
=== Guest55123 is now known as unioperator
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:06
slidinghornHey lotuspsychje how's it going?05:07
lotuspsychjehey slidinghorn im fine ty, how was your day05:07
slidinghornnot too bad - pulling my hair out trying to learn how to package, but I'll survive05:08
lotuspsychjeslidinghorn: what are you compiling?05:08
slidinghornI've compiled it just fine, but trying to make a .deb package of a driver for Corsair keyboards as a learning exercise so I can possibly help maintain packages in the future05:09
slidinghornit's called ckb-next05:09
lotuspsychjewauw, cool contribute05:10
ubot5`deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.05:10
lotuspsychjehmm not very usefull05:10
lotuspsychjemorning LtWorf05:10
lotuspsychjeslidinghorn: i think an interesting channel would be #ubuntu-release for you05:11
slidinghornI'm using this guide, but it's lacking in some areas (e.g. when the application is compiled w/ cmake) http://packaging.ubuntu.com/singlehtml/index.html#document-ubuntu-packaging-guide/packaging-new-software05:11
lotuspsychjeslidinghorn: alot of same minded guys there05:12
lotuspsychjeit spams new packages in the channel on release05:12
slidinghornjust joined05:13
lotuspsychjeand might help you on some purposes too05:13
lotuspsychjelike where to start if you want to propose a new package05:14
lotuspsychjei dont know enough of packaging05:15
lotuspsychje#ubuntu-devel might be interesting aswell05:16
ducassegood morning, everyone05:33
slidinghornmorning ducasse05:33
lotuspsychjemorning mate05:34
ducassehi lotuspsychje - how are you today?05:35
lotuspsychjegreat here mate05:40
lotuspsychjeenjoying free time holiday05:40
ducassegood, any plans today?05:40
lotuspsychjetoday chilling and grocerys, sushi and belgium got talent :p05:41
ducassehehe :)05:42
Bashing-omAll in for this session .. Do this more tomorrow \o06:12
lordievaderGood morning06:40
ducassemorning lordievader - how are you?06:40
lordievaderDoing good here06:41
ducassebusy day ahead?06:42
lordievaderHopefully less busy than the previous ones.06:46
lotuspsychjeslidinghorn: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/07:03
slidinghornlotuspsychje: that's the guide I've been using07:03
LtWorfhi lotuspsychje (my computer wakes up earlier)07:22
lotuspsychjebbl guys07:25
ducassemorning, LtWorf07:25
LtWorfhello ducasse07:27
lordievaderHow are you doing ducasse ?07:34
ducasselordievader: i'm ok, thanks, waiting for some visitors in a couple of hours07:39
lordievaderNice vistors, or less nice visitors? 😋07:40
ducassewell, kind of both. the terraces i live in are being demolished, i'm being forced to move. they're coming to give me information etc.07:41
lordievaderHmm, that sucks.07:42
ducasse'both' because my mother is coming to help me talk to them about my needs from a new place07:43
LtWorfah, i was wondering if one was going to be some hot girl or something :D07:54
ducasseone can always hope ;)07:56
lordievaderThere is always a chance 😉07:57
LtWorfhot girl: "you have to move from here, because we are tearing the place down", you: "can i move in with you then?"07:58
lordievaderWould sweeten the move a bit.07:58
lotuspsychjehttps://imgur.com/a/JpxH6 my bionic desk08:34
ducasselooks good, lotuspsychje08:37
lotuspsychjetnx ducasse08:38
ducassemine looks quite a bit simpler :)08:40
lotuspsychjei like minimal too08:40
lordievaderI have a very similar setup.08:40
lordievaderOne taskbar, clean background.08:41
lotuspsychjewhen you return fixxing windows pc's, you get that crowdy feeling again08:41
lotuspsychjelubuntu 18.04 was feeling real spacy aswell08:42
lotuspsychjecosmos wallpaper08:43
slidinghornI love it08:48
slidinghornthis had better be in the final release :P08:49
LtWorflotuspsychje: i kinda expected a photo of your real desk08:53
lotuspsychjei can make that too LtWorf08:53
LtWorfi suppose you can, yes :D08:54
lotuspsychjeLtWorf: https://imgur.com/a/UiqAZ08:58
LtWorfso tidy, i have wires and things all over the place :D08:59
lotuspsychjewow neat09:08
LtWorfnow i feel compelled to take one too09:22
