
widpmy installation of git doesn't come with the user manual.00:07
widphow do I install this?00:07
widpI am on 16.0400:07
leftyfbwidp: man git00:09
widpI did info git00:09
widpI saw a link to html manual pages and concepts at the end.00:10
=== nubcake is now known as nubcake_
oerheksman git, or https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/git.html00:10
=== nubcake_ is now known as nubcake
widpI couldn't find those files on my system.00:10
leftyfbwidp: man git00:10
widpeven man git has the same links00:11
widpbut not on my system00:11
widpat the end in the NOTES section, I see file:///user/share/doc/git/html/user-manual.html mentioned00:12
widpwhich also contains a section on git-concepts, but I don't see these on my system.00:12
pragmaticenigmawidp, what are you trying to do with git that you need the manual for?00:12
slidinghornwidp: man git IS the manual00:13
widppragmaticenigma: trying to understand git, what else?00:13
nubcakei'm trying to restore an image created by clonezilla to a harddisk. unfortunately clonezilla only shows the "saveparts/disks" options but no restore options. Any hint on what i'm doing wrong?00:13
pragmaticenigmawidp, https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Git-Basics00:13
widpslidinghorn: are you sure, the description says, "The user's manual has a more in depth introduction"00:13
widppragmaticenigma: I am familiar with git.00:14
widpI know I could look up the documentation online too.00:14
pragmaticenigmawidp, This is a support channel for understanding Ubuntu... perhaps /join #git is a better place to find the information your seekeing00:16
widpI am just looking for a package which would install the complete git documentation on my system.00:16
widpfor me to browse locally.00:16
leftyfbwidp: sudo apt install git-doc00:16
widpawesome thank you leftyfb00:17
=== Mathis|2 is now known as Mathis
Kumoolwidp, and dont use info files00:51
widpwhy not?00:51
Kumoolor the command00:52
Kumoolits gnu centric00:52
Kumoolnobody uses it00:52
Kumooland its stupid00:52
widpI feel info is more feature rich00:52
Kumoolyeah, you know what's more feature rich and used by everyone? html00:53
Kumoolmmm it seems i'm irritated today, apologies00:54
widpI also use info expecting to find more in depth info, so there is that.00:55
Kumoolthere is, but as i said, its gnu centric, so it will fail most times00:56
widpI see.00:58
Kumooltry w3m and google :)00:58
hggdhno it is not. And, at least for coreutils, info info has the full manual pages00:59
Kumoolit is not?01:00
hggdhit is not stupid. It is the GNU (mind you, Linux is GNU) standard01:01
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widpflame war incoming01:01
Kumoolnah, I know a lost cause when I see it01:02
hggdhwidp: no, no flame war01:02
=== rob is now known as RobWilco
WulfHello. Is this the right place to ask about netplan?01:29
luke-jrIs it a bug that Bionic Final Beta's vmbuilder cannot build a Bionic VM?01:29
Wulfnever mind, I found https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/1739578 on my own01:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1739578 in netplan "Missing support for WPA2 Enterprise" [Wishlist,Triaged]01:31
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Wulfluke-jr: what happens if you try?01:32
pragmaticenigmaWulf, in the future, please ask the question upfront instead of asking to ask a question01:32
luke-jrWulf: VMBuilder.exception.VMBuilderUserError: Invalid suite: "bionic". Valid suites are: dapper gutsy hardy intrepid jaunty karmic lucid maverick natty oneiric precise quantal raring saucy trusty utopic vivid wily xenial01:33
Wulfpragmaticenigma: yeah, but I got rebuked enough for offtopic questions.01:33
Wulfluke-jr: looks like more are missing, y, z, a. :)01:34
Wulfluke-jr: I guess someone got lazy01:34
luke-jrprobably, but I only really care about bionic tbh :p01:35
luke-jr(I highly doubt just appending it to the list will work either, since the Debian vmbuilder list includes stretch, but fails to build it due to vmbuilder setting locale in some totally non-standard and unsupported way)01:36
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
chegneywhich gcc should I be installing on 17?01:40
pragmaticenigmachegney, you should use the default included in the packamage manager01:40
chegneyis that like default-gcc or something?01:40
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:41
pragmaticenigmaCheckmate, "sudo apt install gcc"01:41
pragmaticenigmachegney, "sudo apt install gcc"01:41
chegneyah, thanks01:42
Checkmatepragmaticenigma lol01:49
mikeneedshelpWhen I tried to log in today, only the background of the unity environment shows up -- no panels. My mouse appears, and I can right-click and get a terminal, but that's it. I've looked through syslog and Xorg logs but nothing stands out. The error reporting thing popped up once (unfortunately, I've rebooted since then, and it doesn't always come up) complaining of an error like "no plugin specified at /some/gnome/setting/thin02:29
mikeneedshelpis /var/log/Xorg.0.log the right place to look for errors from unity or gnome or whatever provides the rest of the desktop environment that isn't appearing (e.g. panels)02:37
icecold_dead room02:37
mikeneedshelpI guess my best bet right now is to keep rebooting in the hopes that that error from gnome or compiz or whatever appears again so I'll have something to search for :\02:38
icecold_disable compiz02:39
pr3pgood morning02:40
mikeneedshelpicecold_: good call, how does one disable compiz temporarily?02:40
icecold_king sound like you cant even get into working desktop.02:41
mikeneedshelpCorrect. I do have a terminal though. This is 16.0402:42
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icecold_no idea02:43
icecold_i was think there might be way02:43
mikeneedshelpicecold_: So, for example, there is no drop-down menu where you can pick the desktop environment -- either it only appears if you have multiple installed, or 16.04 just doesn't include that02:43
icecold_via the terminal02:43
icecold_oh ok02:43
icecold_in the ling screen02:43
Bashing-ommikeneedshelp: Can you activate the guest account and there have full GUI funtionality ? Then we know it is a config issue in your user account .02:43
icecold_good idea02:43
mikeneedshelpBashing-om: Yes, the guest account works.02:44
mikeneedshelpI don't think I have any configuration like .xsession or anything. I probably have tweaked some gconf settings though02:46
icecold_i over tweak compiz02:47
icecold_i suck at it.02:47
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mikeneedshelphm, I can run e.g. unity-control-center, it just lacks the window border (so I can't resize it, and there's no panel at the top for file/edit/minimize/etc)02:48
Bashing-ommikeneedshelp: I might suggest you try and revert unity back to defaults .02:48
mikeneedshelpok but how02:48
chegneyhow do I remove a service and then install it again after making changes to the service file?02:50
Bashing-ommikeneedshelp: Gimme a bit .. kinda busy right now in another channel .02:50
xamithanchegney: Just run a systemctl daemon-reload02:53
chegneyjava[6187]: Too small initial heap02:54
chegneywhat does that mean?02:54
mikeneedshelpjava wants more memory, what a surprise02:55
xamithanraise your heap size02:57
xamithanThere should be a -Xmx* option02:58
xamithanOh sorry,  the initial flag is -Xms*02:58
Bashing-ommikeneedshelp: Try this : rm -rf ~/.gconf ~/.gconfd ~/.metacity ~/.compiz-1 ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/.config/dconf ~/.dmrc . Reboot to see the effect .03:00
mikeneedshelpBashing-om: how bout I just move them out of the way ;) doing that now...03:05
mikeneedshelpBashing-om: no effect03:07
Bashing-ommikeneedshelp: :) .. that is the "safer" thing to do .03:07
Bashing-ommikeneedshelp: Wow .. unexpected result . ' sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop ' .03:10
EriC^^mikeneedshelp: also try moving ~/.cache and possibly ~/.config03:12
mikeneedshelpBashing-om: I already did that, to no avail. EriC^^: doing...03:14
carlosmatrixola amigos03:16
mikeneedshelpEriC^^, Bashing-om: OK, moving .cache and .config out of the way gave me back my desktop environment. Now to figure out what exactly inside those was problematic...03:16
mikeneedshelpI will come back as ^Mike\b or something like that...03:16
=== ^Mike is now known as ^Mike\b
Wulf4Was my question received? my router decided to reconnect at the same moment.03:38
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^Mike\bok, so I think I just undid all of that -- put .cache back, and .config (I did that piece by piece, logging out and back in each time to try to figure out which part was the problem, but now all of it is reinstated and unity is working fine)03:41
^Mike\b*except* my gnome-terminal preferences are toast, so I guess I have missed something. Anyone know where those are stored?03:41
^Mike\baha, I messed up when restoring ~/.gconf, I bet that's where the terminal profile is03:42
^Mike\bweeeeird, my gnome-terminal profile is still the same uuid or whatever as before, but it doesn't have any of my customizations (e.g. the colour scheme)03:47
* artik looks at watch03:47
artikits 2018--im getting scared for kin03:47
* artik shivers03:48
* artik shivers03:48
luxioA while ago here I was trying to make a desktop file for Android Studio and someone said something along the lines of "next time consider installing it with _____", but I forgot what that _____ was. anyone know what it could have been?03:50
guivercluxio: did you try searching for it in the logs of the channel?03:58
carlosmatrixola pessoal04:29
slidinghorn!pt | carlosmatrix04:30
ubottucarlosmatrix: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.04:30
xamithanIs that english?04:30
eury__i have trouble connecting to my backup drive connected to an asus router. i have samba installed, successfully connected both of my computer and phones by samba.04:42
eury__samba can't open the backup drive, provided the password for my account and tried supplying the password for the router but no joy :(04:44
xamithaneury__: Any error messages ?04:48
eury__nothing. when i open the directory in nautilus it's just keep asking for the username and password repeatedly.04:49
xamithanIn that case I would check the logs on the server,  if you can even find logs on an asus router04:50
sammmmmmmmok so I'm trying to get this installed. what device/partition should I put the boot loader on?04:50
sammmmmmmmso I need to make a seperate partition or should I do the same one as my "/" (root folder) partition?04:50
xamithanFor just installing ubuntu?  if you are using UEFI you need a 500mb boot/EFI part04:52
Bashing-om!uefi | sammmmmmmm04:52
ubottusammmmmmmm: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:52
xamithanWell 100mb rather04:53
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=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:07
theparadoxer02Recently i installed git on my new system, and getting this error "Cannot find gitstatus.sh! Cannot find gitstatus.sh!", any help ?05:37
geirhaWhat do you run when you get that error?05:42
impizai need a help05:49
impizai have HP Z840 workstation05:49
impizaand when i try to install ubuntu using 16.0405:49
impizai get this error05:49
impizaefi: requested map not found.05:50
impizaefi: Failed to lookup EFI memory descriptor for 0x00000000cafca0005:50
impizaplease help me to fix it05:50
lotuspsychjeimpiza: singleboot or dualboot?05:51
impizaworkstation only came with dos05:52
impizafirst time installation05:52
impizausing bootable pendrive during the instatallation05:52
lotuspsychjeimpiza: did you disable fastboot & secureboot?05:52
impizainstallation **05:52
lotuspsychjeimpiza: F12 to boot your usb?05:52
impizai have tried three modes05:52
impizaits F905:52
impizain HP its F905:52
lotuspsychjeimpiza: at wich stage you get the error?05:53
impizame too brb my colleague installed it05:54
impizalet me ask him05:54
impizaok he says when he select install ubuntu it shows this, even if he select live session it will stuck on this state05:55
impizaWhats so funny O_005:57
slidinghornUSERNAME00: Do you have an ubuntu support question?05:57
impizait comes immediately lotuspsychje05:58
* USERNAME00 let me ponder that question05:58
slidinghornUSERNAME00: If not, then this isn't the place to be.05:58
impizalotuspsychje, here is the spec https://pastebin.com/jUsBQavY06:01
linuxboxthere any linux hangouts where folks and just get to know other linux fans?06:04
lotuspsychjeimpiza: hmm, if you sure you tested all uefi settings06:04
lotuspsychjelinuxbox: ##linux06:04
linuxbox@lotuspsychje thankies06:05
lotuspsychjeimpiza: try ask EriC^^ he might know that uefi issue06:05
ajkthxhey guys, i'm having a problem with my wired network constantly disconnecting. i dont even know how to diagnose it as im not super versed in linux06:05
EriC^^hey impiza06:05
slidinghornajkthx: what flavor and version of *buntu are you using?06:05
impizaHi EriC^^06:05
ajkthxi run samba and a node servver on it, and it will disconnect at least once every few minutes06:06
impizamay i pm you06:06
lotuspsychjeajkthx: chipset & ubuntu version?06:06
ajkthxits ubuntu 16.05.5 LTS06:06
ajkthxits a dell e5440 laptop06:06
impizawhat 16.04.04 or 16.05.05 ajkthx ?06:07
ajkthxthe wireless goes out at the same time too when that's enabled, but i have it disabled06:07
lotuspsychjeajkthx: sudo lshw -C network for your card+ driver06:07
ajkthxit says "Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS"06:07
slidinghornajkthx: ^^  (post that to a pastebin please if you are going to post the full output)06:07
