
lotuspsychjegood morning to all01:24
slidinghornMorning?  You must be up super early01:25
slidinghornwhat time is it there?01:25
lotuspsychjeyou got me through slidinghorn :p01:25
lotuspsychjeim early 3h2601:26
slidinghornwhy are you waking up at 3:25am??01:26
lotuspsychjeim in vacation mode so didnt need much sleep01:26
lotuspsychjei set my buzzer at 3h just to see you guys lol01:26
slidinghornwell you're in for a disappointing morning!  :P01:27
lotuspsychjetrolls & naggers again?01:27
slidinghornit wouldn't be #ubuntu without them01:27
lotuspsychjesome ppl need proper attention...01:27
lotuspsychjeand i never believed in /ignores01:28
lotuspsychjethats like an austrich putting head in the sand01:28
lotuspsychjecool bionic wallpapers added01:30
lotuspsychjehey pragmaticenigma02:58
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: support slowly &stable02:58
pragmaticenigmadunno... been focused on my dev project03:02
pragmaticenigmawhat's up lotuspsychje03:03
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: new bionic wall: you like? https://imgur.com/a/bTtdN03:03
pragmaticenigmasomething you made or is that in the collection?03:05
lotuspsychjenew wallpapers just added from repo03:05
pragmaticenigmalooks cool03:06
lotuspsychjeyeah they added some nice ones03:07
EriC^^morning all04:19
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^04:21
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje04:21
EriC^^whats up04:21
lotuspsychjeall fine here mate04:22
lotuspsychjereading up some news with coffee04:22
EriC^^i'm trying to remove the hwe package04:23
EriC^^installed it yesterday to try to fix the mic not getting picked up, my res is gone from display so i want to remove it04:24
EriC^^yeah it's messy04:31
EriC^^back in business04:36
Bashing-omEriC^^: Want my recipe to revert HWE ?04:51
* slidinghorn just accidentally ended up on a YouTube linux talk show somehow lol04:56
Bashing-omslidinghorn: Who says there are no happy accidents :)04:57
slidinghornI thought I was just joining some kind of chat room for folks watching and next thing I know, my face is on the screen xD04:58
slidinghorn(good thing I was clothed!)04:58
Bashing-omslidinghorn: Them sneaky cams !04:58
EriC^^lotuspsychje: yeah05:05
EriC^^Bashing-om: thanks, i reverted it using apt/history.log05:05
Bashing-omEriC^^: You *ARE* good :)05:05
EriC^^good ol' 4.4 kernel back running05:06
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EriC^^lotuspsychje: how's the belgium got talent? any good stuff or funny stuff?05:07
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yepper .... if there is no need, don't HWE :)05:07
EriC^^yup, dont do hwe kids should be taught in schools05:08
ducassegood morning, everyone06:09
slidinghornmornin' ducasse06:10
ducassehi slidinghorn - all well?06:10
slidinghornI'm alive and kicking - can't really complain I guess :)06:12
EriC^^morning ducasse o/06:23
ducassehi EriC^^ - how are you?06:26
EriC^^good thanks you?06:26
ducasseyep, all good here. just waking up.06:26
ducassethe snow has finally begun to melt outside, making the grass visible here and there. there's still a ton left, though.06:28
slidinghornI'm in Ohio, so the snow melting is an illusion...it was 70F+ the past couple days, and it's going to snow again tomorrow06:30
ducassewe've had temperatures upward of 15°C here, so i hope there's no more snow coming06:32
lotuspsychjegood afternoon guys10:58
ubot5`Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/12:31
BluesKajHey folks12:42
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj afternoon mate12:43
BluesKajHey lotuspsychje, how's it going?12:43
lotuspsychjegreat here12:43
lotuspsychjevery lazy sunday12:43
ducassehi BluesKaj - all well?12:44
BluesKajHey ducasse , yes, fine here, and you?12:45
ducassegood here, thanks - really warm today12:46
BluesKajwell, so far the predicted storm hasn't materialized here, just cold and windy12:47
* BluesKaj keeps fingers crossed12:49
lotuspsychjehey pauljw join the sunday club12:51
pauljwhi lotuspsychje :)12:51
ducasse\o pauljw12:51
ducassehow's your weekend?12:51
pauljwhey ducasse, wet but good. how are you?12:52
ducassewet but warm :)12:53
lotuspsychjethey pronounce summer thuesday in belgium12:54
lotuspsychjetemps around 25c12:54
BluesKajhey pauljw12:55
