
slidinghornbugzbunny: you still didn't answer the question.  Is that because you know it proves that your whole point in this argument is flawed at its most basic level?00:00
bugzbunnyI can guarantee that00:00
bugzbunnyslidinghorn: Follow me in the room and make you own judgement00:01
slidinghornbugzbunny: I don't have to, because I already know the answer.  You'll be told that Perl is off topic there, and they'll point you to the appropriate channel00:02
slidinghornit's almost as if channels have purposes, and off-topic conversations detract from those purposes *gasp*00:02
bugzbunnyYou wasting my time00:04
bugzbunnyI know exactly what you doing00:04
slidinghornyou've been wasting this channel's time for a while..and were doing the same in the #ubuntu channel before you were kicked.00:05
oerheksthe production of digital waste (logs) is high today.00:05
slidinghornsorry oerheks.  i usually don't engage, but bugz has particularly annoyed me.  This is the same person who suggested the reason that someone's internet was slow was because their ISP was essentially discriminating against linux users.00:06
oerheksslidinghorn, haha yes i read that00:06
bugzbunnyslidinghorn: Free society where people can speak no?00:08
bugzbunnyslidinghorn: So you being annoyed would be --00:08
slidinghornjudging by this conversation?  Something experienced by most people who encounter you?00:09
bugzbunnyslidinghorn: You come off as the typical people who dictate culture00:11
slidinghorncool story bro.00:12
bugzbunnyThis means so much to me00:13
bugzbunnyJust cool story bro for you00:13
hggdhbugzbunny: free speech means you are free to say whatever you want, and the others are free to refuse it00:13
bugzbunnyI am not banning him from speaking00:14
hggdhneither are we. We just reserve the right to follow a few rules. If you want in, you are expected to follow the same rules00:15
bugzbunnyI am countering what he says00:15
hggdhif you do not want to follow them, you are free to go elsewhere00:16
bugzbunnyYou mean when I dislike what I read00:16
bugzbunnyWhen that heppens00:16
bugzbunnyI will still come back anyway00:16
hggdhah well. Nothing else to discuss, then00:17
bugzbunnyPersonally, few people like youself is trying to boo me away00:18
bugzbunnyBut let me hang around here and read00:18
tomreynramrebol1: so i guess you can't rant here (based on /topic) but you didn't seem to intend to, and other tha that the topic seems like a good match to me.01:08
ramrebol1I'm still trying to enter to ubuntu-offtopic but I can't !   I'm going to try to ask here01:12
slidinghornramrebol1: your nick has to be registered with Freenode to enter #ubuntu-offtopic, I believe01:13
ramrebol1I think that  my nickname "ramrebol" is already registered in freenode.    My question is the following01:14
ramrebol1Hi. Do you know where is going ubuntu today? I ask because few years ago we had ubuntu-one and ubuntu-phone projects, so it was clear the goal: make an integrated (pc+cellphone) system, that was awesome!. As I remember, that's why ubuntu started with unity, to develop touch screens... because gnome was not going with the speed required. But today, without those  projects,  what is the goal of01:14
ramrebol1ubuntu? Or is just resigned to be the a "free competition"?01:14
ramrebol1((((( it's ok to ask that here, is just for curiosity. I'm just a ubuntu-linux  )))01:14
ramrebol1is it ok ask that in this channel?01:17
ramrebol1(and sorry about my english, I know is not good enough)01:17
akemThey stopped with Unity because it was too costly.01:19
bugzbunnytomreyn: Rant01:25
bugzbunnyThe CEO stopped because it wasn't meeting the targets he wanted01:26
bugzbunnyAndroid is a strong competition01:26
ramrebol1I think that there was not benefits comparing comparing unity with gnome or kde, for example. But ubuntu started with ambitious projects, like ubuntu-one (I loved ubuntu-one) and ubuntu-phone (I still want an ubuntu-phone too!). This because I just use linux in my pcs. So, I think (or I want to think) that ubuntu is working in something more important, to be more than just an "alternative OS".01:28
ramrebol1Or not?01:28
slidinghornramrebol1: I believe the Ubuntu Touch "torch" has been picked up by the UbPorts team.  Check out ubports.com & #ubports :)01:29
bugzbunnyThe CEO wanted convergence01:30
bugzbunnyHe wanted to do what Microsoft is doing but fail but Apple succeeding01:31