impizaajkthx, use this url https://pastebin.com/j06:07
ajkthxok one min06:08
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: <impiza> efi: Failed to lookup EFI memory descriptor for 0x00000000cafca0006:08
ajkthxtrying to do this from ssh and it's already disconnected twice in a minute06:08
ajkthxso thats fun06:08
EriC^^impiza: which ubuntu version are you trying to install?06:09
impizaEriC^^, here is the error, and here is the spec https://pastebin.com/jUsBQavY06:09
EriC^^which iso ? 16.04.4?06:09
ajkthxheres the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/LPkHWgqX06:09
EriC^^impiza: give 16.04.4 a shot06:10
EriC^^newer kernel might help06:10
impizathe location is very far away, let me try next week06:10
ajkthxhttps://pastebin.com/LPkHWgqX for my network adapter06:11
impizaif it will not workout will come here again and disturb you :D06:11
lotuspsychjeimpiza: yeah always grab latest ubuntu iso's06:12
impizak thanks bye tc06:12
EriC^^impiza: you could try adding 'add_efi_memmap' to the kernel line parameters, or maybe tinker with the bios, or give it an update06:12
EriC^^if all else fails you could use csm legacy to get ubuntu to install06:13
impizawell i didnt know anything about it i meen ""add_efi_memmap06:13
lotuspsychjeajkthx: you could try a switch off ipv6 in network settings, see if this helps?06:13
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EriC^^it might work, for some people using a newer kernel has worked apparently06:16
ajkthxis there no way to check the logs and see what is goingg on with my network?06:17
ajkthxthis issue is hhorribly obnoxious06:17
lotuspsychjeajkthx: sure, while you debugging: tail -f /var/log/syslog and see errors06:17
lotuspsychjeajkthx: if you enable/disable network you will see all kinds of text06:18
ajkthxtheres a bunch of stuff from "avahi-daemon"06:20
ajkthxhere's the output https://pastebin.com/wB2aiWdC06:21
ajkthxguess i need a new OS06:24
brewinsomeone can receive my message?06:24
slidinghornajkthx: be patient - answers don't always come immediately06:24
slidinghornbrewin: do you have an ubuntu support question?06:24
=== jyothiraditya is now known as jyothiraditya_
eury__my external drive is connected to an asus router, im having a difficult time trying to access that drive using ubuntu.  my iphone is connected easily. samba is already installed.06:25
slidinghornbrewin: take it to #test or something please.  This is for ubuntu support questions only.06:25
eury__i can ur msg.06:25
hateballeury__: how are you trying to mount it? mount.cifs for instance defaults to smb v1.0 which is deprecated on most things after wannacry06:25
=== jyothiraditya_ is now known as jyothiraditya
brewinwhich country do you from?06:26
eury__@hateball im trying to connect using nautiflus, the drive is detected but i cant open it, keeps asking for the username and password which i provided but it keeps asking in a loop.06:27
hateballeury__: sadly I do not use gnome/nautilus so I don't know its specifics06:29
eury__@hateball i wannacry now -_-06:30
EriC^^impiza: it seems solved here, didn't read it all tbh, https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Operating-System-and-Recovery/Z-Book-G3-Failure-to-Install-linux-Fedora-or-Ubuntu/td-p/578729906:30
slidinghorneury__: sounds like this one: https://askubuntu.com/questions/758860/samba-share-user-password-error-after-update/76343606:31
hateballeury__: this in particular https://askubuntu.com/a/75949406:31
eury__@slidinghorn & @hateball thank u guys. i just don't get why it's hard to do this, when my phone does it in breeze.06:33
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xgpthey everyone06:42
xgptI need help! I have a usb device (xbox 360 controller) that i need a driver to pick up, problem, it's off-brand and the identifiers aren't picking it up as what it is, so the xpad driver isn't kicking in and giving it a /dev/input/js0 /js1 designation06:42
xgpthow do I manually say "any usb device with this identifier is meant to be used with THIS driver, linux, please start THIS DRIVER to run THIS USB DEVICE"06:42
slidinghornxgpt: what version of ubuntu are you using, and what is the make/model of the controller06:42
xgptslidinghorn: I'm not sure, it's an older one, but it's a powerA xbox 360 controller06:43
xgptone moment06:43
xgptI'll get you what lsusb shows06:43
xgptBus 006 Device 009: ID 24c6:530a06:43
slidinghornxgpt: ubuntu version?06:43
xgptslidinghorn: it's a retropie distribution06:44
xgptany tips on getting the mounting software configured right?06:44
ducassexgpt: that's not supported here, try #retropie06:45
xgptumm...wow, thanks for the help?06:47
ducassexgpt: you can also try ##linux, that isn't limited to a single distro06:49
xgptwell, actually, here's my thing, I'm running ubuntu right now06:52
xgptand it works just fine on my *buntu box, straight *buntu install. but it's not recognizing this off brand controller. It works fine with a different less-off-brand controller...on the retropie installation06:53
xgptbut hwo do I find the udev rule that is mounting this thing appropriately on my *buntu box?06:53
xgptI'd like to copy that over to the retropie build I've got. That's a *buntu related support issue. How do I find the udev rule that is mounting and running the xpad driver on this piece of hardware? It's doing it automatically, I'd like to see it06:54
xgptsorry, that's what brought me in here initially06:54
slidinghornxgpt: there's no way for us to know how your retropie is configured, and it's not simply a matter of copying and pasting a setting across distributions.06:54
xgptslidinghorn: that's fine, but how do I figure out how *buntu is FINDING the controller?06:55
xgptlike...how do I write a rule so udev initializes a driver? because right now my issue isn't that the driver I have isn't working, but it's that the distro isn't recognizing it06:56
slidinghornxgpt: watch dmesg as you plug and unplug it maybe06:56
xgptwhere is dmesg?06:57
lotuspsychje!dmesg | xgpt06:58
ubottuxgpt: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.06:58
xgptroot@sl410:/var/log# watch -n 50 tail dmesg ??06:58
ducassexgpt: 'dmesg -w'06:58
xgptis it in /var/log?06:58
xgpt[12639.144093] usb 6-2: new full-speed USB device number 11 using uhci_hcd06:59
xgpt[12639.343124] usb 6-2: New USB device found, idVendor=24c6, idProduct=530a06:59
xgpt[12639.343133] usb 6-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=306:59
xgpt[12639.343140] usb 6-2: Product: Xbox 360 Pro Ex06:59
xgpt[12639.343145] usb 6-2: Manufacturer: BDA06:59
xgpt[12639.343150] usb 6-2: SerialNumber: 00000B2606:59
ducasse!paste | xgpt06:59
ubottuxgpt: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:59
xgptsorry about that07:00
slidinghornxgpt: your best bet is to take that informtion from dmesg along with the other details of your issue to #retropi or ##linux07:01
xgptthanks slidinghorn07:03
=== area51 is now known as Guest3035
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
=== Tinus is now known as Guest42960
interrobangdhello if have deinstalled/removed the latest/installed kernel version08:18
interrobangdhow to install it again? apt dist upgrade dont do it08:19
EriC^^interrobangd: which ubuntu version?08:19
interrobangdi guess its 4.13.0-3808:20
EriC^^interrobangd: sudo apt-get install linux-generic08:20
interrobangdi will try it08:20
EriC^^interrobangd: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux{,-image,-headers}-generic08:21
interrobangdnow they want to install 4.13.0-38, fine!08:21
interrobangdhopfully it will booot correctly08:22
interrobangdEriC^^, works, thank you!08:26
EriC^^interrobangd: great! no problem08:26
interrobangdbecause i had a problem an already did a sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-4.13.0-38-generic08:27
interrobangdbut dont work!08:27
V7Hey all08:37
V7Does dolphin has an option to remove credentials from previously connected remote device ?08:39
slidinghornV7: through which protocol are we talking here?08:40
V7slidinghorn: sftp08:41
V7It keeps listing a remote path without credentials prompt08:42
V7Even if I've reopened Dolphin08:42
ducassemaybe they're stored in the keyring/wallet?08:44
hateballV7: iirc that is indeed stored in kwallet08:47
hateballyou can open the kwallet manager and search08:47
V7KWalletManager has 3 applications connected:08:48
V7Google Chrome08:48
linuxbox1just installed 18.04 and got the nvidia driver installed, however while it shows me as using the nvidia driver my resolution is really small and only one of my two displays is working08:48
hateballlinuxbox1: go into nvidia-settings and configure08:49
V7hateball: Also, the password hadn't be saved08:49
V7Just connected without marking "Save password" checkbox08:49
V7So, it just saved somewhere in cache or something like that08:49
linuxbox1hateball: yeah i see that nvidia settings, but no place to change the resolution there08:50
lotuspsychjelinuxbox1: #ubuntu+1 for 18.0408:50
hateballV7: could try moving/clearing ~/.config/dolphin I guess08:50
linuxbox1nothing under profiles or configuration, just a bunch of random crap08:50
hateballV7: ack no08:50
V7hateball: There's no such folder08:50
hateballV7: ~/.cache/dolphin08:50
V7No such folder08:51
hateballthat's... you should have a .cache folder08:51
linuxbox1when i go to the normal display settings i only see one resolution option, on nvidia settings I only see application profiles and configuration on the left, but no place to change the resolution08:51
V7~/.cache exists, ~/.cache/dolphin doesn't08:51
linuxbox1or to even manage displays for that matter08:52
lotuspsychjelinuxbox1: #ubuntu+1 for bionic support please08:52
linuxbox1it did mention if i'm going to use proprietary drivers that i couldn't use uefi and that it would help me with that…but i'll be damned i don't see how it helped in any way heh08:52
hateballYou can use UEFI just fine, but you need to disable module verification in the bootloader shim08:53
hateballWhich the package is supposed to do for you08:53
hateballlinuxbox1: also if it's hybrid gpu, make sure nvidia-prime is installed and that you've actually selected the nvidia card and not the intel one08:54
linuxbox1hmm i dunno, it's the only reason i can think of that … - well maybe i should say that i used sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall08:54
linuxbox1not sure if that makes a difference08:54
hateballThat's the correct way08:55
hateballWell, if not using the GUI08:55
linuxbox1well damn…how do i disabled the module verification or check that it was done?08:55
linuxbox1hate when i typo, it make it look like english is my 5th language and it's my first heh08:56
linuxbox1it says nvidia-settings could not find the registry key file08:58
linuxbox1any ideas hateball?09:00
hateballlinuxbox1: you mean in the terminal? dont worry about that09:01
hateballlinuxbox1: what chipset was this, was it a hybrid gpu with both intel and nvidia?09:01
hateballor just a pure nvidia?09:01
linuxbox1hateball: yeh just something random i seen so figured i'd mention it  - naw 1080ti hybrid just a fancy way of saying it's watercooled09:02
linuxbox1and air cooled09:02
linuxbox1i'm just thinking either it's uefi related or some how  this 390 driver isn't quite being used09:03
linuxbox1software & updates confirms it's in use, but …09:03
linuxbox1can't beleive it's 2018 and ya still have to deal with this lame shiet09:04
lotuspsychje!language | linuxbox109:04
ubottulinuxbox1: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:04
linuxbox1this was why i never made linux my primary back in the early days09:04
hateballlinuxbox1: Well you have nvidia to thank for that. What module is used according to: lspci -k |grep -A 3 VGA09:04
V7hateball: ps tells: sftp.so [kdeinit5] sftp local:/run/user/1000/klauncherDkFaXr.1.slave-socket09:05
V7So, it shows that it creates some sockets, but after them being removed nothing changes, it stays connected09:05
linuxbox1says vga compatible controller nvidia corp gp102  and then my card name in brackets09:06
linuxbox1below that module nvidiafb, nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia audo blah blah09:07
hateballlinuxbox1: yeah that means the modules are loaded properly09:07
hateballlinuxbox1: what, nouveau09:08
hateballthat shouldnt be loaded, hmmm09:08
hateballlinuxbox1: so just to make sure Secure Boot isnt breaking things, run this: sudo mokutil --disable-validation09:09
linuxbox1failed to request new moksb state09:12
linuxbox1i'm done heh…it's 2am..i guess it's back to blue screens for me09:12
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blip99hi all, i upgraded xubuntu 16.04 to 17.10 (it was just 1 direct upgrade) - after reboot I can't seem to login.  The login manager shows a black screen then returns to login.  trying to go into tty1 or others just shows a blinking cursor, no possibility for text login09:21
hateballblip99: 16.04 to 17.10 is not a supported upgrade path09:22
blip99hateball, hmm i thought if the gui allowed it then it was fine :/09:23
TJ-hateball: d-r-u supports that release-upgrade path now09:23
blip99and an article I read (not official) said Update: Ubuntu 17.04 reached end-of-life on January 13, 2018. Ubuntu 16.04 users can now upgrade directly to Ubuntu 17.10.09:24
blip99my bad then09:24
blip99guess i should boot in recovery mode as a first step?09:24
tomreynblip99: i think you did it right09:24
TJ-blip99: can you SSH into it from another PC?09:24
TJ-blip99: alternatively, start it in Recovery mode from the GRUB boot menu?09:24
blip99TJ-, ok i'll do the latter now09:24
