
guiverci'd usually blank gdoc when I started next-issue (or Simon/Lyz would too)00:02
pleia2gdoc == google doc, the one I linked to the other day :)00:03
Bashing-omguiverc: *NOT* the process as I had envisioned . Will have to don my learning cap. Will take some time on my part :)00:04
Bashing-ompleia2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ZbtFHQq6uMj7iuRLd11VH8V5Uc_FA0IfgiRUcbMbQk/edit ??00:04
pleia2that's the one00:05
guivercBashing-om: as in i didn't answer the question you were asking?  or my process (which was Lyz's really, and is documented on wiki) wasn't what you imagined00:05
guiverc(during the week prior to copy to gdoc, I'd keep the list on a local file (text-editor), feeds I saw on g+ (i use it) I'd share to 'ubuntu.posts' where I could find later) - these I'd copy to gdoc on friday-collection...)00:08
Bashing-omguiverc: I have read all I can .. and I remain as dumb as a box of rocks as to how to get this done .00:09
guiverchow can I help - would you like me to populate gdoc some?  or how?00:10
Bashing-omgot to be away for a bit .. back soonest . guiverc that process of populating gdoc has me befuzzled - But I have yet to even load the cart, much less hitch up the horses .00:12
guivercmost of links came from liferea or my rss feeds starting with "planet ubuntu" etc...  google-alerts [daily] were lucky to add 1 per week, my g+ feed got a few but many were also in rss.feeds00:13
guiverchttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies  was the wiki i followed (by Lyz); paulw2u helped guide heaps, gdoc was just blanked (templates in wiki relate to later wiki stages)00:27
Bashing-omguiverc: Thanks heaps .. I go and read again :) - reading is good -00:33
guiverci spent much time evaulating articles (picking the best; we avoided duplicates of same info, avoided howto's etc) - more time doing this than actually looking for articles (on news-occuring weeks anyway, esp. release times)00:35
krytarikWild_Man, Bashing-om: https://git.launchpad.net/~krytarik/uwn/+git/uwn - here it is.01:43
krytariktsimonq2: https://code.launchpad.net/~uwn/uwn/+git/uwn - care to drop this now after having been moved to the right namespace?01:48
krytarikErm, except that is the right one - only this view is slightly confusing.. >_>01:56
krytarikhttps://code.launchpad.net/uwn , that is.01:56
Wild_ManThanks krytarik getting it now01:58
Bashing-omkrytarik: looking :)02:04
Wild_Mankrytarik, all scripts are in this  git clone https://git.launchpad.net/uwn ?02:08
krytarikI might or might not a bit later on 1.) add any details to the commit message, and 2.) make a few more changes - but this is good enough for me right now to save a state. :)02:10
krytarikWild_Man: That's the main repo, yes - but how to clone mine is stated on its own page I just linked.02:13
Wild_Manokay, looking02:14
tsimonq2krytarik: I can Just Merge your commit if you want.02:15
Wild_Mankrytarik, do I have to be logged to read the directions to get the scripts? because I do not see any directions and I a few days ago I redid my computer and now I can not log into launchpad02:23
krytarikSorry, was reading backlog here.. :)02:25
pleia2Wild_Man: you can browse the cold here, no login required https://git.launchpad.net/uwn/tree/02:26
pleia2my door is open ;)02:26
Wild_Manthanks pleia202:26
krytariktsimonq2: Well, regardless of what I just said about its state, I've tested the whole thing extensively, also with diffs between before and now - so if you also figure it's good enough as is, feel free to go forward and merge yes. :)02:29
tsimonq2krytarik: Does it work?02:30
Wild_Manwe should wait for the merge to be done before getting the scripts?02:31
tsimonq2You can just git pull when I grab the commit.02:31
krytariktsimonq2: I believe I indicated so, yes.. :D02:31
tsimonq2krytarik: OK, grabbing.02:32
tsimonq2krytarik: .02:37
Wild_ManI cloned it but no idea what to do with it or how to find where it was cloned on my computer. Can I copy each one to my text editor and save them in my home folder give them execution permission then run for example this command ./publish-uwn.pl 520 to run the scripts?02:54
krytarik'git clone' by default clones into the working directory in the terminal you run it from - so the created repo directory will be literally under your nose after having run it.02:57
krytarikAnd that will be named just "uwn" in this case.02:58
Wild_Manthat is why I could not find it, but I have now03:00
Wild_ManI am testing it on 520 should this command run the script  ./publish-uwn.pl 52003:03
Wild_ManI found the readme file woot03:08
