. how to change that and write in System32_07:57
ducasse!kali | A4L07:57
ubottuA4L: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)07:57
A4LI need help. When i try to modify Windows system32 files in linux (OK, IN UBUNTU THEN), it says read/only file system. how to change that and write in System32_07:58
ducasseA4L: we don't support kali, see the factoid from ubottu07:58
A4Lducasse i changed to ubuntu. I need help in ubuntu07:59
A4Lnot in kali08:00
ducasseA4L: don't lie just to get support here, it's not helpful08:01
kille@ducasse we don't know that he is lying...08:01
oijeeboo26th 3.1008:01
killebut it is painfully apparent. :)08:01
A4Ljust help me for ubuntu then pls\08:02
ducasseA4L: why not just get help in #kali-linux?08:04
A4Lducasse oh thanks i tried #kali but it didnt work thhanks08:05
A4LPS> there is no noe in kali/linux08:05
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A4Lthere is no one there so i want help here08:05
ducassethat's not really our problem, try ##linux then08:07
aphirstGood morning08:12
aphirstI had an issue last night which we weren't able to resolve08:12
aphirsti can repost the full text on request, but it was regarding pcmanfm's inability to access nfs:// shares on my LAN, despite them working via fstab and showmount, and the fact that pcmanfm on another machine (arch) can access nfs:// just fine08:13
aphirstand yes, we checked that i had gvfs-common and nfs-common installed etc08:13
ducasseaphirst: which release is this?08:15
aphirstducasse, ubuntu (lubuntu) 17.10, pcmanfm 1.2.508:15
ducassedoes that version of pcmanfm support it? have you checked?08:15
aphirstducasse, <aphirst> and the fact that pcmanfm on another machine (arch) can access nfs:// just fine08:16
aphirstoh, right, it's the same version of pcmanfm there too08:16
ducassehmm, maybe the ubuntu version is built without support for it - i dunno. do you get any errors?08:17
aphirstyes, i posted it earlier but it was a generic "this location is not supported" type of error, nothing in STDOUT either when running in terminal08:18
aphirstpcmanfm also appears to not have a verbose mode08:18
aphirst(i'm not at the affected machine right now, though i can be if there are any actionable suggestions)08:18
ducasse"this location is not supported" might imply it is built without support. have you looked for similar bugs?08:19
jiqirenrunning "rpcinfo -p hostname" can give you what versions of nfs are available and what ports they are listening on. Maybe pcmanfm is just doing v2 w/udp while something else does tcp v3?08:20
neoclusti am trying Xenial and i can't boot because of missing ehci-orion kernel module08:28
neoclustdo i have a package to install to have this module ?08:28
aphirstducasse, i have, i only found one reference which was not strictly relevant, and also gave no useful info on how to diagnose08:32
aphirstjiqiren, i'll test that, bear with me08:32
adrian_1908neoclust: so you can't even get into the live session or installer?08:35
neoclustadrian_1908: no but i can rebuild the clonezilla with modules, etc i think08:36
neoclustadrian_1908: i already install new debs into it before rebuilding the squashfs08:37
neoclustadrian_1908: i use it to boot the image over PXE08:37
adrian_1908neoclust: oh ok. Well, i'm not well versed in this but if the module ships with xenial it might be as easy as changing the /etc/modules file08:38
neoclustadrian_1908: i only see ./lib/modules/4.4.0-24-generic/kernel/drivers/media/pci/saa7146/hexium_orion.ko08:39
neoclustnot the good one08:40
dbuggerHi again08:42
dbuggerIs there a way to set a certificate to "Always Trust" the same way that can be done in macOS?08:45
aphirstjiqiren, there were 3 lines mentioning nfs08:45
aphirstversion 3 and 4 according to the columns08:45
aphirsti'll see what pcmanfm is linked against via ldd08:48
aphirstwell, grep | nfs gives nothing08:48
aphirsti guess it does it via gvfs08:48
DreykHello. I have Ubuntu Xenial, but I connected the repository from the Ubuntu Bionic to install some packages. Then I disabled the Ubuntu Bionic repository. How can I now determine which packages have been installed from the Ubuntu Bionic? I can use only CLI unilites, so Synaptics - is not the answer.08:49
aphirsti'm not sure how to check exactly what gvfs is built against08:49
EriC^^Dreyk: yikes, that's brave08:50
antoniszDreyk: can you check up your command history?08:50
bazhangDreyk, never mix repos, doubly so with unreleased ones08:50
EriC^^Dreyk: dpkg -l | awk '$1 == "ii" { print $2 }' | xargs apt-cache policy | grep -C10 bionic08:51
neoclustadrian_1908: i don't see it neither with bionic :/08:51
Dreykantonisz: i can, but there is too many packages, idk whick packages is from bionic in comman history08:53
DreykEriC^^: this command give me empty output08:53
Dreykbazhang: now i know about mixing repos)08:54
adrian_1908neoclust: yeah sucks man, sorry to hear. I wonder if you could find it online and build it yourself (or download as a binary).08:54
adrian_1908I did that for my DVB card, but that wasn't mission critical like yours.08:54
EriC^^Dreyk: hmm, i forget, if someone removes a repository from sources.list does it still show up in policy08:54
marcfpi have troubles with windows 10 and ubuntu 16.04, if i mount windows 10 partition inside ubuntu, then i can't boot windows 10, laptop show me a black screen ... does anyone know about it ? i'm using ubuntu 16.0408:54
DreykEriC^^: so i need to enable again bionic repository in sources list?08:55
EriC^^Dreyk: maybe check /var/log/apt/history.log to see what installed as suggested by someone?08:55
wiqHow to run/start applications(process) in background from console?08:55
EriC^^Dreyk: no, i'd do the apt history08:55
marcfpwiq: with & after command line08:55
wiqok, thanks. marcfp08:56
aphirstmarcfp, wiq might mean "and also persist when closing the terminal"08:56
aphirst& doesn't offer this as far as I remember08:56
EriC^^wiq: program & disown  if you want what aphirst says08:56
marcfpaphirst: then you can use screen08:56
aphirstmarcfp, but then only for text mode08:57
aphirstEriC^^, that sounds familiar08:57
EriC^^aphirst: yeah, disown will let you click the button, typing "exit" also uses disown before exiting08:57
aphirstwell that's helpful08:57
marcfpdoes anyone know how can i solve windows 10 boot after ubuntu 16.04 installation and mounted windows 10 partition inside ubuntu ?08:59
akikaphirst: you can use "nohup command &"08:59
DreykEriC^^: can not find the correct information in history.log, cause there is too many packages... So my only way is to install the Synaptics and X.server and use Synaptics to determine which packages is from bionic?)09:00
wiqWhat does it mean when it shows 'disk sleep' under CPU usage of a process in system activity?09:00
marcfphttp://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/01/mount-windows-10-in-ubuntu/ <- i maked it ... but i can't boot windows 10 any more time09:00
=== ramon is now known as Guest95968
Guest95968buongiorno a tutti09:15
lotuspsychje!it | Guest9596809:16
ubottuGuest95968: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:16
bazhangGuest95968, english here please09:16
Aliekezhihi, is there an equivalent of "tracker" (indexing files service) on MATE, or is it only on gnome ?09:28
OntheAirany faggot up?09:30
OntheAirwith actual skill?09:30
bazhangapt-cache search tracker Aliekezhi09:30
bazhangOntheAir, not appropriate for a support channel09:30
OntheAirok are you the guy im looking for?09:31
OntheAiryou are not even with the mods09:32
OntheAirdon't tell me what to say fuck off09:32
OntheAirif you aren't going to help don't reply09:32
OntheAiract like you make the rules fuck off09:32
ducasseOntheAir: just watch the language and ask your question09:33
OntheAircan we get a 'please'? before you rudely gang up on me?09:33
OntheAirIf anyone can help lmk09:33
OntheAirBecause i've yet to encounter someone who can help09:33
bazhangOntheAir, thats enough09:33
ducasseyou haven't even asked a question09:34
Aliekezhibazhang, thanks, I didn't think about it...However, I'm not sure if it's the name of service or not...And maybe it could have a different name on mate09:34
Aliekezhibazhang, do you know the name of the indexation service ?09:34
killeOnTheAir you being a douche mate. watch the language or leave please.09:34
OntheAirhey watch your mouth09:34
killewhat you gonna do, curse me to death on irc?09:35
bazhangAliekezhi, not off the top of m y head, sorry09:35
bazhangkille, please dont get involved09:35
OntheAiralright if you wanna fight a real hacker call me at 980825224109:36
OntheAircause ill brick anyones shit09:36
EriC^^it's safe to say he's off the air now09:37
albechis it possible to get timestamp on 'history'?09:42
geirhabash's history? yes09:43
geirhaGive the HISTTIMEFORMAT variable a value in .bashrc. Look it up in man bash09:43
antoniszit's the HISTTIMEFORMAT in the bashrc file if i recall09:43
albechJust took over a server from a former employee and logging into it for the first time seeing that 'history' shows the following, what would be your first thought? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kvwnpwkHVq/09:44
albechso it will only store timestamps if that var is set09:44