LtWorfbut i share the room at work09:22
BluesKajHi Folks10:06
TJ-JimBuntu: we have purple1 in #ubuntu-kernel... beginning now to look like a bot quoting random messages10:38
BluesKajhi TJ-, LtWorf10:39
JimBuntuIt could be.10:42
BluesKajseems so alright , JimBuntu, TJ-10:46
TJ-JimBuntu: maybe it's going through a translator, the language is weird. The client is from St Louis, Missouri, so I'd have expected better grasp of English10:46
BluesKajyup, charter.com10:46
JimBuntuI don't think it's a translator. I'm leaning toward bot or bot-like troll myself now.10:46
JimBuntuWe'll see if the "says JimBuntu MSG: 43" winds up in another repsonse10:47
BluesKajthink the line,  "possibly binary swap error in your thought pattern" gives it away as a bot10:48
TJ-The questions in #ubuntu-kernel were about locating the original 14.04 ISOs and then finding which kernel version is included. Seemed legit but then has gone off at a steep tangent10:48
JimBuntuTJ-, this took all of 2 minutes - http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04.0/    so, I don't think it's a legit question for #ubuntu-kernel, but hey, people ask all kinds of stuff without a single bit of leg work10:52
TJ-right, I told him to move to #ubuntu and he/it did, which was why I can't be sure11:01
BluesKajTJ-, just trying to make it simple :-)11:12
TJ-It sometimes amazes me we ever get any computer to do anything!11:15
TJ-it's a good job I've got a serial console on this APU! couldn't reach it via hostname due to some mDNS issue where it wasn't advertising itself11:15
TJ-quite weird seeing the Ubuntu MOTD over serial though; I'm so used to seeing some custom embedded Linux kludge that doesn't work correctly!11:15
JimBuntuI still use different MOTDs for each machine, I'll hopefully never get tired of ASCII graphics (or ANSI for that matter)11:17
TJ-It's refreshing to know I've got a full GNU userspace11:24
lotuspsychjeducasse: looks like the desk of Neo :p11:26
JimBuntuYou all make me want to clean up my workspaces, lol. I would be embarrassed to show a pic of mine right now. Even more so to show the electronics bench.11:29
TJ-grrr, more bugs! found the cause of the mDNS losing resolution: "avahi-daemon: Host name conflict, retrying with apu2-2" (host is "apu2")11:29
TJ-JimBuntu: don't go there! I can't move on mine11:29
* lordievader dislikes mDNS11:30
lordievaderSure the idea is nice, but in practice it is just more trouble.11:30
TJ-I need to clear a space to swap over a display - dropped my PDA in the sink whilst shaving and listening to audiobook!11:30
lotuspsychjeJimBuntu: i got a business, so it has to be a bit clean :p11:30
lotuspsychjeTJ-: bug url?11:31
TJ-I'm looking for one now11:32
* lotuspsychje is listening to jamendo.com lounge radion11:33
TJ-Oh gawd! avahi is /another/ project from a Canonical employee that seems to have lost interest!11:36
TJ-virtually nothing substantial committed since May/July 2017 https://github.com/lathiat/avahi/commits/master11:37
lotuspsychjeJimBuntu: they say, messy ppl are the most creative ones :p11:39
lotuspsychjeeinstein had a messy desk too!11:39
BluesKajwell, it shows they are  busy at least :-)11:39
daftykinswith so many project cancellations, what are any of them doing? o011:40
BluesKajsomeone mentioned that canonical is losing some key employees these days11:43
JimBuntuI'm mostly messy due to rapid task switching. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that nearly 50% of my tasks/projects get put on the back burner for some new fire that has to be put out or some data analysis that needs to be in someones eyes asap.11:43
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I have heard of many leaving the nest, yes.11:43
BluesKajheh id a messy desk/office means creativity and genius I wonder what a clean empty desk means ? :-)11:44
TJ-JimBuntu: same here, task-switching is a killer11:45
TJ-Mine is more recent laziness.. can't be bothered to clear up because it just means shuffling it to some hidden location where it'll be forgotten11:45
