
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> We should see how the 16.04 to 18.04 upgrade will go.00:17
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I've tested it with Ubuntu and that went just fine.00:17
valoriehmmm, I did that with upgrade to 17.0401:38
valorieunsure how to do it lts>lts since it won't be lts for some months01:38
valoriehow did you test it?01:38
tsimonq2sudo do-release-upgrade -d02:50
valorieok, no diff from my artful upgrade then03:02
valorietsimonq2: do we test the RC "candidate" like we do the alphas and betas?03:22
valorieI can't remember03:22
valoriewas going to send an email reminding everyone to expect it03:23
valoriebut on tuesday, or thursday?03:25
tsimonq2valorie: I don't remember the particulars of this one, sorry.03:27

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