
=== capturixeur2 is now known as trebmuh
eylulOvenWerks: are you here by any chance?14:14
OvenWerksjust walked in14:15
eylulperfect. ok so for the 2 screen setup do you need one 2-screen wallpaper :)14:15
eylulor 2 separate ones14:15
eylulI created 2 separate ones now I am suddenly unsure :D14:15
OvenWerksNo, I can have either a really long skinny one or two normal ones.14:15
eylulok I am going to go with 2 normal ones14:15
eylulbecause that also allows people who put their screens differently to use them14:16
OvenWerksThe left and right can be set separately14:16
eylulI just wasn't sure if there was a clear advantage to having one over another14:16
eylulyeah that's what I do, but I haven't used xfce in a while14:16
OvenWerksHaving two allows other than side by side. some people are top and bottom.14:16
eylul<--- uses top and bottom14:17
OvenWerks(not sure if they use top as main or bottom as main)14:17
eylul(also different resolution screens. one is a cintiq)14:17
eylulI use top as main, bottom as drawing area14:17
OvenWerksThat is common in graphics, old one for tools and good new one for drawing14:17
eylulit has to do with how you place drawing screens too14:18
eylulbut I assume still majority of people do 2 screens side by side14:18
eyluleither way, ok 2 separate items it is. I did look into fixes thomas asked for. About to type email on it :) but I think these should be ready to upload later tonight14:19
OvenWerksOnce you go to three screens one ends up on top... or the graphic driver won't handle it14:19
eylulwhich is the other thing. are you around tonight or tomorrow sometime? 14:19
eylulthat I didn't know14:20
eylulI use a laptop, limit is 2 screens anyway14:20
OvenWerksit is 720 am here and I will be around till 2100 my time14:20
eyluloh ok14:20
OvenWerksI won't have my eyes focused on irc though14:21
eylulmostly I'll probably need help putting the thing on distro14:21
eylulI actually never done it before14:21
eylulthis is probably a good excuse to learn it14:21
OvenWerksI can upload but I can't release, that would be ross14:21
eylulI think I have upload access14:22
eylulI just don't know how, and should probably learn14:22
OvenWerkswe used to ask micahg but I don't think he still has rights or time.14:22
eylulfairly certain ross and sakrecoer are the ones who has access to it14:22
OvenWerksfor Ross I think best to send email14:23
* OvenWerks needs to do a bug for cpufrequtils sometime today14:25
eylulI'll probably be gone for.. uhhh14:25
eylulmy evening14:25
eylulI will be back for a few hours at least starting 6 hours from now14:26
eylultimezones :))14:26
OvenWerksI used to keep a UTC clock going... but these days Manilla seems to be the thing14:26
OvenWerks(where the outlaws live)14:27
OvenWerksOk, after some of the comments on here, I thought I should try vanilla actually installed.19:30
OvenWerksNautilus, I assume that is the file "manager" in use is horrible. It has no menu... or one so tiny and useless and it may as well not have one. It has no up directory button, when browsing a remote computer, you can go anywhere on the disk when it is first opened, but when you open to that system the next time, it opens in the user's home direcory19:33
OvenWerksbut with no up directory button it is impossible to get back to the original directory logged in to.19:34
OvenWerksThe two session options are ubuntu and ubuntu on wayland... I have yet to check the second....19:34
OvenWerksno preferences... not even an about so you can check what version it is.19:35
OvenWerksAh, I can get that from the dock19:36
OvenWerksit wants me to restart again, (like windows?)19:37
OvenWerksubuntu on wayland is not gnome screen as someone suggested.19:42
OvenWerkswayland does not know what way my monitors are set up, Xorg knew this somehow or defaulted correctly.19:43
OvenWerksI had to change both the the monitors and primary display19:44
OvenWerksOne thing I did find is that it is possible to group application in the show applications section19:45
OvenWerkshelp is on #ubuntustudio19:45
OvenWerksthis channel is for helping develop Studio19:46
studio-devel136Hola, no hablo inglés pero el traductor de chrome me ayuda, estoy probando ubuntu studio19:47
OvenWerksenglish please19:47
OvenWerksThe mouse work in vanilla to go to the next workspace is yucky... left side of the screen to show workspaces, right side to choose. Not made to be used often.19:58
OvenWerksanyway, I have now installed Gno-menu which looks ok, and am now putting some Studio metas in place20:09
OvenWerkshmm, I managed to freeze things sort of. Got to no keyboard entry :/20:25
OvenWerksAnyway with the gno-menu, our menu file, an adition fix to the system menu file :) the menu looks sort of like whisker... so do able. We could probably do like we do now with a subdirectory of /etc/xdg/ for a studio login if we wanted to use this.20:27
OvenWerksAnother way of fixing things would be to create a menu launcher that can be added to the dock rather than the top bar/panel/whatever20:31
OvenWerksTheres an option I like: Never prompt or start programs on media insertion20:48
OvenWerksIt allows switching back and forth very easliy20:48
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:01
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: he is already gone21:01
ErichEickmeyerYeah, I just saw that. Oh well...21:01
OvenWerkshe was in the wrong place anyway21:01
