[02:06] may i install and update apps and/or OS while i have apps opened, even if those opened apps are the same ones i'm updating in the same moment? [03:27] is there in lubuntu a default app to convert video? [03:37] jk^ yes you can update the same ones. Firefox prompts you to restart when doing this on the same version. [03:37] jk^ lubuntu does not really have an app to convert video by default [03:40] what means "on the same version"? [03:40] lyn||orian [03:41] oops I meant when you have firefox open and it updates [04:04] uff :( [04:04] this issue probably i'll never understand it :( [04:05] someone tells me the apps need to be closed because updates or istallations might "touch" some of their "running" files [04:05] but, i don't know which are this files, and which apps they are serving [04:05] to [04:05] :( [04:06] so complicated for me, understand that [08:36] howdy [08:37] anyone here know of an FFMpeg AAC Encoder for linux? === luke is now known as Guest20311 [13:56] I'm having a disastrous time trying to get Lubuntu to sleep reliably. [13:56] It worked perfectly until the last few weeks. [13:56] I can't pinpoint exactly when it happened either. [15:04] Hello everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to make LXTerminal open maximized when using the ctrl-alt-T shortcut.. I have edited lubuntu-rc.xml and it works if I launch terminal from the menu, but it does not have any effect on ctrl-alt-T [15:04] I tried searching but all I can find points just at lubuntu-rc