
slidinghornwhat's up studio-user84600:31
studio-user846i cannot install ubuntu studio because i have an internal ssd with adaptor *instead of cdrom( and it said that it whants to mount unmount it as cdrom, but it is ssd00:32
studio-user846maybe i have to change something but i don t know00:33
slidinghornstudio-user846: that's a new one...00:33
captain-tux_When does it display that, exactly?00:33
studio-user846exaclty i don t remember but it was like i said, instead of ssd it belives that it is cdrom and it said that it cannot mount it and therefore it cannot install ubuntu or something like this00:35
studio-user846maybe it need a command before instalation00:36
captain-tux_Okay, there are two possibilities I can think of: A. Is there a Windows 10 installation on that drive and is that weird shutdown/sleep-hybrid mode active? B. You SSD might be misidentified by the BIOS, have you looked if it's displayed as an AHCI/Hard Drive device?00:37
studio-user846i try to install over windows, i windows the ssd works fine00:38
captain-tux_C. Partition table messed up00:39
captain-tux_So you ant to replace Windows or dual-boot?00:39
studio-user846first i installed windows, and then i m trying to install ubuntu studio, i mean now it tries but it blocks, doesn t finish00:40
slidinghornstudio-user846: so you want to keep Windows, as well?00:41
captain-tux_But you want to delete the Windows installation and only use Ubuntu Studio?00:41
studio-user846i want dual boot, the ssd that it is not recognized it is for data, no windows there, only the fact that it is with adaptor for cdrom, it s about a laptop00:42
* captain-tux_ scratches00:45
studio-user846no it s new00:45
captain-tux_No, I'm scratching my head.. :D00:45
studio-user846it works well i windows, but in ubuntu has recognision problems00:45
studio-user846i though that maybe sbdy might know a command to type i terminal before installing00:46
slidinghornstudio-user846: are you able to boot into the Live environment?00:47
studio-user846after that apper the problem00:47
slidinghornI think you may have the RAID setting turned on in your BIOS - When your machine is booting, enter your BIOS (usually Del or F9 or something - depends on the machine) and set yoru SATA mode to ACHI00:51
studio-user846i ll try, thank you00:52
studio-user856hi again01:13
studio-user856i m me again...with the ssd problem01:13
studio-user856sata was on archi01:14
studio-user856the textual message on installation is>01:14
studio-user856faild to mount partitions01:14
studio-user856the installer needs to commit changes to partitions tables but cannot do so because partitions on the following mount points could not be unmounted : /cdrom01:17
studio-user856please close ny applications using these mont points01:17
slidinghornstudio-user856: okay, stick around - I'm researching to see how we can help :)01:18
studio-user856would you like the installer to try to unmount these partitions again?01:18
studio-user856two options: go back/continue01:19
slidinghornin the Live environment, can you post the output of lsblk to a pastebin?01:19
studio-user670do you think because windows use it in background?01:21

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