ErichEickmeyerYeah, either way that little command there is super handy.21:02
OvenWerksso long as you happen to know all the language codes.21:02
ErichEickmeyerTrue. I think it's listed somewhere, but idk off the top of my head.21:02
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: The way I see it, we cannot adapt Gnome Shell to behave like Xfce, so we shouldn't try. The only thing I see we can do is do custom theming with that, and then it's up to the user to customize it to their liking. That's just my 2c.21:05
ErichEickmeyerIf anything, offer it as an option alongside the other DEs, but I wouldn't consider that one a priority.21:06
OvenWerksIt's not bad21:06
ErichEickmeyerOh, it's not bad by any means. In fact, there are aspects of it I quite enjoy.21:06
OvenWerksIf someone enjoys the way it works there are not many things to add or subtract to make it a bit better21:07
ErichEickmeyerThat's true. There are some pretty neat things in https://extensions.gnome.org as well.21:08
OvenWerksJust adding a menu makes looking to see what is on the system easier.21:08
OvenWerksHaving things split up helps too.21:08
OvenWerksKnowing that gimp is a graphic application is better than just knowing you have gimp for example.21:09
ErichEickmeyerYeah, definitely. From the perspective of a GNOME user, simply hitting super and then typing the name or category you're looking for would be the workflow as opposed to fishing through a menu.21:09
OvenWerksonce you know what is there that is true, but someone who loads a Studio meta doesn't really know what they have21:10
ErichEickmeyerYep, which is why customizing Ubuntu Mate Welcome's software botique to Studio would be invaluable, since you can list included apps there.21:11
OvenWerksI personally have found I almost never find what I want using a search, my ideas of what to search for and the rest of the world seems to be different21:11
OvenWerksSo even for the avid search engin user, the menu is a backup.21:11
OvenWerksStudio, with all applications installed, is messy and has too many applications to go wandering through to look for something. As a desktop for normal computer use... who really needs a menu?21:14
ErichEickmeyerThat's true. Pretty much every DE aside from Gnome Shell has a menu that is also searchable. BTW, I think my next attempt will be to use Studio with LXQt on Simon Quigley's recommendation.21:18
OvenWerksis there a flavour with lxqt? I thought lubuntu was still lzde21:19
ErichEickmeyer18.04 will be Lubuntu's last LXDE, since LXDE and RazorQt merged to form LXQt. They're releasing Lubuntu Next this cycle which uses LXQt, but 18.10 will be completely LXQt.21:20
OvenWerkscool, I will have to look at it, lubuntu always had an unfinished feel to me.21:21
ErichEickmeyerSame. I'll be looking at it as well. Simon told me that a Qt-based DE is easier to maintain.21:22
OvenWerksYa, that was their reason for going in that direction. From what I have heard, I agree21:23
OvenWerksgtk2 to gtk3 is not an easy task and has cost the audio comunity some great SW21:24
ErichEickmeyerWith that in mind, it might be cool to transition to LXQt from Xfce for the install ISOs, but give a choice of DE as well.21:24
ErichEickmeyerchoice of DE as part of the install.21:24
OvenWerkswill have to see what it is like.21:24
ErichEickmeyerYeah. My reasoning would be that LXQt has a smaller footprint than Xfce and, therefore, would make the ISO smaller.21:25
ErichEickmeyerNow let's not get carried away.... XD21:25
OvenWerkssorry fvwm21:26
ErichEickmeyerI knew what you meant. :)21:26
ErichEickmeyerIf we wanna get real lightweight and alienate our community... TWM.21:26
OvenWerksTab is not so nice, I would take motif over that21:27
* OvenWerks used motif on a microvax at work....21:28
ErichEickmeyerMy condolances?21:28
OvenWerksIt was as good as win NT21:28
OvenWerksThe microvax was at least real time capable21:29
OvenWerksWe used it for machine control.21:29
ErichEickmeyerHuh. Interesting. Makes sense for an embedded system for sure.21:29
OvenWerks100 foot long sorting machine21:30
OvenWerksmedia belt travels at 3meters/sec or so21:30
ErichEickmeyerOh wow.21:31
OvenWerksgnome-tweaks is the package to have in gnome-screen. I am not sure why Vanilla fails to ship with this, it is like the other half of settings that should have been included in the first place22:57
OvenWerksI can have static or dynamic workspaces... workspaces on primary display only or workspaces span displays.22:58
captain-tuxAnecdotal guess: Most common users aren't concerned with any of this.23:02
OvenWerks5 people use work spaces...23:03
OvenWerksworkspaces span displays does not seem to mean what I think it should23:05
captain-tuxWhat does it mean there?23:06
OvenWerksIt seems to mean that the second display shows all the apps on that display in any workspace and I have to choose it23:07
OvenWerksor choose the one I want23:07
OvenWerksSo twice the work, pick left then pick right23:07
OvenWerks Indicators sort of work... if I start qjckctl it's indicator does show up (+1) but all it does is show the window on double click, it does not show the indicator menu. So we have gone from a very usable systray where right click and left click could have two different menus, to indicators that could only have one menu... to indicators that have been gelded once again to no menus :P23:10
OvenWerksAh, if I choose left first, right follows23:15

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