geirhaheh, that somebody wants to hide something09:45
albechgeirha: my thought09:45
killecleaning up tracks?09:45
albechand now something pretty critical in the application isnt working, which makes me wonder09:45
killeonly cleaned up very crappy though09:46
killeforgot history09:46
geirhaIt's uplink style cleanup ^^09:47
albechany suggestions how to gather a little more evidence? I guess getting timestamps on the history backwards inst possible, correct?09:48
geirhayou can build bash with syslog support, which I don't think the user can opt out of09:49
geirhaother than switching shell of course09:49
geirhaalbech: yeah, that data is lost09:50
geirhayou only know when he logged out from the timestamp on the history file09:50
albechgeirha: that would help09:50
albechgeirha: but im guessing since i have entered the system that timestamp would have updated09:52
albechwe had no reason to believe he would have done something malicious, since he left the company on semi-good terms09:52
geirhaalbech: it's typically only written to on exit, unless you have something like  history -a  fired from PROMPT_COMMAND09:55
geirhaalbech: have you checked the syslog config? it might be writing the log lines to auth.log multiple places09:58
albechi did.. its only writing to auth.log09:59
geirhatime to set up central logging10:00
albechyeah :(10:01
interrobangdwhere are the sources for ubuntu kernel 4.13.0-38-generic?10:10
interrobangdi found only a package called "linux-source" which contains sources for linux-source-4.13.1610:11
interrobangdbut i want do patch my currently installed kernel version10:11
TJ-interrobangd: generally it's easier to work from the git repository, but the linux-source package should match the most recent image10:12
geirhaapt-get source "linux-image-$(uname -r)"10:12
interrobangdgeirha, nope10:12
interrobangdnot existing10:12
geirhaodd. works for me10:13
interrobangdlinux-image-4.13.0-38-generic not found10:13
geirhado you have deb-src entries uncommented in sources.list?10:14
TJ-interrobangd: which release is that? 16.04 or 17.10 ?10:14
interrobangdgeirha, ahh!10:15
TJ-the linux-source* packages are binary ('all' architecture). The src is linux-meta/linux. "apt-cache policy linux-source" should show where the package candidates10:18
interrobangdapt-cache policy linux-source -> linux-source: installed:
interrobangdbut if i run make menuconfig the version are 4.13.1610:20
TJ-interrobangd: that's fine, Ubuntu kernel versions are different10:22
interrobangdi dont understand10:23
boichevanyone having experience with checkinstall ? I am trying to add a php.ini file inside a build from source but at the end it never gets included .... i use --include=/usr/local/php/php.ini or a text file containing this path ...... no success10:23
TJ-interrobangd: see the "artful linux" section of https://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/kernel-version-map.html10:23
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antgomy wan starts dropping packets over 90% and give a >10k ms lag when i connect to a remote icecast stream. is there a channel which could help me with this?11:12
antgospeaking of which... hadn't #ubuntu used to be kind of high-traffic? like 5+ messages/second kind of high?11:15
antoniszpeople are hungry. i am at least :p11:18
JimBuntuantgo, #networking, over 1200 "people" on it11:23
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srkpholla ubuntians11:32
hollusionhello, i have set up a samba share to be writable for everyone but other ubuntu desktops on the same net work are unable to write within that share11:37
hollusionwhat and where do i check for problems? have no idea what went wrong11:37
hollusionreading the share works fine but nobody has write permissions, although i set it to "writable" and "allow access to everyone"11:38
hollusionthe shared device is an encrypted harddrive which is mounted like this "/dev/mapper/backup on /mnt/backup type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)"11:39
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interrobangdwant to install kernel source and get a errrir message after downloading sources12:03
interrobangdW: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file 'linux_4.13.0-38.43.dsc' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Keine Berechtigung)12:03
interrobangdany ideas?12:04
BluesKajHi folks12:10
SwaggggCan someone help me out? I'm having some issues with dual booting Ubuntu 17.10 with Windows 1012:28
SwaggggIs anyone here?12:29
leftyfb!ask | Swagggg12:30
ubottuSwagggg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:30
leftyfbSwagggg: detail your issue and someone should be able to help you12:31
SwaggggOh okay, sorry! :D12:31
SwaggggI'm getting some errors when I try to boot into Ubuntu to install it alongside Windows. These are the errors I get: https://i.imgur.com/CV1RYcr.jpg12:31
SwaggggThis is preventing Ubuntu from loading up.12:32
abhyudayhey this is abbychak again12:41
rohit__When I try to run the cmd  "sudo apt-get update "12:49
rohit__I got the error12:50
rohit__Reading package lists... Done W: No sandbox user '_apt' on the system, can not drop privileges W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?) W: The repository 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease' is not signed. N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use. N: See apt-secu12:50
rohit__s W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?)12:50
killedo you get the same with sudo apt update12:50
killenot apt-get which is deprecated12:51
rohit__Yes, I tried with the    sudo apt update a well12:51
rohit__but got the same error12:51
killehmmm. no idea, but we can googs together i spose? it looks like it is struggling to get the signatures / keys for the repos though...12:52
killeis gnupg installed? :)12:52
rohit__but when I try to install that12:52
rohit__I got the another error.12:53
killehave you rebooted? it may be a kernel problem according to google's first page...12:53
rohit__now installed12:53
rohit__but still facing the same issue12:53
killesorry, i am not really sure here, but i am trying to help :)12:54
rohit__I'm use the digital-ocean ubuntu server12:55
rohit__there I'm facing that issue.12:55
TJ-rohit__: I suspect there's an HTTP proxy between you and the archive server that's returning modified/different files to those being requested12:55
TJ-rohit__: try with debugging output and pastebin it. "sudo apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update"12:56
TJ-prohobo: pong!12:56
rohit__Linux gitrecruit-mean-s-1vcpu-1gb-nyc1-01 4.4.0-116-generic #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 12 21:23:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:56
killelol, of course, it could be that too! #facepalm12:56
killeheck that kernel is old.12:57
killei am on 4.16 already12:57
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TJ-!info linux-image xenial12:58
killebut check the proxy first12:58
ubottuPackage linux-image does not exist in xenial12:58
rohit__<kille> but check the proxy first13:00
rohit__How can I check that ?13:00
rohit__[18:30] <rohit__> <kille> but check the proxy first [18:30] <rohit__> How can I check that ?13:01
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killeecho "$http_proxy"13:01
killewhat shows up.13:02
rohit__<kille> what shows up.13:02
rohit__give me blank output13:02
killeno proxy.13:02
killedang dude, TJ, you have any ideas? I will learn something here too. :)13:02
TJ-!info linux-image-generic xenial13:03
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB13:03
TJ-the proxy may be outside the VM13:03
TJ-rohit__: as I said earlier, try with debugging output and pastebin it. "sudo apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update"13:04
leftyfbkille: apt-get is not deprecated13:04
rohit__<TJ-> rohit__: as I said earlier, try with debugging output and pastebin it. "sudo apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update"13:05
rohit__I tried with the same13:05
killeleftyfb true, but apt is usually better for regular users, apt-get is close to the metal and backwards compatible.13:06
rohit__it gives me error13:06
rohit__Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1  Err:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-updates Release   404  Not Found [IP: 80] Reading package lists... Done W: No sandbox user '_apt' on the system, can not drop privileges W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?) E: The repository 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xeni13:06
TJ-rohit__: right, show us the entire output in a pastebin13:06
TJ-rohit__: use "pastebinit <( sudo apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update ) "13:07
leftyfbthat relevant?13:07
rohit__0% [Working]GET /ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease HTTP/1.1 Host: us.archive.ubuntu.com Cache-Control: max-age=0 Accept: text/* Range: bytes=246846- If-Range: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 23:24:48 GMT User-Agent: Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (1.2.26)   Answer for: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 12:58:18 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Transfer-Encoding: chunked13:07