bugzbunnyApple is going to get de-thrown at some point01:32
bugzbunnyGoogle had a decent eco-system01:33
pragmaticenigmabugzbunny, please stop... this has now moved into offtopic territory01:33
ramrebol1I think that "converge" was a brilliant in linux, but for 5 years ago :(  Now...   may be is too late for linux?01:34
ramrebol1pragmaticenigma: sorry, is not right to talk about this in this channel?01:34
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: What do you mean, isn't this #ubuntu-dicuss01:35
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: What you upset about?01:35
ramrebol1I'm writting+asking about ubuntu convergence. Google and apple are just examples about01:35
tomreynramrebol1: i don't think it's "too late for linux", it's the OS a lot of systems run nowadays. when you'd like to get an idea on the canonical strategy you'd probably be best served reading thlatest blog posts on its CEO's blog at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/01:36
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: Why have deviate from high quality?01:36
bugzbunnyAndroid is running a modified Linux01:39
bugzbunnyIt would be silly to think it's too late 'for linux'01:39
tomreynramrebol1: i also loved the 'convergence' idea, i.e. running the same open source OS on all devices (be it a smartphone, a mobile computer or a stationary desktop). unfortunately, i don't thinks is happening.01:43
bugzbunnyAs I've already said, Apple have matured that technology01:44
bugzbunnyNot even FirefoxOS, ChromeOS, Windows have been able to succussesfelly to dethrown01:45
ramrebol1tomreyn: :(  I think the same (I was waiting anxious!). Unfortunately, cannonical forgot ubuntu-phone.01:46
ramrebol1I think that apple, without Steve Jobs, will go down, and a lot of mac users+lovers (programmers and scientists) going to back to linux01:47
ramrebol1I think that FirefoxOS, ChromeOS have no future in importants thinks01:47
bugzbunnyPeople buy Apple for image01:48
bugzbunnyYou need to convince those users, you are very unlikely to make that happen01:48
ramrebol1Yes, until now. But in several years more...01:48
bugzbunnyNot likely01:49
bugzbunnyI watch people who do board level repair on Apple computers01:49
bugzbunnyPeople will pay 300$ to maintain it01:49
ramrebol1I'm thinking of the Linux users (programmers and scientists) who bought mac. That they will return, because mac does not great than before.01:50
bugzbunnyApple has a solid eco system that you really need to break, being cheap, is not alternative01:50
bugzbunnyramrebol1: k01:51
ramrebol1being better...  I think yes. Mac will not be cool forever, not in the future, I bet01:51
ramrebol1So, ubuntu (cannonical) has no ambitious projects?  Is it just working in the OS?01:52
bugzbunnyNo idea01:52
bugzbunnyI think their was like about his blog earlier01:52
pragmaticenigmaramrebol1, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/10/why-did-ubuntu-drop-unity-mark-shuttleworth-explains01:54
akemA Ubuntu smartphone was a nice idea but we won't see it / If there was compatibility with Android apps...02:01
bugzbunnyOne thing I don't like about streaming platforms02:06
bugzbunnyYet another Streaming platform02:06
bugzbunnyI personally don't believe, if Ubuntu jump off, need to be compatitble with Android software02:07
akemWell, there is so much dev in the Android community, like everyone's making an Android app, if you can have that diversity on your platform by being compatible, why wouldn't you?02:11
akemOn the other side you're left on your own with very little.02:12
ramrebol1if ubuntu-phone were competible with android apps...   It would have been perfect. But, not02:13
ramrebol1it was a wonderful dream :(02:14
bugzbunnyleftyfb: I disagree02:46
leftyfbof course you do02:47
bugzbunnyHe says that when install Wine programs02:47
bugzbunnyThat means .wine02:47
bugzbunnyThat mean winecfg02:48
bugzbunnyleftyfb: Correct me if I am wrong?02:48
leftyfbyou are wrong02:48
leftyfbbugzbunny: do you know exactly what feature in winecfg to adjust for the solution?02:48
leftyfbwhich one?02:49
bugzbunnyDesktop Intergration02:49
bugzbunnyYou wan stream it to twitch so you can see it02:49
leftyfbNothing in the "Desktop Integration" tab does what they're asking02:50
bugzbunnyI am looking at Desktop Integration02:51
slidinghornoh my lord...dude.  Just stop.02:52