TJ-blip99: remote SSH is better since we can investigate it whilst it's broken09:25
blip99TJ-, don't have sshd enabled i think, I'm in root shell09:27
hateballTJ-: ah, didnt know09:29
TJ-blip99: Is there network connectivity?09:29
TJ-blip99: being able to pastebin logs would handy at this point09:30
blip99TJ-, hmm i enabled networking but it doesnt seem enabled.  ok ill reboot09:30
TJ-blip99: hang on!!!09:31
blip99TJ-, it says network is unreachable whilst trying to enable09:32
TJ-blip99: go into the GRUB boot menu, highlight the Ubuntu entry, press 'e' to edit it, navigate down to the line starting 2linux ..." and towards the end add "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" to the options, then press Ctrl+X (or F10) to boot - that'll boot to console not to GUI09:32
blip99ok thanks. 1 min09:32
blip99TJ-, forever blinking cursor09:35
TJ-blip99: ok, try the same again but when editing the kernel command line also add "nomodeset"09:36
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TJ-oh, annoying bug in multicast-DNS avahi - after suspend/resume daemon advertises a different hostname! That explains why my systems keep failing to talk to each other!09:40
slavanapHi! How do I install latest 2.9 Qemu in Ubuntu trusty?09:42
slavanapIs there any official ppa?09:42
TJ-slavanap: by definition PPAs are not 'official' (if by 'official' you mean endorsed/supported by Ubuntu)09:46
blip99TJ-, it logged me in text mode.  But there's a billion debugging output every second so it's not usable.  Keeps printing: "ata3 irq_stat 0x0000000040, connection status changed.  SERROR: {DevExch}"09:46
slavanapTJ-, Okay. *grabbing my Travis hammer in order to build*09:47
TJ-blip99: "ata3" is a disk interface09:48
TJ-blip99: what SATA/PATA devices are connected?09:48
TJ-blip99: this looks like a possible kernel regression, so lets try to get it under control. Reboot again! go into the GRUB menu, choose the "Advanced" sub-menu and find the oldest kernel version (some/one kernel(s) from 16.04 should have been kept), highlight it's entry, press 'e' ... you know the rest of the drill! If you can get to a stable TTY console from that you can work upwards to getting GUI sorted09:50
blip99TJ-, i don't have anything different plugged in hardware wise that wasn't over the past few months.  ok I'll try it out and get back to you in 2 hours or so, gonna run for an appointment.  thanks a lot09:51
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debronMy ubuntu thinks that my screen its 19"... thats why i cant set 1080p resolution09:57
debronbecause i cant see margins09:57
debronsorry. start again09:57
debronmy ubuntu thinks my screen is 32"09:58
debronand its 19"09:58
debronhow could I correct that?09:58
TJ-debron: Ubuntu doesn't think it; it gets told the dimensions by the screen via EDID09:58
debronis any way to force change that?09:59
TJ-debron: see "xrandr -q" for the info the monitor has provided09:59
debronby some file editing?=09:59
debronScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1360 x 768, maximum 8192 x 819209:59
TJ-debron: the physical dimensions shouldn't affect margins though, that sounds like a TV doing overscan.09:59
debronits a TV yeah10:00
debronbut when I set 1080p , finally everything looks good10:00
debronwith all other resolution, red color looks blurry10:00
debroncant almost read red text10:00
TJ-debron: for xrandr you need to look at the output line, e.g. here I have "eDP-1 connected 2560x1440+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 277mm x 155mm"10:00
TJ-notice it says 277mm z 155mm10:01
TJ-debron: show us "pastebinit <( xrandr -q )"10:01
debronand in gui, Displays menu, i see the monitor Im suppose to have, a 32" TV, when its a 1910:03
slavanapTJ-, I forgot to thank you for your quick answer. With hope Qemu will get upgraded to 2.7.0 at least because of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/95537910:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 955379 in qemu-linaro (Ubuntu) "cmake hangs with qemu-arm-static" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:05
TJ-debron: well the TV is lying then, because:  "  echo "scale=3; sqrt (708^2 + 398^2)/25.4" | bc " ==> 31.97610:06
BluesKajHi Folks10:06
TJ-debron: that will affect the Dots Per Inch scaling for the GUI. In the GUI Appearance settings there should be an option to change the DPI10:06
TJ-slavanap: which ubuntu release are you using?10:07
debronin my tv?10:07
debronyou mean change dpi in the tv?10:08
slavanapTJ-, trusty & xenial. Both has qemu 2.5.x10:08
debronthe TV menu doesnt have almost any options, already looked at manual10:08
debronthere should be a better menu, but only in hd mode, not in pc mode..10:08
slavanapTJ-, nvm, I'm already building. I'll push Travis yml to github.com/slavanap with releases section, when I'll test building scenario.10:10
TJ-slavanap: ha, versioning of qemu caught me out! So 17.10+ have gone beyond qemu 2.710:12
slavanapTJ-, glad to hear that bionic will have it updated. Hm... I'm actually able to add another source to apt/sources.list. What's the name in sources.list for 17.10+?10:14
slavanapartful I guess10:14
Irritiable|LTslavanap: I use Lubuntu (artful).10:15
debronTJ-: that doesnt fix it10:15
debroneven with at 2 scaling settings, buttons seems giant, and still cant see margins10:15
debronyou mean the "Scale for menu and title bars"?10:16
TJ-slavanap: I've added Ubuntu/qemu to the bug report and milestoned/nominated it for 16.04.5 later this year10:16
TJ-debron: It depends on the GUI, but there should be a single scaling DPI setting that usually defaults to 96 (DPI)10:16
slavanapTJ-, thank you!10:17
debroncant see that. I have unity in 16.0410:17
TJ-debron: I can't help you there, I don't go near Unity or Gnome10:17
debronwhat do you use? lxde?10:17
slavanapTJ-, sidenote, personally I use qemu-user-static and binfmt-support packages only.10:19
TJ-slavanap: me too, for running ARM on AMDtel10:20
TJ-debron: I use Xubuntu/XFCE10:20
debronI see10:20
slavanapwell, it's might be enough for me now: echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ artful main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list10:20
TJ-debron: I spend 95% of my time in terminals/consoles, so a fancy GUI gets in my way10:21
TJ-slavanap: be careful since that may allow in other packages you don't want from artful :)10:21
debronI had lxde in debian for long time, because was using a 95' PC. i bought this oine few days ago and switched distro, wanted something new :)10:22
slavanapTJ-, lol. It doesn't work :D10:22
HanumaanI have following table with mmls: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jDhZq4NJrZ/ how to mount those paritions?10:22
debronbut i didnt bought a new moonitor, using this tv i had around..10:22
slavanapTJ-, don't try at home https://hastebin.com/usoqakuqur.scala10:23
TJ-slavanap: I did used to switch between Lubuntu/Xubuntu but Lubuntu had gaps that caught me out at unexpected moments :)10:23
TJ-slavanap: that gives me a black page! hastebin needs to learn to host all it's own resources, not require googlapis10:23
slavanapTJ-, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4rhfSfVF3n/10:24
debronTJ-: actually I see DPI in unity is this Scaling factor i told you about. What happend if that isnt helping?10:25
debronStill cant see screen margins on hd resolution10:25
TJ-debron: we've seen your issue a lot recently, and the solution is to adjust the TV settings to stop it doing overscan. The problem is, in most cases, the TV won't stop doing it because it is designed to expect analogue inputs. When it has a pure digital input like HDMI it still applies overscan to it10:25
TJ-debron: I don't know, as I said, I don't touch unity. You need to talk to someone who knows it10:26
debronIll try to deal with the TV then10:26
debronthanks, at least now I know what do i need exactly10:27
debrontry that the TV to stop overscan10:27
TJ-slavanap: looks like the Recommends are being pulled in. Does "apt install --no-install-recomends qemu-user-static binfmt-support" do any better?10:29
eury_Hey guys! I have a huawei wireless router modem, i connect thru it via cable and wireless. i was wondering if i could use the usb port to attached my external drive.10:30
JimBuntueury_, Does the wireless router/modem have a HOST USB port or only a client port?10:31
JimBuntueury_, better yet, post exactly what model it is please10:31
eury_@JimBuntu it has a wan port10:32
eury_okay wait.10:32
BluesKajeury_, look in your router firmware, usually accessible typing in your browser address bar10:32
eury_@JimBuntu its a Huawei B315s-936 modem.10:32
JFox762I got a question. If I set a folder to "Hide", will it change the path? Or will applications not be affected by it?10:33
purple1can an entire 32bit chroot run on 64bit kernel, no problemo?10:34
JimBuntueury_, Yes, the HOST USB port on the device you have is intended for you to connect external storage or a printer/etc10:34
BluesKajJFox762, it won't change the path10:34
JFox762ok cool10:35
purple1waiting for funds on the scanner combo10:35
JimBuntueury_, You can use up to USB 2.0, FAT32 up to 32GB. It will be available as a samba share10:35
purple1at this point possibly dropping books10:35
JFox762To hide a folder, you just rename it like this FileName to .FileName ?10:35
eury_okay @JimBuntu because i was wonderin before if it was meant to be plug with a usb internet dongle.10:35
purple1JimBuntu: can you setup a private repo for porting android apps10:36
JimBuntueury_, the manual explicitly says that you can NOT use this port to connect the device to a computer (HOST)10:36
slavanapTJ-, same thing. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XVrQHbmTrd/10:36
slavanapgoing back to building10:36
purple1the prepper app can be the greatest server app for humankind10:36
JimBuntupurple1, you can set up a private repor for about whatever you want10:36
TJ-slavanap: I didn't think it'd make much difference; the problem is the dependency chain10:36
purple1if it were running on a server it can support family life and humanae vitae10:37
eury_Thank u JimBuntu i would love to know how to set this up for my external drive. as this modem doesn't come with manual of how to do that.10:37
slavanapTJ-, yeah I know. But because I just need I binary, I can setup CI around it easily.10:37
BluesKajJFox762, oops, i assumed you wanted to hade folder in the places section10:37
purple1how about running an entire 32bit chroot on a 64bit kernel JimBuntu, no problem foreseen?10:38
purple1limited hardware requires unexpected setups10:39
purple1moving hard disks around10:39
JFox762I've chaned the filenames to hide them10:39
JFox762It worked, didnt seem to cause any issues10:39
purple1the 32 / 64bit gap creates all sorts of problems and wasted life10:39
purple1the best somebody made was system rescue cd and even it has problems10:40
=== downtime is now known as uptime
purple1JimBuntu: what do you think boot a 64bit os and chroot into the old 32bit partition, doable?10:41
JimBuntupurple1, booting a 64bit chroot in a 32bit host environment, assuming a 64bit CPU/etc... hmmm. I'm not sure, the other way around shouldn't be any issue.10:42
JimBuntuwell, not boot, but you know what I mean10:42
TJ-64bit kernel + 64bit or 32bit OS + 32bit chroot == OK10:42
purple164bit kernel + 32bit chroot = what?10:44
JimBuntupurple1, sorry, I think I misread.10:44
purple1possibly binary swap error in your thought pattern10:45
purple1remove the certificates JimBuntu10:45
JimBuntuI initially mistook the "think boot" for "think about" and then went a whole other route says JimBuntu MSG: 4310:46
lars_greetings, I have this old western digital NAS server (some sort of debian on it) that I managed to brick.  So I took out the hard drive and currently I'm trying to access a password protected folder. I do know the password for it.10:56
lars_I just connected it to my ubuntu laptop with a sata to USB10:57
lars_I get an error message saying that I don't have access when I'm trying to cd into it or use file manager10:59
Captain_HaddockIs there any way I can get GPU processor usage while playing a game? My two cores are maxed out and I'm wondering if the GPU is taking on any load at all.11:09
Captain_HaddockThis is with a GT 103011:09
mancman3some parts of a game will use GPU whilst other part are CPU11:09
mancman3depends on the game11:09
Captain_Haddockmancman3: This is Hearthstone running under Wine.11:11
Captain_Haddock(via Lutris)11:11
Captain_HaddockIt's ridiculously laggy/stuttery at times11:11
mancman3Well i would imagine Wine being cpu exhaustive11:11
mancman3The requirements say dual core and up. Have u tried playonlinux11:14
Captain_Haddockmancman3: Curiously, things were actually rather smooth in an earlier installation when I was relying on the onboard Intel GPU. Then the install stopped working after a Battle.Net update. A fresh install of Battle.net led to complications resulting in me adding in the Nvidia.11:14
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Captain_Haddockmancman3: Yes, the previous install was Playonlinux.11:14
Captain_HaddockI'm using Lutris now as Playonlinux appears to be relatively unmaintained.11:15
Captain_HaddockAre you aware of any FPS counter programs out there?11:15
mancman3Captain_Haddock: no, i never use them11:16
mancman3I rarely game tbh, apart from a few web flash games lol these days11:16
mancman3Captain_Haddock: actually if u installed steam, that has it's own fps counter u can enable11:17
mancman3steam for linux11:18
Captain_Haddockmancman3: Steam won't work with battle.net, right?11:22