JimBuntuI had started to adopt a method where for hardware, I would box and label everything with some notes about shared items that couldn't be boxed and here was the unexpected, I would brain storm words, didn't matter if I saw the connection at the time. That somehow helped me remember everything else about what I was doing, once I was able to re-start. Luckily, slowed on the HW stuff.11:47
TJ-avahi issue looks to be https://github.com/lathiat/avahi/issues/11711:50
TJ-comment on 2 May by callegar reports the same thing I'm seeing11:50
TJ-gah, goes back to 2011! bug #83102212:00
ubot5`bug 831022 in avahi (Ubuntu) "avahi daemon erroneously assumes host name conflicts (and causes more trouble then)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83102212:00
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: got an uefi issue in #ubuntu+112:59
daftykinsooh his favourite :)13:50
lotuspsychjethe uefi wizard :p13:51
lotuspsychjehey nacc pragmaticenigma14:11
* pragmaticenigma wonders why !best was deleted... seems still applicable today15:07
pragmaticenigmaof course I ask that just as someone who might have the answer rejoins :-P15:07
immuhi EriC^^16:24
immuhi ducasse16:24
immuhi daftykins16:24
EriC^^hi immu16:24
immuhey EriC^^ whats up16:24
immuis ubuntu 18.04 out?16:24
ubot5`Not yet!16:24
immuhow much more days left? shouldn't it out by yet16:25
EriC^^til around april 2316:25
lotuspsychjeimmu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule16:25
lotuspsychjeimmu: have you chosen your flavor yet?16:25
immunope i am on solus16:27
lotuspsychjeyour not gonna install beaver immu ?16:27
immubecause of Gnome , nope16:28
lotuspsychjeshame on you16:28
lotuspsychjewhy do you await its out then?16:28
immujust tracking16:28
EriC^^i am both excited and scared of 18.04 release16:29
immuwhy so EriC^^16:29
lotuspsychjeyeah its double feeling16:29
immuwhen unity was declared dead i also died with it16:29
lotuspsychjeunity aint dead yet16:29
EriC^^there's possibility of shittiness, also might be cool and new features16:29
EriC^^i dunno i might use gnome on the other laptop for a while with 18.04 and if i like it maybe i'll switch, hard to imagine now16:30
immuits a LTS release16:30
lotuspsychjethey did a good job already making gnome a better feeling16:31
lotuspsychjebut not perfect yet16:31
immuso its on the 29th16:32
immuso got time to stablize16:32
lotuspsychjeimmu: 26th16:33
immubut i keep donating to various open source projects including ubuntu16:33
lotuspsychjemy bank number is...16:34
lotuspsychjedonations always welcome16:35
immulotuspsychje, make unity on ubuntu happ again and i will16:37
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-unity-desktop bionic | immu16:43
ubot5`immu: ubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)16:43
lotuspsychjeimmu: its back! gimme my money now16:43
lotuspsychjeimmu: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-unity-desktop-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux16:44
pragmaticenigmawhy would anyone want Unity... this I don't understand16:46
lotuspsychjeflavors for everyone pragmaticenigma16:47
immulotuspsychje, here $$$$$16:48
daftykinsmasochism is free! 8D16:48
pragmaticenigmafor me personally, unity always felt half baked and so much parallel with Gnome that I just didn't see what differentiated the two enough to warrent separation16:48
lotuspsychjelogical for a gnome fork16:49
pragmaticenigmabut what was being done different? other than the launcher?16:50
immumany things16:51
immuit took me days to recover from the initial shock of the news.16:51
* lotuspsychje calls an ambulance16:51
daftykinsi suspect they wanted it to have its' own personal look, from a branding perspective16:51
daftykinsbranding and identity16:51
daftykinsplus the original plan to have things look the same between desktop and mobile16:52
daftykinsif i could look over your shoulder and see a desktop that was unique, i might ask "wow what's that you're using?"16:52
pragmaticenigmathe only thing I potentially saw was their idea of the same interface from mobile to desktop16:52
daftykinsbut instead it's more "oh dear Tux what IS that?" :D16:53