leftyfbbugzbunny: and there is nothing in there that disabled newly installed wine applications from creating icons in the applications menu02:52
bugzbunnyThat's the program I can install right now02:53
leftyfbbugzbunny: what is the option called to disabled all wine applications from showing up in the applications menu?02:54
bugzbunnyI will take a screen shot02:56
leftyfbdon't bother02:57
leftyfbyou seem to lack basic understanding02:57
bugzbunnyWhere I can post a image?03:03
bugzbunnyWithout ads03:04
bugzbunnyThat hurst me03:05
* slidinghorn spits out beer & falls over03:05
bugzbunnyI am asking where I can post a picture without ads03:05
pragmaticenigmaasked and answered bugzbunny ... next question03:06
bugzbunnyleftyfb: Desktop Integrations03:07
leftyfbbugzbunny: you're really hell bent on proving yourself wrong aren't you?03:07
leftyfbbugzbunny: yes, I see that you have proven yourself wrong. Discussion over.03:08
bugzbunnyI said Desktop Integrations, you said it doesn't exists03:08
bugzbunnySo where?03:09
bugzbunnyI telling everyone in this room, Hate me03:09
bugzbunnyDon't like me03:09
bugzbunnyCall me a troll03:09
leftyfbI do not like you and I do believe you are a troll. Or act like one constantly.03:10
bugzbunnySo ban me from this room03:10
leftyfbI would if I could but I cannot03:11
leftyfbif you feel unwelcome, you are always allowed to /part03:12
bugzbunnySo, you wasting my time listing you bs03:12
bugzbunnyleftyfb: I proved to you that desktop intergration exist, what you do?03:13
bugzbunnyYou call my a lier03:13
bugzbunnyYou know, I don't like you either but is that behavior you going to continue to have towards, let's address that now03:14
slidinghornbugzbunny: that wasn't the contention.  The contention was that it had nothing to do with the user's question.03:14
bugzbunnyHe said had Icons03:14
slidinghornyou're consistently giving bad information, you're trolling regularly...why are you here.03:14
bugzbunnyI said look at Desktop Intergrations03:14
slidinghorn...and desktop integration has NOTHING to do with the question that was asked.03:16
bugzbunnyThen you leftyfb can his panties in a twist decided that I did something wrong... I PROVE he was wrong... Now it's now the contention03:16
bugzbunnyI can't laugh more harder03:16
slidinghornthe only thing you proved is that you have no clue about the information you're providing03:16
slidinghornwhere in that picture does it have an option to disable creation of menu entries for new applications?03:17
slidinghorn(hint - it's "nowhere")03:17
bugzbunnyYou've seen it03:17
slidinghornanswer the question bugzbunny:  Where in your picture is the option to disable creating new menu entries?03:19
slidinghornbecause that was the question being asked03:19
bugzbunnyWhat DE?03:24
bugzbunnyI had to actually have to remove *.desktop03:25
slidinghornomg...someone please get rid of this fool.03:25
bugzbunnyWhat you don't know, when you install a program03:25
leftyfbI wish I could03:25
bugzbunnyAs part of Desktop Integration03:25
bugzbunnyIt will appear in the menu03:25
slidinghornshut. up.03:26
bugzbunnyI am lying?03:26
bugzbunnyYou folks like ##chat03:28
pragmaticenigmawelcome back lordievader04:39
pragmaticenigmawelcome back lotuspsychje04:39
pragmaticenigmatab complete fail04:39
lotuspsychjety pragmaticenigma04:39
lotuspsychjeand good morning to all04:39
pragmaticenigmamorning... it's night time here04:40
lotuspsychjehow was the support this night pragmaticenigma04:40
pragmaticenigmayou don't want to know04:40
lotuspsychjesleepy crowdy or trolly04:42
pragmaticenigmathe latter04:43
lotuspsychjethats a bad night indeed04:43
lotuspsychjewith bionic as excuse they all come nag04:44
pragmaticenigmaMaybe it's time to label the release 18.05 instead?04:47
lotuspsychjelets wake em up04:49
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: did you read bionic releasenotes mate?04:49
lotuspsychjeinteresting stuff in there04:50
lotuspsychjenot good morning slidinghorn ?04:50
lotuspsychjecan i get you something to drink lol?04:50
slidinghornoh, I've already started04:51
slidinghornI'm a few deep already (it's comin up on 1am here)04:51
pragmaticenigmaI haven't read anything... and slidinghorn is probably still cleaning up from earlier04:51
lotuspsychjeslidinghorn: did it turn out well with your .deb?04:51
slidinghornlotuspsychje: I got it done...I still don't feel like I learned much though.  I guess I'll jsut have to keep doing it04:51
