
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
ducassedo the bionic server images now use the new installer? if so, are images with the old one still available?07:23
flocculantducasse: as far as I know they use subiquity yes. Also pretty sure that any of the daily builds are overwritten - know for sure with desktop iso's can't imagine server would be different07:30
ducassewhat about the old installer? will there still be images using it?07:34
flocculantwhat old installer?07:34
flocculantI guess that whatever server image pre subiquity will still likely be using it 07:35
lotuspsychje!info subiquity07:35
ubottusubiquity (source: subiquity): Ubuntu Server Installer. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.29 (bionic), package size 60 kB, installed size 259 kB07:35
flocculantmorning lotuspsychje :)07:35
lotuspsychje!info subiquity xenial07:35
ubottuPackage subiquity does not exist in xenial07:35
lotuspsychjemorning flocculant :p07:35
ducassemaybe the lubuntu alternate image will still use the debian installer, i'll check07:37
lapagahello - when I try and launch gnome-boxes it crashes- will cut and paste what it says in 2 parts so don't get +q09:05
lapaga(gnome-boxes:10377): Boxes-WARNING **: 02:03:20.114: wizard-source.vala:444: Failed to find OS with ID 'http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/27': Unknown OS ID 'http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/27'09:06
ducasse!paste | lapaga 09:06
ubottulapaga: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:06
lapagathe problem is that i am not running fedora09:07
lapagaI got boxes from the software center09:08
krytarikducasse: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-April/000230.html - this talks about the server image changes a bit.11:24
ducassekrytarik: thanks a lot11:43
blackflowIs auto-suspend reverted in Bionic? The ReleaseNotes still mention it under New Since 17.10 for Desktop.11:59
guardianhello what kind of modifications will happen (based on experience) between final freeze and release?12:37
tsimonq2guardian: Very little.12:37
tsimonq2Final Freeze is a time where any package uploads go through thorough manual checking.12:38
tsimonq2Anything that doesn't land for the release is then SRUed.12:38
tsimonq2So while it's not *perfect*, it is certainly a time where we're focused on stability.12:39
guardianis there a way to see what's left before final freeze?12:43
guardianI'm home alone, tempted to install right now :D12:44
tsimonq2guardian: I think it's "first come first serve" on updates -- we have no set list.12:44
tsimonq2Although https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/bionic-changes will show further uploads.12:44
katnipsomeone posted this in the main channel, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.15.17/ , would it be safe to install one of these in 18.04 yet?14:04
lotuspsychjekatnip: if its mainline, you can always try if it doesnt work, go back to previous kernel?14:05
lotuspsychjekatnip: but look at it this way, if your current kernel works good, why goto latest?14:07
katnipi was just wondering since it was in the main channel is all :) i'm not gonna do it, i have the proposed one now14:09
hggdhkatnip: please be aware that the Ubuntu kernel version string does not match upstream14:10
katnipyeah i just read that on the link provided on that page14:11
hggdhkatnip: you can cat /proc/version_signature, and that will give you the (currently running) Ubuntu kernel version, and the base upstream version14:13
katnipUbuntu 4.15.0-15.16-generic 4.15.1514:14
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lapagais it ok to ask a question here if you asked in another channel and have had no answer?14:31
veeboxdont ask to ask just ask14:31
hggdhlapaga: yes. What is not OK is to simultaneously ask the same question on multiple channels14:32
lapagai have been trying to install gnome-boxes and this is what i get https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mK4tPrYTXV/14:32
hggdhlapaga: what is your Ubuntu version, and where did you get gnome-boxes?14:41
lapagausing ubuntu-mate 18.04 and got it via apt14:41
hggdhwhat is the package name?14:41
lapagahow do i find out?14:42
lapagaas far as I know the package name is gnome-boxes14:43
hggdhlapaga: dpkg -l gnome-boxes14:44
lapaga3.28.1-1 is the version number14:45
hggdhI found debian bug 804291 matching your result14:46
ubottuDebian bug 804291 in gnome-boxes "Crashes when starting after importing system VMs" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/80429114:46
lapagaguess I will wait then14:47
hggdhyes. There is also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=144889114:49
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1448891 in gnome-boxes "Boxes crashes on start" [High,New]14:49
hggdhlapaga: there is also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1461646#c7 -- this suggests something in the linked bug allowed the poster to bypass the issue14:51
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1461646 in gnome-boxes "gnome-boxes segfault" [Low,New]14:51
lapagaeverything is pointing to fedora but i was going to try xubuntu14:52
katnipopensuse tumbleweed isnt bad14:53
hggdhas far as I can understand every distro using this version of gnome-boxes has the same problem.14:53
lapagai have nothing in images ... oh well14:57
lapagaguess i will stick with vbox for now14:59
simonizorSo uh... any reason that a broken, unpatched version of libfreetype6 is being used in an LTS release?15:21
simonizorThe version that is being shipped with 18.04 has font rendering issues15:21
simonizorThat is caused by unpatched libfreetype6 >= 2.8.115:23
simonizorI had kinda hoped someone would realize that by now, but apparently no one thought to test Electron apps and/or look at other distros bug reports for libfreetype615:25
simonizorThere's even a bug report from Debian for this that no one looked at lol https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=88298615:51
