
Hey__I am having issues commissioning a hyper-v vm.  It passes comissioning, however, it does not detect the storage00:28
Hey__I'm not sure what to do here00:28
Hey__any guideance would be appreciated00:30
tewardHey__: what's 'it'?  The HyperV container, or the guest OS/00:33
axisysfor this particular set off hosts during initial ubuntu build we skip the network manually when asked.. is it possible to add the skip in the boot option (F6) ?03:37
axisysI know it is possible to add it to the preseed.. but preseed is builtin for this particual builds... so wondering if I could add the skip network at boot instead of extracting the iso and then comment out network03:38
mojtabaHello, I have created the .ssh/config file: http://paste.debian.net/1020372/ and I am trying to establish reverse ssh using autossh -M 0 -f -T -N ovh; At the remote machine I type ssh -p 2210 osmc@localhost06:11
mojtabaBut it says connection refused. Do you know what should I do?06:12
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=== Azbot is now known as Aztec03
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RoyKmojtaba: connection refused means connection refused - it just doesn't listen to port 22 or it's blocked somehow09:26
mojtabaHello, I have created the .ssh/config file: http://paste.debian.net/1020372/ and I am trying to establish reverse ssh using autossh -M 0 -f -T -N ovh; At the remote machine I type ssh -p 2210 osmc@localhost But it says connection refused. Do you know what should I do?10:57
mojtabaI have tried ssh -R 2210:localhost:22 root@IP, and then on the remote machine ssh -p 2210 osmc@localhost connects without any problem.10:57
blackflowmojtaba: why are you connecting to localhost on the remote machine you're already connected to over ssh?11:01
RoyKmojtaba: iirc LocalForward is the same as -L, not -R11:18
samba35is there ubuntu 18.04 beta fourm ?11:24
mojtabaHello, I have created the .ssh/config file: http://paste.debian.net/1020372/ and I am trying to establish reverse ssh using autossh -M 0 -f -T -N ovh; At the remote machine I type ssh -p 2210 osmc@localhost But it says connection refused. Do you know what should I do?12:38
mojtabaI have tried ssh -R 2210:localhost:22 root@IP, and then on the remote machine ssh -p 2210 osmc@localhost connects without any problem.12:38
mojtabablackflow: I need to establish reverse ssh.12:39
Amichaiubuntu 16.04 hangs at LightDM after installing and configuring SSSD14:15
Amichaiubuntu 16.04 hangs at LightDM after installing and configuring SSSD14:16
axisyshow do I get ubuntu boot in verbose?18:18
axisysI already have GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" set and ran update-grub .. still do not see grub2 menu or the vebose boot18:19
TJ-probably /etc/default/grub has GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true ?18:26
TJ-if so, you have to tap Esc to get GRUB to show the boot menu whilst it waits the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT18:26
axisysTJ-: yep.. it is set to true.. how about the verbosity?18:37
TJ-axisys: for kernel? add to it's command line "debug systemd.log_level=info"  (the systemd part is needed because it co-opts the kernel's 'debug' setting and spams the logs so much a boot can actually fail.19:08
axisysah.. in here GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".. " ?19:12
axisysadded it like this and updated the grub19:13
axisysGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 debug systemd.log_level=info"19:13
axisysrebooting now19:14
TJ-axisys: what device are you using it on, I notice you've got the serial port set19:22
axisysTJ-: hp proliant gen919:28
TJ-axisys: ahh! I was doing something similar last week but on a truely headless device, serial for GRUB + kernel19:29
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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