slidinghornI've downloaded a bunch of ebooks etc that will hopefully give me more of an idea about the inner workings of what I was actually doing04:52
lotuspsychjethose ubuntu wiki need bif revamp04:53
lotuspsychjebut then, there are so much of them04:53
lotuspsychjewb Bashing-om insomnia?04:59
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Thunder storm knocked out the power .. and now catching up . ( still a hard push to get the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter out )05:22
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
ducassegood morning, everyone06:12
Bashing-omducasse: The one with the plan :)06:12
JimBuntuBashing-om, newsletter is looking great!06:15
Bashing-omJimBuntu: We get the scripts working to pull in the conical stuff .. we be set to print :)06:16
JimBuntuw00t! Let 'er rip!06:17
Bashing-omJimBuntu: krytarik is sweating bullets getting the scripts all changed over to the git repo and fully functional for our needs .06:18
JimBuntu+1 for krytarik, I'll put them in my prayers(aka demands)06:18
ducassehi Bashing-om, JimBuntu - all well today?06:19
JimBuntuMy gosh, has it been that long?06:19
Bashing-omJimBuntu: He do wirj winders .. as well as prayers .. availeth much !06:19
Bashing-omwork wonders*06:20
JimBuntuducasse, Absolutely! It's Saturday, this is my rest day, I pitty anything that interrupts that, lol.06:20
ducasseJimBuntu: well, i'm certainly not going to! :) it's well deserved, i'm sure :)06:20
JimBuntuducasse, idk about deserved, but it's needed, lol. Stress can be stressful, ya know? Anyway, how are you doing on this fine day?06:21
* JimBuntu sometimes feels bad for ignoring the #ubuntu channel while paying close attention to the offtopic/discuss channels... and ignores the bad feeling, lol.06:22
Bashing-omJimBuntu: To the greater good - ya got to spread the joy about .06:24
ducassegood here, just got up - meds starting to kick in. a smoke or two, and i'll be ready to go :)06:24
JimBuntuducasse, (I'm not trying to preach) Have you tried vape and/or is it legal there?06:25
Bashing-omJimBuntu: ducasse remian on that controlled withdrawal .. and so far so good - it is working !06:26
ducasseit is legal, haven't tried. i'm currently building up motivation to quit, so starting a new habit isn't really an option.06:26
* JimBuntu ... stabbed in chest, deflated lung... 15 days later smoking again... FF>> ... tried vaping, no intention to quit smoking... after 3 days ended up not smoking any more without trying.06:26
Bashing-omducasse: M&M peanuts .. making a acceptable substitute - till my doctor blows his stack over it .06:27
JimBuntuUnderstood ducasse, another bad habit is never needed, as I said, not trying to preach, but I think it may have saved my life from me. Special circumstances though06:27
JimBuntuI will admit, I don't think the morning vape is anything like the morning smoke. I used to love going outside and watching the sun rise... sad part is that happens about 3 hours into my work-day, lol.06:29
ducasseJimBuntu: i'm under doctor's orders to quit, so it's got to happen sooner or later. i just don't really want to...06:29
JimBuntuducasse, I didn't want to, I was a big time tobacco user... years being trained in upscale tobacco (early profession). Big cigar collection and rolled my own cigs from quality leaf cuttings for quite some time.06:31
Bashing-omJimBuntu: Back in the day I grew and cured my own tobacco -:P06:32
ducasseJimBuntu: smoking is one of the few pleasures i have, so i'll need something to replace it with i think06:32
JimBuntuBashing-om, dang! I never got that far, although I have family that grew it for their own use. That could be something I would want to look into... but curing,... yeah, I am not the most patient,... maybe if I can use the dehydrator, lol06:34
lotuspsychjemorning ducasse06:34
ducassemorning, lotuspsychje - how are you this morning?06:36
lotuspsychjefine here mate tnx06:36
JimBuntuducasse, replacement -> once in a while vape? or better yet, breathing exercises with a fog machine. I find that I agree with the study performed that found the smoke was the biggest enjoyment from cigars.06:36
Bashing-omJimBuntu: Practice - trial and error .. ( do not let the leaves get big ) I tried Oh I tried to smoke my 1st batch :D06:36
JimBuntuBashing-om, well, from memory, it's the lower leafs that are mild... the higher up get more "bold"06:37
