
Hieronymus81hello, is anybody here?02:52
Hieronymus81i'm having trouble with grub; the menu doesn't work unless i go straight into ubuntu; can't access Windows 10, any ideas what could be going wrong?03:04
qwererfrrthytyif many not problem04:20
qwererfrrthyty"if many not problem" it isn't necessary. I have accidentally published.04:25
mk_Hello, i've installed Ubuntu Mate on my Raspberry Pi 3 today, but i can't use the terminal04:53
mk_I need the root password04:53
mk_It keeps asking me for one04:53
mk_''[sudo] password for *user''04:53
mk_Can someone help me to fix this?04:54
alkisgmk_: there's no root password, that's the user password it asks for05:30
vnicent_casselHi #ubuntu-mate.08:32
vnicent_casselI want to install a new machine and I don't want to reinstall in 10 days. If I install beta2 of Bionic do I need to do something once it enters stable phase? Something like "apt --install-new-packages". Thkx.08:32
alkisgvnicent_cassel: normal updates will get you to the same state as a final installation08:36
alkisgYou can do normal updates from the UI or with apt full-upgrade08:36
vnicent_casselalkisg: All right. Solved my doubt. Thank you!08:44
=== Menzie is now known as Menzador
arm1ecan anyone tell me why the notification applet in the panel ignores the panel colour/transparency in most themes?15:03
mate|32563Hello, How can I use expose style windows preivew/ switching?15:06
=== larry__ is now known as lapaga
TacoGSAnyone else have an issue where software updater says your connection has failed and when you hit OK it works anyways?15:43
pavlosusing caja to show Network neighborhood ... is blank16:08
tacogs_Do you know if the detection is enabled on the other systems or netbios ports are blocked or not?16:11
pavlosall other computers (mix of win, 16.04) see all computers and shares. ufw if off16:13
pavlosI can issue a smb://computer/share and that works16:14
pavlosin caja16:14
tacogs_I am not sure if my network has it enabled to try.16:15
pavlosthis is on 18.04b2, I edited WORKGROUP in smb.conf and started smbd and nmbd ... that's it.16:16
=== os2mac_ is now known as os2mac
arm1ecan anyone tell me why the notification applet in the panel ignores the panel colour/transparency in most themes?20:46
mate|74065hello cant find airplane mode on ubuntu-mate22:20
lapagaIs it possible to install gnome-boxes in 18.04? So far what I have tried crashes before it opens22:35
sixwheeledbeastI don't know if there is a "airplane mode" for mate.22:39
sixwheeledbeastif you run from a terminal does it show why it crashes?22:40
lapagaI have not yet22:40
lapagaWhat is airplane mode?22:41

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