
dupondjemutter 3.28.1 will get into bionic right?11:07
darkxstdupondje, yes, but given there are no official tarballs last I checked it may be an SRU\11:17
dupondjehmmm, mutter got tagged for 3.28.1 already in git11:19
dupondjebut indeed no tar's :(11:20
jbichadupondje: I have the tarballs, but we want to add a few more patches that hadn't been accepted upstream yet11:25
dupondjeah ok :)11:46
dupondjething is that it got a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/175740111:46
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1757401 in mutter (Ubuntu) "hybrid GPU: one screen stays black in mutter 3.28" [High,Triaged]11:46
dupondjewhich i'd like to get included before release ofc :)11:46
jbichawe'll be looking into mutter/gnome-shell on Monday. It still needs manual approval by Release Team but I think we want it in 18.04 before release11:50
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