
ehashmantsimonq2: just emailed you. leiningen is still incoming into the archive, but it's uploaded/built/accepted02:27
tsimonq2ehashman: ack02:27
tsimonq2ehashman: I can't sync it to Ubuntu (unless I do it manually, which I'd prefer not to do unless it needs to go in *now*) until dinstall + ~ 2 hours.02:28
tsimonq2But yeah, I'll get it done. :)02:28
tsimonq2Thank you!02:28
tsimonq2ehashman: To save me some time, what's your LP ID?02:30
ehashmanshould also be ehashman02:30
tsimonq2dinstall *seems* to be running now, so let's see if it was picked up or if we'll have to wait.02:31
tsimonq2ehashman: I'll sync these in your name when the time comes, if that's OK?02:31
tsimonq2(It helps should you ever want upload permissions to these in Ubuntu in the future (let me know if you do, I can give you a hand if you want).)02:32
ehashmansounds good!02:33
tsimonq2Cool :)02:33
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
tsimonq2ehashman: Took care of your syncs.04:18
ehashmantsimonq2: just saw! looks like it didn't grab the most recent leiningen (2.8.1-6); if you could syncthat one I'd appreciate it, as 2.8.1-5 only works on amd6412:46
ehashmanfinally got installed in the archive12:50
krytarikehashman: You might want to have a look at the build failure of that in the meantime though: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/leiningen-clojure/2.8.1-5/+build/1476123213:38
* ehashman looks13:58
ehashmanlooks like a dep is missing13:59
ehashmanif only I knew which one :(14:08
ehashmanare there docs for creating a bionic-proposed schroot?14:26
ehashmanoh maybe I'll just make a bionic one and then edit it to point at bionic-proposed14:28
jbichaehashman: leiningen-clojure builds now. I guess clojure1.8 just needed to be rebuilt14:37
ehashmanah perfect14:38
ehashmanI was tearing my hair out trying to figure it out, lol14:38
ehashmanmostly because I could not get a bionic-proposed sbuild working :)14:38
jbichaJava packages are more broken than usual for this point of the release cycle because of the late Java 10 transition14:39
jbichayou might find sbuild-launchpad-chroot helpful14:39
ehashmanas I said on twitter: java 9? more like java NEIN14:39
ehashmanI had to pin this package to java 8 because upstream doesn't support anything newer14:39
ehashmanthe java transition was causing all kinds of weirdness :|14:40
ehashmandoes ubuntu also run autopkgtests?14:40
jbichayes and autopkgtest regressions on any arch will block promotion out of -proposed14:41
jbichaUbuntu doesn't do a 5 day wait during the dev cycle but it does do autopkgtests :)14:42
jbichaleiningen-closure will need to be manually approved by Archive Admins since it is a new binary package14:43
ehashmanjbicha: hrm14:47
ehashmanit's technically not "new", it was in bionic after the freeze14:47
ehashmansomeone removed it without telling me14:47
ehashmanhopefully won't cause any issues14:48
ehashmanyeah, I found out about the thing from March 25th last Thursday14:49
jbichaI don't think it will be a problem. I was just letting you know why it will appear stuck for a bit14:50
ehashmanI appreciate it :)14:50
jbichaI don't know what tools-nrepl-clojure's problem is though14:50
ehashmanI'll also let spwhitton know about cider14:50
ehashmanjbicha: I know what tools-nrepl-clojure's problem is14:52
ehashmanI screwed up a breaks/replaces in clojure1.8 and switched the dep from clojure to clojure1.814:52
ehashmanso the upgrade fails14:53
ehashmanbut I need to test the fix14:53
jbichaehashman: I suspect that leiningen-clojure 2.8.1-6 is still wrong. It's an arch: all package that tries to use the amd64 java17:32
jbichasee for instance http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/l/leiningen-clojure/bionic/i38617:32
jbichanever mind, I guess it workedd19:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ehashmanjbicha: that build appears to be passing, I think you might have seen the 2.8.1-5 build21:06
ehashman2.8.1-5 I stupidly pinned to amd64, fixed it in 2.8.1-621:06
ehashmanhttp://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/leiningen-clojure suggests it's passing on all arches now21:07
zeroraxhey, how do I go about making my own ubuntu variant?21:50
zeroraxI mean, I know how to make it21:51
zeroraxbut I want it to be recognized like Lubuntu Xubuntu Kubuntu21:51
zeroraxI want to go through the proper channels and make it official21:51
jbichazerorax: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedFlavors#Guidelines_to_become_and_remain_a_recognized_flavor:21:56
zeroraxthanks jibel21:57
zeroraxI want to make an enlightenment based flavour21:57
zeroraxI know there is bodhi linux, but I don't think they did a good job21:58
zeroraxand e17 is really old, it's in the repos but I want a newer release22:00

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