rohit__0% [Waiting for headers]Answer for: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/wily-updates/Release HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 12:58:19 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Content-Length: 315 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1  Err:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-updates Release   404  Not Found [IP: 80] Reading package lists... Done W: No sandbox user '_apt' on the system, can not drop pr13:07
leftyfbrohit__: please use pastebin13:07
rohit__W: No sandbox user '_apt' on the system, can not drop privileges W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?) E: The repository 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease' is not signed. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creat13:07
rohit__E: The repository 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease' is not signed. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?) E: The repo13:08
leftyfbrohit__: please use pastebin13:08
rohit__N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?) E: The repository 'http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease' is not signed. N: Updating fro13:08
TJ-rohit__: please stop, and READ the instructions13:08
rohit__W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?) E: The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease' is not signed. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.13:08
TJ-!paste | rohit__13:08
ubotturohit__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:08
rohit__N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. E: The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-updates Release' does not have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.13:08
leftyfbTJ-: I would check that link. Check for the _apt user in /etc/passwd13:08
TJ-leftyfb: yeah, I'm aware of the _apt user issue, but it is just a warning.13:10
TJ-leftyfb: the issue here is corrupted content of the InRelease files13:10
killewell, would a bleachbit clean fix it?13:11
TJ-leftyfb: will need to delete the existing files in /var/lib/apt/lists{,/partial}/13:11
ubottuLibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.13:12
rohit__when I try to install bower13:13
rohit__got the error13:13
TJ-rohit__: now you're able to chat again, do this: "sudo find /var/lib/apt/lists -type f -delete"   ... after that do "sudo apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update | nc termbin.com 9999" and tell us the URL it reports13:13
rohit__lib/ld64.so.1: No such file or directory13:14
abhyudayDoes ubuntu update over IPv6??13:15
rohit__now get the errot13:15
rohit__W: No sandbox user '_apt' on the system, can not drop privileges W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease: Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?) E: The repository 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease' is not signed.13:15
TJ-abhyuday: Yes13:15
rohit__do this: "sudo find /var/lib/apt/lists -type f -delete"   ... after that do "sudo apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update | nc termbin.com 9999" and tell us the URL it reports13:15
rohit__after this13:15
rohit__do this: "sudo find /var/lib/apt/lists -type f -delete"   ... after that do "sudo apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update | nc termbin.com 9999" and tell us the URL it reports13:15
TJ-I give up!13:15
abhyudayrohit__, what's ur problem??13:15
rohit__can you suggest me how can I initialize my karnal13:16
TJ-rohit__: please stop spamming the channel with pasting, and follow the instructions you've been given13:16
abhyudayRohit contact with me in my chat box13:17
pragmaticenigmaabhyuday, please do not take support topic off channel. all support needs to be offered in channel so others may benefit from the solutions given13:18
rohit__any can let me know how can I upgrade or reinitialize my digital-ocean ubuntu machine.13:20
abhyudayrohit__, meet at inbox, I'm helping13:20
pragmaticenigmaabhyuday, as you were already told... Do not take support conversations out of the channel. It needs to take place here so everyone can benefit13:21
pragmaticenigmarohit__, suggestion: Open a support ticket with Digital Ocean: https://www.digitalocean.com/company/contact/13:21
PCatineanIs there any way to pipe a command to a custom shell script that takes a bit of time to load before opening the prompt?13:24
PCatineanI can only think of piping the command with delay, but I wished there was a "wait until program is loaded" kinda thing13:24
pragmaticenigmaPCatinean, set the script to read input from a file, and pass the file as an argument to the shell script13:25
pragmaticenigmaPCatinean, then have the file contain the parameters/info that the script needs13:25
PCatineanpragmaticenigma, actually I was hoping for a shell command. I don't have control over the script to alter it :(13:25
pragmaticenigmaPCatinean, you can look at something like "expect" it's a utility that will parse the output of a program or script, and when it sees the indicated text, it will enter the value given13:27
albttxI am trying to build a package ubuntu from source, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ufsutils/8.2-3 but i don't find how to do it... any idea ? lead ? tuto ?13:28
pragmaticenigmaPCatinean, take a look here for a similar scenario using SFTP https://stackoverflow.com/a/1568260013:28
pragmaticenigmaalbttx, why are you trying to build from source albttx ?13:28
PCatineanohhhh, that looks pretty similar to what I want pragmaticenigma :D13:28
albttxbecause it's not available on xenial, so i will try to fix it, but first i'm trying to build it from source on Precise where it's available13:29
albttxi wget the sources13:30
pragmaticenigmaalbttx, again... why? what is the utility that you looking for... it may have been moved or deprecated for a different program13:30
albttxi need growfs.ufs13:30
albttxi need from debian to resize a ufs filesystem13:31
albttxfrom ubuntu*13:31
TJ-albttx: UFS on a *BSD OS?13:31
geirhamust be a reason why it was removed13:32
TJ-albttx: from everything I know it's a dangerous job even when the Linux tooling is available, because there are so many different variations of UFS on the different varieties of *BSD. That's why the ufsutils project was dropped13:32
albttxi know..13:33
albttxbut i have to try13:33
generalfluffleshow to launch a .rar game13:33
TJ-albttx: I was investigating doing something similar on a pfSense router this week; it's not worth that hassle. If you need to do it use a *BSD native OS to do it13:33
generalflufflesi would go to GOL but they're dicks13:33
pragmaticenigma!language | generalfluffles13:34
ubottugeneralfluffles: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:34
albttx@TJ- it will be my next move,13:34
albttxbut first i want to try to compile the ufs13:34
confluencyalbttx: have you tried the trusty package?13:34
generalflufflesmay i repeat my question?13:35
pragmaticenigmageneralfluffles, no13:35
albttxfixing a PXE boot error create when i downgrade from xenial to precise13:35
TJ-albttx: if you're using a 12.04 chroot/container, then it's just "apt-get source ufsutils; cd ufsutils-*; apt-get build-dep ufsutils; fakeroot debian/rules binary"13:35
albttx(trusty package is deleted)13:35
confluencyalbttx: you can still download the deb from launchpad.13:36
albttxthat what i did13:37
confluencyAnd what happened?13:37
albttxthanks TJ missing the fakeroot command13:37
rvgateI always fail to find a nice diagram editor for ubuntu... anyone has any suggestions?13:38
albttxi'm doing it, keeping you in touch13:38
TJ-!info dia | rvgate13:38
ubotturvgate: dia (source: dia): Diagram editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.3+git20160930-6 (artful), package size 991 kB, installed size 3727 kB13:38
confluencyalbttx: did you try just installing the *binary package*?13:39
albttxthe binary package ?13:40
confluencyalbttx: I just did it on Artful; it installed without errors and growfs seems to work. I don't know why you're compiling the source package.13:41
confluencyalbttx: yes, the binary deb package which you can download from Launchpad.13:41
albttxcould you give me the link ?13:42
confluencyhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+package/ufsutils    ?13:42
escher_i encountered a bug in the driver-manager, where can i report it ?13:42
TJ-!bug | escher_13:42
ubottuescher_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:42
confluencyalbttx: follow the link to your architecture.13:42
albttxthere is 3 download available: ufsutils_8.2.orig.tar.gz, ufsutils_8.2-3.debian.tar.gz, ufsutils_8.2-3.dsc13:44
confluencyNo, you've gone to the wrong place.13:44
confluencyalbttx: not the *source* package.13:44
confluencyalbttx: what is your architecture?13:44
albttxoh the: ufsutils_8.2-3_amd64.deb  ?13:45
albttxok nice, it's working from this13:47
albttxi'll try this from xenial13:48
ubottushockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave13:49
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:49
