
ubptgbot<mayltonfnds> Hi everyone. I'm syncing Halium repo and there are a lot of 404 error messages popping00:17
ubptgbot<mayltonfnds> Is it normal?00:17
ubptgbot<gsilvapt> I think you should bring that to the Halium group? Not sure if this is the right place00:21
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> He posted in both places at the same time00:22
ubptgbot<mayltonfnds> Sorry for that00:27
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmhm01:37
ubptgbotGenussradler was added by: Genussradler02:31
ubptgbot<nikhilubuntu> Hello guys04:29
ubptgbot<nikhilubuntu> I have bq aquaris e5 hd.04:29
ubptgbot<nikhilubuntu> I am facing issue on telegram. I can not add new contact for initiating chat.04:30
ubptgbot<nikhilubuntu> Any suggestion ?04:30
ubptgbot<rémus Rome> I think that this purpuse is not avaible yet in telegram for ut...05:10
ubptgbot<Flohack> @nikhilubuntu, You can only add people from address book06:06
ubptgbotcyb0hrg was added by: cyb0hrg06:16
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> Hello, could somone kindly point me to the right direction of the ubuntu touch nexus 7 root filesystem?06:17
ubptgbot<Flohack> @cyb0hrg, Well the rootfs is always the same for all devices06:27
ubptgbot<Flohack> what yre you looking for?06:27
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> Basically, trying to get the rootfs for a nexus 7 touch, through this command: … ```ubuntu-device-flash --download-only --revision=1 touch --device=flo --channel=ubuntu-touch/vivid``` … not sure where it saved to though. And the —help has no information on —output06:28
ubptgbot<Flohack> @cyb0hrg, Maybe look through .cache folders06:29
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> I've got a microsoft surface I compiled a kernel for, using nexus 7 and I think I'm getting somewhere with it.06:29
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> kk06:29
ubptgbot<Flohack> Also you can download the tar.gz from here: … http://ci.ubports.com/job/xenial-rootfs-armhf/ or … http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/06:32
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> thank you :)06:32
ubptgbot<Flohack> But this is armhf you might want smth different06:33
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> True, armv7 if preferable06:33
ubptgbot<AkshitGarg> Which blobs to use while building ut? kitkat or something else?06:33
ubptgbot<Flohack> This we dont build (yet) 😆06:33
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> armv7?06:34
ubptgbot<Flohack> arm64 is here can you use that? http://ci.ubports.com/job/xenial-rootfs-arm64/06:35
ubptgbot<AkshitGarg> @AkshitGarg, .06:35
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> Gotta be armv7, however, I thought armhf and v7 were the same, but I have archv7 downloaded I'll give that a whirl :)06:35
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> ty06:35
ubptgbot<Flohack> @AkshitGarg, Please follow the porting guide: http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/06:49
ubptgbot<AkshitGarg> @Flohack, Ok, thanks06:49
ubptgbot<Flohack> @AkshitGarg, To answer for the publich who does not read the guide 😆: If the target device has Android 7.1 or LineageOS 14.1 support, it’s recommended to select halium-7.1 - If your device does not have Android 7.1 or LineageOS 14.1 support but has support for Android 5.1 or CyanogenMod 12.1, select halium-5.106:50
ubptgbot<Flohack> @AkshitGarg, [Edit] To answer for the public who does not read the guide 😆: If the target device has Android 7.1 or LineageOS 14.1 support, it’s recommended to select halium-7.1 - If your device does not have Android 7.1 or LineageOS 14.1 support but has support for Android 5.1 or CyanogenMod 12.1, select halium-5.106:51
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Is publich the German form of public? :)06:53
ubptgbot<AkshitGarg> @Flohack, No, we have nougat trees... Mostly working06:54
ubptgbot<Flohack> @TartanSpartan, No I fixed it06:54
ubptgbot<Flohack> There is a Latin word we use sometimes: publik06:54
ubptgbot<Jo_Led> Publich sounds like a small farmer village in Germany.06:54
ubptgbot<Flohack> to publish = publizieren06:54
ubptgbot<AkshitGarg> Isn't GitHub too slow in India, everything except gives more than 5m/s, git gives only 20-30k/s06:55
ubptgbot<Flohack> @AkshitGarg, What can we do?06:55
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> On another note, does anyone here have experience with grub debugging? such that, when I load a devicetree, linux kernel zimage, I always halt at "Jumping to entrypoint" but without a devicetree, I don't halt and my keyboard still works.07:17
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> http://blog.qt.io/blog/2018/04/12/qt-5-9-5-released/07:24