Wild_ManI will take this up more tomorrow but from what I read we copy the letter from the wiki into our text editor then run the command say the one for the forum and it formats it for the forum then we post it correct? we need to do the same for each place we are posting the letter?03:17
pleia2that's right03:18
pleia2and one of us old people can walk through the release the first time to answer any questions03:19
Wild_Manpleia2, yes I knew one of you would, I am getting it now that I have the scripts on my computer and finally found them03:20
Wild_Manthis is a process03:20
Wild_Mandoes one person usually publish to all venues?03:20
tsimonq2Yep, typically.03:21
tsimonq2We can tag team though.03:21
pleia2yeah, depends on who is available, if a couple of us were around at release time we'd typically split the work03:21
Wild_ManI will do that unless someone wants to help out03:22
pleia2but it was often just one person03:22
krytarikWild_Man: No, once the wiki page for the new issue is there, you only run the script once as you noted, and a subdirectory like "issues/520/" will be filled with everything you need.03:22
Wild_ManI will test in a few minutes I need to see if I can ping popey and ask him if he will add Bashing-om to the wiki editors team03:23
Wild_ManBashing-om, hopefully popey can add you to the wiki editors team soon, I posted in chat for him03:27
Bashing-omWild_Man: We make progress .. working on getting step one done :)03:29
Wild_ManI received an error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vy85SPgsy6/ looks like I need to install some dependencies, if so is there one package that has them all?03:39
krytarikYeah ok, you pulled it from the main repo before my changes got in - had this before too, dropped the use of it.03:42
krytarikShould just be able to "git pull" now though.03:43
Wild_Mando I need to delete the other first or will it be overwritten03:43
krytarikWild_Man: No, just pull.03:45
Wild_Manpleia2, to post the UWN on FB and twitter we have to be added have the passwords or be added as an admin to those accounts correct?03:45
Wild_Manthanks krytarik, should be an easy fix03:45
pleia2Wild_Man: for facebook you get added as an admin, for Twitter we can add your account as one that has access via tweetdeck03:46
Wild_Manokay, I figured being added as an admin was the case for FB but was not sure for twitter03:47
Wild_ManI use the forums twitter account but I guess I need to make sure mine still works so I can use it instead03:48
* pleia2 nods03:48
Wild_ManI am going off line for tonight, thanks everyone for the help03:59
Bashing-omOff for the night also - take care all \o06:09
krytarikIt occurred to me that it might be beneficial to make ~uwn a member of ~ubuntu-wiki-editors..17:06
tsimonq2krytarik: Seems sane.18:09
Bashing-omIk team, fdoc: the headlunes are in and summaries done . See what yall think , And I have a glitch in the "Other Community News" section where it is hightlighted. No idea what I did wrong here .20:14
Bashing-omAs I have the time I will see what I can find to fill in the vacant sections .20:17
pleia2just a couple suggestions, you want to avoid editorializing, so instead of saying "Great news for..." you'll want to be more balanced, it's not "Great" it's just news :) and "Yeah team !" is a bit out of place20:21
pleia2And we do strive for 2-3 sentence summaries, so the article about the wallpapers may want to include a few more details from the article20:23
pleia2I did some formatting fix-ups, and moved some of the 3rd party articles down into the "In the Press" section (General News is only from official Ubuntu/Ubuntu Member sources)20:24
pleia2also be sure to add your name to the credits at the bottom of the document :)20:25
Bashing-ompleia2: :) Was but a rough draft 1st time thing .. will go back and polish :))20:26
pleia2in general it was a good first pass, thanks for your work :)20:27
Bashing-ompleia2: What is the rational in credits for our real name ? After all we are better known ,generally, by our nicks ?21:08
pleia2you can use whatever name you're most comfortable with being known in public as21:09
pleia2I just said "name" there to clarify that it's a list that will land in print, not something like a launchpad ID21:09
pleia2"print" :)21:09
pleia2but it doesn't have to be your legal name21:10
Bashing-ompleia2: I just note that the former publishers used their names :) only a convention ?21:11
pleia2I think most of the past editors have simply come from parts of the community where our legal names are how people know us :)21:12
tsimonq2(Simon isn't my legal name. :) )21:12
pleia2I understand the forums are a bit different21:12
Bashing-ompleia2: Be acceptable to me for no credit .. as my function is to serve . But if credit is due will be to Bashing-om as I am active by that moniker on several fronts .21:20
