
veebersMorning all o/20:36
vinoMorning :)20:38
veebersHey vino o/ How has your morning gone? I just had to call the insurance company because I broke the stovetop :-(21:07
vinoHey Veebers! I am good. Awake from 5:am this morning.21:14
vinoExcellent its a good start for you :p21:14
vinoLooks like u had a fun weekend21:15
veebersvino: hah that's earlier than me and I have a baby alarm clock ^_^21:17
veebersthumper: going to propose http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bPYQSpV5Kq/ to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1745031 (finally).  Wanted to add a test for ValidateFileAttrValue (none currently), seems either I need to write actual files or mock os.Stat to do so. I presume mocking os.Stat would be preferred?22:09
mupBug #1745031: gce add credentials "Enter file" absolute path msg improvment <juju:Triaged by veebers> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1745031>22:09
thumperor writing some creds to a temporary file22:11
thumperthat would be preferable to mocking os.Stat22:11
veebersthumper: the function in question only deals with file paths, doesn't care about the content22:13
thumperwrite actual files22:13
veebersthumper: also, juju add-credential google is happy with an empty json file, says "Credential "blah" added locally for cloud "google".:22:13
veebersthumper: ack, can do22:13
thumperveebers: that seems like a different validation bug for credentials :)22:14
veebersthumper: it does22:14
thumperveebers: are you almost ready to land the simple fix from Jan now?22:14
veebersthumper: hah yeah ^_^ it's been a journey22:14
* thumper goes back to his weaving of presence22:16
wallyworldvino: standup?23:17

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