
=== ePierre is now known as ePierre-away
mvohey, I got an oops when LP tried to generate the diff for https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/launchpad/add-cnf-metadata-to-release-file/+merge/343161 anything I can do to re-trigger this ?11:21
cjwatsonmvo: lp-shell production devel -> lp.load('/~mvo/launchpad/add-cnf-metadata-to-release-file').unscan(rescan=True)11:27
cjwatsonmvo: you may have to repeat this several times at >=6-minute intervals - keep an eye on https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/launchpad/add-cnf-metadata-to-release-file.  Unfortunately LP's own history is deep enough that pushing new branches of it can take several attempts to scan11:28
cjwatsonit's usually best (if annoying) to get it scanned before creating the MP, as that way there isn't an initial mostly-blank email - but the diff should catch up once the branch is scanned11:29
cjwatsonwill stop being a problem once we switch to git, if my buildbot upgrade RT ticket ever makes it to the top of the queue ...11:30
mvothanks cjwatson I try this after lunch11:49
=== ucc is now known as Rumen
RumenUbuntu 18.04 / 64 missing icons in the status bar. Sometimes they appear, but in most of the times - no. Mega, Dropbox, Classic menu indicator, Weather etc ...13:41
RumenAnybody have clue how to fix that?13:41
rbasakRumen: wrong channel. Try #ubuntu+1.13:42
RumenOK thanks13:42
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin

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