pleia2using your nickname is perfectly fine :)21:21
Bashing-ompleia2: K. .. have made the suggested changes - inward to see what I can find to flesh out the remaining content .21:25
Bashing-omPretty neat - https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/ut-tweak-tool-109 . Do we want to make a new catagory ?21:34
pleia2that kind of article goes into "Other Community News"21:35
Bashing-ompleia2: Sounds good :)21:37
Wild_ManBashing-om, I have been tweeting about them since the took over the ubuntu touch project and unity 8, they are focusing on ubuntu touch mostly I think I have not seen much about unity 8 on computers but it fits nicely21:51
Wild_Mankrytarik, I never did get the script to complete successfully, I am doing something wrong21:56
Bashing-omWild_Man: What am I doing un-right in gdoc "Other Community News" un that my addition is being highlighted ?21:59
Bashing-omWild_Man: Being a chore to make up the UT summary .. working on it !22:00
Wild_ManI am not sure Bashing-om I only briefly used gdoc and it has been years, I imagine though you have chosen highlighting in a setting22:15
pleia2just highlight it, right click and select "Clear formatting" when that happens22:16
pleia2sometimes formatting gets stuck somewhere in the doc, Google Docs is trying to be helpful by remembering it ;)22:16
Bashing-ompleia2: Workie ^^ Glad was not an error on my part :)22:20
Wild_Manpleia2, what is considered the right amount of content and how do we know if there is to much?22:20
Wild_Manthe wiki system is a little glitchy as you will find out basq22:21
pleia2Wild_Man: the real limit you have is how many people are willing to write summaries22:21
pleia2I've never seen an instance where I felt there were too many articles about Ubuntu (we don't publish general linux or open source stuff, that WOULD be too much, and there are plenty of other publications out there that do that)22:21
Wild_Manpleia2, okay I have asked a coouple of more people if they would consider helping, waiting to hear back from them22:22
Wild_Manit is okay to publish news about all the official ubuntu flavors?22:23
pleia2yeah, those are on topic22:23
pleia2derivatives like Mint aren't22:23
Wild_Manthat is easy for me then, same as on the forum, we allow all posts but we move them to there own section22:24
Wild_Manhere we just do not write about them at all22:24
Wild_Manpleia2, does the script retrieve the ask ubuntu stats as I think it does?22:38
pleia2Wild_Man: there are scripts for askubuntu and security-and-updates, but the publish script doesn't run those since they need to be added to the wiki page before publishing starts22:40
Wild_Manpleia2, okay I thought the ask ubuntu script was separate, I wonder if a script can be made to retrieve the most asks and answered questions from the forum? I know it would probably be hard to do the way the forum is made22:43
pleia2I think that would be a great addition if it were possible, but I've never seen such a thing, it would need an API endpoint or something to query22:44
Wild_Manafter we get things going I hope we can implement a script that will do it, I am thinking have it take the most asked and answered questions from the busiest sub-forums and not the whole forum necessarily maybe that will make it easier to do22:47
* pleia2 nods22:48
Wild_ManI see the launchpad news I posted was moved, I was not sure about that but the wiki page said to put it in the Planet section new because the launchpad section is not included anymore, thanks for moving it22:56
pleia2sorry, just tidying up :) it looks like there was a duplicate for that one22:58
Wild_ManI thought there might have been, but when I looked I did not see it22:59
Wild_Manit is okay to add the launchpad section back in for future reference?23:00
pleia2we removed it because the news was incredibly rare, and I think it still is23:00
pleia2section proliferation was a problem for a while :)23:01
Wild_ManI see23:02
pleia2so the criteria now tends to be we want at least 2-3 articles per week for a section to remain viable23:02
Wild_Manthat works for me23:03
Wild_Manpleia2, is this how the templates will look before we start editing them https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/IssueTemplate23:04
pleia2though I want to be clear, I haven't been very involved in some time, I'm offering insight from a historical perspective as to how/why we did things, the new team here can make decisions about things outside of what I think23:04
pleia2Wild_Man: yeah23:04
Wild_Manunderstood thanks23:06

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