pauljwhi BluesKaj12:55
BluesKajmy connection is gonna drop for a few mins, connecting up the vpn12:56
pauljwi don't even bother with vpn at home anymore, lose 50-70% speed.13:00
BluesKajnew modem should arrive tomorrow, the new ISP 100mb speed is 15X faster than the dsl I'm on now...looking forward to it, altho i heard yesterday that throttling is used during heavy traffic hours13:08
pauljwi'm so jealous!!13:09
BluesKajpauljw, I'm paying a much higher price for it tho13:11
pauljwno doubt, but if i could get that sort of service, i could drop directv and more than make up for additional costs. :)13:13
BluesKaj$80CDN ...equivalent to $65US...yeah I dropped Bell sat service to justify the additional costs ... most of the shows I watch are availble on"IPTV"anyway13:15
* BluesKaj is a bit of a newshound and all "the biggies" have live streams now13:19
BluesKajfor example.was watch Russia Today yesterday. They aren't egven subtle about their anti-western slant on the news. It's really quite.funny13:24
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell bionic13:29
ubot5`gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.0-0ubuntu5 (bionic), package size 675 kB, installed size 7395 kB13:29
BluesKajlotuspsychje, did Ubuntu drop Wayland as the default window system for Bionic or was that just a rumour aboutr Wayland becoming the default13:38
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: we had users reporting that new too, prob spam13:38
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: bionic has now xorg by default, wayland still choosable13:39
lotuspsychjei dont think after all the hard work on wayland they would drop13:39
hggdhit is just not the default13:39
BluesKajtried wayland on fedora 26 on the laptop , it was ok , but seemed sluggish on an i3 cpu with 8G ram etc13:40
hggdhnot stable enough for LTS13:40
lotuspsychjegnome 3.28.1 rolling out that should be fixing alot of stuff13:48
lotuspsychjetill now i had sluggishness feeling on both xorg & wayland13:49
akemI have a background script to reload gnome-shell when it takes too much ram.14:01
akemit get backs to ~170 M after reload.14:01
akemBut it works with Xorg only, cannot reload at runtime on Wayland without loosing the session.14:03
akemhttps://github.com/rousselgeoffrey/gnomeShellWorkaround/blob/master/Workaround_gnome-shell-memleak.sh if anyone's interested.14:25
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daftykinsBluesKaj: i see you saw emma with the PIA + kubuntu DNS problem, what's the thing that goes wrong where PIA breaks using your own router's DNS even when the VPN is disconnected?18:58
BluesKajdaftykins, we solved it by editing the nameserver to in /etc/resolv.conf..seems to be default now , i also installed ifupdown for good measure19:00
daftykinsmmm, sounds weird that it was pointing to localhost in resolv.conf - must be a sign of that automagic rubbish 'resolvconf' :) my advice was going to be purge resolvconf and create resolv.conf manually pointing to - but i was making pasta :D19:01
daftykinsshe was breaking a cardinal rule and asking in two channels at once19:02
BluesKajoh , didn't notice the duplicate chans19:03
daftykinsmmm it's not a #u namespace one though, just a chat one we know her from19:04
BluesKajdaftykins, yeah I've chatted with her before19:05
TJ-resolv.conf is a symlink to to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf, which should be updated by the system's active name resolver. If it's Network Manager, for 16.40 it'll be a private instance of dnsmasq listening on For 17.10+ it'll be systemd-resolved listening on
daftykinsTJ-: apparently some PIA app moves resolv.conf to /tmp on connection and messes about, at least that's the idea i got19:10
TJ-daftykins: it ought not! any VPN should just send new/additional DNS names/IP addresses, same was as it does for routes19:11
TJ-What do PIA use, isn't it openvpn?19:11
daftykinsnot a clue off hand, never used and certainly never used from a desktop Linux :)19:12
BluesKajTJ-, yes , openvpn is one of their protocols19:17
leftyfbdaftykins: btw, you should switch out Cloudflare's DNS for google's It's WAY faster and more secure.19:17
daftykinsleftyfb: no, i shouldn't - because i don't own a tinfoil hat19:20
leftyfbdaftykins: neither do I. But the speed made a huge difference for me.19:21