JimBuntuI have 2 cigars left that I watched get hand-rolled on a young persons thigh. I already enjoyed the rest of them.06:38
Bashing-omJimBuntu: Yeah - you been there . Thunder maybe I best get while I can save what I have !06:39
JimBuntuBashing-om, storm still raging?06:39
ducassepretty nice weather here, no sun yet though. but warm, luna is already running in and out every minute :)06:41
JimBuntuducasse, does Luna like squirrels? Every day I have seen one pass by my window looking for food/etc. The other day I decided to start feeding it again. So cute, came and ate a few walnuts, left... got some water... came back every few hours. Never stayed and ate it all in one go, never seemed to stash away the pile. Gave me a bit more faith in animals, because it didn't try to stockpile the great find of 1/4 pound (1/8th06:44
JimBuntu kilo) of nuts06:44
ducassei'm sure she does, but she would probably try to hunt it... they're really cute, though - i like them.06:47
JimBuntuSince my dog passed, more animals have been in the yard, used to only be rabbits he would let in. I'm enjoying it even if I miss him.06:47
JimBuntuI seem to remember Luna is a cat, just sayin' bout my dog.06:48
JimBuntuDownside, this last year has been the first where I haven't found at least 2 rabbit burrows in the back area... good that I don't have to worry about hurting them, bad that I liked finding and watching over them.06:50
JimBuntuSidenote: I used to raise rabbits as a livestock (food).06:51
ducasseluna is a cat, yes - https://photos.app.goo.gl/0QpJ33Aze8mlmBKI306:52
JimBuntupretty cat, I imagine the personality to boot!06:53
ducasseshe knows she's pretty, to put it that way :) got her dad wrapped around the paw :)06:54
JimBuntuI used to have an amber and white cat. It was an alley cat that took a liking to me and lived with me for several years before moving on.06:54
JimBuntuOMGosh, I just remembered that I let her come with me when I moved to the city,... she nearly killed a neighbors cat in a fight. Luckily the neighbor was cool with  letting animals be themselves, but oh my, that was a crazy time. Good memories and I thank you and Luna for that.06:56
ducassebefore luna i had a ginger cat that originally lived in the neighborhood but was being mistreated (not given any food etc). i felt sorry for him, so gave him food a couple of times, and after that he just moved in. he got run over, though - sadly.06:56
ducasselosing an animal is hard, they become like family members.06:57
JimBuntuSad that it was ran over, but that's basically how Alley and I became acquitted, it was a cold and snowy Northern day... she was asking for some kind of help, I fed her... she moved in... kinda like my GF at the time, lol06:58
JimBuntuOfcourse they are like family, we are all animals. I dread the day we (humans) stop being able to relate to the other animals in that way.06:59
JimBuntuI am a dog person, but feel lucky that cats always seem to want to claim me.07:01
slidinghorn I was a dog person...until I got cats07:01
ducassei'm a little concerned about finding a new place that will be as good for a cat as this, but i've just got to hope for the best. i've grown up with cats and always had them, so i can't do without.07:01
ducassei don't trust people who don't like animals, there must be something wrong with them imo.07:02
JimBuntuducasse, You continue to have my best wishes with the location change... you and Luna both! Cats need the trees as much as we do, if not more!07:02
ducassethanks :) hopefully it will turn out to be for the best :)07:03
JimBuntuslidinghorn, I grew up with dogs my whole life, Alley was the first domestic cat I ever had... and the last. I like cats, but the wifey is pretty allergic, so we have none. I think of most animals (domestic pets) as free wills just like their wild brethren, so I refuse to force them to stay.07:04
slidinghornI wanted a dog, but couldnt' in my apartment at the time...ended up getting a cat and she's essentially my child now, lol07:05
slidinghornI may as well have birthed her07:05
JimBuntuA cat can easily be a child, they are about as much trouble as one, lol.07:06
slidinghornanyway, I'm gonna head to bed...it's 3am and I'm a tad inebriated07:06
slidinghornsee y'all "tomorrow"  (though it'll be "today")07:07
JimBuntuI think this is why I prefer street animals to farmed ones, they simply know whats up. I grew up with farmed dogs, they were people raised from day 1... so different from the ones that have had to hunt their food to survive. This is why I decided to never buy farmed animals again outside of livestock.07:07