* BluesKaj avoids al the unity-gnome falderal by running kde/plasma :-)16:55
BluesKajnever liked gnome from the get-go in 2005...looked cartooney to me16:56
BluesKajand hated the panel at the top16:58
BluesKajjust to be different than windows methinks16:59
lotuspsychjei tested alot of them17:00
lotuspsychjeand i wanna use vanilla ubuntu-desktop17:00
lotuspsychjewhatever it is17:00
pragmaticenigmato avoid some looney copyright, trademark infringement... they had to make it less "windows like"17:00
BluesKaja lot of users accused kde of being too much like windows, but i don't recall hearing about any lawsuits against it17:03
immuunity is what made ubuntu cool and useful17:07
xanguaSo use unity17:07
oerheksmake ubuntu like windows: make sudo passwordless, and install avg :-D17:07
BluesKajheh ...think canonical is trying that oerheks :-)17:11
immuxangua, if a official release is out17:12
xanguaBut they put the window buttons at the left!17:16
lotuspsychjebbl tv17:16
xanguaimmu: I'm still using 16.04, don't know what I'll use when support ends tho17:17
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, you already can make sudo password less17:18
JimBuntupragmaticenigma, Do you suggest that become default? That would be a funny default, and open SSH for password-less login, simply default to root if no other user is provided. I would call it the powershell edition17:20
pragmaticenigmanot saying default, I'm saying it can already be done17:20
oerheksi like bing, somehow .. https://blog.launchpad.net/general/launchpad-security-advisory-cross-site-scripting-in-site-search17:21
pragmaticenigmaThere are distros that autoinstall a user with passwordless sudo17:21
pragmaticenigmathere was once upon a time a linux distro that looked exactly like Windows XP, installer and all looked and felt like you were installing Windows... might still have the name of it in my notes somewhere17:22
JimBuntupragmaticenigma, whoa, I haven't seen one of those, that I can remember. A distro that defaulted to passwordless sudo. and yes, I figured you meant by changing the /etc/sudoers file regarding going passwordless.17:25
immubrb need to get aunt from airport :)17:25
BluesKajpragmaticenigma, zorin OS perhaps?17:32
pragmaticenigmapredates Zorin17:33
pragmaticenigmaI think it was called Redmond Linux BluesKaj JimBuntu17:37
JimBuntuThat would make sense.17:39
JimBuntupragmaticenigma, had you ever checked out Slax? I thought it was pretty nice back in the day and configured a bunch of peoples machines to multi-boot with customized versions for them. non-persistant mostly.17:40
BluesKajI vaguely recall something about that distro, but it was released before I discovered linux17:40
pragmaticenigmaI keep hoping MenuetOS will take off someday17:42
JimBuntuWhat I liked about Slax was that they had a web site where you picked your base and then selected what additional software you wanted, it took care of the depends/etc and created a custom ISO for you. If they didn't have what you wanted, they made it fairly easy to re-package things. The downside was that few if any of the packages were coming from the original authors... so always a little dubious18:02
pragmaticenigmaDoesn't OpenSuSE have something like that though?18:08
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu, https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Creating_customized_installation_source18:08
JimBuntuthank you pragmaticenigma.18:13
ubot5`pong is an old atari game. It's fun!19:31
JimBuntudarn, we need a !ching esponse19:34
JimBuntu!pm | ubot5`19:35
ubot5`ubot5`: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.19:35
EriC^^when is 18.04 being released again19:45
ubot5`Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+119:45
ubot5`Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases19:45
naccit's in about 2 weeks19:45
EriC^^ah thanks nacc19:45
JimBuntu!party | EriC^^19:53
ubot5`EriC^^: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/19:53
pragmaticenigma18.04 - April 26th - EriC^^20:14
EriC^^thank you pragmaticenigma20:15