* Captain_Haddock hasn't seen anything similar in the battle.net settings.11:22
geirhahave you tried fiddling with options in winecfg?11:24
Captain_Haddockgeirha: Not really. I've installed the graphics driver PPA and upgraded to a newer nvidia driver.11:26
* Captain_Haddock is using KDE and has disabled the compositor as well.11:26
geirhawell, run   winecfg   and see if there's anything interesting in the graphics tab11:27
Captain_Haddockgeirha: My bad. I have actually run winecfg via Lutris' "Wine configuration"11:28
Captain_HaddockI see nothing related to performance in the grpahics tab11:28
Captain_Haddock"Allow the window manager to control the windows"?11:28
Captain_HaddockMaybe I should turn this off?11:29
mancman3Captain_Haddock: oh no idea11:29
Captain_HaddockThere is a "Staging" tab which has Enable CSMT for better graphics performance. Let me try that.11:29
geirhaCaptain_Haddock: https://www.maketecheasier.com/play-hearthstone-on-ubuntu-linux/11:30
Captain_Haddockgeirha: Ooh. Check them all!11:31
root____JimBuntu: send a privmsg11:43
root____you need some support11:43
debronguys, i am still trying to fix my TV problem under ubuntu, I am using oibaf drivers, which work ok, my problem is that on HD resolution i loose part of the screen11:55
debronI found some bug mailing list where they explain a solution11:55
debronbut im having problems understand it, because my lack of knowledge of this OS11:55
debroncould someone help me a bit? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3328511:56
ubottuFreedesktop bug 33285 in Driver/intel "LG L245WP monitor has bad EDID. req quirk" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:56
debronits supposed that changing the DPI would fix this, but it wont. Also, TV menu options wont help.11:57
debronso this solution seemss to be the right one, because is something you can change in the OS /sys/ files11:57
debronsomething is wrong on the TV edid information, because the driver treat the Display as it were 32" , when it is a 19"11:58
brainwashdebron: and without the oibaf drivers?11:58
debronwithout that drivers, i can only use 1024x768 resolution11:58
brainwashdebron: also, which ubuntu release is that?11:58
brainwashwhich intel gpu?11:59
debronUHD 63011:59
brainwashmmh. I would ask in #intel-gfx12:00
debronthanks you12:00
mancman3debron: change resolution on the tv ?12:01
debronmancman3: cant. I can switch display modes, but none seems to work. I found a semi-solution12:03
debronif i set the TV to PC mode instead of HD mode12:03
debroni can see the whole screen12:04
debronbut quality is really bad12:04
debronand only works for 1280x720 resolution12:04
debronnot for 1080p12:04
debronif i turn to HD mode, colors are fine, quality is way better12:04
debronbut screen wont fit xD12:04
mancman3Are u using a tv card or just software in the PC ?12:05
TJ-debron: that's likely because the native resolution of the TV display is 1280x72012:05
TJ-debron: we've seen that recently - the TV advertises it can do resolutions higher than it's native resolution12:06
TJ-debron: 1280x720 counts as HD, whereas 1920x1080 is FHD (Full HD)12:06
TJ-debron: simple to check, read the TV's specfications in its manual12:07
mancman3yes 720p is HD ready12:07
TJ-debron: We dealt with a user recently with this same issue, but there the TV didn't have a 'PC mode' to prevent overscan, so you're ahead :)12:08
debronI only have that mode on the 720p resolution12:09
TJ-debron: sounds like the TV is a bit of a hack too - they're copied the EDID from a 32" TV and put it in your 19" and not amended the physical dimensions12:09
debronand image quality really sucks12:09
debronso much12:09
debronI mean, is wrong, if you cant read red text, something is not working properly12:09
debronand its not the TV, because in HD mode i can see everything fine12:09
debronTJ-: yeah look like it12:09
TJ-debron: unless you drive the TV at 1280x720 it'll use overscan from the sound of it12:10
debronTJ-: would be asking too much to you look the mailing list i pasted? Its just 1 reply to read12:10
debronand he explain what to do12:10
debronbut i just cant get it12:10
Int_Hey guy12:10
debronTJ-: I dont know. Why the PC mode blur the colors? And why HD mode doesnt blur anything, quality is fine, but screen wont fit? XD12:12
debroni think is more a driver issue12:12
debronadjust DPI should do fine, but it doesnt really...12:12
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TJ-debron: OK, just read up on the EDID over-ride via the 'drm' kernel module12:16
TJ-debron: it's the TV, not the PC/OS. Connect a proper monitor it won't be a problem. The TV is feeding the digital signal through a D/A converter, doing overscan correction on it, then putting to back through a A/D converter, by the sound of it12:17
urniguehello, can someone answer me a few question in regard to vpn client set up? I just want to ask something12:27
albttxurnigue ask here :)12:28
lars_I need to access a folder as su.  Is there a way to accomplish the same thing in de?12:30
BluesKajdebron some HDTVs have an advanced pictiure setting for overscan, but it's usually refered to as "picture size" and it'll be a sub menu of your regular picture settings12:30
urniguealbttx can i ask in pm12:30
albttxi don't know your answer... but maybe someone will :)12:31
albttxas root ?12:31
debronBluesKaj: there is nothing else the TV can do to help me12:31
debroni already searched all the menus12:32
ducasse!pm | urnigue12:32
ubottuurnigue: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.12:32
debronincluding those hiden in certain resolution, and displayed in certain others12:32
debronlike mode selection (pc or hd)12:32
BluesKajdebron, are you sure ...what model tv is it?12:32
debronyeah sure philips 19PFL5522D/1212:33
debronquite old12:33
lars_albttx yes, I need to access desktop enviroment as root in ubuntu.  Apparently sudo doesn't do what i need to do, so I need to sudo su, or sudo -i and then do what I need to do.  Would be nice to use the de though (and know how to do it for later)12:33
debronBluesKaj: ideally i want 1080p working in HD mode (because PC mode really suck, blur image) but if its not possible, then 720p HD mode (have screen margin problem, but quality is way better than PC mode)12:34
BluesKajdebron, have you seen this ? https://philips-tvconsumercare.kxondemand.com/Portal/en/Faq/All/221412:35
TJ-debron: according to that model the native resolution is actually 1440x90012:35
blueboywhat really sucks is fractional scaling being a headache for 3k/4k displays12:36
debronyeah, but if you look at all the specs, you see supported resolution for PC connections12:36
debroni would love to set 1440x900 , but its not in xrandr atm12:36
debronmaybe i should add it12:36
debronwhat i dont understand is : why HD mode is great image quality, and why PC mode has to blur the image?12:37
TJ-debron: right, because the EDID seems to be hacked about and incorrect12:37
debronand why I can only choose that in 720p resolution?12:37
debroni mean, mode selection only available when i set the 720p res12:37
TJ-debron: did you see in BluesKaj link, at the end, it suggests there might be a picture format option "[Unscaled] / [Original] "12:38
debronotherwise, that menu will be hiden in the TV menu12:38
TJ-debron: because 'HD mode' *is* 720p12:38
debronim trying, but firefox its not loading the site12:38
debronI do that everytime12:38
debronand it doesnt make difference12:38
blip99hi TJ- I'm in logged in console only with networking, under an old kernel from 16.0412:39
debronthe best way for me is: • [Unscaled] / [Original]12:39
debronalso i cant see all those modes shown in the website12:39
TJ-blip99: that's progress :)12:39
blip99what do you recommend I do next? (to resolve can't login issue after upgrade 16.04->17.10)12:39
TJ-debron: I'm not surprised, that answer looks like a generic one covering all models, not specific to the TV you have12:40
blip99you mentioned earlier it being a possible kernel regress issue12:40
TJ-blip99: first check the obvious ownership issues: "ls -l $HOME/.{X,ICE}authority"12:40
TJ-blip99: those files, if they exist, should be owned by your $USER12:41
blip99TJ-, yep, RW on owner.  user and group ownership is on $USER12:42
blip99TJ-, also this {X,ICE} syntax is awesome, never knew this bash syntax! :)12:42
blip99is it worth starting X or tty7 now?12:43
urniguei got really extended question12:45
urniguecan i really post it here?12:46
ivampiresphave anyone online?12:46
blip99TJ-, I just started randomly getting that flood of ata3 connection status changed errors.  in case that matters12:47
FrjdHi, I've been trying to install some custom themes on ubuntu 17.10 specifically Arc. The GTK3 part works, but the GTK2 part falls back to Raleigh for some reason.. Has anyone experienced this before?12:48
FrjdI should add that GTK2 themes of the built in themes work12:49
ivampirespubuntu16.04 is best to use themes12:49
=== ivampiresp is now known as iVampireSP
urnigueI've tried to set up the pptp connection in ubuntu with the default settings, the connection works in windows 7 also in windows xp, it even works with ubuntu within same provider's network. I've tried to connect with two different computers on my home network (both pc are able to connect with vpn in windows 7) but with ubuntu i got error vpn connection failed because vpn stopped. I found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/197999/vpn12:51
urnigueI found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/197999/vpn-connection-failed-because-service-stopped-unexpectedly but that did not help me. When i tried pc within same provider's network is working with the default settings (so only the gateway, name and password are set), I've also checked router's setup and there is no problem, it is possible that my isp blocks the linux vpn, but not in windows?12:52
iVampireSPsystem problem?12:53
debronGuys, creating new modes in xrandr, seems to be created, but doesnt appear when i list modes xrandr -q, then if i try to create it again fails because it already exist with that name. I cannot switch to that new mode and i cant delete it because couldnt find mode with that name. Whats going on?12:53
yeatsurnigue: nah, I doubt it's the ISP - do you have access to the server running the VPN connection?  Logs there may help see what's going on12:54
EriC^^debron: try adding it to a specific output maybe?12:55
rendari'm running the ubuntu live cd on my machine, can i install an UEFI-signed grub from there?12:56
ItsaLoonieI'm not sure what the right channel would be to go to ask.. using a new vpn and went to dns leak test and found that its using a digital ocean server as one of its servers. does that take away much from the privacy/security of the vpn? just not sure how that means for my data.12:56
slavanapTJ-, it works. Still thinking about how to deploy it properly, because I don't want to get my github password exposed to Travis https://travis-ci.org/slavanap/qemu-arm-static12:56
FrjdMoving the theme folder from ~/.local/share/themes to ~/.themes solved the issue, maybe there's a problem with gtk2 themes and the new location?12:56
urnigueyeats no i do not have it12:58
lotuspsychjeItsaLoonie: perhaps more a question for ##networking12:58
urniguei posted it on ubuntu forum also12:58
ItsaLoonielotuspsychje: Thanks12:59
debronEriC^^: thanks12:59
debronbut cant add it, since it doesnt find the mode by the name12:59
debronyou mean, in the same line of mode creation?13:00
urnigueany advice?13:04
urnigueyeats any advice?13:09
debronguys, everytime I try add newmode to xrandr it set the mode for HDMI-2 , the one im using its HDMI-113:11
debroni try to create the mode specifying --output HDMI-1 but it just ignore me and asign to HDMI-2 all the time13:11
debronany ideas of how could i add this mode to the 1st hdmi?13:12
TJ-debron: you do --newmode first then use --addmode to associate it with an output13:14
=== hunter is now known as hunter87
blip99TJ-, sorry to disturb, just wondering if you have any advice for me to proceed.  I'm trying to figure out this ata3 error, though probably thats caused by the upgrade somehow13:18
debronTJ-: solved13:18
debroneven the native resolution on TV its 1440x900 , it doesnt accept it. "video not supported" at 60Hz i setted13:19
debronmaybe its not accepted through HDMI, all 16:10 resolutions13:19
TJ-blip99: I'm on my way out, someone else should be able to help though13:20
blip99np. thanks TJ-13:20
rendarTJ-: hey man, i have now in an ubuntu live cd, can you give me some help to install a UEFI signed grub?13:20
TJ-rendar: I'm on my way out13:20
rendaroh, i see13:20
rendarsee you later then13:21
debronTJ-: you think that connecting pc to hdmi2 of the tv would make any differencE? xDD its the only thing i havent tried13:22
EriC^^rendar: what are you trying to do? isn't the shimx64.efi working with your pc?13:23
blip99hi all, i upgraded xubuntu 16.04 to 17.10 (it was just 1 direct upgrade) - after reboot I can't seem to login.  The login manager shows a black screen then returns to login.  trying to go into tty1 or others just shows a blinking cursor, no possibility for text login13:23
EriC^^debron: does the laptop have a hdmi2?13:24
hateballblip99: what type of gpu/driver?13:24
hateballblip99: I am thinking if you had amd+fglrx, which is no longer a thing in 17.1013:24
blip99the only way i can get some kind of login is by using an old kernel from 16.04 and with kernel params nomodeset and systemd.unit=multi-user.target13:24
blip99hateball, nvidia13:24
rendarEriC^^: nope13:24
rendarEriC^^: when uefi is enabled it starts only windows13:24
