
ehashmanhi I'm a DD and someone randomly RM'd my package from bionic without telling me, can someone help me get it back in02:17
sarnoldehashman: which package?02:19
ehashmansarnold: leiningen02:20
ehashmanall the deps need to get synced too I think02:21
ehashmansource package name is "leiningen-clojure"02:22
ehashmanit's all stuff in universe02:22
sarnoldahh I wondered ... leiningen looks like it was removed in 2014, hehe02:22
ehashmanI revived it02:22
tsimonq2"(From Debian) RoM; obsolete; request from upstream; Debian bug #761305"02:22
ubottuDebian bug 761305 in ftp.debian.org "RM: leiningen: RoM; obsolete; request from upstream" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/76130502:22
tsimonq2ehashman: From doko: "see Debian #889533, leiningen-clojure not ready for release. remove it + rdeps (cider)"02:23
ubottuDebian bug 889533 in src:leiningen-clojure "leiningen-clojure FTBFS with libclojure-java 1.9.0~alpha15-1" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/88953302:23
ehashmantsimonq2: yes, I'm working on that02:24
sarnoldehashman: strictly speaking, at this point in the bionic cycle, it might be a fair amount of effort to get it back in. :/ we're well past feature freeze date, so a featurefreeze exception bug would probably need to be prepared02:24
ehashmanso the issue is that it got RM'd >2 weeks ago but I only found out today02:25
ehashmanI got everything rebuilding (needed a new clojure because the 1.9 upgrade broke it) but Java 9 seemed to introduce some perf regressions so I was holding off on upload02:25
sarnoldbut like you said, it's a universe package, hopefully it wouldn't be too onerous..02:25
tsimonq2sarnold: Feature Freeze doesn't apply to Source NEW unless it's already in the distro02:25
tsimonq2Although that's iffy.02:26
sarnoldtsimonq2: *whooooosh*  :D02:26
ehashmanI would have gotten to this a lot sooner had I known02:26
tsimonq2ehashman: I can sync it as soon as you have a solution uploaded.02:26
sarnoldslangasek: around? ^^02:26
ehashmantsimonq2: thank you muchly, I will send you the list of everything once I get it uploaded and that bug closed, I've prioritized it for tonight02:27
tsimonq2ehashman: OK; if I don't respond on IRC, tsimonq2@ubuntu.com02:27
tsimonq2Thanks for fixing the package!02:28
xnoxtjaalton, why has freeipa bump bind9 dep? ubuntu doesn't have that point release bind merged yet.... or maybe ahasenack could quickly merge the new bind9 point release from debian?02:28
xnoxcurrently freeipa is not installable in bionic-proposed.02:29
sarnoldthat's one way to cut down on bug reports.. :)02:29
tjaaltonxnox: because the current version would crash on start if confured via ipa-dns-install03:19
tjaaltonand i merged and pushed the update but it was dirty and got rejected :)03:21
tjaaltoni'll file a ffe03:21
tjaaltonslangasek: ^03:21
slangaseksarnold: not sure what the tag is for; if it's synced, it goes in the new queue and can be reviewed, but not before then?03:24
sarnoldslangasek: thanks :)03:24
baltix-linuxcyphermox: hi, I'm finishing ubiquity and ubiquity-slideshow translations, when you will update tranlations from launchpad for final 18.04 release?09:26
Mirvdeadline was 9.5h ago theoretically, so it depends on whether there was some scheduled export or if cyphermox will be doing that manually later09:37
Mirvjuliank: if you can help/advise gunnarhj on cryptsetup at https://bugs.debian.org/688735 , please do. it's quite visible i18n problem and if the eventual patch is clean enough I'd think we could consider backporting it to 18.04 eventually too.09:46
ubottuDebian bug 688735 in cryptsetup "Some strings need to be set up for i18n" [Wishlist,Open]09:46
baltix-linuxMirv: thanks, I found info about dead just today, so, it would be nice if my work was included, because now several strings in ubiquity translations are in english  :)09:55
baltix-linuxMirv: in Lithuanian ubiquity translations :)09:56
baltix-linuxcyphermox: so, will you do manual ubiquity translation export from launchpad today?09:57
Mirvbaltix-linux: he'll wake up within 5 hours or so, so we'll find out then09:59
juliankMirv: I don't know, not this week certainly10:12
rbasakxnox: do you have an opinion on bug 1712817 please?11:56