summergirlIs this a free society where one can speak freely without being silence?22:49
daftykinsas long as the penguins aren't harmed, all is well22:50
naccsummergirl: trolling?22:51
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
summergirlnacc: You feel having grievenences is trolling?22:51
naccsummergirl: what grievance do you have?22:52
naccsummergirl: your statement reads very much like trolling, given this is an Ubuntu related discussion channel22:52
summergirlYes, that's how it starts, you make a suggestion, other people read it22:53
daftykinsno i think it starts with a question22:53
naccsummergirl: ... you didn't even make a suggestion22:54
naccsummergirl: you made a non-sequitur question for the channel22:54
naccsummergirl: *this*, being an IRC channel, is not a sociey22:54
naccsummergirl: so, in fact, you asked a vacuous question.22:54
summergirlAs I said, is it a free society, where one can speak freely without being silence, you suggest trolling, that's a trend by open source.... Why I was reluctant to come here because I was fully aware these kinda behavior you would expect here22:55
=== summergirl is now known as bugzbunny
kostkondamn we fell for it22:57
nacci guess so22:57
kostkonwe did, i did anyway22:57
bugzbunnyI asked freenode to kline me22:57
bugzbunnyThey not doing it22:57
naccbugzbunny: why?22:57
bugzbunnyBecause I believe in free society22:58
naccgood lord22:58
nacctrolls galore today22:58
bugzbunnyThat wasn't a lie22:58
naccbugzbunny: just quite the service? why do you need a kline?22:58
bugzbunnyI've been on freenode for over 5 years22:58
naccbah, quit22:58
naccbugzbunny: so?22:58
naccbugzbunny: also, this is neither 'high quality' nor 'on-topic'22:59
bugzbunnyI've been kline roughly 30 times22:59
bugzbunnyBut as I told freenode staff members, I believe in something23:00
bugzbunnyThat won't change23:00
naccwhat the heck does that have to do with ubuntu or anything else23:01
naccbugzbunny: just go away?23:01
bugzbunnyI don't support you idea about shoeing people away, I feel you destroy the dundementals about what's mean to be _part_ of the open source community23:03
naccbugzbunny: i am not "shooing" you away23:06
naccbugzbunny: you are asking the network ops to kline yhou23:06
naccafaict, you are 'shooing' yourself away23:06
naccwhich i don't understand at all23:06
kostkonis alcohol intoxidation at play here. quite possible i say23:06
nacckostkon: it is friday (at least here, it is)23:06
kostkonthat's why i said it23:07
bugzbunnyIn #ubuntu23:07
kostkonbugzbunny, if you feel disoriented, you are currently in #ubuntu-discuss, fyi23:08
bugzbunnyI read the guidelines a few times23:10
naccbugzbunny: so?23:11
bugzbunnyI just read again, nothing does it say, 'we won't help you if you don't use software from our repositories'?23:11
naccbugzbunny: what is 'ubuntu'?23:12
naccit's a distribution of software23:12
naccthe official channel for said software would support what is in it23:13
naccnot random other stuff23:13
naccpretty sure you're just trolling for trolling's sake.23:13
bugzbunnyExactly like I said earlier23:13
naccbugzbunny: what do you disagree with about what I just wrote?23:14
naccbugzbunny: we don't support Windows in #ubuntu here, do you have a problem with that?23:14
bugzbunnyNo, your culture got your mind set23:14
bugzbunnyIt doesn't matter what I say, if go against the grain23:14
naccso 'no, I don't disagree with what you said'?23:15
naccbugzbunny: i'm asking you a simple and direct question.23:15
bugzbunnyNo, you won't listen and attack me23:15
naccbugzbunny: in what way did I 'attack' you?23:15
bugzbunnyThere is no point, as I've already said, there is nothing in Guidles that says, 'we won't help you if you using anything else besides what we have in our repositories'23:16
naccbugzbunny: we support "ubuntu" in the official ubuntu channel23:17
naccbugzbunny: are you asking about things that are not in ubuntu?23:17
bugzbunny There is nothing I read on IRC Guidelines that says 'we will not help no one who don't install software from Ubuntu repositories'23:18