rendarEriC^^: that's because debian installed non-uefi version of grub13:25
blip99hateball, im also getting a flood of "ata3: irq_stat 0x00000040, connection status changed.  ata3: SError; {DevExch" messages which i never saw before the upgrade, don't think i have a hardware problem13:25
rendarEriC^^: i'm trying to fix things with ubuntu live cd13:25
EriC^^rendar: aha, are you booted into it right now?13:26
rendarEriC^^: i'm on the ubuntu live cd, and i have mounted debian on /mnt/li13:27
EriC^^rendar: you mean you mounted ubuntu on /mnt/li right? ;)13:28
rendarEriC^^: if i run efibootmgr -v i can see 2 entries, one is windows, and second is the pioneer CD readere13:28
rendarEriC^^: nope, i'm running ubuntu from it's live cd13:28
rendarEriC^^: i have debian installed on my m.2 hard drive13:28
EriC^^rendar: type "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt/li$; done"13:28
EriC^^rendar: type "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt/li$i; done"13:28
rendarok, wait13:29
EriC^^there's a typo in the first, use the 2nd one13:29
EriC^^rendar: type "sudo chroot /mnt/li"13:30
EriC^^rendar: mount -a13:30
EriC^^rendar: do you have an internet connection on the pc?13:30
EriC^^ping google.com works?13:31
rendarthank god yes13:31
rendari have it13:31
EriC^^ok cool13:31
rendarubuntu rocks!13:31
debronEriC^^: its a PC , let me check13:31
debronbecause the graphics are provided by my CPU i3 810013:31
EriC^^rendar: type 'dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999'13:32
EriC^^it should upload the output and give a link back to the paste13:32
EriC^^debron: sometimes changing the Hz a little less helps, like 59hz vs 60hz dunno how applicable it is here but maybe worth a shot13:33
EriC^^rendar: indeed legacy grub is installed13:33
rendarcan the ubuntu live cd help me to install the newer one?13:33
EriC^^rendar: type 'grep efi /etc/fstab' any output?13:33
EriC^^rendar: sure13:33
debronEriC^^: there is not hdmi 213:34
rendarno output there13:34
EriC^^rendar: ok, lastly type 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' anything?13:34
debronwhat would be the appropiate HZ of this ? 1920 x 1080i - 2Fh13:35
rendarthere are files13:35
debron2 Fh?13:35
EriC^^rendar: great, that means you're booted in uefi mode in the live usb, so you can add uefi entries when installing grub now, perfect13:35
rendarEriC^^: exactly13:35
EriC^^rendar: first, you'll need to make an efi partition somehow, what's your partition table look like? "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"13:36
rendari have the efi partition13:36
rendarit's FAT, 100Mb13:36
StormWarriorHey.. I have set up my vnc using vncserver and everytime I log in using a vnc client, I get int root account. I have tried solutions I found on linuxquestions and unix stackexchange whereby you are required to switch user from first vnc connection and start vncserver as non root user. But I am still not able to get in as a non root user... Any ideas where I might me effin it up?13:36
rendarand there is windows efi stuff13:36
rendari have mounted it13:36
EriC^^rendar: aha, mounted it where?13:36
EriC^^/mnt/li/boot/efi ?13:36
rendarnot yet13:37
EriC^^hold on13:37
rendarnot yet mounted, sorry13:37
EriC^^rendar: np, get the UUID of the filesystem from "blkid"13:37
anonymipHow do you do to access folders you don't have permission to acces, I mean you cant use 'sudo cd /foldername'13:37
EriC^^rendar: and add the line to /etc/fstab "UUID=30F8...  /boot/efi       vfat    defaults      0       1"13:38
debronEriC^^: what means 1920 x 1080i - 2Fh ? 2Fh?13:38
EriC^^debron: no idea, hmm13:38
debronits on my TV manual13:39
debronsupported res13:39
debrondont know how to translate that to Hz13:39
EriC^^debron: after using --add-mode with --output what happened to xrandr -q results?13:39
lotuspsychjeStormWarrior: be carefull with vnc, as its a security risk13:39
lotuspsychje!vnc | StormWarrior13:40
ubottuStormWarrior: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:40
rendarEriC^^: done13:40
=== ucc is now known as Rumen
EriC^^rendar: after adding it try 'mount /boot/efi' and see if /boot/efi gets populated13:40
rendarEriC^^: but /boot doesn't have an efi directory, should i have to create it?13:40
StormWarriorlotuspsychje: so... any alternatives.. thanks for the guide13:40
EriC^^rendar: oh, yeah!13:40
lotuspsychjeStormWarrior: openssh, remmina,teamviewer13:40
rendarit mounted it13:40
rendari have /boot/efi/EFI/...etc now13:41
StormWarriorlotuspsychje: I am using remmina client over ssh13:41
rendari have /boot/efi/EFI/{Boot, Microsoft, debian}/ ...13:41
StormWarriorlotuspsychje: but my issue is not that.. I am using vncserver over ssh and everytime I start the client, I am logged in as root13:41
EriC^^rendar: ok, now to remove grub-pc, apt-get purge 'grub*'13:41
EriC^^rendar: yup that looks good13:41
StormWarriorlotuspsychje: and I cant switch user graphically as logging out gives me a grey screen13:41
rendarEriC^^: hmm13:42
rendarEriC^^: it says that to remove grub i have to call autoremove, which in turn will remove like 250Mb of stuff13:42
debronEriC^^: already passed that problem13:42
rendardoes it sound right?13:42
debronthe mode i try to set is not supported for the TV13:42
EriC^^rendar: no, pretty odd13:42
debroneven when its the native panel resolution13:42
EriC^^rendar: try just 'apt-get install grub-efi-amd64-signed'13:42
EriC^^rendar: it should remove grub-pc by itself as they conflict13:42
StormWarriorHey.. I have set up my vnc using vncserver and everytime I log in using a vnc client, I get int root account. I have tried solutions I found on linuxquestions and unix stackexchange whereby you are required to switch user from first vnc connection and start vncserver as non root user. But I am still not able to get in as a non root user... Any ideas where I might me effin it up? Sorry for repeating..13:43
rendarunable to locaate package13:43
StormWarriorthis is NOT a flood13:43
StormWarriorrendar: do an apt-get update13:43
EriC^^rendar: try grub-efi-amd6413:43
rendarit';s installing it13:44
* Mr_Pan dorme13:44
lotuspsychje!patience | StormWarrior13:44
ubottuStormWarrior: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/13:44
RumenHello there, I have Ubuntu 18.04 / 64. The issue: Missing icons in the status bar. Sometimes they appear, but in most of the times - no. Mega, Dropbox, Classic menu indicator, Weather etc ... Anybody have clue how to fix that?13:44
EriC^^rendar: ok, 'efibootmgr -v' should show an entry now, and EFI/*/grubx64.efi should be there13:44
rendarFound windows bvoo managet on /dev/nme0n1p2@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi13:44
lotuspsychjeStormWarrior: while you wait, try specific channels also like #openssh13:44
StormWarriorlotuspsychje: ah.. thanks13:45
EriC^^rendar: aha cool13:45
rendarEriC^^: there is one!13:45
lotuspsychjeRumen: join #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 support please13:45
EriC^^rendar: type 'exit' and try rebooting, it possibly might still boot windows, there's a fix for that though13:45
rendarEriC^^: hmm ok13:45
EriC^^(uefi can be tricky on some pc's)13:46
EriC^^also be sure to disable secureboot13:46
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/13:48
StormWarrior!help vnc13:48
rendarEriC^^: everything works fine! ubuntu is f. great13:48
StormWarriorrendar: ofc it is13:49
rendarEriC^^: the main problem of debian was that in their live CD there weren't tools13:49
rendarand they keep to install old stuff13:49
StormWarriorHey.. I have set up my vnc using vncserver and everytime I log in using a vnc client, I get int root account. I have tried solutions I found on linuxquestions and unix stackexchange whereby you are required to switch user from first vnc connection and start vncserver as non root user. But I am still not able to get in as a non root user... Any ideas where I might me effin it up?13:59
BluesKajrendar, read "stable" :-)13:59
adrian_1908In 17.10, should I use /etc/network/interfaces or netplan?14:07
leftyfbStormWarrior: try x11vnc14:08
StormWarriorleftyfb: ok.. lemme try that14:11
EriC^^rendar: great, good to hear14:12
adrian_1908just read that netplan is intended to replace the former since 17.10, so i'll try my luck with it.14:14
linux_useranyone here familiar with apt-mirror? I am curious about some configuration issues14:14
yeatslinux_user: it's been a while, but if you ask your question(s) here, I or someone else may know14:15
linux_userSo, I have several repos configured and stuff downloads14:15
linux_userdoes "clean" in the mirror list delete those repos or does it clean the "skel" area (which is what I really want)?14:16
lotuspsychjeadrian_1908: there's a section about netplan here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes14:16
yeatsthat I don't know, unfortunately - it has been about 6 or so years since I touched it and don't remember needing to do that :-/14:17
yeatslinux_user: this seems to indicate that it executes rm on the repo directories: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/13785514:18
yeatslinux_user: looks like the directories it rm's is defined in the config with a line containing the string "clean"14:20
yeatsmaybe that will be enough to answer your question14:21
linux_useryeats: Yes, I know that, you missundestood my question14:23
linux_userdoes "clean" in the mirror list delete those repos or does it clean the "skel" area (which is what I really want)?14:23
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yeatslinux_user: you appear to be asking what directories "clean.sh" removes - is that right?14:24
StormWarriorleftyfb: x11vnc is not working either.. I cant get it to run14:25
StormWarriorHey.. I have set up my vnc using vncserver and everytime I log in using a vnc client, I get int root account. I have tried solutions I found on linuxquestions and unix stackexchange whereby you are required to switch user from first vnc connection and start vncserver as non root user. But I am still not able to get in as a non root user... Any ideas where I might me effin it up?14:25
leftyfbStormWarrior: sudo x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -usepw14:25
leftyfb!repeat | StormWarrior14:26
ubottuStormWarrior: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:26
StormWarriorleftyfb:  x11vnc was unable to open the X DISPLAY: ":0", it cannot continue.14:26
leftyfbStormWarrior: are you running a desktop on the machine?14:26
leftyfbStormWarrior: sounds like the answer is no14:27
StormWarriorleftyfb: vps14:27
StormWarriorleftyfb: no desktop14:27
leftyfbStormWarrior: then use ssh14:27
StormWarriorleftyfb: I am tunneling over ssh14:27
StormWarriorleftyfb: but I need the GUI14:27
StormWarriorleftyfb: for my application14:27
leftyfbStormWarrior: then you need to run a desktop14:27
StormWarriorleftyfb: I am running xfce14:28
StormWarriorleftyfb: I just wanna connect to a non root account from vncserver or tightvncserver14:28
leftyfbthen run the xfce desktop14:28
leftyfbthen use x11vnc to connect14:29
leftyfbif you do both of those properly, you will achieve your goal14:29
StormWarriorleftyfb: lemme try it again14:30
james1138Anyone here use Banshee Media player?14:32
lotuspsychje!ask | james113814:32
ubottujames1138: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:32
leftyfbjames1138: you asked this yesterday and received an answer14:32
james1138Anyone know where the file in Banshee Media player is that stores the sources. Sorry all. I had to leave chat before seeing the answer.14:33
StormWarriorOk.. x11vnc is giving me the same problem.. I am again logged in as root!14:34
leftyfbjames1138: stores? Sources are what you point Banshee to. If you have stuff in ~/Music , and you point Banshee at it as a source, then that is the location14:34
linux_useryeats: there is a directory structure for "skel" (temporary files downloaded during an 'apt-mirror' run, and there is the 'mirror' directory, where downloaded mirrors go). Does "clean" clean the skel directory or the mirror directory?14:34
leftyfbStormWarrior: Are you running the xfce desktop as root?14:34
StormWarriorleftyfb: yes14:34
StormWarriorit gives me an error if I dont14:35
StormWarriorI knew this was the problem14:35
StormWarriorleftyfb: Fatal server error:14:36
StormWarrior(EE) parse_vt_settings: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (Permission denied)14:36
leftyfbStormWarrior: how are you trying to start xfce?14:36
StormWarriordo you want me to startx?14:36
StormWarriorok startx gives me the same error14:37
akikStormWarrior: for remote x11, i suggest x2go. it uses a client/server model14:38
StormWarriorakik: but why cant I start xfce4 as a non root user?14:40
leftyfbI think it has to do with the fact that you're doing it over ssh14:40
yeatslinux_user: as I mentioned (and you said you already knew), the configuration file should contain which directories are deleted14:41
akikStormWarrior: if you get root account through vnc, doesn't it mean you started the vnc server as root?14:41
StormWarriorakik: nope.. thats the problem.. I start vncserver as a non root user.. but in the xstartup file, I start xfce4 as a root user14:42
leftyfbakik: they're starting the desktop as root ... which isn't what they want and is very very wrong14:42
akikStormWarrior: no you shouldn't start xfce manually with a vnc setup14:43
StormWarriorakik: if I dont, I am getting a grey screen on my client14:43
akikStormWarrior: it'll use the desktop environment that you already have running14:43
StormWarriorit should.. but it isnt14:43
StormWarriorhence the problem14:43
leftyfbis is using the DE that is running, the xfce run as root14:44