ubottubug 1712817 in freeradius (Ubuntu) "postinst fails if the service is disabled via systemd" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171281711:56
rbasakFollowing my comment, on second thoughts, perhaps Debian should arrange invoke-rc.d not to fail if a service is disabled by the user, effectively providing the same behaviour as a policy-rc.d based disablement?11:57
xnoxrbasak, the description sounds valid. i believe i have hit something similar before, thus yeah a fix to debhelper for this class of issues would be most welcomed.12:47
rbasakxnox: thanks. debhelper, or invoke-rc.d?12:47
rbasakxnox: and may I quote that message in the bug? :)12:47
xnoxrbasak, my understanding was that maintainer scripts that are generated, do attempt to check if a thing was "enabled and active" before the upgrade; and post upgrade. But maybe they only do so for systemd native units, and not for init.d->systemd units.12:48
xnoxrbasak, specifically for ubuntu, i think we need not any init.d / invoke-rc.d stuff, as we can be simply using policy + deb_systemd_helper only.....12:48
xnoxrbasak, sure, about quotes.12:49
rbasakI've updated the bug and added a debhelper task.12:50
LocutusOfBorgtjaalton, are you trying bind9 rebuilds / transition=13:29
tjaaltonLocutusOfBorg: what transition?13:56
tjaaltonisc-dhcp would need to be rebuilt, that's all14:01
tjaaltonbind9-dyndb-ldap too of course14:01
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LocutusOfBorgso tjaalton you will take care of freeipa migration? thanks!14:20
tjaaltonsure, if it's accepted14:21
tjaaltonbind 9.12 will bundle all libs in bind-libs, so no more shlib bump rebuilds..14:25
* mvo hugs rbalint for the latest u-u fixes14:41
didrocksmvo: hey! I have a small question about do-release-upgrade. If I get some fixes in do-release-upgrade in bionic, that will end up automatically in the tarball when d-r-u new version is updated for 16.04 users?14:52
mvodidrocks: correct, its a custom upload type14:56
mvodidrocks: you speak aobut do-release-upgrade itself, not some dependencies of it, right?14:56
didrocksmvo: yeah, do-release-upgrade itself :) So, basically, I can just MP at some point, get that into bionic, and then, don't worry, correct?14:57
mvodidrocks: yes, the build includes a custom LP upload that makes it end up in the right place15:03
mvojbicha: thanks for your c-n-f upload! would you mind doing a MP with your fix to lp:command-not-found as well? that would be great so that the lp code branch and the archive are in sync15:04
didrocksmvo: excellent! Thanks :)15:06
jbichamvo: I just pushed directly now15:08
mvojbicha: thank you!15:14
rbasakIs there a place to find the URL to the latest test rebuild?15:21
rbasakI find myself always searching for doko's email. I wonder if there's a better wayl15:21
rbasakhttp://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/rebuilds/ maybe15:21
rbasakballoons: around? Can you help with golang-github-juju-testing please?15:27
balloonsrbasak, yea, I've been watching mongodb15:28
balloonsrbasak, what do you need?15:28
rbasakError parsing command line: unrecognised option '--nohttpinterface'15:29
rbasakI suspect that's been dropped in 3.6.15:29
rbasakballoons: is golang-github-juju-testing still needed?15:29
rbasakI don't see any rdepends.15:29
rbasakWas it for the former archive juju package for example?15:29
rbasakIt's not Ubuntu-only. It was synced from Debian.15:30
balloonsrbasak, ahh, it was added as build-depends for juju I assume15:30
balloonsrbasak, yes, we synced golang libs to debian15:30
rbasakballoons: so it can be removed now?15:31
balloonsrbasak, if no one else is depending on it and it ftbfs we could update it, but it makes just as much sense to drop it15:31
balloonsrbasak, so yes, +115:32
rbasakUnfortunately if it's synced from Debian I'm not sure the AAs will want to just remove it.15:32
rbasakI'm not sure to what extent it should be removed from Debian.15:33
balloonsrbasak, interesting.. it's only in bionic15:33
cjwatsonIt was only added there very recently.15:33
rbasakDepends on the Debian Go packaging team's policies I guess.15:33
rbasakMaybe a force-badtest would be acceptable though?15:33
balloonsthere's several new juju libs in bionic15:33
rbasakI suppose the summary is that the package needs its dep8 test updating to work against mongodb 3.6.15:34