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack, armhf is v7. aarch64 Is v807:26
ubptgbot<cyb0hrg> Kind of curious now, are devicetrees required to boot arm?07:37
ubptgbotTechAlchemist was added by: TechAlchemist07:49
ubptgbot<Flohack> @cyb0hrg, Eh? You need access to the sdcard in the device, so actually firsthand you need a working kernel. But you want to boot a Microsoft Surface?08:00
ubptgbot<Flohack> Furthermore, please join the Halium group @halium since those guys are the porters. Here is just general chat and support ;)08:01
ubptgbot<Daniel> @AkshitGarg, Uh, I'd like to have some nougat trees for my garden, too!08:20
ubptgbot<YougoChats> next to my money tree! ...if i just remember where i left it 🤔08:34
ubptgbot<Flohack> @YougoChats, 😂😂😂08:49
ubptgbot<Gabriele> Sorry to ask any luck to have Super Tux on Ubuntu Touch? At the end, we have Tux racing avaible so it should not be difficult to port? I don't know.09:29
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome @Genussradler @TechAlchemist  !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available.09:52
ubptgbot<Bolly> [Edit] Welcome @Genussradler and @TechAlchemist  !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available.09:52
ubptgbotKonrad was added by: Konrad10:56
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome Konrad. Check this put for more about UBports … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome10:59
ubptgbot<IGNNE> Hi all, I tried to run UTouch on my Sony Z5C, so I  built ubports-boot from my (pretty much working) halium tree. Now when I try to boot it it only makes a red led on my phone blink and then dies. This feels like it cannot even load the kernel11:50
ubptgbot<IGNNE> I had this before with missing dtbs or completely wrong kernel versions. But imho ubports-boot should at least boot the kernel (since it is the same kernel that 'pure' halium uses). So... help ;-)11:52
ubptgbot<Mark Mullins> does ut on n5 work with att13:09
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Mark Mullins, I remember a post in the forum saying that ATT works13:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes ATT works13:32
ubptgbot<IGNNE> Is there some way to stop ubports-boot before it mounts the ubuntu.img?14:51
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yes actually, it's in the README: https://github.com/ubports/ubports-boot#initrd-debugging14:52
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> You'll want to break at `mount`14:53
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> We also have a group specifically for discussion of porting Ubuntu Touch and nothing else. You can find it at @ubports_porting14:53
ubptgbot<IGNNE> @UniversalSuperBox, sorry, rtfm etc.. thanks14:58
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's not terribly obvious14:58
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'd be more concerned if that information was in the porting docs, but it's not.14:59
ubptgbot<IGNNE> Seems to work, thanks! 👍15:00
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee, were you ever familiar with a 'micshm' socket that's used by qtubuntu-camera? I gather that it is used to send audio data from the microphone to a encoding service on the Android side, but... what IS that encoding service on the Android side?16:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> i am not familiar with that, no16:49
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Darn. It's illusive.16:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> i wouldn't expect that code to talk directly to android side either, since mic would be going through pulseaudio, and camera through gstreamer, afaik16:50
ubptgbot<advocatux> I remember this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu/+bug/133758216:55
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1337582 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "camera-app needs access to shared pipe" [High,Fix released]16:55
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I found that too, but it doesn't explain what is on the other side of the pipe16:56
ubptgbot<advocatux> Have you asked that guy that seems to know about it?16:56
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Well that bug is from 2014. Lots could have changed between then and the drop16:57
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> And he's likely not employed after the drop16:57
ubptgbot<advocatux> But maybe he's willing to help a community project 😉16:58
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @dohbee, we need world-wide mesh network so this question doesn't matter ;)17:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> "we need a global united socialist democracy so this doesn't matter"17:14