ubottuDebian bug 882986 in libfreetype6 "libfreetype6: the package destoys the rendering of font in visual studio code" [Important,Open]15:51
brainwashsimonizor: I suggest forwarding this bug to the upstream devs of libfreetype616:12
brainwashsimonizor: oh. didn't read the whole thing16:14
brainwashI guess in this case you should create a bug report on launchpad16:14
brainwashmaybe the patch can be backported16:14
simonizorThis bug report has a bit more info https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=87883416:44
ubottuDebian bug 878834 in libfreetype6 "freetype: Upgrade to 2.8.1 breaks font rendering in various applications" [Serious,Fixed]16:44
simonizorMarked as resolved, but not actually resolved16:44
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slidinghornayy simonizor fancy seeing you here16:50
slidinghorn(brassman from the discord)16:50
bodie__is there a bug for tor browser performance regression on ubuntu 18.04?  17:20
bodie__I've installed it from the main site's download installer, so perhaps there's a ubuntu-specific way to install it?17:21
brainwashbodie__: it's not in the ubuntu repos17:57
brainwashoh. there is torbrowser-launcher actually17:58
brainwashbut that is just a launcher which will download the tor browser17:59
brainwashbodie__: best to contact the tor browser devs17:59
lol768can someone tell me which version of libcairo bionic beaver is using?18:16
lol768if I am to trust Launchpad... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/amd64/libcairo2-dev/1.15.10-2?18:17
slidinghornlol768: that's what shows up in my repos18:18
lol768I am a little confused, is bionic using a development version?18:18
lol768https://www.cairographics.org/releases/ suggests latest is 1.14.1218:18
slidinghornlol768: Just looking at the changelog listings I see 1.15.1218:22
lol768can you find an archive for it though?18:23
lol768all I see are the Ruby bindings (rcairo)18:23
simonizorlol768: lern2packagesite https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libcairo&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all18:25
lol768that .. doesn't answer my question :P18:25
simonizorIt does18:25
lol768I guess I should ask the cairo folks, but I'm still unclear on whether 1.15.12 has actually been released or not18:26
simonizor"Package: libcairo2 (1.15.10-2)"18:26
simonizorLike I said, lern2packagesite :P18:26
lol768Again, please read my previous messages :P18:27
lol768The tar archive does _not_ exist on upstream's site18:27
simonizor>  can someone tell me which version of libcairo bionic beaver is using?18:27
lol768That was messages - plural18:27
simonizorThe source archives are also linked there18:27
lol768does that correspond to a specific upstream cairo release?18:28
simonizorAgain, from the package site18:29
lol768so it's based off a development version?18:30
bodie__it looks like the performance issue is actually firefox, not tor, and I didn't notice because I've been using nightly.21:05
bodie__I have ff 59 and it's making the desktop performance (including e.g. switching panes) really really slow.21:05
brainwashbodie__: and that's an issue specific to 18.04?21:09
bodie__no clue21:09
bodie__I never use normal firefox.... going to dig in now.  it makes everything unusably slow, so I can't use tor21:09
brainwashisn't the tor project using firefox ESR though?21:11
brainwashthat being firefox 52 ESR21:11
bodie__right, so I'm thinking that whatever is causing the normal ff to be absurdly slow is also impacting torbrowser21:15
bodie__it's so slow that it makes my wm pause for 5-10 seconds just to switch out of the desktop ff resides in21:16
tomreynlook at about:performance23:13
BionicMactor firefox 52.7.3 is my tor-browser ff version. I use the launcher and it grabs the latest stable browser.23:36
BionicMacWorks great here. No issues.23:37
BionicMachmm new kernel today 23:43
mattflyanyone experiencing a lot of lag23:45
BionicMacirc lag?23:46
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag23:46
BionicMacNo lag here. But I can see you slowing down. =)23:47
mattflyi was out 23:51
mattflyusually i get no replies i wasnt expecting this to happen 😂23:52
mattflyI have lag on ubuntu23:52
mattflygnome-shell, kde, even i3 windows manager23:52
mattflysome applications simply get stuck, any application23:52
mattflylike if there was some lag23:52
BionicMacmattfly: You mean the OS itself is lagging. Not here. It's greased lightning.23:53
mattflyyou are in what flavor?23:53
mattflygnome shell flavor23:53
mattflywhat about this gnome-shell memory leak23:53
BionicMacKubuntu and/or Unity ( I have a partition for each. )23:54
mattflyand seriously? you havent had any lag? do you have a gpu and its drivers installed? what kernel is it?23:54
BionicMacNone lag in either flavor.23:54
mattflykubuntu is so crazilly lag to me 23:54
mattflywhat are you using23:54
BionicMacI've been running them for a few weeks.23:54
mattflyme too but it gets odly bad sometimes23:54
mattflyare you able to hibernate?23:54
BionicMacWell es. Last install I did from scratch was Beta 2 iso. Now I update with apt-get every day. So yes, I am running daily.23:55
BionicMacmattfly: hibernate is a different story.23:56
mattflyapt upgrade?23:56
mattflyhibernation never works to me23:56
BionicMacI've tried it once since I installed 18.04 and ... same as always in Linx for me. Crash stuck freeze. Linux & Hibernate is a crap shoot.23:56
mattflyon 17.10 it was working perfectly23:57
mattflytaking like 10 seconds to hibernate and like 30 to restore23:57
mattflyI have an ssd and 16gb of ram and a nvidia gtx 150ti23:57
BionicMacOh yeah. Vivaldi installed with apt is good to go. !@! 23:58
mattflywow i didnt know23:59
BionicMacYou have to add the repos but yeah. 23:59
BionicMacnot official 23:59
mattflyi use firefox23:59
mattflyi got used with haveing ajust 4gb ram and now im closing tabs and closing all i can but i have 16 now23:59

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