
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @ahoneybun valorie @Sick_Rimmit yofel mamarok: If Michael from tuxdigital does us a release video, are we Ok with it being primarilly pubished on his channel? We then link it and add to our playlists?17:15
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Can we cross post it?17:16
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> cross post meaning what?17:16
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> re-upload?17:16
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Fwd from ahoneybun: Can we cross post it?17:21
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> whatever that means ^^^17:21
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Other question: … 2. What day do you want the promo video released? … Why I am asking: … I was thinking that I might make a full video of me on camera talking about Kubuntu 18.04 and my involvement prior to release and then releasing the promo video on Thursday.17:26
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> post it on his channel and our's linking back to his.17:27
MichaelTunnellas long as it isnt posted directly on the Kubuntu channel the rest is fine. If it is added to a playlist then it is great17:28
MichaelTunnellI made the KDE Promo videos for 5.11 and 5.12 = collectively they received 93,389 views for KDE's channel and TuxDigital received 1,968 views and only 320 clicks from links in video description.17:29
MichaelTunnellso I was thinking since Kubuntu isn't really trying to build an audience for this kind of thing but I am, so I am asking because it would be more beneficial to me to post it on my channel.17:30
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I have no objections. seems fair enough in return IMO17:30
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> but I would like opinions from here17:31
MichaelTunnelldid the emoji work in Telegram when sending from irc? :)17:31
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @MichaelTunnell, nope. fail17:31
MichaelTunnelldang it :(17:34
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk, On camera? 😱17:35
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @tsimonq2, Will it go out late?17:37
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk, Idk :{17:45
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> *:)17:45
MichaelTunnellI dont care if Kubuntu wants to upload the video as well and schedule it to release later as a just in case the people who browse on youtube would find it. So maybe schedule to release it 2 weeks later as that would give my channel enough time to generate the views I'd like to get.17:46
valorieimo more news is good news!18:38
MichaelTunnellvalorie: what is that in reference to?18:52
valoriewith you doing a video, MichaelTunnell19:00
MichaelTunnellwell my question is related to Kubuntu not posting it on the Kubuntu channel until after the blogs and such use mine so that I can benefit from the press. Kubuntu would get the same benefit it would already get from the video sharing but I would get YouTube views and such.19:01
valorieyou get more views than we do19:08
valorietherefore, we'll get more good promo directly from you than in our own chan19:08
MichaelTunnellI would also unleash my normal marketing techniques that I wouldn't typically do for content outside of my channel so likely much more :)19:11
valorieI'm feeling really good about this release19:13
valoriea nice presentation of Plasma and the rest of KDE software I hope19:14
MichaelTunnellI am as well. I have been using Neon since first neon release because Kubuntu 16.04 was well, let's not talk about it . . .  with that said, I am switching back to Kubuntu with 18.04 release. :)19:14
valorieneon is great too, but yes, kubuntu has my heart19:18
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> ditto19:20
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu19:20
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> started on that :)19:20
acheronukMichaelTunnell: that also goes into some of the stuff you requested about new features. though it needs more done19:22
valoriecan I add Falkon in there, acheronuk?19:22
valorieif I can login to the friggin' wiki19:23
acheronukadd in how? I mention it19:23
valorieoh, missed it19:24
valorieah, under new applicaations, of course19:24
acheronuknew, but not new. fair enough to go there though19:25
valorieI guess we can use this for the RC testing19:25
valoriewith a bit of editing19:25
valoriethere is still some "beta" in there19:25
valorieand the social links have no images19:26
acheronukprobably. I only made a quick start this morning. it needs much tweaking I'm sure19:27
valorielooks great already, so good start!19:27
valoriemparillo: ^^^19:27
acheronukshould probably mention some of the other default settings changes19:29
acheronuke.g. single click, and where to find the setting should people want to change back19:30
valorieok, trying to login to fix the little niggles and I'll add something about single click now being default19:32
valoriewe're we going with double-click as default?19:32
ricktimmis[m]Hello friends19:33
acheronukhave ubuntu formally asked us how many years we are prepare to support for the LTS?19:33
acheronukhi ricktimmis[m] :)19:33
acheronukvalorie: duh. I meant double click19:34
ricktimmis[m]Will we ship Falkon installed as part of the iso image ?19:35