JimBuntuslidinghorn, have a good one!07:07
JimBuntuslidinghorn, same here, but I woke up this way, lol.07:08
ducasseJimBuntu: i wonder if i should get out my python book, do a bit of learning today.07:12
JimBuntuducasse, since I love Python, my answer will be YES PLEASE... unless it's Python >2.7, then no... as I never did make the switch, lol.07:13
JimBuntuFWIW: I printed and bound the Python 2.6 docs X-D07:14
ducassei thought it would be just as well to focus on python 3, since i'm learning it now, but the book covers both.07:15
JimBuntunice! If I was getting into it today, I would probably start with 3 and be ticked off about all the tutorials I found based on <3. I'm not the biggest fan of change though, and it seems I am not alone as <3 still has a huge enough following to require 2.7 compatibility for many projects07:16
JimBuntuducasse, I have made a ton of <3 based GUIs. I would love to help you love Python as I do. Only issue is that I have not done much with it in a few years.07:18
ducassei know, but i don't think i'll start anything new in <307:18
JimBuntuYeah, I could not suggest doing that either. I'm sure most of my stuff would still work, so long as I removed/disabled all of the debug chatter... stupid 'print' changes07:19
ducassethanks for that, but the book should get my feet wet. i'll start asking dumb questions later ;)07:19
JimBuntuAsk away, the only dumb questions are those you already know the proper answer to ;-D07:20
* lotuspsychje feels like dumber & dumber on python07:20
JimBuntuducasse, Was it you that talked about having serial access to an APU?07:21
ducasseno, that was tj. i think07:21
JimBuntulotuspsychje, So did I back when Google started, the I followed their (and NASA's) lead and picked up Python07:22
JimBuntuAh, OK. Well, I am most qualified to reply to questions about serial comms via Python, should that ever arise.07:22
JimBuntuI feel like such a dino though, who uses serial any more? I remember when I started having to learn how to decode USB comms for the BlackBerries, I was like, UGH!07:23
bugzbunnyThe only dumb questions is the one you already know the proper answer too07:25
JimBuntuYes bugzbunny , at least, that's my opinion. Although, I admit people ask some seemingly dumb questions in the support channels, things they could have "googled"07:26
JimBuntu"How do I sort my ls by date?"07:26
bugzbunnyI understand07:26
lotuspsychjeno question is dumb, its all about learning07:26
JimBuntuSpeaking of "ls"... who else doesn't even think of "ls" and has muscle memory for "ll" instead? Is this something from my BSD or Unix days or is this common?07:27
bugzbunnyll here07:27
JimBuntuyay, I am not alone.07:28
bugzbunnyI find myself get upset when ll is defined07:28
JimBuntuWhen I made the switch from BSD types, I had a lot of muscle memory to overcome, ll didn't seem to be one of them though.07:28
bugzbunnyUbuntu and Fedora has 'll'07:29
bugzbunnyI think openSUSE too07:29
JimBuntuI had to admin some macOS machines a few years ago, and I was like... hmm, this isn't working... then it all came back to me07:29
* JimBuntu proposes ALL use "ll" to be the POSIX/GNU coreutils version of 'ls -alF'07:30
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic bionic07:40
ubot5`linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB07:40
lotuspsychjesome news07:46
lotuspsychjegrabbing wallpapers im curious :p07:50
lotuspsychjenice walls08:02
bugzbunnyI never see the desktop, I don't bother with wallpapers08:05
bugzbunnyOn Dual Screens08:05
lotuspsychjebionic walls: https://imgur.com/a/N2bqH08:07
JimBuntubugzbunny, Try on 9 screens!08:08
JimBuntuI know it may be rare, but not unique... if I am not using 9 monitors and at least 3 discreet machines and networks... I feel limited08:10
lotuspsychjeNeo extreme08:13
JimBuntuWhy do people keep saying that?! I simply like to run things in an environment where I don't care if 120MB of RAM are being used by the local copy of the database while I run queries... and am still able to perform rolling updates... and can have my own copies of all the application servers running locally for immediate testing of new release candidates?!08:15
lotuspsychjeyou dont hear me complain :p08:16
