[17:22] Hey, I just wanted to let it be known my problem with hybrid graphics. I have Intel and Nvidia hybrid graphics. [17:23] When I boot up Ubuntu budgie the first time is beautiful. But then when I install the NVIDIA drivers and do a restart, it only boots to black screen. [17:23] nvidia 390 graphics ? [17:23] I have tried all the usual fixes but I can't seem to get it to work. I'm not having this problem with any of the other flavors [17:24] I think when I tried it last week it was Nvidia 384... Can't be sure though [17:24] 18.04? [17:24] Yes 18.04 sorry [17:24] yeah - likely you are using 390 graphics [17:24] Is the 390 causing the problem? [17:25] Not synced well to the kernel yet? [17:25] known issue - canonical devs working on it - we are tracking it here on our support forum - more details and I've suggested a workaround there https://discourse.ubuntubudgie.org/t/nvidia-390-black-screen/97/14 [17:26] Okay cool, I'm glad someone is tracking it. Thanks a lot for the reply [17:26] But yeah I do want to point out I'm not having this problem with any other flavors [17:26] I tried Xubuntu 18.04 and regular [17:27] sure - still a graphics issue - nothing UB can do by ourselves [17:27] No worries, going to go make breakfast. Thanks again