daftykinsi think that'll be down to a lot of factors that'd differ depending where you are - and the speed of connection you're on, etc19:22
daftykinswell not really speed since DNS is just tiny data, but y'know what i mean i'm sure19:22
TJ-clouflare's anycast network is more extensive that Google's, which is why in most cases it's latency is much lower19:23
daftykinshow about the above 'more secure' claim? :)19:24
TJ-how much space do you think a basic root file-system container image should require for running bash?19:24
TJ-daftykins: it's more secure as in cloudfare are not keeping the logs, and aren't using to correlate your IP address and lookups with your Google profile19:25
daftykinsKVM? hmm surely you're only going to stash some utils so a couple of hundred MB?19:25
daftykinser not kvm the other thing19:25
TJ-KVM? no not a VM, a container19:25
daftykinslxd malarkey (:19:26
leftyfbdaftykins: https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/dns-security/19:26
TJ-208KB :)19:26
leftyfbTJ-: so just the kernel and bash? Absolutely nothing else?19:27
TJ-leftyfb: no kernel, it's a container19:27
leftyfboh right19:27
leftyfbhow'd you manage to customize the container down to just basH?19:27
TJ-leftyfb: I'm working on developing an automated tool to create the smallest secure LXC config possible or any arbitrary executables. Apparently no such thing already exists which seems a great ommission.19:28
daftykinsleftyfb: i know about DNSSec, i don't need a link xD i figured you were just doing the open source fan thing of paranoid delusion over google services, my mistake19:28
leftyfbTJ-: please share it once done19:28
leftyfbdaftykins: not at all. I use the hell out of google. They've got ALL my data and I don't care one bit19:29
TJ-leftyfb: I'm building a config manually for now to identify the absolute minimum required, so I know what the tool needs to do19:29
leftyfbI used google's dns since I learned about it years ago ... but after the announcement of Cloudflare's DNS and their anycast stuff, I gave it a try and say a huge improvement in page loads19:30
daftykinsi used to play with OpenDNS for a bit, but i'm on an ISP supplied router atm that you can't change it on, so i got a bit lazy :>19:30
TJ-leftyfb: neat thing is, not even the bash executable is in the container :D  It's fun stuff once you get a handle on it19:30
daftykinsi was very put off by OpenDNS's page interceptions though19:31
leftyfbI used opendns as well, but I actually saw the speed degrade over time and even had some issues resolving some things so I went back to google19:31
BluesKajmy ISP provides DNS services so i've been using them , but I'll be changing ISPs tomorrow so we'll see haow configurable their Arris DG3260 is19:33
leftyfbmust be nice having the ability to switch ISP's :(19:34
BluesKajas lolng as my old cable connection still works :-)19:34
leftyfbI mean I could if I was excited about DSL :/19:34
* daftykins pats his 60/10 VDSL2 :)19:35
leftyfbman, how do you deal?19:35
BluesKajleftyfb, I've been on dsl for yrs and finally decided to cancel my sat dish service and go with IPTV on the internet instead so i dom ned a larger pipe19:36
BluesKajdo need19:36
daftykins7MB/sec down and 1MB/sec up is ace19:36
leftyfbyeah, all my tv is streamed ... multiple streaming camera's around my property, smart home stuff, etc19:36
leftyfbNot to mention, I do have a business leased line because I do my own hosting19:37
BluesKajdaftykins, that's exactly what I have now , it'll be 100mb down and 8-10mb up tomorrow (I hope)19:38
daftykinshmm not a huge difference then, if you meant my megabit rates versus my megabyte rates19:39
BluesKajok, didn't notice that :-)19:45
BluesKajwell, think I'll call i a day here ...take care20:01
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
slidinghornWhat's the over/under on how many IPs this guy's going to try?21:42
leftyfbup to 4 now21:42
oerheksall from neighbours, i guess21:43
slidinghornor a VPN with multiple locations21:43
leftyfbif by neighbors, you mean other countries, sure :)21:44
oerheksoh i see .. indeed a vpn user21:44
TJ-Fantastic! working LXC 3.0 container with just bash in it, 156KB whilst running23:00

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