JimBuntulotuspsychje, you  may if you had to handle maintenance on my home systems, lol, remember I work from home. It's not quite as easy. I was recently thinging of spinning up a new copy of all remote AWS environments though, so I can drop one of the machines.08:17
JimBuntuIt's really only the other devs from work who complain... they forget I paid for all this, I guess... except that one MBP.08:19
JimBuntuNo one seems to complain when I respond with solutions quickly... funny how that works.08:20
JimBuntugeez, it's Saturday, please excuse my whining about Mon-Fri type stuff08:21
bugzbunnyYou see wallpapers?08:21
bugzbunnyOtherwise meh :-p08:21
JimBuntubugzbunny, I do, behind my translucent terminal windows08:21
lotuspsychjeworkoholic with 9 screens :p08:22
JimBuntubugzbunny, custom wallpapers though... that span across monitors to show a very wide view of a cool pace nearby08:22
lotuspsychjeyour even worst then tj-08:22
bugzbunnyYeah Yeah08:22
bugzbunnyI know YOU people08:22
lotuspsychjewho us?08:22
JimBuntutj- is basically a demi-god as I am concerned. May need to find balance, but highly knowledgeable.08:22
* lotuspsychje didnt do anything..08:23
bugzbunnyPeople who have 9 screens, the wallpaper has to be perfect08:23
lotuspsychjei thought only sumo's were half-gods08:23
* bugzbunny seen people who are tedious about that stuff08:23
lotuspsychjei like eyecandy too08:23
ducassei don't use a wallpaper, pointless with a tiling wm08:23
JimBuntubugzbunny, Mine looks to be in sepia, but that's actually how the day looked.08:23
lotuspsychjegreen on black terminals08:23
JimBuntuI go for a grey on black, for general files via term08:25
bugzbunnyI like Eye Candy but it takes quite of time to get it right, and honestly, I focus more on functionaly.. If the DE doesn't have nice Eye Candy to start with.. It's ardious08:25
JimBuntubugzbunny, my eye candy spends most of their time in the living room.08:25
lotuspsychjei always liked linux originality vs windows08:26
lotuspsychjeyou always can tell creative minds when you see one08:26
JimBuntulotuspsychje,  I like https://lotuspsychje.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-16-04-64bit-Development-branch-568865930 the most08:26
JimBuntulotuspsychje, if that was a live wallpaper, with the time encoded into the image,... you may haveme sold on it08:26
lotuspsychjeJimBuntu: :p08:27
JimBuntuSpiral Julian datetime, the only time worth looking at all day08:29
BluesKajHi folks11:01
ducassehi BluesKaj - it's pretty quiet today. all well, i hope?11:52
BluesKajHey ducasse,  yes all is fine here, how about you?11:55
ducassei'm ok, thanks. luna and i are enjoying a quiet day, just relaxing on the sofa.11:55
ducasseconsidering being wild and take a nap :)11:57
BluesKajyes, it's a good day to relax :-)11:57
ducasseabsolutely :) other than make dinner i'm not going to do much :)11:59
BluesKajwe have a winter storm approaching with freezing rain, sleet with high winds and 10-25cm of snow by Sunday and Monday, and with it warnings of power outages. Spring has not really arrived here yet and the long range forecast is for cool weather until May....very depressing :/12:03
ducassemostly had warm weather here lately, and forecast says more is coming.12:07
ducassedid you get your new modem yet?12:08
BluesKajno, Canada Post tracking indicated that it was supposed to be delivered yesterday, but it didn't arrive. I'll probly receive it on Monday12:09
ducassecool. hope it works well and gives you a better solution than you have now.12:10
BluesKajwell, my internet speed should be upwards of 100mb vs the dsl 7mb I have now so it should be quite an improvement12:12
ducassethat should certainly be noticeable, yes12:12
BluesKajI cancelled my my sat tv service and plan to watch tv via streaming with kodi or browser ...I don't watch much tv other than live news and 6 or 7 tv shows so using an expensive is sat tv service poor economy IMO12:15
BluesKajis poor economy, rather12:15
ducassei get that. i don't watch much tv either, but the cable package is included in the rent here. it's not that expensive, so it's ok.12:18
ducasseit also makes my broadband cheaper.12:18
BluesKajthat's cool12:18
BluesKajheh, I hope the old cable company connection here still works after being disconnected for almost 20 yrs  :-)12:20
ducassenow that i can share my mother's netflix account, i only need something that can play it on the big tv and i don't really need any channels.12:21