balloonsThat's why I didn't recognize it. I'm not sure who did those uploads15:34
cjwatsonYou can see it in https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/golang-github-juju-testing15:34
cjwatsonThe sync to Ubuntu was automatic15:35
balloonsright. So mwhudson and I were working through juju's golang needs and getting them into debian15:36
balloonsBut that was some time ago, and I set it aside to pursue the snap15:37
rbasakI think I can just drop the --nohttpinterface15:38
rbasakAFAICT, the (deprecated) HTTP interface was removed in 3.6.15:38
rbasakSo presumably not specifying that will result in the same behaviour in 3.6.15:38
rbasakAha: https://github.com/juju/testing/commit/1f2396685494ccf2c5079936561a70652ef7811115:45
balloonsrbasak, yes, pulling in the newer version makes more sense if you want it to work with 3.615:52
rbasakballoons: I'm looking at just cherry-picking that fix.15:53
balloonsahh right..15:53
balloonsit's actually tiny15:53
rbasakI don't see the point in pulling in the newer version if nobody actually needs it.15:53
rbasakThe package might be a candidate for orphaning in Debian.15:54
balloonsrbasak, there's many new github-juju*-dev packages in bionic15:55
balloons15 looks like?15:55
rbasakI got a pass with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kVK4Fdn3Ry/15:58
cjwatsonorphaning> seems like a bizarre response in the case of something that was first uploaded a couple of months ago15:59
cjwatsonorphaning is a response to not being maintained, which normally requires longer than that15:59
rbasakcjwatson: yeah, though AIUI balloons and mwhudson are no longer interested in maintaining the package in Debian (or Ubuntu) because they've switched to snaps instead?16:00
cjwatsonif it shouldn't be in Debian then the correct response would be to ask the maintainer about having it removed16:00
rbasakAnd it's a Juju-specific package.16:00
cjwatsonrbasak: they're not the Debian maintainer, so that's not terribly relevant16:00
cjwatsonthey weren't maintaining it in Debian to begin with :)16:00
rbasakI'm under the impression that mwhudson is a member of the Go packaging team in Debian.16:00
balloonsyes, indeed. That's why I was surprised to see it16:01
bdmurrayandyrock: What release of Ubuntu would you want a version of plymouth to test with?16:01
cjwatsonperhaps, but he has no involvement in the changelog of that package.16:01
rbasakI missed that.16:01
andyrockbionic is fine16:01
rbasakI assumed it was uploaded via balloons and mwhudson.16:01
cjwatsonI certainly would not assume that e.g. everything in the Python modules packaging team was maintained by me, even though I could work on if if I wanted16:01
cjwatson*on it if16:01
balloonsright. To be clear, I have no knowledge of those packages, and as cjwatson pointed out, mwhudson didn't push it either16:01
andyrockbdmurray: I can test it in few hours16:02
rbasakCan I get a peer review from someone for http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kVK4Fdn3Ry/ please?16:02
rbasakIt builds and passes autopkgtest for me locally. And I locally reproduced the current failure, too.16:02
cjwatsonrbasak: LGTM16:03
rbasakThanks. I'll upload.16:03
rbasakAnd submittodebian.16:03
rbasakThat should unstick mongodb 3.6 hopefully.16:03
balloonsthanks rbasak16:09
rbasakballoons: np. It has built. Now we wait a couple of publisher runs I think.16:10
rbasakballoons: I'm nearing EOD now, so I'll have to resume on Monday to get this landed if necessary.16:10
balloonsrbasak, no worries. I very much appreciate you getting this landed, and doing so quickly16:10
balloonsrbasak, we'll plan to get juju 2.4-beta1 first thing next week as weel16:11
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jbichaslangasek: for an especially serious example of the GNOME Software issue, see bug 175678819:18
ubottubug 1756788 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Removing "Startup Applications" in "Ubuntu Software" makes the system unable to launch GDM" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175678819:18
jbichathere is a shiny "Remove" button in the Installed list in GNOME Software and eventually some users are going to click that button19:19
jbichawhen it's clicked, GNOME Software happily removes the package using PackageKit19:19
