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emmaI have a VPN (private internet access) but I don't always use it.  But suddenly I cannot connect to any webpage UNLESS i am connected to the VPN.05:19
emmaI think it might be some DNS setting but I'm not sure nor sure how to change it.05:20
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geodb27_People : hi !12:19
BluesKajHey folks12:42
emmaI have a VPN (private internet access) but I don't always use it.  But suddenly I cannot connect to any webpage UNLESS i am connected to the VPN.13:35
emmaI think it might be some DNS setting but I'm not sure nor sure how to change it.13:35
diogenes_emma, try private window13:42
BluesKajemma, I use PIA and never encountered that...which browser?13:44
BluesKajemma think the PIA app has a setting which makes it default at startup , maybe that's been enabled somehow13:49
* BluesKaj doesn't use the PIA provied GUI , I just use the config files and connect the vpn from the konsole14:02
emmaBluesKaj: firefox.14:22
BluesKajemma, using The PIA GUI to connect or??14:23
emmaI think it is a DNS problem14:23
BluesKajok , look in the GUI to make sure it isn't setup to autostart on boot14:23
emmait is set to auto-connect on launch14:25
emmaand start application at login14:26
BluesKajok, think that's the culprit , it's overriding your network-manager setting14:26
BluesKajset the app to manual start14:27
BluesKajyou may need to run sudo systemctl enable network-manager then sudo systemctl  start network-manager14:29
BluesKajand perhaps a reboot14:29
emmaYeah i set the PIA to manual start.  Then I used sudo service network-manager restart14:30
emmanow PIA is not connected (but the PIA app is still running) and firefox cannot connect to any web pages.14:31
emmainterestingly ssh is still working which is how I am chatting now.14:31
emmaBluesKaj: you think it needs to reboot the machine?14:34
BluesKajopen system monitor in the Kmenu and in the search type pia, right click on pia and choose send signal, then choose terminate or kill , then try your browser again14:36
BluesKaj if that doesn't work try a reboot14:36
emmahm, i don't have that right click option.14:38
emmato send a signal.14:38
emmaIm using kubuntu tho14:38
emmait's just add to pannel, pin to task manager, that sort of thing.14:39
emmaI'll be back when I can. I am going to try to reboot the machine @ BluesKaj14:41
BluesKajuse the process tab14:42
emmathe process tab?14:42
emmaBluesKaj: it's probably pia_nw ?14:43
BluesKajyes system monitor has 2 tabs, load and process14:43
BionicMacBluesKaj: May I ask you the quality of your connection with PIA? I'm comparing vpn providers atm.14:43
emmaoh didn't know i was using system monitor. Where do I find that?14:44
BionicMacBluesKaj: really though, I should ask that question to you in another channel.14:44
emmaoh i see it there14:44
BluesKajBionicMac, PIA is quite good dependin on the server , NYC , Florida, Mexico are all very good , avoid LA , it's throttled14:45
BionicMacHave you done a speed test?14:46
BluesKajToronto, Montreal and Vancouver , and Seattle ,Texas as well14:46
emmaBluesKaj: i have killed pia_nw14:47
emmaI restarted firefox and it still connects to no pages.14:47
BluesKajyes, I lose about 5% on the download and none on the upload on the googlr speed test https://www.google.ca/search?q=speed+test&oq=speed+test&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.8513j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-814:47
emma"We're having trouble finding that site"14:48
emmaBluesKaj: could this be a DNS thing?14:48
emmasomehow the DNS settings got corrupted?14:48
emmaand it things the DNS are by proxy or something?14:48
BluesKajemma, try sudo dhclient in the cli14:48
emmaem@nova:~$ sudo dhclient14:49
emmaRTNETLINK answers: File exists14:49
BluesKajok now try the browser again14:50
BluesKajemma I have my DNS settings set to my providers DNS recommends in my router14:50
emmanot working. cannot find google.14:50
BluesKajthe router should be the best location to set your DNS14:51
BluesKajcan you ping google.com14:51
emmai don't have access to the router and this was a problem in two different households with two different routers14:51
emmayeah one sec14:51
emmaem@nova:~$ ping google.com14:52
emmaping: google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution14:52
BluesKajemma you could trty setting google DNS or your provider's DNS  in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf14:56
emmaokay what is google's dns?14:56
emma8.8.8.8 ?14:56
BluesKajsecondary is