bugzbunnyIf that's the case23:19
bugzbunnyMake it clear on Ubuntu.com23:20
bugzbunnySo that you don't have those people keep comming in #ubuntu no?23:20
slidinghornbugzbunny has been a troll for the past couple weeks23:20
bugzbunnyslidinghorn: Proof23:20
oerheks^^ proof23:21
nacc"These guidelines do not cover every single aspect of the Ubuntu channels' etiquette"23:21
bugzbunnyAsk Dax when I last joined23:21
naccwhich feels like use some basic logic23:21
naccthe 'official ubuntu support channel' supports 'ubuntu';23:21
naccnot all of linux23:21
naccnot all of computing23:21
naccbugzbunny: do you disagree with what ubuntu is?23:21
oerheksla la la lonely people23:21
bugzbunnyI disagree with you, I don't disagree about Ubuntu23:22
naccbugzbunny: ...23:22
naccbugzbunny: so you admit to asking offtopic questions?23:22
bugzbunnyBecause Ubuntu should make it clear in their help section that, Ubuntu Implicility support only software from Ubuntu repositories23:22
naccbugzbunny: what?23:24
naccbugzbunny: 1) the official ubuntu support channel supports ubuntu only23:24
naccbugzbunny: 2) ubuntu is defined to be a set of software shipped in the ubuntu repositories23:24
oerhekslolz, universe and restricted are not supported by ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu23:24
kostkonbugzbunny, file the report then23:25
naccbugzbunny: 3) therefore the offiicial ubuntu support channel supports the set of software shipped in the ubuntu repositories.23:25
naccbugzbunny: so ... you have no issue then?23:25
bugzbunnyChange the /topic in #ubuntu in the channel that makes that clear too23:25
naccbugzbunny: it's a literal logical conclusion. which you seem to be unwilling to make?23:25
bugzbunnyNo, this is the only distribution, out of all distributions from ArchLinux to Fedora to OpenSUSE23:27
leftyfbtellin ya. It's the downspiral of IRC in general. All the other networks are slowing down in popularity. All the trolls come to freenode now because it's got more people to aggravate.23:28
leftyfbHad this same discussion in another channel today due to the same issue ... different trolls23:28
bugzbunnyThis the only distribution community I've read that is bars people from dicussing software that is not directly come from Ubuntu repositories23:28
naccbugzbunny: ok, so don't use ubuntu?23:29
leftyfbbugzbunny: you answered the question yourself there bugzbunny23:29
leftyfb#ubuntu is not a discussion channel23:29
leftyfbIt is a support channel23:29
leftyfbfor ONLY ubuntu23:29
bugzbunnynacc: So this is not Free society23:30
leftyfbbugzbunny: this is not a society. This is a chatroom23:30
naccbugzbunny: what? you can choose to use ubuntu or not23:30
naccit's friday, and i'm almost eod.23:31
bugzbunnyI never give on Freenode for the past 523:31
nacci think you're being ridiculous bugzbunny and are in my mind a troll. I'm putting you in my /ignore. I hope you have a nice weekend.23:31
bugzbunny30 linkes23:31
leftyfbbugzbunny: if you need help with or want to discuss klines, go to #freenode23:32
leftyfbbugzbunny: that is the more appropriate place23:32
bugzbunnySo, you have a culture that you refuse to change and you guys believe it's beneficial for the community23:32
bugzbunnyPersonally, I think UBuntu should withdraw being open source23:32
slidinghornbugzbunny: I think you might not know what "open source" means, in that case23:33
oerheksUbuntu is not a democracy, it's a meritocracy23:33
oerheksor crazy23:33
leftyfboerheks: as much as I disagree with trolls, I do verymuch dislike that idea23:34
bugzbunnyI know what exactly, since I've been around for this long, not as long as most23:34
oerheksMark is the only dictator i like.23:34
leftyfbI've worked with/for him23:35
bugzbunnyBut I am well aware what open source means, especially to me, Ubuntu is a commercial company, perhaps it should withdraw from the open source community23:35
leftyfbhad a discussion with him about this sort of thing as well ... we agreed to disagree23:35
oerheks* canonical is commercial, ubuntu is the community23:35
hggdhbugzbunny: Ubunut is not a commercial company. You have gotten your pointers mixed23:36