linux_useryeats: thanks for your help.14:44
leftyfbwhich needs to not be run as root14:44
linux_userif anyone is familiar with apt-mirror I would appreciate some assistance.14:44
leftyfbStormWarrior: https://askubuntu.com/questions/614543/how-to-get-xfce4-desktop-at-startup-without-the-bloat14:44
leftyfbthough again, I'm not sure how that works if running over ssh14:45
akikStormWarrior: x2go is fast, supports sessions, doesn't require xorg running on the server14:45
akikStormWarrior: the downside is that it doesn't work with the desktop environments that require hw acceleration14:46
akikbut xfce is fine14:46
StormWarriorakik: ok lemme try these solutions before moving to x2go14:47
akikStormWarrior: oh and all data transmission is through ssh14:48
StormWarriorwell its over ssh now as well14:49
lotuspsychjeZero11: welcome, how can we help you?14:52
linux_userif anyone is familiar with apt-mirror I would appreciate some assistance.14:54
debronHello, i am trying to copy a mode line from my TV edid file, to xrandr --newmode14:54
lotuspsychjexrandr | debron14:54
lotuspsychje!xrandr | debron14:55
ubottudebron: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1214:55
debronI dont know why it created for a unexisting output, instead of creating for my current and only output14:55
Zero11I have heating problem in my hp 8460p laptop.ubuntu 16.4.414:55
debronlotuspsychje: thanks14:55
Exterminadorhey guys. I know that this isn't the best place probably, but I've changed my HDD from one laptop to another. the laptop boots and so on. it has no wireless card, so I was using my phone to share the internet via USB. but... I keep losing usb connection. can be motherboard dying?14:55
debronbut I am using xrandr how is supposed to be used, its failing somehow14:55
debronSo, the only way of using a mode is taking the line from cvt command? i cant get the line from the edid file of the TV?14:56
lotuspsychjeExterminador: more a question for ##hardware ?14:56
Exterminadorlotuspsychje: Ty!14:56
linux_userwhat is the difference between X and GNOME?14:57
debronX is any kind of desktop environment14:57
StormWarriorleftyfb: GNOME runs on X14:57
debronGNOME is one of them14:57
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:58
StormWarrior!x linux_user14:58
StormWarrior!x | linux_user14:58
ubottulinux_user: please see above14:58
pragmaticenigmalinux_user, Gnome is a Desktop Environment. It handles window decoration and experience. X is what allows Gnome to display it's windows. It can opperate on it's own but the interface is very crude. Gnome provides a more user friendly interface14:58
tomreyn"sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" wont start for lightdm, i guess14:59
leftyfbStormWarrior: as does XFCE14:59
StormWarriorleftyfb: :(15:00
StormWarriorleftyfb: I am losing hope15:00
linux_userpragmaticenigma: thanks!15:01
linux_user!x | me15:01
ubottume: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:01
=== Menzie is now known as Menzador
jack_hello everyone15:07
pragmaticenigma!ask | Hello jack_15:08
ubottuHello jack_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:08
StormWarrior!patience | me15:08
ubottume: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:08
pragmaticenigma!bot | StormWarrior15:09
ubottuStormWarrior: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone15:09
pragmaticenigma!botabuse | StormWarrior15:10
ubottuStormWarrior: Please investigate me only with "/msg ubottu bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu search <pattern>"15:10
jack_today i update my ubuntu  18.04 ,after restart my computer ,i can launch the system :(15:11
tomreyn!18.04 | jack_15:11
ubottujack_: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+115:11
tomreynjack_: i.e. please /join #ubuntu+1 and ask there15:12
=== anonymous is now known as Guest40929
pragmaticenigma!nick | Hello Guest4092915:13
ubottuHello Guest40929: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.15:13
pragmaticenigmaGuest40929, please choose a nick name unique to you15:15
=== larry__ is now known as lapaga
Guest40929how ?15:15
Guest40929how to set name?15:15
tomreyn/nick mynewnickname15:15
pragmaticenigma!register | Guest4092915:15
ubottuGuest40929: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.15:15
Fleetwoodwhat kind of uptime does ubuntu server get?15:17
leftyfbFleetwood: that is an invlid question15:18
leftyfb!ask | ganderluo15:18
ubottuganderluo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:18
=== wodencafe is now known as WodenCafe
JimBuntuFleetwood, infinite.15:26
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu, I think the correct response is as long as a user lets it stay up15:29
roryFleetwood: If I understand, you're interested to learn how often you will be forced to reboot an Ubuntu server?15:30
pragmaticenigmarory, it's offtopic15:30
roryFleetwood: Start here https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/10/20/live-kernel-patching-from-canonical-now-available-for-ubuntu15:30
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pragmaticenigma!ask | hello Emmarof15:54
ubottuhello Emmarof: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:54
Emmarofmy / drive is full15:55
Emmarofi however have space on my /home15:55
EmmarofCan i add space to / without having to reinstall everything?15:56
pragmaticenigmaEmmarof, you can resize partitions, however, you risk losing all of your data. Make sure you back up your system using a disk back up utility first15:56
oerheksEmmarof, first remove all old and unused kernels, sudo apt-get autoremove # and see how much space is reclaimed15:57
Emmarofoerheks: i have. It didnt add any space15:57
Emmarofpragmaticenigma: what are the situations that cause data lose?15:59
oerheksyou could use a live iso, and grab gparted to give your / more space, easy to do as it can be done graphical .. always backup your data16:00
pragmaticenigmaEmmarof, It's rare, but it's always a risk. Chances are, you have a back up and nothing goes wrong. But at least you won't be kicking yourself later when something doesn't go right and you do lose your important files16:00
pragmaticenigmaEmmarof, partitioning tools do not care about the data contained within the partition. Their goal is to resize the partition. If data exists in an area that's about to be reallocated else where, it doesn't get moved, it get's wiped16:01
Emmarofi get that16:02
Emmarofso two things16:02
Emmarofback up and partition resize16:03
pragmaticenigmayep, that's a great plan Emmarof16:04
pragmaticenigmaEmmarof, depending on your data needs, a full system back up can image the entire drive and save it to an external drive. The external drive will need to be the same size or larger than the disk being copied. You can make a back up with a utility like Clonezilla16:05
pragmaticenigmaEmmarof, The other option is to simply back up your home folder and other folders that hold files you want to ensure are recoverable. You then only need a drive big enough to hold all those files16:06
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Emmarofeither ways, i need a clonezilla or clonezilla like utility riht?16:07
pragmaticenigmaEmmarof, yes, if you intend to make a complete drive image as a back up16:07
oerheksno, gparted will do16:08
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, we're talking about backing up files prior to resizing the drive16:08
goatiaHi all, Please could someone help, Im using UbuntuStudio and having problems with PulseAudio that seems to uninstlall or delete itself for some reason, I have lost my main volume control settings (speaker icon) twice now. Im new at Studio and still trying to find my way around. System was fine last night, when I start up now it takes longer than usual. I have used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure the first time it happened16:20
goatiaand it fixed the problem, the icon went missing again today and I tried this procedure, but this time it does not want to work :( Please if someone could assist me!16:20
lotuspsychje!sound | goatia start here16:20
ubottugoatia start here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:20
goatiaThat is what I am trying to explain, I cannot access the volume applet16:22
bn_workdoes ubuntu not have an LDAP package that can be installed via `apt`?16:23
bn_work(I checked for openldap, freeipa)16:23
bn_workUbuntu 14.04 LTS16:23
lotuspsychjebn_work: apt-cache search ldap16:23
pavlosbn_work: install slapd and ldap-utils16:24
bn_workoh, is openldap = slapd?16:24
tomreyn!info slapd16:26
pavlosbn_work: yes, read this ... https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/openldap-server.html16:26
ubottuslapd (source: openldap): OpenLDAP server (slapd). In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.45+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 1438 kB, installed size 16901 kB16:26
bn_worktomreyn/pavlos:  thanks.  do you know if openldap has a graphical utility one can use to manage users?  perhaps via X?16:28
Dovid2hi. I am trying to parec on ubuntu when I ssh in to the computer. When I am on the desktop it works fine when I launch it. however if I ssh in and run parec I get: "xcb_connection_has_error() returned true. Connection failure: Connection refused". On RHEL It works fine. I assume it's some enviroment variable any clues?16:28
bn_workI normally prefer CLI but gotta admit MS ADUC has spoiled me over the years16:29
pavlosbn_work: there is a phpldapadmin (search for ldap client gui16:29
tomreynbn_work: there are several web based ladap administration utilities. i don't have a good overview on this, though, and thus can't recommend one specifically.16:30
pavlosbn_work: https://askubuntu.com/questions/14847/gui-tool-to-configure-ldap-client16:30
bn_workugh, PHP, another attack vector I'd need guard :(16:31
bn_works/need/need to/16:31
bn_workthanks for the suggestion though16:31
goatiaHey guys, sorry to bother, one question.... If the speaker icon is missing, how do I get it back?16:31
bn_worka web-based on would be convenient though16:31
debronI just tried to format an usb stick from unity gui, (i shouldve done this by command-line) and i choosed option "slow format, overrite all with zeroes", well, the volume unmounted and there is not progress bar or info of the status16:33
debronhow can I know when format process its done?16:33
debronI wouldnt like to unplug the device in the middle of formatting... xd16:34
pavlosdebron: pop another terminal, find the process running and kill it16:35
tomreyndebron: you can run "eject" against its device node. if there is still a process accessing it it will fail16:35
debrontomreyn: the drive unmounted16:35
debronit really need to be unmounted for format?16:35
debroni dont get it16:35
tomreyndebron: drives ar enot mounted in the first place, file systems are.16:35
debronits not on /media anymore16:35
debronfs , sorry16:35
tomreyndebron: so you're saying the file system was unmouned, but the storage device is probably still attached.16:36
debronyeah, i can see it16:36
tomreyndebron: so run eject against it and see what happens16:37
debronok ty, sec16:37
NigueHi, again16:38
Nigue've tried to set up the pptp connection in ubuntu with the default settings, the connection works in windows 7 also in windows xp, it even works with ubuntu within same provider's network. I've tried to connect with two different computers on my home network (both pc are able to connect with vpn in windows 7) but with ubuntu i got error vpn connection failed because vpn stopped. I found this VPN connection failed because service stopp16:38
pavlosdebron: if the usb stick is /dev/sdb, you can try eject sdb16:38
debronumount: /dev/sdb: not mounted16:39
tomreyneject /dev/sdb16:39
tomreynpossibly with sudo16:39
debronno errors16:39
tomreynmount is for file systems, not entire storages16:39
NigueIt was posted in forum aswell...16:40
NigueCan someone give me a hint?16:40
debrontomreyn: something could go wrong, now i pluged in again the device, and it doesnt auto-mount16:40
tomreyndebron: what did you expect it to mount?16:41
debronthe new fat32 fs?16:41
tomreyndebron oh you created a new file system there? ok, i wasn't aware of that16:41
debronyeah, through gui16:42
debronnow i opened the disk tool and see this error: Error erasing device: Error writing 1048576 bytes to /dev/sdb1: Input/output error (udisks-error-quark, 0)16:42
Emmarofgparted doesnt work on ubuntu 17.1016:42
tomreyndebron: maybe the file system was created on the raw device, not on a partition. this may prevent autmatic mount.16:42
Emmarofwhat are the alternatives to resize my disk?16:42
debrontomreyn: but when i run lsblk, i can see a partition there i think /dev/sdb116:43
debronEmmarof: commandline I think16:43
debronprobably there are more gui tools for it16:43
tomreyndebron: okay, so you have partition there, but apparently writing to the device failed, which means that if there is a file system there it is probably not in good shape. i'd just create it again.16:44
NigueOk im alone in this...i guess16:44
debronoki tomreyn ill try again with the disks tool, instead of doing through the window manager right click menu16:45
tomreyndebron: whats the goal exactly? create a single VFAT file system covering all of sdb?16:45
debronyeah, im doing it already16:45
tomreynworks for me16:45
debronfrom disks utility i can see a progress bar16:46
debronnow it will be fine i guess16:46
debroni think ejecting just forced, somehow, in middle of the process16:46
tomreynmaybe, i don't think it would, but i can be wrong.16:47
debronno problem, everything is right now16:48