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:49
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TJ-prohobo: please stop your client doing that14:12
prohoboi'm doing it manually14:12
TJ-prohobo: right, so stop doing it please14:13
prohobostop saying .ping every 10 minutes?14:13
prohobostop assaulting me14:13
albttxconfluency not working... i have an issue, but there is a patch. back from scratch, need to compile from source with the patch14:22
albttxcf: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=63283214:22
ubottuDebian bug 632832 in ufsutils "ufsutils: growfs.ufs do not work" [Important,Open]14:22
albttxubottu Same error !!14:23
ubottualbttx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:23
leftyfbalbttx: this is not #debian.14:26
leftyfbalbttx: if the bug is upstream, you'll need to seek support with upstream14:27
albttxleftyfb i'm on ubuntu, start talking about it previsouly, i found the same error on a debian thread.14:28
leftyfbalbttx: I do not think that package is available in Ubuntu14:29
leftyfbalbttx: If not, it's an unsupported package14:29
albttxit is on trusty14:29
albttxon precise*14:29
confluencyWe've established that it's no longer in the repos; this is an old package.14:37
Vic2Which package is nano in for 14.04 LTS ?14:39
leftyfbVic2: nano14:42
quemasus zenbook or dell xps 13?14:43
leftyfbquem: that is not an ubuntu support question14:46
TJ-quem: both please :)14:46
chakravantihow do change the amount of time the screen goes blank and  demands a password?14:49
pragmaticenigmachakravanti, The Settings application will let you change those14:50
chakravantipragmaticenigma, where? how?  doesn't seem to be anywhere14:50
kostkonchakravanti, which desktop environment are you using14:51
chakravantinvm finally found it.  been digging all morning14:51
pragmaticenigmachakravanti, System Settings => Brightness & Lock14:51
chakravantisystems-> Power14:51
chakravantibrightness and lock doesn't exist14:52
kostkonchakravanti, it shouldn't have taken that long to find it14:52
chakravantimy brain is litterally broken.  I was hit by a car and hit the ground.  A neurosurgeon removed my skull an recently put it back.14:52
kostkonchakravanti, yeah that sounds kinda bad14:53
chakravantiLearning linux again is all the details are like basic words my brain doesn't kineticly configure quickly14:53
pragmaticenigmachakravanti, if you are using Ubuntu 16.04 that is whree it is located. If not, we would need more information on what desktop environment you are using (Gnome, KDE, XFCE, LXDE)14:53
pragmaticenigmachakravanti, thanks14:54
pragmaticenigmaprohobo, Do you have an Ubuntu Support question?14:54
leftyfbprohobo: please stop14:54
chakravantianyone know how to fix bluetooth?  Drivin me nuts lately.  I can connect to my Flip v4 but it won't broadcast sound/music14:55
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quemleftyfb: which one is more compatible with ubuntu? ;)14:55
quemTJ-: i wish.14:55
TJ-chakravanti: you want broadcast from the PC over Bluetooth to other devices?14:55
pragmaticenigmaquem, We cannot determine that for you. Each user's experience is different based on the configuration of their computer and desire of what they wish to do with the computer.14:56
leftyfbquem: I don't know since I'm not familiar with Asus. The Dell XPS 13 comes with ubuntu14:56
TJ-quem: I've got XPS 13s here, and Asus T300CHI transformer, both without problems. Not sure about the Zen book14:56
TJ-quem: main thing I'd avoid is nvidia prime/optimus dual GPUs, seems to create more problems than it solves14:57
chakravantiTJ-, yes.  The device is a speaker and it does connect but it won't broadcast sound to the flip14:58
quemTJ-: ah, good to know.14:59
TJ-chakravanti: so the pulseaudio-module-bluetooth is installed then14:59
TJ-chakravanti: have you installed the Pulseaudio pavucontrol GUI config program?14:59
quemi just want something that runs ubuntu straight out of the box. my curious masochist slackware days are long.15:00
quem*long gone15:00
chakravantiTJ-, I did the last time, not this time.  I researched reinstalling working and it didn't but it originally worked installed15:01
TJ-chakravanti: in pavucontrol, on the Playback tab, the playing stream will show. To it's right there should be an Output drop-down menu where you can select the output device (if the bluetooth speaker is connected using A2DP)15:02
TJ-chakravanti: alternatively, on the pavucoontrol Output tab, you can set the default output device to the Bluetooth Speaker15:02
leftyfbquem: I also am typing on my 2nd XPS 1315:02
chakravantiI've used it beofre and it doesn't work.  I'll try it again now, installing atm.15:03
chakravantiTJ-, now bluetooth bugs out and won't even connect to my flip v415:05
chakravantiit says it's paired and won't connect so i click remove device and it just doesn't do that.15:06
=== leviyatan1 is now known as leviyatan
TJ-chakravanti: I know some people have reported the dumbed-down Gnome clients are useless for these kind of things. It might be worth installing and using 'blueman'15:07
chakravantiTJ-, I got them in and now it's connected to the Flip v4 but doesn't send it any sound.  It's all on my laptop.15:11
TJ-chakravanti: try using pavucontrol's Playback tab to change the output device of the stream, to begin with15:13
TJ-chakravanti: if that works, on pavucontrol's Output tab, press the green tick button to the right of the Bluetooth Speaker device to make it the default15:13
chakravantiTJ-, they don't exist there.  Blueman says it's connected but pavucontrol can't see it15:14
TJ-chakravanti: that is rather strange, that suggests pulseaudio's bluetooth module hasn't been loaded15:15
TJ-!info pulseaudio-module-bluetooth15:15
ubottupulseaudio-module-bluetooth (source: pulseaudio): Bluetooth module for PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is extra. Version 1:10.0-2ubuntu3.1 (artful), package size 65 kB, installed size 309 kB15:15
TJ-chakravanti: if that package is installed try logging out and logging in to the user again to ensure that module is loaded15:16
chakravantisame wrong situation TJ- device is connected but doesn't make sound the local laptop speakers are making sounds15:24
TJ-chakravanti: if you don't see the Bluetooth Speaker in pavucontrol Output tab that tells us the pulseaudio module isn't being loaded for some reason15:25
=== akira is now known as Guest88641
chakravantiTJ-, that's exactly the situation15:26
TJ-chakravanti: run the command shown in this pastebin; do you see the same/similar results? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PB7RTBFG3F/15:27
chakravantiresults are the same15:29
=== gautamS is now known as RelativisticMech
TJ-chakravanti: also, do you have module-bluez5-discover with "pactl list modules | grep bluez"15:31
V7Is it possible to get why after some amount of time Super key stops calling start menu ?15:31
V7Hey all btw15:31
TJ-chakravanti: might be bluez4 - I'm testing on 18.0415:31
=== RelativisticMech is now known as GautamS
TJ-chakravanti: so everything is in place. On the pavucontrol Configuration tab, is the Bluetooth Speaker shown? if so, what profile is it set to?15:32
TJ-chakravanti: if you don't see it there then I suspect the bluetooth connection is *not* using A2DP, probably using headset (HDP) profile15:33
chakravantipavu doesn't show it TJ-15:33
TJ-chakravanti: in which case run 'blueman', right-click on the bluetooth speaker device, and under Conect To: select "Audio Sink" (and tell us what it is currently set to)15:34
TJ-chakravanti: the program name is blueman-manager15:35
chakravantiI have done that before and it works but it send nothing sound to the device15:36
chakravantiStill nothing in pavu15:36
TJ-chakravanti: this is ensuring everything is set for the device to show up in pavucontrol.15:37
TJ-chakravanti: there may be something in syslog to help us, can you "pastebinit /var/log/syslog"15:37
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TJ-chakravanti: reading it. I don't see any headset disconnect/reconnects there. Have you done that ?15:43
chakravantiI did with blueman  check it as audio sink and headset but nothing15:46
RedNifreHi! Will 18.04 LTS have the ₿ Bitcoin symbol in its font? It was added to Unicode in 2017.15:47
leftyfb!bionic | RedNifre15:48
ubottuRedNifre: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+115:48
TJ-chakravanti: I'm not sure what's going on, everything seems to be in place but Pulseaudio isn't discovering the device15:49
TJ-chakravanti: which ubuntu release is it?15:49
chakravanti16.04 Ubuntu and Ubuntu GNOME both have the same problem15:49
TJ-chakravanti: I didn't have problems with 16.04 before I upgraded to 18.04 . Can I suggest you create a new user account, log-out of your usually account, log-in to the new account, and try using the Bluetooth Speaker? If that works it narrows down the problem to something in your regular user configuration15:51
chakravantiuser acount in what TJ-?15:52
TJ-chakravanti: another user account on the PC. There wull be a GUI tool to manager users somewhere. I don't use Gnome so I cannot tell you where. Maybe someone else who uses Gnome can give a pointer to that15:53
