
mate|22020i have a question when comes out raspberry pi3b+ image00:12
carlosboa noite02:16
carlosi'm brazil02:16
carlosquem quiser me add in instagram02:18
carlosandremiranda04 profile1's02:19
Tomppisis here developers ?03:14
Tomppisubuntu mate's03:14
Tomppishexchat and gimp would be good me default installation included03:15
Tomppisand why so many software installation applications like software boutique and software center03:16
Tomppiswhy not integrate them ?03:16
Tomppisone simple app to install all programs03:16
mate|76981anyone    home13:26
lapagahello all i have been trying to install gnome boxes and this is what it says when it crashes https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mK4tPrYTXV/14:14
=== king is now known as Guest37265
sacardeI install mate-core + mate-desktop on a minimal ubuntu-18.04 dev18:36
sacardebut I have these errors: http://sacarde.altervista.org/np/err-mate1.jpg18:37
sacardewhat can I do?18:37
TechChristophwho can i change the login screen18:41
TechChristophi don't want the mate symbol after relogin18:41
TechChristophi just want plain dark18:41
alkisgsacarde: how did you install mate-desktop? `apt install --install-recommends ubuntu-mate-desktop`?18:47
alkisgTechChristoph: what does "after relogin" mean? If you re-login, aren't you inside your desktop session, seeing your normal wallpaper background?18:48
sacardeno, only "apt install lightdm  mate-core mate-desktop"18:48
alkisgsacarde: what's the output of this command now? You may abort if you don't want to run it: apt install --install-recommends ubuntu-mate-desktop18:49
Akulialkisg, you can also pass --simulate to apt-get18:50
Akuliinstead of "interrupt if you want to"18:50
alkisgYes, there's also --dry-run and a few others18:50
alkisgThey produce bigger output, not easy to see18:50
Akuliapt-get(8) shows that they are all equivalent :D18:50
alkisgAnd, it's best to get them near to "yes" anyway; as that's the normal way to run mate18:51
sacardealkisg, that command tell me to install 800 packages, 581mb download  !!18:54
alkisgsacarde: see how many things you're missing :)18:54
sacardewhat the differences between: ubuntu-mate-desktop and mate-desktop ?18:54
alkisgOne is upstream, the other is ubuntu18:55
alkisgThose 580 mb are the differences18:55
alkisgFonts, libraries, applications, I imagine a big list there. You can pastebin it if you want us to tell you more.18:55
sacardeok... thanks for now18:58
TechChristophalkisg, it means that i see the mate picture18:58
TechChristophalkisg, but i don't want that18:58
alkisgTechChristoph: upload a screenshot18:58
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.18:58
TechChristophalkisg, i found it19:07
TechChristophi want to change the lookscreen19:07
TechChristophmaybe not posssible19:12
TechChristophbecause the lockscreen picture on mate is verry ugly19:13
mate|15586ok first time here hello people19:32
qwererfrrthytypulseadio package deleted20:42

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