debronjust erased the partition, created new one, fast format, and mount16:48
debronworking , thanks :)16:48
azzegerbonjour a tous17:18
azzegerqu elle est la cmd pour reactiver wlan0 svp17:20
oerheks!fr | azzeger17:20
ubottuazzeger: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:20
azzegerthank you17:20
beakyrogramming with dependent types17:23
beakyoops wrong channel17:23
thenwkgHello, i am using an older AMD APU There are no drivers for it past Ubutnu 14.x. The question is, is it possible that installing Ubuntu on an HDD could cause animations to lag ? It's not a drastic lag but noticeable. When I boot a live usb they work much better.17:25
thenwkgI am talking about UI animations.17:25
thenwkgInstalling Oibaf seems to help to some degree.17:26
woukkHow y'all use skype for business? windows as virtual guest?17:31
compdocI have windows server running as guests, but dont use skype17:33
akem__You can run regular Skype on Ubuntu natively.17:35
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testerhow can i use a custom port in /etc/resolv.conf ?17:36
tester127.0.0.1:5353 instead of 5317:36
woukkYeah I found the snap package of skype thx.17:37
woukkbut converting workstation so need business version for conference calls17:38
Sirclein this, UID-0 and that means root? (it was a test by me though). Apr 13 10:32:49 u kernel: [212802.716132] ssh OUT connection IN= OUT=ens3 SRC=107.16ip here 28 DST=168.ip here234 LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=45553 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=50166 DPT=22 WINDOW=29200 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 UID=0 GID=017:38
tomreynwoukk: not supported on linux, so maybe choose a different software.17:39
tomreynwoukk: ... or prompt the company producing it to suppoort your favourite OS platform.17:40
tomreynSircle: i would think so, but, like you, have not read the manual17:42
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tomreyntester: whats the use case for using a non default port if ouy dont mind discussing it?17:48
tomreynyou could use iptables to redirec the request to a different port17:50
woukktomreyn: sadly many customers uses office 365 heavily .. guess i have to go with the windows as virtual guest option17:51
testertomreyn dnscrypt-proxy is hell. they made a _really_ bad job.17:52
testerit doesnt privdrop, so it cant bind to 53.17:53
sublime48hi, I installed 18.04 Beta 2 on my built PC today...experiencing very slow wi-fi (ubuntu got 3 mbps on speedtest.net, mbp got 100 mbps)17:56
sublime48i3-8100 on a H370N WIFI17:56
compdocnice cpu17:57
leftyfb|bionic | sublime4817:57
leftyfb!bionic | sublime4817:57
ubottusublime48: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+117:57
sublime48I'll jump over there17:58
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linux_userif anyone is familiar with apt-mirror I would appreciate some assistance.18:26
tgm4883linux_user: you'll get more assistance if you state your issue18:29
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TheOnlyBouncerGood day, question. I have a Laptop with a GTX1060 and both with 17.10 and 18.04 i can not use my hdmi sound18:46
TheOnlyBouncerboth pulse audio and aplay -l do not detect the hdmi sound18:47
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pragmaticenigmaTheOnlyBouncer, which OS are you currently attempting to trouble shoot? As of right now, we are unable to assist with 18.04. You can receive assistance for 18.04 on /join #ubuntu+118:48
TheOnlyBouncerpragmaticenigma, Also run 17.10 on it, same issue18:49
pragmaticenigmaTheOnlyBouncer, I understand, but we cannot troubleshoot if you are currently on 18.0418:49
brainwashTheOnlyBouncer: which nvidia driver did you install?18:50
JimBuntubrainwash, may want to go back one more... find out what `glxinfo | grep -i "opengl"` even reports18:52
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tomreyntester: i guess iptables then. or a different software18:58
rypervenchetester: You can do a redirect in iptables then.19:01
Emmarofi have managed to create an unallocated space using gparted but i cant add it to another disk19:12
EmmarofAll the tutorials are rather confusing me19:12
EriC^^Emmarof: what do you mean by add it to another disk?19:14
pavlosEmmarof: you mean another partition, not disk.19:14
EriC^^like lvm you mean?19:15
EmmarofEriC^^: i have decrease the size of /home to create 12Gb unallocated and I want to add it to /19:15
Emmarofpavlos: yes, thanks19:15
EriC^^Emmarof: aha, same hard disk?19:15
EriC^^Emmarof: can you pastebin your partition table? sudo parted -ls19:15
EriC^^why not19:16
Emmarofi can type it there for you to see19:16
Emmarofor take a screenshot and send it19:16
EriC^^oh, no internet connection on said pc?19:16
Emmarofthere is19:17
Emmarofi will send a screenshot19:17
EriC^^Emmarof: then type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' it'll upload it for you19:17
Emmarofi just realised there isnt19:18
EmmarofEriC^^: that's it19:21
Emmarofhave you seen it?19:22
ice9when ubuntu 18.04 will be released?19:23
leftyfb!bionic | ice919:24
ubottuice9: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+119:24
EriC^^Emmarof: i got disconnected, did you paste the link?19:24
EmmarofEriC^^: here http://termbin.com/0twz19:24
EmmarofEric: picture of what i mean in gparted https://ibb.co/erG5Bn19:25
EriC^^Emmarof: aha, you're going to have to do a 'move' operation on the /home partition so it switches places with the unallocated space, then you can merge that with /19:27
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EriC^^it's going to have to physically move the data, so it's going to take some time19:27
EriC^^(not just some logical operation)19:27
EmmarofHow do i move? I see resize/move but that is what i used to create the unallocated space19:28
Emmarofshould i use the shrink?19:29
EriC^^Emmarof: try move again perhaps19:29
Emmarofit brings same thing19:30
EriC^^what happens if you right click > move again?19:30
Emmarofyou mean right click > Resize/move?19:31
ioriaEriC^^, i think he wants to add the unallocated space to /root , but it's not contiguous19:32
EriC^^ioria: yeah, exactly19:33
Emmarofhere is what appears https://ibb.co/hEoSrn19:33
Emmarofioria: how do i make it contigious?19:34
Emmarofthis thing is looking more complex than i thought19:34
EriC^^Emmarof: ok, you want the free space preceding 12000, and free space following 0, same size19:34
EriC^^then add the unallocated space to /19:34
EriC^^Emmarof: i literally just explained19:35
EriC^^you're almost done, except that it's going to take some time to copy 376gb19:36
Emmarofok great19:36
Emmarofthat worked19:36
EriC^^Emmarof: ok, let it apply the operations19:36
Emmarofnow how do i mearge the unallocated space and sda4?19:36
EriC^^Emmarof: right click > resize or something?19:37
Emmarofwhy does it have to copy 376gb? I just removed some freespace19:37
EriC^^try resize again, and choose free space before 0 and free space following 0, hopefully it calculates the new size for you19:37
Emmarofseen it19:38
Emmarofdone it19:38
EriC^^Emmarof: nah, it's like you shifted everything to the right19:38
EmmarofEriC^^: Here is the final https://ibb.co/k96cP719:39
EmmarofEriC^^: ok so it has to copy the entire 376gb to the right?19:39
EriC^^ok apply and let it do it's thing19:39
Emmaroflooks like it might take a long time19:41
EmmarofEriC^^: are you a system admin/engineer?19:42
EriC^^Emmarof: yeah it does19:42
EriC^^no Emmarof19:42
EmmarofEriC^^: can it take an hour?19:43
EriC^^Emmarof: is it a normal hdd or ssd?19:43
EriC^^Emmarof: about an hour or 2 depending on your hdd19:47
EriC^^ssd is like 1/4 the time or so depending on quality i guess19:48
EriC^^i'd say the most important thing is to not let the electricity go off or something19:49
EriC^^it would suck big time19:49
Borw3Hello... I have question, is it a must to keep upgrading my kernel when ubuntu updates?19:58
naccBorw3: yes, for security purposes, at least (and possibly bugfixes)19:58
naccBorw3: or you can use the livepatch service, if you are on an appropirate kernel level19:58
Borw3nacc: So, I am on 3.16 but when upgrading to them 4.x kernels my wifi-range decreases drastically :-(20:01
naccBorw3: 3.16??20:01
naccBorw3: are you on trusty?20:01
Borw3nacc: No, 16.04, I just installed it after seeing that 4.x kernel reduces my wifi strength20:01
naccBorw3: 3.16 is not a supported kernel on 16.0420:02
naccBorw3: so i don't know where you got it from?20:02
Borw3nacc: Which is least supported version?20:02
naccBorw3: 4.420:02
oerheksand what wifi device exactly? maybe there is a fix20:02
naccoerheks: good call20:02
Borw3nacc: RT329020:03
Borw3For RT3290 I can install drivers to boost signal, but then it makes PC keep restarting itself on shutdown :-( and on kernel 4.13+ when I install those drivers wifi disapears all together, no even low strnegth20:04
ricardobarbosamshi all, its possible the command for view count lookup for routes? the route command output show the "use" field, but its is always zeroed20:04
oerheksaccording to this post, Ubuntu 17.10 has a builtin driver (rt2800pci) which performs good and usable.  http://onthim.blogspot.nl/2015/06/install-ralink-rt3290-wi-fi-driver-on.html20:06
oerhekselse you might want to ompile newer firmware, see #6 https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=238399920:06
geniioerheks: Changes in kernel from past 3.19 are the problem20:07
genii( with the existing drivers )20:07
naccBorw3: 4.420:08
naccBorw3: sorry, typo20:08
Borw3oerheks: When I compile like in your links, the wifi card disapears all together from even iwconfig, it is not listed20:10
oerheksBorw3, even after reboot?20:11
oerheksi think you need to reboot, afaik20:11
Borw3oerheks: Yeah, on kernels of 4.13 and 4.14 the wifi disapears after compiling the drivers, even after restart.20:11
oerheks4.13 and 4.14.. did you build it on the latest kernel ? if you did on 3.x, i understand why it disappears20:12
Borw3oerheks: Yeah, on latest kernel it disapears20:13
oerheks.. and you need to rebuild after any kernel update20:13
Borw3What kernel is on 17.10?20:14
bn_workhow does one validate that a daemon (ex: `slapd`) is configured to run on boot runlevels on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?  (I'm used to using `chkconfig` but Ubuntu doesn't seem to have that, `start-stop-daemon` doesn't seem to be quite it either :/ )20:15
oerheksBorw3, 4.13, if you want the latest kernel, use !hwe20:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:17
pragmaticenigmabn_work, I think /etc/init has the list20:17
bn_workpragmaticenigma: so as long as it's in `/etc/init/` or `/etc/init.d/`?20:19
bn_workI mean there's an init script for slapd in `/etc/init.d/slapd`20:19
pragmaticenigmacheck here bn_work : https://askubuntu.com/a/67887220:20
bn_workI didn't think that in itself enabled it though, I thought it need to have `S...` symlinks and `K...` symlinks for the relevant runlevels20:20
pragmaticenigmabn_work, depends on the manger... Upstart, System V, SystemD20:24
pragmaticenigmaall use different methods for managing the start and stop of daemons20:24
bn_work14.04 LTS is Upstart + SysV, slapd appears to install a SysV initi script20:24
bn_workbut that link helped though20:25
aroonii have a volume that has ubuntu 14.10 on it ; as an additional hard drive ... but it has the home directory encrypted (i have the password) .. currently running 16.04... how do i unencrypt it for use on 16.04 ?20:32
aroonior at least temporarily unencrypt it20:32
pragmaticenigmaarooni, I think article might help you : https://www.howtogeek.com/116297/how-to-recover-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-ubuntu/20:40
leftyfbarooni: If the link above doesn't help and you used LUKS to encrypt, sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdXX securebackup20:50
arooniso in following that link am i removing encryption entirely?20:50
leftyfbyou are decrypting it20:50
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leftyfbin order to "remove" encryption, you would rsync everything off the drive to somewhere else, repartition and reformat the drive and rsync everything back20:51
aroonileftyfb: so home directory is still encrypted20:51
pragmaticenigmaarooni, correct20:51
aroonias an aside; if gparted has an error writing an ext4 partition to a extneral usb drive; does that mean the drive is toast?20:52
arooniWarning, had trouble writing out superblocks.20:52
arooniInput/output error during read on /dev/sdc also occurs20:52
leftyfbarooni: run diagnostics on the drive20:54
aroonisad day20:54
aroonithis drive was working fine yesterday20:54
aroonis.m.a.r.t. tests pass20:55
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bn_workhmm, looks like `service --status-all` gets the status of all init scripts.  aha, `update-rc.d` is what I was looking for21:05
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Guest58371anyone about?21:15
slidinghornGuest93654: Feel free to ask your question - if someone who can help sees it, they'll respond :)21:22
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Emmarofi used gparted to partition my disk22:14
Emmarofit's been 2 hours 30mins and i see no progress22:14
Emmarofshould i cancel it?22:14
slidinghornEmmarof: probably not - the length of time depends on the size of the disk and what operations you're performing22:15
Emmarofslidinghorn: shrinking 376Gb and growing 12Gb22:16
Emmarofis that justified for close to 3hours  without any operation progress?22:17
naccEmmarof: what do you mean 'without any operation progress'?22:21