RedNifreThank you for the redirect, #ubuntu+1 answered my questions (₿ does indeed work on Ubuntu 18.04 :)15:54
chakravantiTJ-, my last suspect at the time is GNOME,  I love gnome but it's associated and gonna be my next attempt15:54
TJ-chakravanti: you could also check the module is commanded to load with " grep blue /etc/pulse/default.pa $HOME/.config/pulse/default.pa "15:58
chakravantiTJ-, grep: /home/user/.config/pulse/default.pa: No such file or directory16:01
TJ-chakravanti: that's expected unless there is a custom local config, but here (on 18.04) there are 4 hits from /etc/pulse/default.pa16:02
chakravantiyeah i go those16:02
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TJ-chakravanti: so they look like this (not prefixed with a #) ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fKK5CtYJmD/16:03
chakravantiyes exactly the same TJ-16:03
DTHi, all. I have a question. Linux+Unity 3D+Vuforia: you know if they work?16:04
TJ-chakravanti: I have to go now, but we've gone through all the obvious package/config issues. The core problem is Pulseaudio not discovering the BT device at all, which suggests a possible DBus or apparmor error, or the module isn't actually loaded16:04
chakravantiTJ-, thank you. I'm gonna reinstall without gnome next because that's my issues similarily16:05
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leftyfbprohobo: what is your damage?16:13
leftyfbprohobo: then please stop16:18
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=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
bobo_hi, i install ubuntu 16.04 unity in persistent to usb but it won't boot. error:disk `hd0,4 not found alloc magic is broken at 0xc5bb33e0:c59c8280 ... i tried to reinstall it few times but same result. how can I format that usb to install in clean?16:46
=== StarHeart is now known as Edgan
T4P4NHell YeaH!17:11
T4P4N@_McGuyver Hi17:12
energizerutI have a usb hub plugged into my motherboard. It takes power from the power supply and data from the motherboard. Plugging in a keybaord or flash drive, nothing works but the flash drive lights up. Not sure if its a hardware or software problem.17:19
energizerIs there an 'enable usb device' setting somewhere17:19
naccenergizer: do you get any messages in dmesg when you plug in the device?17:20
energizernacc: plug in the hub or the flash drive?17:20
energizernacc: the hub is plugged in with some other cable (not usb) to the mobo17:21
naccenergizer: it's a usb hub not over usb?17:21
energizernacc: right17:21
naccenergizer: plug in anything ... i mean does the kernel see your device17:21
naccenergizer: why would you do that? :)17:21
naccenergizer: what is it connected via?17:21
TJ-sounds like someone's hotwired a mobo USB header :)17:23
naccright, it sounds like just buggy hardware :)17:23
energizer"3.5-Inch Front Bay USB 3.0 Expansion Port and Card Reader Front panel" https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007KJ1TGS/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=117:24
energizerused to work, not sure what changed17:24
TJ-energizer: ah, so it plugs into a motherboard header with a flat ribbon cable type thing17:25
energizerTJ-: something like that17:26
TJ-energizer: which Ubuntu release and kernel is it ("cat /etc/issue; uname -r")17:26
TJ-energizer: originally you made it sound like some hub outside the PC you'd manually wired into a USB socket :)17:27
TJ-energizer: can you plug them in then show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )"17:28
energizerTJ-: nacc when i plug a flash drive in, while running `dmesg --follow --human,` nothing changes17:29
energizerlikewise with keyboard17:32
energizerwhereas it does change when i plug them into the other usb slots17:32
energizeri guess that means its hardware or disabled somewhere dmesg can't see17:32
energizerwhich means hardware or BIOS, right?17:33
* JimBuntu is waiting for the, with the computer on... open the panel... disconnect the hub and re-insert while watching dmesg17:33
TJ-energizer: is the USB hub reported by lsusb ?17:33
energizerTJ-: idk17:34
shreei can't select any option in software&update...what to do..?17:36
energizerlsusb https://ptpb.pw/lpHx17:36
TJ-energizer: does the PC have other USB3 ports besides that front panel ?17:38
lotuspsychjeshree: option of what? wich ubuntu version?17:39
energizerTJ-: 2 others in the front17:39
energizerTJ-: 3 on the hub17:39
TJ-energizer: OK, so those are probably on the "Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub"17:40
shreei am using ubuntu 16.0417:40
lotuspsychjeshree: ok, explain what you trying to do, and what doesnt work exactly?17:41
TJ-energizer: As JimBuntu said... try opening the PC and unplugging/replugging the data connection (at both ends)17:41
strix_hi i can't do my res 1920x1080 after installing latest nvidia drivers for my gtx 750 ti17:41
theoceaniscoolHello, how do I fully destroy a systemd service after a failed uninstall?17:42
shreei want to install select Source code in ubuntu software & update but i can't select any option17:42
lotuspsychjeshree: are you admin of your system, or logged in as regular user?17:42
* energizer shorts mobo, electrocuting self, dies17:43
shreei think i am admin because i selected auto-login during installation17:43
shreeyup i am admin17:44
lotuspsychjeshree: did you update your system to latest? check with lsb_release -a17:44
lotuspsychjeshree: is it possible to share a screenshot of your locked software & sources?17:45
shreelsb_release -a shows ==> No LSB modules are available.17:45
JimBuntuCarll, you are starting the count-down in the wrong order ;-)17:46
naccshree: is that all it says?17:46
naccshree: it should be 5 lines17:46
CarllShouldn't it show more lines underneath?17:46
CarllJimBuntu: Counting up, counting down never worked for me ;-)17:46
shreeyup it give me this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/t5zryX4cs8/17:47
kushi, what is the limit of text I can copy to clipboard?17:47
kusI should be able to copy a 780k SQL file to clipboard no?17:48
nacckus: why would you?17:48
nacckus: if you have a file, you don't need to copy & paste17:48
kusthe file is inside docker and I did docker exec -it17:49
kusah you mean I should just find the file int he file system?17:49
nacckus: right ...17:49
nacckus: why are you copying and pasting a SQL file?17:49
lotuspsychjeshree: ok system looks good!17:50
shreei think this will help you to dignous prblm ==> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q3yJPmwxc2/17:50
lotuspsychjeshree: ah, we dont support external ppa's here mate17:50
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | shree to clean your system17:51
ubottushree to clean your system: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:51
lotuspsychjeshree: we advise strongly to use packages/software from the official ubuntu repos17:52
shreeok sir, how many ppa repository i want to update..17:53
lotuspsychjeshree: what do you mean?17:54
bobo_how to format usb with bootable ubuntu 16.04 ... fail to boot even after few reinstalls so want try reinstall in clean ...17:56
lotuspsychjebobo_: wich tool have you used to create it?17:56
bobo_lotuspsychje, mkusb17:56
energizerReplugged into the case, working now.17:56
kusnacc I guess it isn't Ubuntu17:57
kus's fault. the place I paste to limits the number of chars?17:57
nacckus: depends on what you use to c&p and what it's limit is17:58
kusI wanted to paste into github dot com17:58
Irritiable|LTbobo_: Have you tried using dd yet?17:58
bobo_Irritiable|LT, no17:59
nacckus: right, i meant, what you used to c&p17:59
Irritiable|LTbobo_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal17:59
nacckus: you can just pastebinit, fwiw17:59
nacckus: but again, why are you c&p a SQL file??17:59
shreehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZXZnFvgQj6/ <== see this17:59
nacckus: it just doesn't seem to be sensible to do17:59
bobo_Disk /dev/sdb: 7.5 GiB, 8019509248 bytes, 15663104 sectors17:59
bobo_Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes17:59
bobo_Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes17:59
bobo_I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes17:59
bobo_Disklabel type: gpt17:59
Irritiable|LTbobo_: sudo umount /dev/sd<?><?>17:59
Irritiable|LTbobo_sudo dd bs=4M if=input.iso of=/dev/sd<?> conv=fdatasync17:59
bobo_Disk identifier: B750FE8A-3FFC-4BDB-A8FF-5B704116162B17:59
nacc!paste | bobo_18:00
ubottubobo_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:00
nacc!who | shree18:00
ubottushree: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:00
Irritiable|LTSpamming is a bad idea, bobo_. Now nobody can hear you. :(18:00
Irritiable|LTbobo_: You should just use DD.18:00
Irritiable|LTbobo_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal18:00
shreeok @ubottu18:00
shree@nacc please help to purge ppa18:01
shreeplease help me to ppa-purge18:03
naccshree: what do you need help with?18:04
shreei can't use ppa-purge18:04
naccshree: ... what happens when you do?18:05
EriC^^shree: why can't you ppa-purge?18:05
shreeThe program 'ppa-purge' is currently not installed. You can install it by typin...but can't install with apt18:06