valorieI hope so!19:35
ricktimmis[m]Me too19:35
valorieI assume not the miniman packageset19:35
valoriewhich by the way went flawlessly for me in one test19:36
ricktimmis[m]I really like it, been using it daily on 17.10 from clivejo ppa19:36
ricktimmis[m]Have had no issues19:36
valorieand is still running for me on my travel lappy19:36
acheronukIt is not currently. I am concerned somewhat about security updates for webengine on that19:36
valorieoh, Falkon is my goto19:36
valorieI don't use anything else now19:36
valoriefor 6 months or so19:37
acheronukSo am a bit wary of making it on our iso/meta19:37
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @tsimonq2 ^^19:37
valoriethe new one isn't built yet.... and tsimonq2 is not feeling well19:37
valoriehow long are we planning to support this LTS?19:38
acheronukremember we will have many point releases of 18.04, and SRUs to do. so maybe Falkon will get updates and can go on19:38
valorieif we discussed this I don't remember19:38
valorieacheronuk: I'm not gonna fight you about it!19:39
acheronukI just asked that. ubuntu usually email flavours to ask, but I see no email19:39
valorieyou are the guy on the line so it is your call19:39
valoriedoes 3 years seem fair?19:39
acheronukI would like to see falkon get a few bugfix updates 1st19:39
acheronuk3 years seems fair19:39
valoriewe're not in the last week yet so sh&% isn't hitting the fan YET19:40
ricktimmis[m]I think Falkon makes our products really special, and of course I am excited at the possibility.19:40
valoriebut so far it seems very stable to me19:40
ricktimmis[m]However, I support and accept advice of deve19:40
valoriericktimmis[m]: yup19:40
acheronukthey have made a great start with it under the kde mantle19:40
valorieoh, do we have a new kde-connect yet?19:41
acheronukwe do19:41
valorieI lost track19:41
acheronukand new krita 4.0.119:41
acheronukand new kstars 2.9.4 with libindi support19:41
ricktimmis[m]New Krista s brilliant I love it19:41
acheronukI'm annoyed about digikam being old, but we can't build newer19:42
valorieit is OK for us to call this LTS before the .1 release?19:42
valoriedigikam gets so much work!19:42
valoriethey just need to Make Releases19:42
acheronukthey have been! requiring newer exiv2 than we have in Bionic :(19:44
acheronukeviv2 is in main19:44
acheronukI filed a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exiv2/+bug/171593119:45
valorieubuntu refuses to upgrade?19:45
acheronukbut no-one cared until it was too late19:46
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Wait wait wait before making assertions. :P19:46
valorieI saw that the newer appstream will be included19:46
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> I can finish it once I'm feeling better.19:49
mparilloYes, I can add back the images for social media. Thanks for noticing well ahead of time.19:53
valorieI'm editing now so I think it's locked atm19:54
valoriegosh, I'm going to have to ask nggraham for a list of the changes we've made to default settings19:58
valorieor is that the only one?19:59
valorieok, done editing for now20:02
valorieI was sure we changed more than one default20:02
valoriepfff, more coffee needed20:03
acheronuknot all changes are likely worthy of a mention20:09
valorieof course20:09
acheronuk- hybrid look and feel20:09
acheronuk- double click20:09
valorieI'll start working on an announcement for the website20:09
acheronuk- sddm login and locker background20:10
acheronuk- wallpapers20:10
valorieoh right!20:10
* valorie sips more coffee20:10
acheronukthose are the most immediately visible20:11
acheronuk- baloo indexing- might be worth mentioning that, and how to turn full content indexing back on20:13
mparilloAs far as full-text indexing, I think showing how to turn it on (to the old / upstream) default is important, but more important is why to turn it on. I see 10 articles about turning it off for every one about turning it on.20:48
valorieI don't know enough about this21:02
valorieI don't even know if mine is turned on or off21:02
valoriealthough search in dolphin isn't working, so perhaps it is off21:03
valoriewhich: boo21:03
valorieI've not had trouble with baloo for *years*21:03
IrcsomeBot* tsimonq2 naps21:04
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Had some hot tea and some cold medicine. Should be somewhat better later.21:04
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Thanks. <321:08
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> who poked Adam? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-April/004407.html21:28
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I bet on @tsimonq221:28
acheronukso ack on 3 years from me21:30
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk, Long standing TB item that I did in fact poke about.21:32
IrcsomeBot* tsimonq2 goes back to sleep21:32
valorieok, have written drafts for release candidate testing and release23:29
valorieplease fix when you have a chance.23:30
MichaelTunnellI dont think KDE Falkon has had enough time for the transition to be included and supported in an LTS by default23:49
MichaelTunnellI suppose having both KDE Falkon and Firefox would be fine but might be excessive?23:51
MichaelTunnellhas Kubuntu considered doing something like Ubuntu MATE's Welcome where you could give extra install options for KDE Falkon for example23:52

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