[00:09] clive wanted to at one point. did not gain much support [03:38] interesting [03:39] Clive wanted it, but didn't want to do the programming -- and neither did anybody else [03:40] it probably could be forked from Mate..... if we wanted it [03:48] I understand. It would be cool to have but not vital. I wonder how much work it would be to use kdialog and scripts instead. [04:12] about that I have no clue [04:29] About the welcome center, I can take that project. [04:30] I've been working with Budgie on the concept for something. [04:32] do you think we need it? [04:33] I would find it annoying [04:33] but maybe newcomers would like it [04:34] For newcomers, yeah. [04:34] I'd find it to be good. [04:36] I think it would be very helpful for beginners because it is essentially an OEM style setup without relying solely on the OEM approach. It also provides a "let's start here" place. [04:37] Right. [04:37] cool [04:37] it would be annoying to experienced users maybe but they can just dismiss it once and ignore it forever :) [07:20] I really think we should introduce a welcome centre. We really need to take every opportunity to grow our community. [07:22] I'm sure I agreed last time, but it did not get taken up. I am for it, as long as it is genuinely useful. [07:24] As far as I recall there is no prohibition from introducing new packages into an LTS release, even after we ship the .0, so maybe this is something that could arrive in the .1? [08:18] OK, sounds great, I be happy to help on this, perhaps with content, suggestions, testing etc.. [08:21] @tsimonq2 hope your feeling better. happy to help work on welcome centre with you. [09:56] @acheronuk, New packages in a stable release gets *weird*, and I haven't done it before, so it should be fine. [10:31] @MichaelTunnell are you planning to do a review / expose about the release on Tuxdigital ? [10:39] For a welcome page, a key is to have an option to turn it off at startup. https://github.com/manjaro/manjaro-hello has a slider in the lower right for Launch at start, but new KDE users may not realize the upstream default is to restore all programs at start. [10:40] https://imgur.com/a/A3Hfq [10:42] That's an excellent idea [10:43] Right. [10:43] But, do note that manjaro-hello is based off of GTK. [10:43] Creating a welcome page gives us the chance to co-ordinate or channels of communication. [10:43] Right, I totally see the use for it. [10:43] How about a plasmoid [10:43] -1 [10:44] That would give the user the ability to just remove it [10:44] My goal in working with Budgie (and ofc Lubuntu) is so that we can create one codebase and one frontend with different text. [10:44] OK, what about a welcome activity ? [10:44] It should be a dialog, really. [10:44] They both QT based ? [10:45] But both are Plasma-specific, which I want to avoid here. [10:45] Ummmm. I am not sure about dialog [10:45] Well, window, you get what I mean. [10:45] We've often talked about promoting activities [10:46] Why avoid plasma ? [10:46] So we can work with others. [10:46] I'm not saying it can't work under Plasma, I'm just saying it shouldn't be Plasma-specific. [10:46] It should be pure Qt code. [10:46] And a window, similar to what MATE has. [10:46] Plasms, activities and plasmoids or core to kubuntu [10:47] On the flipside of that, why create something *only* Kubuntu can enjoy? [10:47] LXQt and Budgie don't and won't utilize those technologies. [10:47] I'm not saying it can't be integrated. [10:47] OK, how could we approach it so as to enable plasma, but still make a shared viewable code base. For the other stuff ? [10:47] But the core parts should be agnostic. [10:48] Ok, so we want the vie en components separate from the models and data [10:48] My approach, should I work on this would be agnosticism first, then allow specific flavors to do what they'd like. [10:48] Right, sort of. [10:49] Then we could interfaces with the data from a plasmoid, Lxde and budgie do their thing [10:49] Exactly. [10:49] I'll sprint with Dustin from Budgie at LFNW in < 2 weeks. [10:50] (Like I planned to before. :) ) [10:50] OK what about a qml front end [10:50] It depends on what Dustin is familiar with, as I'd like one person from each flavor to be able to work on it without "language barriers" [10:51] OK, well maybe you guys to consider the vie component in the context of us wrapping it in a plasmoid [10:51] OK [10:51] I'd be c willing to work on a plasmoid wrapper [10:51] OK [10:52] Let me know how you get on and give me a nudge when you think I could do in and help [10:52] Sure. [12:06] If you have a shared working repo, on Phab, Launchpad etc.. please let me know, and I can take a look [12:09] OK [13:51] ricktimmis[m]: not only am I doing a video