shreeit giving me this error ==>https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DT2QDJ7Cqg/18:07
V7Hey all18:08
V7Is there any way to execute a command if any byte was sent to or from specific interface ?18:08
naccshree: you need to fix your install first (see line 5 of your paste)18:09
naccshree: duplicati is also not an ubuntu package afaict18:09
Irritiable|LTV7: Sounds quite possible, but a painful solution.18:09
shree@nacc i suggestion as line 5 ==>https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8jfJKdJdHt/18:11
V7Irritiable|LT: Why18:13
Irritiable|LTV7: I don't do systems level programming.18:14
shree@nacc can you see that output...?18:17
lotuspsychje!sources | shree18:23
ubottushree: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.18:23
lotuspsychjeshree: thats why we dont reccomend adding external ppa's, your system got scrambled and cant install ppa-purge due apt problems18:23
lotuspsychjeshree: try deleting your ppa sources, revert to the ubuntu default sources, and apt update again...if that doesnt work..clean install18:24
lotuspsychjeshree: you could try recoverymode aswell18:25
lotuspsychje!recovery | shree18:25
ubottushree: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode18:25
shree@ubottu i am noobs for ubuntu..please help to remove ppa18:26
lotuspsychjeshree: make your life easy, reinstall ubuntu clean..30min of your time and you get a fresh new ubuntu without ppa's18:27
shree!ubottu my sytem is booting processec is ok but i have olny problem with ppa18:28
shree@lotuspsychje i want fast boot system after a very long time i achived 39s booting speed18:30
lotuspsychjeshree: install ubuntu clean, youl go even faster18:31
pragmaticenigmaV7, You could, but I think you underestimate the amount of bytes hitting all interfaces... If you're thinking of your networking interface that's even worse. Depending on your network setup, there is constant "hits" against your network interface from broadcasts sent to all devices on the network in addition to the traffic you expect to come to that local machine.18:31
pragmaticenigmaV7, If you were to attache a simple system beep to it, your machine would sound like it was flatlining18:32
Bashing-omshree: "Startup finished in 4.580s (kernel) + 4.747s (userspace) = 9.328s graphical.target reached after 3.169s in userspace" . On 18.04 xubuntu-core .18:32
=== bhalithan1 is now known as bhalithan
shree@lotuspsychje i want to increse more speed what is best task to do after fresh installation....18:33
lotuspsychjeshree: sudo apt install preload bleachbit18:33
lotuspsychjeshree: cleanup space with bleachbit and speedup system with preload18:34
lotuspsychjeshree: disable unwanted services from your startup items18:34
pragmaticenigmamarcin00, hello! Do you have an Ubuntu Support question?18:35
bigpichey guys i’d like to encrypt my swap partition.. I came across ecryptfs-setup-swap18:35
shree@lotuspsychje i have head somewhere for booting there is software which store lastlogin data in sequence ...do you which was that...?18:35
bigpicmy question is how does it manage keys?18:35
V7pragmaticenigma: understood18:36
bigpicdoes it prompt for a password on reboot?18:36
V7pragmaticenigma: Does this command eat a lot "netstat --interfaces | grep $interface1 | awk '{ print $4 }'" ?18:36
pragmaticenigmaV7, if you're attempting to monitor your network traffic... check out wireshark18:36
V7pragmaticenigma: Just idndicate18:37
V7Without packet sniffing and such18:37
pragmaticenigmaV7, I'm not familiar enough with netstat to understand that command18:37
pragmaticenigmabigpic, if you're going for true system security, yes, you will have to enter the password at each boot18:38
V7Roger that pragmaticenigma18:38
marcin00pragmaticenigma: yes18:38
marcin00I have a problem. On the server I have a lot of POST entries via NGINX and from time to time there are a lot of write errors. Checking with the help of atop I see that the dirty memory is over 12GB. When everything is allright the dirty memory is up to 100MB. How to find a reason?18:38
bigpicI’d like for it to auto generate a new key for the swap on each boot18:38
bigpicthus securing between reboots18:38
bigpicessentially purging it18:39
shreei want one suggetion is anybody free for that18:39
pragmaticenigmabigpic, it might help to understand what your intent is by encrypting swap. There are better ways of setting up your file system that are easier to manage18:40
bigpicwe’re doing own own encryption for the mysql db.  I just want to protect anything decrypted that resides in memory in plain text that may be flushed to disk18:41
bigpicthe tutorials for ecryptfs-setup-swap does mention anything about setting up a password18:42
bigpicso I was wondering if it created a new key at each boot18:42
bigpicwhich is kinda what i’m after18:42
bigpici just want to protect the swap at rest and it can be purged during start18:43
shreee4rat is usefull or not..?18:43
pragmaticenigmabigpic, that might be a question better asked to the developers http://ecryptfs.org/support.html18:44
marcin00Is there anyone able to lead me on a clue?18:46
leftyfb!ask | marcin0018:46
ubottumarcin00: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:46
=== Scytale89_ is now known as Scytale89
marcin00ok, sorry :)18:46
leftyfbbigpic: disable swap18:47
bigpicyea that was a thought.. but swap comes in handy the odd time on a database server :)18:48
shree@ubottu shold i install e4rat of it will also damage my system...?18:48
leftyfbnot if you've got a decent amount of memory and not doing bad things18:48
pragmaticenigmabigpic, leftyfb does have a good idea... if the system has adequate ram, you really don't need swap files18:48
leftyfbbigpic: if you've got 16GB or more and you're swapping, you're doing something horrible18:48
bigpicI have 256GB of ram18:48
bigpicBut I have 2tb worth of databases + ZFS for disk18:49
bigpicRam is near capacity all the time18:49
pragmaticenigmabigpic, then you have a system configuration issue... I'd start by looking at using something other than MySQL/mariaDB as your Database... MySQL/MariaDB are great for small projects/apps... PostGRE is on par with handling much larger datasets and applications18:50
leftyfbbigpic: there shouldn't be any need to have 2tb or WAY less of tables opened at any given moment18:52
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb, it18:53
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb, it's a common issue with MySQL... it doesn't like to dispose of tables once loaded18:53
james1138Hello to all from Indiana. Can I ask a somewhat technical question about Banshee Media player here??18:53
leftyfb!ask | james113818:54
ubottujames1138: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:54
james1138Sorry Ubottu. Has anyonne been able to stream video to Banshee? Example - add YouTube as a "source".18:55
Menzador(I don't know why in the world people are apologising to the bot)18:55
Menzador(but it's causing feedback, please don't tag the bot in that way. Thanks!)18:56
ioriacase sensitive18:56
pragmaticenigmajames1138, streaming sites like youtube.com and others have strict terms of service that do not allow using applications like banshee to stream their content. Those sites implement various tools to prevent applications other than webbrowsers from viewing their content.18:58
james1138ok.  thanx18:59
ioriajames1138, totem -> Add Web Video19:00
luxioI held down the power button to shut off and I think I messed something up because the screen is at an extremely low resolution and when I start up I see text saying "clearing orphaned inode" or something19:00
luxioHow do I recover from this?19:00
luxioI'm on 17.10 btw19:00
leftyfbluxio: Is this on a desktop/laptop or other?19:01
tomreyn!reisub | luxio: for next time:19:01
ubottuluxio: for next time:: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key19:01
leftyfbluxio: sounds like a drive issue19:01
leftyfbmmmmm skinny elephants19:01
rud0lfi think E and I are disabled by default19:01
iorialuxio, i'd go with a fsck19:01
leftyfbI'd go with SMART first, then fsck :)19:01
NoneAre you have in you Ubuntu driver for HDMI?19:01
luxiohow do I do those?19:01
tomreynrud0lf: right, there's only a SUBset left now19:02
leftyfbrud0lf: but how are we supposed to raise skinny elephants with no elephants? silly19:03
iorialuxio, fsck can be triggered from Recovery, smart installing smartmontools19:03
tomreynNone: can you rephrase?19:03
tomreyn!ru | None19:03
ubottuNone: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:03
iorialuxio, and running sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX19:04
luxiohow do I know which sd_ I'm on19:05
segersjerryNone, In linux, you have drivers for graphics cards, not their individual connections.19:05
luxioI have a, b, c19:05
=== alpha is now known as Guest48199
leftyfbluxio: no harm in running SMART on all of them19:06
iorialuxio,  'mount' 'sudo parted -l' check fstab , etc, etc .19:06
luxioleftyfb: now what do I do once I've ran the command?19:07
tomreynluxio: they *may* have clues on whether your disk drives are falling apart and need to be replaced.19:08
