
donofriodo you folks know how would I test if I'm using opengl accelerated using xfwm-4.13?00:05
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
Unit193vinzv: I'm note sure what type of "integration" you're looking for, but pianobar doesn't do full mpris.  However, it does have hooks which allow it to use notifyd.06:42
Unit193vabi: ↑06:42
vabiOk, thank you. I was searching it at irclogs.ubuntu.com just now. I should host my znc again...06:52
vabiOr was it so quiet yesterday here?06:53
knomesometimes it's quiet, other days not08:08
Unit193Other days, we just laugh at knome.09:16
knomeyes too10:09
bluesabrethose are the best days10:11
bluesabreochosi: one you'll be interested in, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-notifyd/+bug/176367410:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1763674 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "Fade out setting in preferences does not match actual setting" [Undecided,New]10:55
flocculantbluesabre: confirmed it a bunch of times in a vm and hardware :p added it to bp 13:32
FurretUberThe xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin is very prominent: https://i.imgur.com/d5nNcUY.png Is there a way to reduce its size?15:50
ali1234not directly16:15
ali1234basically the reason why it is different size to the others is because it is a totally different type of plugin, with different rules on how it is drawn16:16
ochosibluesabre: sounds like a trivial fix. maybe we can still include it as a patch20:10
flocculantochosi: make everything a bug fix :p20:11
ochosibluesabre: i think it's something we can easily cover up by setting the default value in x-d-s explicitely, then the settings dialog shows the correct value. the problem only exists if the setting hasn't been set at all20:55
ochosibut anyway, i'll patch up notifyd too for the future20:56
ali1234any update on panel-switch? want me to do a patch?21:02
ochosiali1234: sorry, maybe i missed that21:06
ochosibut patches are always welcome21:06
ochosibluesabre: craaaaap, there are still 16px m$office icons that are of the old and now misleading style...21:16
ochosi4 more icons to fix21:16
ochosican we still get those into 18.04?21:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1762779 in xfpanel-switch (Ubuntu) "AttributeError: 'PanelConfig' object has no attribute 'source'" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:21
ochosibluesabre: here is the fix for the broken office icons: https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/commit/3ab8783a130cbfdc8e1cdb1cba9cc602e75f037f21:27
bluesabreochosi: I thought I had included it in xds but will confirm21:27
ochosioh hey21:27
bluesabreochosi: we're still targeting that uife bug, can include it in there21:28
ochosiok cool21:28
ochosiin that case you can include two more vacuuming commits too21:28
bluesabreDon't suppose you have an ETA for those icons yet?21:29
ochosiwhat icons?21:29
ochosithe ms office ones?21:29
ochosior "other remaining icons"?21:29
bluesabreAll the ones to be included in the uife 21:30
bluesabreVacuum, colors, ms21:30
bluesabreThe package just pulls the latest git commit21:31
ochosiyup i now21:31
ochosii thought you had already pushed everything to 18.0421:31
bluesabreDidn't get the notice that it was ready :)21:31
ochosihehe indeed21:31
ochosii thought you did it anyway21:32
ochosilemme do a quick checkup now21:32
ochosianyway, the current state is really not bad21:32
ochosiregarding notifyd, you'll see i added two fixes to the bugreport21:32
bluesabreCool. If it's good to go, will upload tonight or tomorrow21:32
ochosiali1234: strange, for me this works21:32
ali1234how do i push bzr to launchpad?21:34
ali1234nvm found it21:35
ali1234linked it to the bug21:37
bluesabreochosi: those icons look nice21:46
bluesabreochosi: are there any other icons you're planning for bionic?21:48
bluesabreSorry I'm spammy, working from phone21:49
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [LP-1763674] r678 Set the default value for fadeout in xfce4-notifyd (LP #1763... (by Simon Steinbeiß)21:55
ali1234MR sent :)22:00
ochosibluesabre: ok, i think i'm done. there are still some icons (probably less than 10) with the old gradient, but they don't really matter much and are ok as they are22:07
ochosialso, i don't wanna drag this out endlessly22:07
ochosilet's keep it as it is for 18.0422:07
ochosiand the icon work is never-ending anyway...22:07
bluesabreochosi: sounds good to me22:08
ochosibluesabre: any other bugs for me now?22:16
bluesabreochosi: libreoffice-gtk3 is included as of today's iso, in case you want to look at the tab theming22:17
ochosibtw i tested libreoffice-gtk3 with items from samba shares22:19
ochosididn't work22:19
ochosion 17.10 though22:19
ochosihrm, even arc has that weird border around the tabs22:20
ochosii'm not very optimistic that it's fixable for me22:20
ochosiplus the stupid inspector doesn't work on LO22:20
ochosiand reading the code always 1) eats a full evening and 2) makes my eyes bleed and my head hurt22:21
ochosilooks like something that should be fixed upstream22:21
ochosigah, what a ginormous monolithic repository...22:22
ochosireminds me of cloning the linux kernel...22:22
ochosii may manage to take a look tomorrow22:25
bluesabreochosi: requires libreoffice-gnome22:33
bluesabrenighty ochosi22:34

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