
studio-user690anyone out there03:16
slidinghornwhat's up03:22
=== categore_ is now known as CaTeGoRe
=== capturixeur2 is now known as trebmuh
studio-user751Has anyone else dual booted with uefi?21:19
slidinghornI have21:19
OvenWerksgood, I have kept my drives "bios-ish"21:20
slidinghornstudio-user751: what's your question?  (I've noticed you've been in and out of here without actually asking a question and then leaving quickly)21:20
studio-user751Have I? I've just been wondering if it's a common thing to do. I've been trying to figure out the boot order and grub stuff that I'm not clear on.21:22
studio-user751I'm also new to IRC which may explain why I'm in and out.21:22

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