Bashing-omluxio: " no harm in running SMART on all of them" that are extX file systems .19:09
strix_Hi,I'm unable to set 1920x1080 60Hz mode as it's not listed.19:09
strix_i was using nouveou but now i changed to nvidia 37519:09
luxiostrix_: virtualbox?19:09
strix_it's my  pc19:09
leftyfbBashing-om: SMART doesn't care about a filesystem19:09
leftyfbBashing-om: were you referring to fsck?19:10
strix_I'm using kde neon19:10
luxiothat's the smart thing19:10
TheSovanyone know of a good stock ticker app for the ubuntu desktop?19:10
luxiothe output of it19:10
TheSovim looking for something that appears as the desktop background or a small bar with the ticker prices19:11
Bashing-omleftyfb: Yes, sorry for incomplete thought .19:11
leftyfbTheSov: look at conky19:12
strix_I'm unable to set 1920x1080 60Hz mode as it's not listed. I was using nouveou and now I changed to nvidia 375 driver but there is only 1360x760 res why?19:12
pragmaticenigma!repeat | strix_19:12
ubottustrix_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/19:12
TheSovleftyfb, thanks!19:13
tomreynluxio: SMART 187 (Reported Uncorrectable Errors) and SMART 188 (Command Timeout) are elevated, not good.19:13
luxiotomreyn: so, just a dead drive?19:14
luxioI mean no big deal if it is, it's like an 8 year old drive I frankensteined out of a Walmart laptop19:14
TheSovhey leftyfb that looks great!, how to do set it up to show stock prices?19:14
leftyfbTheSov: that's what the documentation is for19:14
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tomreynluxio: it doesn't look healthy. you could run a long self test against it, this may provide a better idea of its status. smartctl -t long /dev/sdX19:16
luxiook it says please wait 83 minutes19:17
tomreynluxio: 11024 is a lot for sure, and consider geting an ssd or 7200 rpm drive next time,19:17
luxiowill it make a file or something19:17
luxiotomreyn: yeah I have an SSD it's just running Windows, so might delete some stuff to make room for Ubuntu19:18
tomreynluxio: it's performing a lonmg self test now. the result will be displayed in -a outpout later (also the remaining time is displayed there)19:19
chakravantiWhy does ubuntu install its own self the wrong way into a USB drive so I can't boot ubuntu from ubuntu making ubuntu19:19
xamithanbecause of uefi19:19
luxiotomreyn: `sudo smartctl -a output /dev/sdc`?19:20
tomreynluxio: "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc" if sdc (third hard disk) is the one you are interested in19:20
chakravantixamithan you mean my usb maker computer or the one I am attempting to install ubuntu into?19:21
xamithanthe efi boot loader stays on the machine19:21
luxiotomreyn: ok. how can I tell when it's done?19:21
tomreynluxio: the output of this command will tell in the "SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1" table19:22
xamithanSo it would be the one you install ubuntu into with the usb19:22
tomreynluxio: i.e. the table starting line 86 will have a new record https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FT3FgSXRhh/19:22
luxiooh ok19:23
tomreynluxio: also it will no longer list the reomaing time to complete the long self test on top19:23
xamithanSo what you have to do is remove the entry the installer creates on the hdd for the usb.  Then install grub or whatever directly to the usb device19:23
tomreynluxio: something to read for the mean time if you like https://www.backblaze.com/blog/what-smart-stats-indicate-hard-drive-failures/19:23
chakravantiI can't even boot the USB19:24
luxiotomreyn: I dont see a remaining time, maybe I'm missing something https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gdFjynq2TX/19:24
tomreynluxio: also this table helps interpreting the values https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.#Known_ATA_S.M.A.R.T._attributes19:24
tomreynluxio: you're right, not time, it's percentage. see line 2819:25
tomreynluxio: you should also see new records in the table starting line 89, "SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1", once the test completes19:27
luxioah gotcha. thank you!19:27
xamithanYeah it won't boot until you put a loader on it chakravanti.  Easiest way is to use a liveusb to run rescue mode and have it mount the boot from the other usb to use grub-install(or sysd or refind or whatever)19:28
Irritiable|LTIs there a way to cause files to NOT go to the "trash bin," but directly deleted (with or without yes/no confirmation)?19:28
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luxioIrritiable|LT: depends what you mean by "deleted"19:28
luxioerased or removed?19:29
xamithanI only did those as a test because running stricly from usb is very very very slow19:29
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Irritiable|LTluxio: Normal behavior throws any 'deleted' file into the 'trash bin' initially.19:29
luxioIrritiable|LT: you could always `shred -vzu filename`19:29
Irritiable|LTluxio: That behavior is defined where?19:30
luxioIrritiable|LT: it's not you'd have to run it from the shell19:31
Irritiable|LTluxio: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/files-delete.html19:32
Irritiable|LTShift + Delete performs the desired behavior.19:32
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CookieMIrritiable|LT, go to file manager’s edit→preferences, select ”behavior” tab, check19:33
chakravantixamithan I recovering from a damaged brain.  A driver pushed me off of my bike and I hit my head on the ground so I'm recovering and for a usb broken to install ubuntu into a system I feel like something is crazy in my life19:34
chakravantithis is bull19:34
chakravantiHow do I make an USB to install UBUNTU with>>>???19:35
leftyfbchakravanti: what OS are you making the USB on?19:35
leftyfbchakravanti: sorry, just getting on here now19:35
chakravantiubuntu GNOME lefty19:35
luxiochakravanti: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick19:35
leftyfbchakravanti: use the startup disk creator19:35
xamithanchakravanti: Well if it makes you feel any better,  they used to have a good option in the install disc called alternate install that worked properly19:35
CookieM…additional command ”remove” that doesn’t put files in trash19:36
leftyfbchakravanti: also, what version of ubuntu are you running and what version are you looking to install?19:38
chakravantithank you everyone, I have no idea why it works but it does19:38
chakravantidifferent computer19:38
leftyfbso startup disk creator worked?19:38
chakravantiit was gparted19:41
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chakravantileftyfb, I used gparted to install all .iso installing visions19:43
ioriachakravanti, can you define 'visions' ?19:46
edisonbulbdd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX19:47
edisonbulbwarning: be careful & unmount disk first19:47
edisonbulbfdisk -l19:48
edisonbulbto identify disks prior to running19:48
edisonbulbwarning #2: running dd like this will wipe ALL data on the disk specified in of19:51
ioriaedisonbulb, idk where you got that dd version from19:51
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edisonbulbcorrect, my statement was inaccurate. revision: "running dd like this has a possibility of rendering files on the disk specified in of irrecoverable, and will mess up the partition table"20:00
ecormierdifficult to impossible is the range... :)20:02
=== alpha is now known as Guest35288
texlaIs four the amount of primary pariti0ns that you can have on a hard disc20:06
ecormierwith mbr yes20:07
ecormierwith gpt no20:08
texlaHow can I check each parition to assure it is primary or extension20:08
texlaecormier, Thanks for the info20:09
Anthaas_How do I open a tty?20:14
vachogoogleads/googleads-php-lib 25.4.0 requires ext-soap * -> the requested PHP extension soap is missing from your system.20:15
vachoI am getting that error on my ubuntu web server 16.04, can someone help me install that extension?20:15
crimson_kingAnthaas_, Ctrl + Alt + F1 or F2 or F3 up to F7 (these are configured by default)20:15
naccvacho: sudo apt install php-soap20:15
Anthaas_crimson_king: At what point though? Because Im logged in, and they are doing nothing.20:16
NoCodeIs there a way to get the latest Nautilus in 16.04? I want that fancy sidebar in the soon-to-be newest release. The release candidate I guess.20:17
crimson_kingAnthaas_, see if any of these situations apply to you: https://askubuntu.com/questions/671755/ctrlaltf1-12-dont-switch-to-tty20:20
chakravanti why can I not modify an install that was wrong?  I have a 30GB drive I'm going to put the system in and I did it and it fed up now I reboot on a new hdd and that system is broken but I can't figure out how to delete it20:32
srulii have a dir name starts with a "?" (not sure if thats real or if fs shows it as that as cannot display the real symbol) i cant find anyway to rename it, any ideas?20:36
sruli^ when i exec find in that dir it shows regular file name without "?"20:37
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HashtagI have a question about the gnome interface20:41
oerhekssruli, what OS made that dir name?20:41
HashtagHow can I make the file browser stop showing hidden files by default?20:41
HashtagIt doesn't show hidden files in the command prompt20:42