jbichait the package is say, update-manager, then PackageKit will remove ubuntu-desktop because ubuntu-desktop has depends: update-manager set19:20
jbichaGNOME Software does not tell the user that things like this are happening19:20
slangasekright; I share bdmurray's unease with the shape of the solution, however19:20
jbichabut if we add the compulsory_for_desktop field to AppStream metadta, then the app is marked as a System Application and we avoid this issue19:20
slangaseki.e. we work around a bug in GNOME Software by having to touch every package to manually tell it to not be dumb19:21
jbichathe design of GNOME Software is a much larger and older issue than we can hope to change much before bionic's release :(19:21
slangasekwhy ship these appstream files in the individual packages instead of in gnome-software itself?19:21
jbichabecause gnome-software isn't the source of packages19:22
slangasekno, it's the source of the damage19:22
jbichaI mean sure it could ship its own whitelists for this issue19:22
jbichabut appstream metadata in general should be shipped with the individual app19:23
jbichathe compulsory field is controversial; some users really want to remove system apps19:23
slangasekif there's a reason to ship that metadata in the first place, which it's unclear to me that there is other than this bug19:23
slangasekand the "compulsory"ness is a function of the flavor metapackage, not of the application19:24
jbichayou should probably talk to ximion if you have concerns about appstream ;)19:25
slangasekwhich means that if the seeds change to drop a package, and the package's appstream is not updated, it becomes buggy again19:25
slangasekI don't think the concern I'm expressing is about appstream; it's about relying on appstream to work around gnome software not dtrt with distro policy19:26
jbichaok, then talk to hughsie or Laney or robert_ancell ;)19:27
slangasekLaney: hi I talk to you19:27
jbichalol, he's probably trying to enjoy his weekend19:27
slangasekhe's probably used to me spoiling that19:28
jbichayeah, I guess this is really bad for Lubuntu if Lubuntu users want to try to use GNOME Software19:29
jbichayet more fun from Lubuntu not wanting to use Recommends yet :)19:30
jbichawe've had this issue since 2016 though19:30
jbichaximion: the context is https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2018-April/040278.html19:32
bdmurrayIsn't it bad for any flavor that uses GNOME software though?19:36
ximionjbicha: I have seen that mail :-)19:37
ximionslangasek: what is compulsory or not is set by the upstream project, usually19:37
slangasekximion: that's nonsense19:37
slangasekwe as a distribution define what is compulsory for our desktop flavors19:38
ximionGNOME Software intentionally has no idea about what the distribution does, and I am pretty sure that hughsie wouldn't be happy to implement anything that involves parsing a lot of package dependencies19:38
slangasekand that definition lives in the metapackages, not in the individual components19:38
jbichabdmurray: it's not too bad for Budgie or Unity which have pretty similar Depends to Ubuntu19:39
ximionthat was my argument - sort of - when we added the feature a while back, but certain things like the GNOME Shell etc. are always compulsory, and that is what compulsory_for_desktop should primarily be used for19:39
jbichabut   apt show lubuntu-desktop  is a bit horrifying when considering this issue19:39
ximioni.e. stuff that you would only display in the software center to e.g. display addons, but which you would otherwise not even display there because it essentially is a system component19:40
jbichaximion: off-topic, but do you know why there is an LXDE warning here? http://appstream.ubuntu.com/bionic/main/issues/update-manager.html19:40
slangasekximion: I think juliank's proposal is that something could instead synthesize the 'compulsory' bits from apt metadata and inject that information into gnome-software, perhaps via appstream; but that would require us to be able to provide appstream "overrides" for apps that do ship their own appstream data for other reasons19:41
slangasekI'm not sure if that's supported?19:41
ximionjbicha: apparently LXDE wasn't registered as a DE when the list of environments was last updated... I fixed this upstream now, thanks for noticing!19:42