for Kubuntu 18.04, I am also making a promo video for the release that Kubuntu can use to promote all the great stuff with the release. [14:26] Oh that is Awesome @MichaelTunnell I can't wait to see what you put together. [15:24] valorie: Did you get bad snow like we did last night? [15:24] An inch an hour all night, probably a good 14 hours! [15:25] And it's starting up again tonight, ughh [16:09] ricktimmis[m]: :) me too [16:10] I plan to do a Kubuntu promo video that is similar to the Plasma release videos I've been doing. I also am going to make a video for Kubuntu 18.04 that is an on-camera "so here is what is coming and how I was involved in it" type of video [20:02] snow! heck no [20:02] rain here [20:02] https://cukic.co/2018/04/14/plasma-vault-with-kde-connect-and-more/ [20:05] for 18.10 [20:07] valorie: hah well I look forward to going to a place with NO SNOW! [20:10] we had a few inches of snow this winter [20:10] it was fun [20:10] but it never lasts [20:12] hah [20:12] btw: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2016-November/010864.html and following [20:13] clive pointed out to me privately that he did fork code from Mint [20:13] Ah [20:13] https://i.imgur.com/Pb7uCTj.jpg [20:13] I totally forgot about that [20:13] I would like to work with others though. [20:14] agreed [20:14] And Mint's codebases are horrible. [20:14] just wanted to make people aware that there has been some work done on this [20:14] and that there was pushback [20:14] which is why he stopped [20:15] valorie: Only one person pushed back with historical context. [20:16] I see no reason that it should block further progress, however. [20:16] Clive was somewhat conflict-averse [20:16] I think pushback just tends to make ideas better [20:47] I think doing it in QML and Qt would be best. [20:47] Python as well. [20:47] I think pushback is needed for innovation [20:47] Sorry for being blunt, but you won't be the one writing it? :) [20:47] @MichaelTunnell, Right [20:47] It'll be with Qt [20:48] tsimonq2: you should write it in COBOL [20:48] MichaelTunnell: Naw, Fortran. [20:48] fair [20:48] I hear there's Qt bindings! [20:48] I wouldnt be surprised .. . .programming can be weird [20:49] * acheronuk looks up his old fortran stuff [20:49] :D [20:49] I have a friend who makes a living with COBOL [20:49] in France [20:50] for banks and insurance firms [20:50] hah [20:50] lol [20:51] who is emailing about out LTS status? [20:51] * tsimonq2 pokes valorie [20:51] GPG sign it please. [20:51] oh [20:52] maybe I can do that..... [20:52] right now, talking with said french friend [20:52] in a bit I will investigate [21:02] https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/8c4m07/kde_and_ubuntu/ [21:02] good comments [21:03] \o/ [21:03] Oooh, peruse was just accepted into Debian. \o/ [21:03] weeeeeeeeeeeeee [21:03] thanks so much for everyone who worked on that [21:03] looooong process! [21:04] Meh, it was mostly just me procrastinating ;) [21:04] silly bit of code [21:04] Imeanwhat [21:04] acheronuk: True [21:04] one lib. so much debate [21:04] so a *bleep* leaf package. sigh [21:05] acheronuk: Are you thinking this is latte-dock? :) [21:06] argh. no. but that was another! [21:06] hah [21:06] Well with this one, upstream doesn't know how to do library management correctly. [21:06] And poor tsimonq2 never had to deal with improper upstream library management. [21:06] :P [21:06] elisa is being done. I looked at the wip packaging. O_o [21:07] does it work yet? [21:07] Is it bad? :) [21:07] A newbie packager took that one. [21:07] doesn't seem worthwhile to do until it works [21:07] (Well, a new*er* packager) [21:07] valorie: it works. as much as a preview release might [21:08] to like, play music? [21:08] valorie: it is in here: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/experimental [21:08] it plays it [21:09] peruse> Ah, and ofc lamby files an RC bug against it. Sigh. :P [21:09] Debian bug 895699 [21:09] No bot in here? O_O [21:09] bugs.debian.org/895699 [21:09] we're still not registered correctly [21:10] elisa plays music. just the UI is still more about looking nice. not so good with funtion [21:10] didn't vish sign the fla assigning the ev rights to his code attribution? [21:10] hmmm [21:11] he did: https://ev.kde.org/rules/fla.php [21:12] "Copyright assignment is a personal act. It is entirely optional and at an individual developer, contributor or copyright holder's discretion whether to assign copyright to KDE e.V. or not." [21:13] "Valorie Zimmermann (1.3.4)" [21:13] They spelled your name wrong, valorie. :P [21:19] ha [21:20] I think the FLA spells out that if copyright needs to be changed and the person can't be contacted the FLA kicks in [21:20] anyway