ubptgbot<IGNNE> ^ My new answer to everything involving work: "I need someone to make this into a fancy presentation" "Well..."17:30
ubptgbot<Mark> @dohbee, 👍18:32
ubptgbotknndy70 was added by: knndy7019:53
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome @knndy70  !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started.20:19
ubptgbot<knndy70> Tnx u so much @Bolly20:21
ubptgbot<knndy70> What are u sharing here exactly?20:22
ubptgbot<knndy70> Cloud u explane? That20:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> the link should explain20:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> this is the general discussion group for ubports20:26
ubptgbot<knndy70> Okay.show me something bro. Open source ?20:37
ubptgbot<knndy70> Show me20:38
ubptgbot<knndy70> I am not good at English20:38
ubptgbot<knndy70> So sorry ?20:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, ubports is open source20:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't understand what you are looking for. can you be more specific?20:42
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'm not sure how you got here, but you can learn more about ubuntu touch at ubuntu-touch.io and UBports at ubports.com20:42
ubptgbot<Bolly> @knndy70, We have Telegram language groups20:43
ubptgbot<knndy70> Why end of Ubuntu opensource project ?20:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> ubuntu is not ended20:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> canonical ended their development/support of ubuntu on phones/tablets, and of the unity environment and related projects. ubports has picked up the phone/tablet pieces20:44
ubptgbot<knndy70> Good job. Are u devoloper @dohbee20:47
ubptgbot<knndy70> Ubuntu20:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes20:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> sort of anyway20:47
ubptgbot<knndy70> How many people using Ubuntu os here?20:54
ubptgbot<knndy70> I am from turkey20:54
ubptgbot<knndy70> And20:54
ubptgbot<knndy70> We wanna try improve sailfish ? Or Ubuntu20:55
ubptgbot<knndy70> What about you?20:55
ubptgbot<knndy70> Rodney :)20:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> this channel is not about sailfish, nor ubuntu on PCs. though there is some crossover in some areas20:55
ubptgbot<knndy70> I hate public situation20:56
ubptgbot<knndy70> Bro20:56
ubptgbot<knndy70> İf u are leader here20:56
ubptgbot<knndy70> Pls focus on ONE subject20:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> you might want to try @ubports_tr to talk to fellow turks in turkish, so maybe you understand better (and are better understood)20:56
ubptgbot<knndy70> My friends send me here.20:57
ubptgbot<knndy70> So that are talk about20:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> did your friends not explain what it was about?20:58
ubptgbot<knndy70> This subject20:58
ubptgbot<knndy70> No man20:59
ubptgbot<knndy70> Send me ?21:00
ubptgbot<knndy70> All friend about this subject21:00
ubptgbot<knndy70> Opensource project and21:00
ubptgbot<knndy70> Other things21:01
ubptgbot<knndy70> Also21:01
ubptgbot<knndy70> I wanna improve English21:01
ubptgbot<knndy70> Here:))21:01
ubptgbot<jonny> https://docs.ubports.com/tr/latest/ this should explain most about ubports and how you guys can help.21:25
ubptgbot<jonny> Do you have any specific question?21:27
ubptgbot<knndy70> Not now. Later I promise u Jonathan thx u so much21:40
ubptgbot<jonny> 👍21:44
ubptgbotEdkodz was added by: Edkodz23:28
ubptgbot<coolhacker_1> Recently i tried to port Ubuntu Touch to Xiaomi Redmi 4X (a.k.a. santoni), but I did not succeed. Can i'm contact the developers (UBports) for an offer to port the firmware? … (Sorry for offtop)23:41
ubptgbot<coolhacker_1> [Edit] Recently i tried to port Ubuntu Touch to Xiaomi Redmi 4X (a.k.a. santoni), but I did not succeed. Can i'm contact the developers(UBports) for an offer to port the firmware? … (Sorry for offtop)23:41
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Well that's not off topic23:41
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Where did you get stuck?23:41
ubptgbot<coolhacker_1> After my actions, the phone refuses to turn on at all23:43
ubptgbot<coolhacker_1> Only fastboot or twrp helps me to recover the phone23:43
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> You're not able to troubleshoot at all using the setps in the Halium documentation?23:44
ubptgbot<coolhacker_1> 🤔23:46
ubptgbot<coolhacker_1> I tried, but I'm not particularly good at porting firmware23:46
ubptgbot<coolhacker_1> [Edit] I tried, but i'm not particularly good at porting firmware23:46
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome @Edkodz !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available.23:49
ubptgbot<coolhacker_1> I will try again23:57

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