BionicMacMy VPN provider's App has a setting called "network_lock". If that is set to "yes" it will block your internet traffic for security. I do not use or have experince with PIA but it could be a setting like this. Or it may be a default. BluesKaj can surely assist with PIa specifics since he uses the provider.14:57
BionicMacclarification: the app will block internet traffic IF you lose your vpn connection that it.14:58
emmaI removed the comment #  and put it to DNS=
emmais there some way to refresh that conf?14:59
BluesKajBionicMac, I haven't seen that setting in PIA, but i don't use the GUI14:59
emmaor do i have to reboot?14:59
emma@ BionicMac yeah i remember seeing something like that in a older version of PIA  -- I don't see that now but I'll look again.14:59
BluesKajemma, not sure, but reboot to make sure :-)14:59
BionicMacBluesKaj: Yep, ok cool. Yes my provider has a cli interface only. (except for the browser extension)14:59
emmaIm going to reboot now. See you guys as soon as I can.15:00
BluesKajok emma15:00
emmaBluesKaj: just restarted -- the problem still persists. I can use ssh so I know I am connected to the internet15:04
emmabut firefox won't connect to any page.15:04
BionicMacBluesKaj: If you have done a speed test with PIA, what are the results?15:04
emmaim sure if i would now turn on PIA it would connect.15:04
emmafirefox gives the error "hmm. we are having trouble finding that site'15:05
emmathat's why I think this is a DNS thing15:05
emmait's not saying you are offline15:05
emmait says cannot find the site15:05
diogenes_emma, you could try with dnsmasq15:06
emmashould i see if chrome also cannot connect?15:06
emmadiogenes_: how's that?15:06
diogenes_emma, first see this: systemctl status NetworkManager15:06
emmachrome also will not work. It says 'the site cannot be found'.15:07
emmadiogenes_: says it is active and running15:08
diogenes_ok let's see15:08
diogenes_it's gonna be a bit long process if you have time15:09
emmawhen i was able to get online i googled "Firefox won't connnect unless I am using VPN" and I got some stuff but I can't go to google now since it can't find the site15:09
diogenes_run: cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf | nc termbin.com 999915:10
diogenes_share the link15:10
emmaem@nova:~$ cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf | nc termbin.com 999915:11
emmanc: getaddrinfo for host "termbin.com" port 9999: Temporary failure in name resolution15:11
emmathis is the same error i get when i try: ping google.com15:12
emmait comes back with 'temporary failure in name resolution'15:12
emmaI believe this is all the same problem.15:12
emmacould you google: kubuntu temporary failure in name resolution15:12
emmaI think if that can be solved then it would slove this?15:12
diogenes_ok you can create a new channel and you can use that channel for pasting direct output15:13
diogenes_and give me the name of the channel15:13
emmadiogenes_: #temp15:14
emmadiogenes_: well now my wireless dongle will not connect15:59
emmaPreviously the problem was that my wifi adapter would connect to the router but firefox would not work. Now my wireless adapter does not initialize.16:00
emmadiogenes_: I need to use a usb wireless adapter because the built in wireless card on this laptop is so weak.16:02
diogenes_I am on #temp16:02
emmaNow the usb wireless adapter gets to configinuring interface in ntework manater and gthan fails16:05
diogenes_emma, let's talk in #temp16:05
emmaNow I cannot even type here in irssi because the built in wireless card is so weak that i am lagging very very badly16:05
emmathat's why i needed the wusb wireless adpeter16:06
diogenes_try to remove the previous wireless connections and connect again16:06
diogenes_also try systemctl restart NetworkManager16:06
emmathis is painfully broken16:11
emmai can't type anything here16:11
diogenes_why is your wifi so weak? take your laptop closer to the access point so we can chat16:12
D0U91E4 more sleeps til 18.04 LTS16:13
BluesKajD0U91E, I'm already there16:14
D0U91Enice BluesKaj with beta 2 right?16:14
BluesKajdunno, i just keep upgrading :-)16:16
D0U91Eonce I chatted with you I got on the 18.04 - I think beta1 or earlier... weeks now tho16:16
D0U91Emy 16.04 was giving me issues and there were more issues running 15.10 so I just went with the latest I could get of 18.0416:19
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user|76292hi kubuntu 18.04   I am having an update issue that I can solve this problem18:11
BionicMacemma: Did you correct you vpn connection issue?19:03
BionicMacemma: Just curious.19:03
emmaBionicMac: yes got it fixed thanks to BluesKaj19:03
BionicMacWHat was the problem? I can scroll back but maybe you can put it short and sweet .. =)19:04
