
Scary_Guyyeah, fucked up my xkb settings the other day.  it ran, just without any keyboard input whatsoever.  had to figure out what I did and fix that before it would function again.00:38
Scary_Guythat's what I get for wanting a working scroll lock i guess00:38
jrwrenscroll lock to actually pause scrolling?00:46
Scary_Guysome people actually use the terminal for things, strange IKR?00:51
jrwrenthat is a silly response.01:39
jrwreni counter with: terminals didn't have scroll lock.01:39
jrwrenbut now I'm not so sure.01:40
* jrwren looks for scroll lock on the adm3a01:40
jrwrenno scroll lock01:40
jrwrentherefore some people actually use the terminal for things without scroll lock01:43
jrwrenand vi was writtn without scroll lock, so i can too.01:44
Scary_Guythe ADM3A didn't have a lot of things.  and vi is crap :p01:44
jrwrenso objective.01:57
jrwrenaren't you going to MLWTTKK tonight?01:57
Scary_Guynope, City Club02:04
Scary_GuyI hate The Token, I'm not a fan of the promoter, and MLWTTKK has been pretty lackluster I've heard02:05
Scary_Guyrecently that is, I like their music but their stage presence has been abysmal according to multiple friends02:06
Scary_GuyIndustrial Detroit is doing City and I'm picking up some friends then heading down02:06
Scary_GuyI hear the weather is going to suck so I'm expecting everything to suffer in terms of attendance02:07
Scary_Guyanyway, l8r02:07
cmaloneyed is the only true editor13:16
jrwreni can't remember how to use it. or ex. or edlin16:41
jrwrenanyone know how I can xargs to a bash function?17:08
cmaloneyIf it's one argument shouldn't that happen automatically?17:22
cmaloneyer, sorry, script, not function.17:22
cmaloneyum.... not sure offhand17:22
cmaloneyjrwren: Did you find somethhing on stack overflow because I found this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11003418/calling-shell-functions-with-xargs17:23
cmaloneynot sure if that's exactly what you're looking for17:23
jrwrenI think that is same as I found, but it didnt' work for me, not sure why.17:55
jrwrenI ended up wildcarding the args.17:56
Scary_GuyC-m C-x butterfly21:05
Scary_Guysorry, C-x M-c M-butterfly21:06

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