jbichaximion: which upstream? asgen?19:42
jbicha(update-manager and software-properties are the first and only things to use compulsory for LXDE that I can see)19:43
ximionjbicha: AppStream itself - you can use LXDE as value though, this is just a validation warning (so it won't filter LXDE out)19:45
ximionslangasek: we support something like that (overriding and extending metadata) - this would require APT to have detailed knowledge on which packages are important (essentially treating metapackages like ubuntu-desktop specially) and it would also need to know how to write AppStream metadata19:47
ximionwe could in theory also have the appstream-generator read the Germinate seed files, and have it synthesize compuksory tags for packages with components that are explicitly mentioned in there19:48
* ximion can't reply to stuff on ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-desktop though with proposals like that19:49
juliankoh, missed the discussion here19:49
jbicha(sorry I forked the conversation)19:50
slangasekximion: we have lots of knowledge in apt already about which packages are special; it's kind of meant to be authoritative about this ;)19:52
ximionslangasek: the regular standard/essential/etc. priorities for packages don't usually apply to desktop metapackages though, like ubuntu-desktop, because you sometimes want a different DE19:53
ximionor do you really have rules like "if that package is installed, it should stay installed" somewhere?19:53
juliankximion: But we can special case <foo>-desktop19:54
juliankAnd yes, we do, but we use it for more important stuff19:54
ximionI remember that in the past apt would let mre remove any Ubuntu metapackage without any problems19:54
slangasekximion: we do have such rules in the release upgrader.  I don't think a high-level frontend like gnome software should touch any desktop metapackages, and if you really want to do that you can use apt from the commandline19:54
ximionI agree it shouldn't remove them, but as of now, GNOME Software has no way of knowing that ubuntu-desktop is special19:55
ximionPackageKit is essentially as smart as apt on the command-line here19:55
juliankis it?19:56
ximionjup - "smart"19:56
jbichaapt at least tells you what it's doing (although lots of users don't understand the significance of 'ubuntu-desktop' in its output)19:59
jbichabdmurray: did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/apport/drop-py2/+merge/343218 or did you want to wait for Chaotic for that?20:04
ginggstsimonq2: nodejs  8.11.1~dfsg-2 was uploaded to unstable20:05
tsimonq2ginggs: You can follow through with the transition yourself? ;)20:06
ginggstsimonq2: sync it20:08
tsimonq2ginggs: No you. :P20:09
ximionjbicha: PK would tell you that, but this information not showing up is a GNOME design decision20:12
ximion(AFAIK KDE Discover started to display that information for updates, at least)20:12
slangasekginggs, tsimonq2: don't worry, nodejs is seeded on kubuntu, I'll reject with prejudice :P20:13
ximionsome smart mechanism to prevent desktop metapackage removals would be nice20:13
ginggstsimonq2: it's probably a good idea for us to not have a version from experimental - there's probably very little that's changed since the last version - and it's weekend and the autopkgtest queues are empty20:14
ginggsi'll help with the migration if slangasek let's it in20:14
ginggs*lets - aargh20:15
slangasekginggs: final freeze and it's seeded, you're going to have to have a specific rationale in terms of source changes for me to let it in rather than just the upload target listed in debian/changelog20:15
ginggstsimonq2: will you take care of that?20:15
jbichaginggs: it won't even build on bionic unless you also sync http-parser. you probably do not want the new version of nodejs20:20
tsimonq2slangasek: hahahaha20:20
tsimonq2ginggs: No. :P20:20
tsimonq2I won't touch it with a ten foot pole.20:22
ginggsjbicha: I do not want any version of nodejs :p20:26
jbichaginggs: how about haskell?20:27
ginggsjbicha: not my thing either20:28
tsimonq2Funny we talk about new transitions... *nudges acheronuk*20:54
tsimonq2I totally don't plan on doing a Qt transition last minute... :P20:55

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