emmaBionicMac: i do not understand the problem but i can tell you the solution.  Maybe you can tell me the problem because to me the solution seems so random and magical.19:05
BionicMacok shoot19:05
BionicMacor should I scroll...19:05
emmaThe problem was this:  I run the PIA VPN and all of a sudden Firefox (or any other browser) was unable to open any webpage UNLESS the VPN was turned on.19:05
emmaHere was the solution:19:05
emma(1) Install ifupdown19:06
BionicMacI like magically random things. =)19:06
emma(2) Edit etc/resolv.conf to say nameserver
emma(it had previously said
emmaand that was it.19:06
BionicMachmmm ..19:09
emmaBionicMac: this isn't the way we fixed it but it seems very likely to be the same problem: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/forum/discussion/22079/can-no-longer-connect-to-internet-when-i-exit-pia-app-ubuntu-16-0419:17
BionicMacemma: I am curious about something: If you could run this and paste it somewhere? Are you still in #test ? ->> run this 'sudo systemd-resolve --status'19:17
BionicMacbrb... give me about 5 minutes please.19:18
emmaYeah sure.19:19
emmaBionicMac: you mean now while the vpn is turned off?19:19
BionicMacemma: more related discussio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1624320n19:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624320 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved appends to resolv.conf alongside existing entries" [Low,Confirmed]19:19
BionicMacaaaah ha19:19
BionicMacemma: yes now please. then maybe you could run it after vpn is on and do some comparisons ... these are the important files [ /etc/resolv.conf ... and ... /lib/systemd/resolv.conf ** ( /lib/systemd/resolv.conf is static) ]19:21
BionicMaccoffee is calling me.. brb19:22
emmaBionicMac: here is what it looks like right now while the VPN is off: http://dpaste.com/0PPYV6W19:23
BionicMacemma: while it is off cat both of the resolv.conf files I just mentioned too. so 3 things in both states 1) cat /etc/resolv.conf ...2) cat /lib/systemd/resolv.conf ...3) 'sudo systemd-resolve --status' ... so all three tasks in each state please for comparison. without you having edited anything.19:25
BionicMacemma: I am curious about this because I an into dns issues setting vpn several times here. I do believe I am on the way to understanding "why". =)19:26
BionicMacs/I an/I ran/19:26
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marrow16180kubuntu sucks19:37
BluesKajgood riddance :-)19:40
BionicMacBluesKaj: =)19:40
BionicMacemma: What do your two resolv.conf files look like right now while the vpn is off?19:47
BionicMacemma: plus, according to your paste you are getting dns from a lan ip on a particular interface Link 6  ... while your global dns is set to google
BionicMacMy global and per interface are both set to the same servers.19:50
emmaBionicMac: this is with vpn off: http://dpaste.com/1TWA5YC19:53
BionicMaclooks the same. and you are connecting properly with both setups?19:55
BionicMacI'm real curious to see both resolv.conf fils in each state also.19:56
BionicMacSo you have edited /etc/resolv.conf yourself though.19:56
BionicMaccn you 'cat /etc/resolv.onf' and 'cat /lib/systemd/resolv.conf' in both states?19:57
BluesKajBionicMac, they both using the same nameserver  here20:00
BionicMacBluesKaj: ok . im just curious why tge hand edit is needed for emma though.20:02
BionicMaci under20:02
BionicMacthe system shod take care of that ideally20:02
BionicMacsorry for thr mistype "i under" . switched to phone and my hands are big.20:04
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emmaBionicMac: well it's gone back to not working now20:21
BionicMacemma: ok, so did you checkout both resolv.conf files?20:22
BionicMacemma: before you edit them , while it is not resolving, cat both files and paste please.20:22
emmahey sorry i missed our chance for that.20:23
BionicMacemma: may as well look at 'sudo systemd-resolve --status' again also. If you don't mind pasting all of that it may help coming to a permanent solution other than editing the file every time.20:24
emmaI already went to that resolv.conf and somehow it put itself back to
emmaso i put it to again20:24
emmaand now it works again.20:24
BionicMacemma: systemd-resolve is doing it. /etc/resolv.conf is dynamic.20:24
emmasorry i have to go now but i would love to find out why this happens later.20:24
BionicMacok thanks. =)20:25
Sakknhey guys20:26
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emmaBionicMac: I think /etc/resolv.conf probably reverts back when I unplug my USB wiress adapter. (Which I have to use).  As in, when I plug it in, NetworkManager sets it to
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