
BionicMacYes. here also. I do want to give vivaldi a shot though. Now it's a clanISH install even though not official.00:00
mattflyhey do you have spotify?00:00
BionicMac24G ram here so I abuse my ff with tabs.00:00
mattflyhey isnt spotify freezing all the time to you?00:00
BionicMacbut there are several ways to install.00:00
mattflydamn why am I son unlucky :P00:01
mattflyi tried snap 00:01
mattflyand ppas00:01
mattflyboth have this problem00:01
BionicMacI tried them all. I have to look at my notes to see which I am runngin now.00:01
mattflyim with ppa right now00:01
BionicMacActually I ended up just using my browser. The audio was far better for me. 00:01
BionicMacIt was like a volume boost from app to web interface. noticable too. Cleaner and crisper.00:02
mattflyoh i should try that00:03
BionicMacKeep in mind the Linux spotify application is pet project and not considered stable.00:03
mattflyyeah but it worked nice on 16.0400:03
BionicMacI lov ethe web interface less headache and i can have my Panora or Spotify anytime, anywhere, any OS. =) quickly with no installs or learning curve.00:03
mattflyi cant get how hibernation could work so nice on 17.10 and now only crashes 00:03
BionicMacI actually like the web interface better for pandora and spotify.00:03
mattflyany chance the first lts release will be better?00:04
mattflytheres too much to fix from my point of view...00:04
BionicMacthe native linux spotify app?00:04
BionicMacI have no idea.00:04
mattflyno the ubuntu lagging00:06
mattflyand hibernation00:06
mattflyits amazing that on the live cd its super fast00:06
mattflymaybe its something i am running00:06
mattflyI have synergy, vscode, thunderbird, lmms with a midi keyborad plugged, firefox, soptify and dolphin open00:07
BionicMacmattfly: https://bionicmac.club/index.php/s/kEwa6JG3ZzJqhZi 00:19
BionicMacIn case you want to try vivaldi. 00:19
BionicMacmattfly: well check your system load with those running and look for the culprit(s).00:20
mattflymy system load?00:20
BionicMaceven a good ole' (h)top would work00:20
mattflyits fine00:20
mattfly, im looking on htop00:21
BionicMacwhat do you see?00:21
mattfly9 gb used of 16, processors at 10%00:21
BionicMacsounds good00:21
mattflyokay lmms is talking 29 %00:21
mattflyits the worst there00:21
BionicMacthat one is a bugger00:21
BionicMackill lmms only00:21
mattflythats normal for lmms00:22
BionicMaclmms has historically been a resource hog.00:22
mattflyand i tried without it00:22
mattflyits not the problem00:22
mattflydo you have virtual box?00:23
BionicMacruns fine with the normal lag in vbox itself. doesn't affect the rest of my system.00:23
mattflymaybe was some mess with those kernel modules or something00:23
mattflynow on gnome shell its a bit better00:23
mattflybut if I am on kde its annoying00:24
BionicMacUpgraded my kernel today with the official updates.00:24
mattflyaw me too00:24
mattflyit updated nvidia drivers too00:24
mattflybut right now im using kernel 4.1600:24
BionicMacTime to grab some food.. be back in minute.00:25
BionicMacYou should try it with the official kernel and see what gives.00:25
BionicMacgrabbing food... 00:25
mattflyyesterday i tried to edit some spreadsheets with libreoffice00:25
mattflyi just had some lag now00:25
mattflywell and i just couldnt, everything got slowed down a lot00:26
mattflymy fans were turnning on all the time00:26
BionicMacoooo vivaldi is sweeeet =000:45
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quidnuncHow do I change display managers?06:16
quidnuncdpkg-reconfigure doesn't seem to work anymore06:16
slidinghornquidnunc: try sudo update-alternatives --configure x-session-manager06:22
quidnunc--configure? --set-selections?06:23
slidinghorn--config  sorry06:23
quidnuncslidinghorn: Says gnome-session06:24
quidnuncslidinghorn: but /etc/X11/default-display-manager says lxde06:25
slidinghornLXDE isn't a display manager...which DM are you trying to use?06:26
slidinghorn(it *has* a display manager - lxdm)06:26
quidnuncsorry lxdm06:27
quidnuncI meant to say06:27
slidinghorn...and you have gdm installed, right?06:27
quidnuncI just re-installed gdm306:27
quidnuncthere doesn't seem to be a package named gdm anymore06:27
slidinghornok...if the update-alternatives method doesn't allow you to change it, just edit the /etc/X11/default-display-manager to say /usr/sbin/gdm306:29
slidinghorn(that should be the right path)06:29
quidnuncokay, dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 invokes the configuration selector, but I get "gdm.service is not active"06:30
quidnunc", cannot reload"06:30
quidnunc"invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm3, action 'reload' failed""06:30
slidinghornyou're on 18.04 right?06:30
slidinghornsudo systemctl enable gdm.service  (you may have to disable the lxdm service - I'm not sure)06:32
quidnuncslidinghorn: Seems someone had a similar problem on stackexchange. Rebooting solves it, apparently06:34
quidnuncI'm going to try that06:34
quidnuncThanks for the help!06:34
slidinghorngood luck!06:34
katnipwhen are the updates frozen if they are?12:37
lotuspsychjekatnip: what do you mean?12:38
katnipi havent had any updates since yesterday so i wondered if it was frozen yet12:38
lotuspsychjekatnip: try sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade12:39
katnipyah that's my command each time :)12:40
lotuspsychjekatnip: if there are none, there are none :p12:41
katnipokay :)12:41
katnipjust checking... :)12:41
lotuspsychjekatnip: did you see the new wallpapers in your system?12:41
katnipthe orange ones?12:42
katnipyeah... i do not have these12:44
lotuspsychjekatnip: your on gnome?12:45
lotuspsychjethen you should..12:45
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-wallpapers12:45
ubottuubuntu-wallpapers (source: ubuntu-wallpapers): Ubuntu Wallpapers. In component main, is optional. Version 18.04.1-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 402 kB, installed size 556 kB12:45
lotuspsychjegot this version katnip ?12:46
katnipubuntu-wallpapers is already the newest version (18.04.1-0ubuntu1).12:47
katnipactually i do lol12:48
lotuspsychjethought so12:48
katnipi like the blue one at the top  of the choices, i like dark12:49
lotuspsychjekatnip: https://imgur.com/a/bTtdN12:50
katnipi like that12:57
katnipputting the dock on the bottom, i'm personally not a fan of wifi, i like ROOTBOOK too :)12:59
lotuspsychjeits a netbook so i need wifi12:59
katnipoh ok12:59
katnipi use a laptop with external monitor, keyboard, mouse13:00
katniplotuspsychje, under settings > details ; when will it change from dev branch to the normal one?13:15
lotuspsychjekatnip: at final release 26 april13:17
katnipjust making sure i didnt have a file in error13:18
katnipever try wavebox?13:19
katnipmy trial ran out and they emailed me for the 20 for a yr, i told them i couldnt afford it right now since i was going thru chemo, they sent an email back and gave me a complimentary copy for a yr and said 'get well from the wavebox team.' so i recommend it. works really great.13:23
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mattflysurprisingly the updates from today fixed all the lags on my ubuntu bionic21:59
quidnuncHow do I debug why gdm fails to configure graphics?23:03
slidinghornquidnunc: in what way is it failing to configure graphics?  Can you elaborate?23:12

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