srulioerheks: no clue, must have been win years ago20:42
ecormieroerheks: iirc I've seen that before with fs corruption20:42
oerheksHashtag, hit ctrl + h20:42
Hashtagoerheks: That hides them, but it I close the file browser and re-open it, they're visible again20:42
HashtagI want them hidden when I open the file browser20:43
oerheksHashtag, odd, here it does keep the setting20:43
ecormierthat might happen if there was another nautilus window open20:44
ecormieractually no20:44
HashtagI found the solution https://askubuntu.com/questions/258642/hidden-files-always-being-shown20:44
ecormierthe behaviour should be everywhere20:44
HashtagDon't know why it was acting like that20:45
HashtagYeah, I had freshly rebooted and no windows were open20:45
crimson_kingthis happened to me too20:45
crimson_kingonly switching through preferences window makes it preserve the setting20:45
luxioleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V37759Qtq6/20:51
luxiosorry meant to ping tomreyn20:52
tomreynluxio: no additional errors were detected during the test.21:01
tomreynhowever, the overall condition is still far from mint, it's just an oooold disk.21:01
luxiotomreyn: so is it possible to recover? i.e. get full resolution, normal startup?21:02
=== Menzador is now known as SonikkuAmerica
luxioI just need this install for like 2 more weeks until I can wipe it and install Ubuntu 18 on my SSD21:13
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luxiojack-lH7Wah: do you have a question?21:14
jack-lH7Waheenode.net (2001:1bc0:c1::6667) port 8001...21:14
jack-lH7Wah* Connected. Now logging in...21:14
jack-lH7Wah* *** Looking up your hostname...21:14
jack-lH7Wah* *** Checking Ident21:14
jack-lH7Waheenode.net (2001:1bc0:c1::6667) port 8001...21:14
jack-lH7Wah* Connected. Now logging in...21:14
jack-lH7Wah* *** Looking up your hostname...21:14
jack-lH7Wah* *** Checking Ident21:14
leftyfbjack-lH7Wah: please stop21:14
jack-lH7Wahstop what21:14
luxiothis is an ubuntu support channel21:14
luxioplease stop sending useless messages21:14
leftyfbjack-lH7Wah: stop pasting output from your IRC client21:15
=== alpha is now known as Guest39428
knowledge_crawleHello to everyone, is somebody here willing to help me about connecting Microsoft natural elite keyboard over PS/2 -> USB adapter to my laptop? It keeps recognizing it as barcode scanner...21:30
knowledge_crawlePlease... :)21:32
slingamni'm on artful and i'm getting compilation failures from systemtap that might indicate some kind of incompatibility between the systemtap package and the kernel version21:34
slingamn/tmp/stapw799cT/stap_2b5505ba8af651817c2f6c55398c5877_6060_src.c:698:17: error: ‘__GFP_REPEAT’ undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean ‘__GFP_RECLAIM’?21:34
slingamnlook familiar to anyone?21:34
xamithanI thought the microsoft natural keyboards needed to have keytouch installed.  Then you go to keyboards in settings and change it to which one you have21:34
knowledge_crawleReally... I'll try and get back to you in a few minutes. Thanks21:36
xamithanI don't see that specific one in the list of supported though21:37
pragmaticenigmaslingamn, is there a reason the systemtap package in apt isn't working for you?21:37
slingamnthat's what i did21:37
slingamnapt-get install systemtap21:37
pragmaticenigmaslingamn, packages do not compile, they install... when we see compile we assume your are compiling from source21:38
slingamnright, so systemtap works by compiling its DSL into a kernel module21:38
pragmaticenigmaslingamn, do you have any 3rd party ppa's enabled?21:38
pragmaticenigmaslingamn, can you post the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com and send us the link?21:39
slingamnthere's also a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list containing what you would expect21:42
knowledge_crawlexamithan, neither do I, it is really old model but very comfortable for typing... Didn't solve my problem21:43
knowledge_crawleDo you have any other things I could try?21:43
xamithanThe keyboard config is called microsoftelite.  If you can find in the settings where to change it that should work21:45
pragmaticenigmaslingamn, have you run a system update recently and have a pending reboot?21:46
slingamn /proc/version says 4.13.0-38-generic which is also the latest thing in /boot21:46
pragmaticenigmaslingamn, what is the result of "ls /var/run/reboot-required"21:48
slingamnls: cannot access '/var/run/reboot-required': No such file or directory21:48
tomreynluxio: run fsck -p on all file systems from recovery21:52
tomreyni mean "fsck -a" on all file systems (other than swap)21:55
pragmaticenigmaslingamn, does anything on this page look to be of use? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Systemtap21:56
zambawhich audio cd ripper do you suggest for gnome?22:15
geirhathe defautl, rhythmbox, suffices for the task22:16
oerheks!info asunder22:16
ubottuasunder (source: asunder): graphical audio CD ripper and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.1-4 (artful), package size 132 kB, installed size 850 kB22:17
TJ-slingamn: which kernel is that? __GFP_RECLAIM was changed to use __GFP_RETRY_MAYFAIL in July 201722:17
slingamni'm running 4.13.0-38-generic22:18
slingamnthe latest artful kernel22:18
chegneyI'm having a problem that i'm hoping someone can help me with22:19
TJ-slingamn: right, the change was introduced in v4.1322:19
chegneymy user can't issue sudo commands even though he is in the sudo group22:20
slingamnso artful's systemtap package needs to be updated?22:20
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chegneyMy sudo config looks okay when I used visudo22:20
geirhachegney: does running ''groups'' alone, include sudo in its output?22:21
chegney@geirha as the user or as root?22:21
geirhaas the user who want to use sudo22:21
chegneybut I used the command adduser <username> sudo22:22
TJ-slingamn: looks like you should report a bug, yes22:22
geirhachegney: ok, does ''groups "$USER"''  list sudo?22:22
TJ-slingamn: looks like it'll affect 18.04 too22:23
TJ-slingamn: and 16.04 with the hwe/hwe-edge kernels22:23
chegneygeirha: output is <username> sudo22:23
geirhachegney: ok, so group membership only takes effect next time you log in, so you just haven't logged out and back in again since adding your user to the sudo group22:24
TJ-slingamn: let me know the bug number, I'll add something to it and see if we can get an FFE for bionic if it's an easy fix22:24
chegneydoes starting multiple ssh sessions not count as logging in?22:24
geirhaif you don't want to log out right now, you can run   ''newgrp sudo''  in a terminal to be able to use sudo in that instance22:24
geirhaconnecting with ssh does count as a login, and all processes spawned from there should have the group membership22:25
chegneyit's not working then22:25
chegneywould rebooting the instance help?22:25
chegneyit's a linode instance22:26
oerhekschegney, did you restart sshd after adding that sudo user?22:26
geirharebooting would be overkill22:26
chegneyi did restart sshd once, can't remember if it was after adding that sudo user22:27
chegneythe user is also not using a password for sshd, but using a keyfile instead witha  passphrase22:27
TJ-chegney: are you ssh-ing into a screen/tmux session?22:27
chegneyTJ-: don't think so22:29
TJ-chegney: and when you're connected "groups" shows the 'sudo' group listed?22:30
TJ-chegney: have you been editing /etc/sudoers ?22:30
chegneyno I have not been editing /etc/sudoers22:31
chegneyI viewed it using visudo, but didn't make any changes22:31
TJ-chegney: is there another user account that does have 'sudo' ?22:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1763525 in systemtap (Ubuntu) "systemtap module compilation fails due to `__GFP_REPEAT` undeclared" [Undecided,New]22:31
chegneyno, I could try adding another one22:31
TJ-chegney: you need to reboot to recovery, use the Linode console (lish), then you can get root access to correct things22:32
chegneyhow do I do that in linode instance?22:33
TJ-chegney: and you should check /var/log/auth.log for clues as to what is going wrong22:33
TJ-chegney: In the manager, look on the 'remote' tab/page, and set yourself up to ssh in using lish22:33
chegneyI'm not running the gui, this is a server for running minecraft22:34
TJ-slingamn: see "Lish Console" at https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/remote-access/22:34
TJ-chegney: I know that! I'm on about the Linode web admin tool22:34
TJ-chegney: lish is SSH access to the VM's TTY console, so you can reboot it to recovery and sort things out22:35
TJ-slingamn: I've assigned the bug to me, I'll look into it tomorrow22:38
slingamnawesome, thanks22:38
TJ-chegney: : see "Lish Console" at https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/remote-access/22:38
blackPAntherwassup beautful ppl22:43
skinuxI'm looking for a good GUI CD ripper that doesn't take an hour or more to rip 9-15 songs22:46
skinuxMust be capable of ripping to MP3 and specify location to save MP3 tracks22:46
RtMFwg spr22:46
xamithanskinux: k3b or sound juicer takes that long ?22:50
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