leftyfbanyway, done feeding the trolls for today23:36
leftyfbbugzbunny: good luck getting klined ... I hope you achieve your goal23:36
bugzbunnyI mean Canonical and Ubuntu is part of their offering23:37
bugzbunnyMeaning that, if they deviate from the norms of open source community, perhaps they should withdraw23:38
hggdhI agree, But, since it is still free software, mostly GNU, Ubuntu does not deviate23:38
hggdhbugzbunny: let's go back to what caused your issue in #ubuntu. The #ubuntu channel is reserved for support of Ubuntu and official derivates. This is clear from the topic.23:40
hggdhbugzbunny: it does not matter if you agree or not, this is the rule of the game23:40
hggdhand... it is enforced, as you found out.23:41
bugzbunnyYou mean in code, that doesn't mean anything in atmosphere23:42
hggdhif you have a Ubuntu (or official derivative) support or questions, then #ubuntu can help. But if you want to discuss what is, or is not free software, and who has, or has not signed the code of conduct, then #ubuntu is NOT the channel23:42
bugzbunnyI've been there for weeks23:42
hggdhI know23:43
bugzbunnyThat was never the problem23:43
hggdhand more and more you went borderline on your iteractions23:43
bugzbunnyBut saying that 'we help you because you don't use software from out repositories'23:43
bugzbunnyYou ban me bacause I asked you signed the code of conduct23:43
hggdh#ubuntu is meant, directed, and exclusive for support issues on Ubuntu. From official repositories23:44
slidinghornbugzbunny: When someone asks about off-topic software, they're almost always directed toward a channel that can more aptly help them...many of which have Ubuntu volunteers within them23:44
hggdhyou were kicked from the channel because you insisted in going off-topic23:44
bugzbunnyMy problem with that slidinghorn23:45
bugzbunnyIs that, will they get help there?23:45
bugzbunnyYou guys say #ubuntu-offtopic23:46
slidinghornbugzbunny: it's not the reponsibility of Ubuntu volunteers to help with non-ubuntu software23:46
slidinghornbugzbunny: and yes, when you were consistently going off-topic in the channel, people politely asked you numerous times to either stop, or take your off-topic conversation to a channel where it is more suited.23:47
slidinghornyou refused, and were kicked as a result23:47
bugzbunnyI would help them23:47
bugzbunnyI WILL23:47
slidinghornthen help them in appropriate channels.  #ubuntu isn't the appropriate channel23:47
hggdhbugzbunny: let's try a gedankenexperiment: what would happen if you went to ##python, and asked about a Perl problem?23:47
oerhekssuch a waste of energy, this conversation23:48
oerheksyou can always seek hlelp in ##linux, they help all distros and sources23:48
kostkonoerheks, as long as there's energy to waste, let it rooooollll :P23:49
slidinghornfound the American... :P23:49
bugzbunnyI agree with ##linux23:49
slidinghornthen why are you sealioning here?23:49
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, to a degree that is true, but ##linux also will redirect to more appropriate rooms when they don't have the answer or feel a different forum is better suited23:49
bugzbunnyI stop using Linux because of you guys23:53
slidinghorntroll confirmed.23:54
bugzbunnyBut Now, let me reboot to Ubuntu23:54
* slidinghorn is out.23:54
hggdhplease do not blame us for yourown decisions23:54
oerheksthe score is 219346 - 223:54
bugzbunnyNah, I calm down, it's you dialog for the most part that change my mind23:55
bugzbunnyhggdh: ^23:55
oerheksthe other one needs skype-business23:55
hggdhbugzbunny: and, for the record, if someone is an ops in an Ubuntu core channel, then this someone HAS signed the CoC23:56
slidinghornbugzbunny: how about you answer hggdh's question from earlier:  If you went to ##python and started asking them about Perl problems, what would happen?23:56
bugzbunnyIf no one is around can I still help them?23:58
hggdhbugzbunny: you can always help, and it will always be welcome. But *keep* on-topic23:59

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