BluesKajmy daughter uses her laptop to play netflix on her big tv and it works well. I use my tv as a monitor connected to this new pc my son and i built. I've had my desktop pc connected to the tv since 201012:25
ducassei'm thinking of getting a chromecast, looks like the cheapest and easiest solution12:27
* BluesKaj has been a home theater user for many yrs. I've had an audio connection from every TV set thru my stereo system since 197012:28
BluesKajchromecast is a pretty good solution, my guitar player loves his12:29
ducassethey seem to be getting good reviews, and it looks like it will do what i need12:32
BluesKajHey daftykins12:39
daftykinsaaaah a lovely long lie-in today :D feels good12:40
BluesKajyeah i managed to sleep til 6AM which is an hr longer than usual :-)12:42
ducasse\o daftykins - how goes?12:42
ducasseluna says hi :)12:42
daftykins:D i'd say Mischief returns the greeting, but i think it'd be more of a scream12:43
daftykinspretty good here thanks, about to try a game on PC with a friend who lives in England these days12:43
daftykinsthough i'd probably rather be playing with that haswell PC i put together :D12:43
ducassei should really do a bionic upgrade today, but i feel lazy12:44
daftykinsstill waiting for the IO shield to arrive from the Netherlands12:44
ducassesome days i feel like a cat treat distribution device12:46
daftykinsah then she's got you where she wants you!12:47
ducassei'd say so, yes12:48
ducasseany other plans for the day?12:49
daftykinsi'd love to carry on working :D i've been helping a client set up a charity, but there are some blocking registration processes holding up what i wanted to do, right now12:50
daftykinsi did however find out you can get a free .org.gg domain, free web hosting and free google g suite email setup when you're a non-profit12:50
daftykinsreally detest it when you need even a yes/no from someone and they don't reply for days!12:53
ducassegoing to take advantage of that?12:53
daftykinsabsolutely, i have a few clients on g suite including myself12:53
daftykinsducasse: what's on the cards for you? apartment browsing time?12:53
ducassedaftykins: not yet, waiting for them to offer me something as something suitable becomes available12:55
daftykinsoh good, they have to help - that's handy at least12:55
ducassethey don't just have to help, it's entirely their responsibility to find an appropriate replacement that matches what i have today12:57
daftykinsoh indeed12:57
ducassethank $deity for that12:57
daftykinsTux ;D12:57
ducassefor instance :)12:57
daftykinsso priority 1 Luna, priority 2 fast internet - and priority 3 space for a human12:58
ducassethat's pretty much the list i gave them :)12:58
daftykinshrmm now how to do voice chat on this game12:59
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all13:58
hggdhlotuspsychje: good late morning :-)14:03
lotuspsychjehey hggdh14:04
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychje 0.030483] Spectre V2 : Spectre mitigation: LFENCE not serializing, switching to generic retpoline14:18
lotuspsychjecool stuff in dmesg14:18
lotuspsychjeafternoon pauljw14:19
pauljwhi lotuspsychje :)14:19
pauljwhi everyone14:19
EriC^^evening fellas14:23
EriC^^hi pauljw :)14:23
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^14:24
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje14:24
EriC^^what's up?14:24
lotuspsychjeim colortailing syslog14:24
pauljwhi EriC^^ :)14:24
lotuspsychjeall kinds of weird gnome warnings lol14:24
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: checked new bionic wallpapers too, they rock14:25
EriC^^odd, the microphone is muted in settings, yet it's picked up in dmesg16:29
EriC^^pavucontrol says no hardware input devices detected, in windows it works16:29
EriC^^i wonder if a newer kernel would fix it16:31
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
tomreynthanks Bashing_om ;-)20:50
Bashing-omtomreyn: I do have my irking moments .. and "that" pulls my trigger .20:51
daftykinssomeone being rude?20:52
Bashing-omdaftykins: Yah .. when good assistance and guidance offered .20:53
Bashing-ompragmaticenigma: Ih Huh .. they day right ... quacks like a ducj, walks like a duck ... must be a <troll>, <idiot>, <mad at the world> . :P21:34
pragmaticenigmasomething like that Bashing-om ... I think23:33
Bashing-ompragmaticenigma: LOL .. yeah . Agreed it is " something like that " .23:35

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