Emmarofnacc: there is an operation bar `Completed Operations 0 of 2 operations completed`22:23
Emmarofit's been close to 3 hours and it hasnt even moved to `1 of 2 operations completed`22:24
naccEmmarof: if you look in top, do you see the process taking up cpu or disk?22:25
boblamontthese both do the same thing, right? is one better than the other (either the way it's done, or just arecord vs ffmpeg) https://paste.linux.community/view/a127ba7622:28
oerheksboblamont, the size of the files would differ, mp3 is much smaller22:30
oerheksogg would be about the same as mp3, AFAIK22:30
boblamontoerheks: I'm comparing the arecord method and the ffmpeg, in both cases, I want to wind up with both an mp3 and an ogg.22:31
oerheksoh, i misread, not sure which one is better/faster22:34
oerheksi would use ffmpeg22:34
boblamontI was leaning that way... if for no other reason than I don't have to bother getting rid of the initial wav that arecord creates22:35
thrmowill 18.04 be based on kernel 4.14?22:44
MikeRLI noticed something nasty on Ubuntu 16.04 when my proprietary drivers updated. Nvidia-settings now will not load if you have it set to the Intel GPU.22:45
genii!info linux-image-generic bionic22:45
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB22:45
MikeRLIs there anywhere I can report this?22:45
geniithrmo: Apparently 4.1522:45
thrmogenii, why will a LTS released be based on a non-lts kernel?22:45
geniiYou'd have to ask the devs that22:46
geniiBut I think they gave up the even numbers for release versions and odd for dev versions on the kernel a long time ago now22:47
compdocthrmo, two different things22:47
thrmo16.04 was based on a LTS kernel22:48
thrmomakes more sense security wise22:48
compdocah. do you think that was done previously too?22:48
geniiI'd suspect it's probably to do with kernel support for ZFS22:48
compdocfor 14.04?22:49
nacc!bug | MikeRL22:49
ubottuMikeRL: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:49
thrmo14.04 seems to be based on a non lts kernel22:49
naccthrmo: what is your point?22:50
MikeRLPackage is not official nacc .22:50
naccthrmo: the ubuntu-security team does not necessarily directly follow only the upstream kernel22:50
compdocso 16.04 might have just been a matter of timing that they used the lts kernel.22:50
naccMikeRL: ok, report it to wherever you got the package from?22:50
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MikeRLGot the package from https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers but there appears to be no way to report bugs.22:51
naccMikeRL: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa you mean?22:52
naccMikeRL: as with any PPA, contact PPA owners for support22:52
MikeRLYeah that PPA.22:52
MikeRLVia IRC or message on launchpad?22:52
compdocdoes an lts version of ubuntu ever jump to a higher version kernel?22:52
thrmonacc, sure, this way just seems like a hell lot of trouble for no good reason22:52
thrmowhen they could use and contribute to upstream22:52
naccMikeRL: either, i think22:53
nacc!hwe | compdoc22:53
ubottucompdoc: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:53
MikeRLnacc, thanks.22:53
naccthrmo: you could talk to the ubuntu kernel team about this, not the support channel (#ubuntu-kernel), but it's pretty presumptuous of you to assume you know better than they do22:53
naccthrmo: and to assuem they don't use or contribute to upstream22:53
thrmoI was just assuming that it would be a lot more hassle free otherwise22:54
naccthrmo: based upon what and for whom?22:54
jerichowasahoax!bionic > jerichowasahoax22:54
ubottujerichowasahoax, please see my private message22:54
thrmowhat most other stable "distros" do22:55
thrmoit's not by change that debian uses LTS kernels22:55
thrmoit's not some kind of whichcraft.22:55
naccthrmo: you're fully out of 'support' discussion here, like i said, there are better channels if you want to try and change the kernel team's mind22:56
naccthrmo: but afaict, you're not speaking as a kernel developer or contributor22:56
sammyghow to restart the pc from ubuntu setup?23:15
sammygthe button in the top right corner is not having any effect23:16
sammygi am at "installation type" screen23:16
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grkblood13on my laptop if I remove my battery and plug in the power adapter itlll power up and run fine. If I plug my battery in itll run fine. If I plug adapter and battery in the laptop will run but not charge the battery. Any idea whats wrong?23:16
sammygso how do you charge your battery?23:18
grkblood13i cant23:18
grkblood13i just bought a new one thinking it was bad23:18
grkblood13it the battery is in and the adapter is plugged in itll run off the battery23:19
grkblood13if i remove the battery itll run off the adapter23:19
grkblood13its a probook 4730s23:19
grkblood13ive had it for a few years running ubuntu23:20
leftyfbgrkblood13: sounds like a hardware problem, not ubuntu23:20
leftyfbsammyg: hold down the power button till it powers off. Then power it back up23:20
_war10ck_grkblood13: The problem might be with your charger, either the resistance has gone up or your charging section in your MBD is out23:21
grkblood13how do I know if the charging section of my MBD is out?23:21
leftyfbgrkblood13: contact your laptop manufacturer or google/youtube23:22
leftyfbgrkblood13: your issue has nothing to do with ubuntu.23:22
ToadisattvaI'm using Lubuntu 16.04, I'd like for a user to be able to use pcmanfm to copy files to an external device, but not have access to the root filesystem or anything other than the browsers download folder and the desktop, is this possible?23:22
leftyfbgrkblood13: you could maybe seek further help in #hardware or #computers23:22
leftyfbToadisattva: use sudo23:22
_war10ck_grkblood13: excatly what leftyfb said23:22
grkblood13will do23:23
sammygthat's ##hardware and #computers is a one man's show room23:24
NextContestantHey, could site help be handled here?23:25
Skaface82can you see what % the charge is? maybe if the software thinks its 100% all the time, it wont charge?23:25
Skaface82charging should be hardware controlled though so i dont think im right23:26
leftyfbNextContestant: what sort of help?23:26
leftyfbSkaface82: Ubuntu does not dictate whether or not the battery gets charged23:26
Skaface82yeah i didnt think so23:26
Skaface82cause it charges when its off :D23:26
sammygacpi problem maybe?23:27
sammygjust installed ubuntu on a new desktop system i built23:27
NextContestantprob with SSO login and the forums23:27
sammyglike my old system, i see "acpi probing" bla bla23:27
sammygbut it works!23:28
sammygthat's the main thing, and it's a desktop so i don't need batteries23:28
sammygbut why is this "acpi probing" so commonly displayed during boot up of ubuntu?23:28
leftyfbNextContestant: try #ubuntu-website23:29
NextContestantleftyfb: Tanx!!23:29
pragmaticenigmasammyg, acpi is for more than battery23:29
sammygyes but battery is part of the equation23:30
sammygit's failing to activate all the features of the motherboard i think23:30
pragmaticenigmasammyg, acpi also handles power states of the various components. From your monitor being able to turn off and turn on through the DVI/VGA cable attached, to spinning down the harddisk when not in use23:31
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sammygyes, and it all depends on windows being installed23:31
pragmaticenigmasammyg, no23:31
pragmaticenigmasammyg, there are some BIOSes that aren't complient with IEEE specifications. There is a override to tell the kernel to use Microsoft commands instead of the industry standards23:33
sammygwhat do you mean no? i talked to someone on this channel i think who helped me try to pin down a reboot halt i was experiencing on my ultrabook 2017 asus laptop23:33
sammygit turns out that OEMs had been hacking the acpi spec to death since like year 199923:33
sammygmaking features available or not available depending on OS system flagging23:34
sammyghe gave me some kernel parameters i could try to get full debug reporting so i could read through it while booting to see what's going on23:34
sammygand also set or "fake" the OS as being windows23:35
pragmaticenigmasammyg, they aren't OS specific, they assume a particular OS is going to be installed and build according to that design. I'm aware of the command that was given. but you're making assumptions that are not true23:35
sammygso that all motherboard features would be activated23:35
polntsi deleted /usr/bin/python3 and now i cant remove/purge it, what should i do?23:37
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pragmaticenigmapolnts, aside from never modifying items in that folder, there is a way repair the installation so you can properly remove it23:38
oerhekspolnts, reinstall time ..23:38
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, wrong answer... please do not do that23:38
polntsit's like deja vu, last time i was here i ws told to reinstall the os23:38
oerheks!info python323:39
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.3-0ubuntu2 (artful), package size 8 kB, installed size 67 kB23:39
polntstweaked root permissions23:39
oerheksyeah, it is a critical component23:39
polntsterminal is not working23:39
sammygpragmaticenigma, so you don't think that acpi could be his problem? why his battery won't charge?23:39
oerheksterminal works, with python3 installed, i guess23:39
polntsoerheks so only option is to reintall?23:40
pragmaticenigmapolnts, Go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager and click Edit > Fix Broken Packages.23:40
pragmaticenigmasammyg, acpi has nothing to do with the battery23:40
pragmaticenigmasammyg, at least not from the perspective of it's charge and discharge23:41
polntspragmaticenigma "successfully fixed dependency problems."23:41
polntsbut still can't open terminal23:41
_war10ck_sammyg: ACPI takes care of the monitoring of the status of devices which are using power, puts the ones not used to sleep. Doesn't do anything with the battery charging/discharging23:42
polntswill it start on next boot?23:42
pragmaticenigmacan't hurt to try a reboot23:43
pragmaticenigmapolnts, ^^ ^^23:43
oerhekspolnts, logout//login perhaps works too23:43
polntsTalk about learning the hard way. This sort of thin keeps happening to me at critical times23:43
polntswell, so long if i don't come back23:44
pragmaticenigmapolnts, rules of thumb... never modify folders you didn't place there... /usr/bin and /usr/sbin are to be managed by system tools... never manually23:44
pragmaticenigmasammyg, if a battery is not charging, that is a hardware issue. The battery exists on it's own charging circuit (otherwise you would always have to leave the machine on to charge the battery)23:45
sammygi was overthinking it23:46
sammygbut i am still curious about that "acpi probing failed" stuff coming up each time i boot23:47
sammygbe it old desktop, new desktop, laptop, usb live system23:47
sammygmaybe it's not a problem23:48
sammygit's normal boot process23:48
sammygbut then it should not be displayed, ripping through the nice ubuntu splash screen :)23:49
sammygnone of you see that stuff?23:50
pragmaticenigmasammyg, if you sit and watch tail -f /var/log/syslog you will see dozens of error messages every second23:50
polntspragmaticenigma what was your advice?23:51
_war10ck_sammyg: I have sometimes seen that in older systems, where the battery is old, or the OS is unable to determine whether the system has a battery in it or not23:51
polntsrestarted, no change. Terminal doesn't work23:51
polntsmeaning i couldnt try the solutions offered here - > https://askubuntu.com/questions/218919/i-accidentally-deleted-usr-bin-python-how-do-i-restore-it23:51
_war10ck_sammyg: occurs plenty of times in my Asus system, now that it is 6+ years old23:52
pragmaticenigmapolnts, the advice I offered prior to your departure was to never modify folders you didn't create. And always let system tools handle /usr/bin and /usr/sbin23:52
grumblepolnts: does logging in on a text console work?23:53
pragmaticenigmapolnts, this is the part of learning and using linux. you make mistakes, sometimes there are easy fixes and sometimes there aren't. For support in this channel, some will suggest you reinstall, others will know how to repair the system in place23:53
pragmaticenigmapolnts, as for your issue, you do have the packages repair I would hope. One thing you could try is installing another terminal emulator. What Desktop Environment are you using? Unity, Gnome, KDE?23:54
sammyg_war10ck_, maybe it's just asus then? i mean the "acpi probing failed" stuff when you boot up23:54
sammygmy laptop is asus, the new desktop is asus23:54
sammygbut the old desktop was actually gigabyte23:54
_war10ck_sammyg: I wouldn't say that. I have seen the same thing pop up in my old Dell D520. That system is almost 10.5 years old23:55
pragmaticenigmasammyg, I get that message on different machines... you see it on boot because it occurs prior to those messages being redirected to /var/log and might be showing because of something not being initialized yet that is needed before ACPI does its thing23:55
sammygis that stuff logged somewhere? i want to have a good look at it, because it only displays for a second or two23:55
pragmaticenigmasammyg, I believe it should be logged to /var/log/dmesg23:56
_war10ck_sammyg: as pragmaticenigma mentioned, check the /var/log for more information on this23:56
bugzbunnyHello, so send them to ##linux23:58
congmasteris this work ?23:58
pragmaticenigmacongmaster, do you have an Ubuntu related support question?23:59

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