
bluesabre!team | Please take a moment early this week to check if all of your important branch updates have been packaged up and released, let me know if we've missed anything. :)11:02
ubottuPlease take a moment early this week to check if all of your important branch updates have been packaged up and released, let me know if we've missed anything. :): akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19311:02
krytarikxubuntu-docs just comes to my mind personally here..11:04
flocculantmorning bluesabre 11:20
bluesabremorning flocculant 11:23
bluesabremorning krytarik 11:23
flocculantluckily I can ignore the previous ping :p11:23
flocculantbtw " Am running xfce4 from the Xubuntu-Core iso (freaking brilliant btw)."11:24
bluesabrekrytarik: looks like we have the latest -docs uploaded11:24
krytarikbluesabre: Morning.  And I think I'll just enable automatic translations export on that for a day or two - then you get to upload that too. :P11:25
bluesabrekrytarik: that sounds like a good idea11:26
krytarikUgh, hopefully no syntax errors this time..11:26
flocculantbluesabre: not long now :p11:29
bluesabreflocculant: indeed11:29
bluesabreget to try to fix some bugs this week11:29
bluesabrehopefully faster than they are reported11:29
flocculantjust looked at the xfpanel switcher bugs - can't confirm ali1234's on the daily11:29
flocculantha ha ha 11:29
flocculantbluesabre: but can confirm it on my local install \o/11:33
flocculantlocally I still have x.QA.Experimental ppa11:35
ali1234i dont understand how you can't reproduce that11:39
ali1234oh i know11:43
ali1234you have to add a launcher item to the panel first to reproduce it. i will update the bug11:43
bluesabreJust merged your fix11:45
ali1234and i just updated steps to reproduce on the bug :)11:45
ali1234i can repro it on the live image now11:46
ali1234it's just that the default layout has no launchers at all11:46
ali1234bluesabre: thanks :)11:46
flocculantali1234: aah ok11:47
flocculantI know if you move stuff around and remove things it works fine - I guess that'llbe why it fails locally11:48
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r678 Set the default value for fadeout in xfce4-notifyd (LP: #176... (by Sean Davis)12:04
ochosiali1234: that explains why i failed to reproduce it (never use launchers)17:10
ali1234it is because launchers are stored outside xfconf, in ~/.local, as .desktop files, and that directory is what the source attribute refers to17:11
ali1234or maybe its ~/.config17:11
ochosiah right17:23
flocculantali1234: manually created (not drag and drop ones) appear to be in .config/xfce4/panel here - I assume this doesn't affect your patch?17:32
flocculantI assume not if I read the patch right17:35
ochosibluesabre: crap, we didn't implement any workaround in the greeter or xfdesktop for the upgrade scenario (users need to re-set the wallpaper once after doing the upgrade - maybe worth mentioning in the upgrade notes)17:36
bluesabreochosi: hm?17:37
ochosididn't the accountsservice location of the user wallpaper change?17:37
ochosiin bionic i mean17:37
ochosiso if you have set your user wallpaper in 16.04 and then upgrade to 18.04 it will be (i guess) initially broken17:38
ochosi(although that person also claims that it doesn't work in a clean install)17:38
bluesabreI think they use the same path, just a different way to set it over dbus17:40
bluesabreIt might be worthwhile to spotcheck a few upgrade tests17:41
bluesabreAnd yeah, if he claims to also see it on a clean install it's likely something different17:42
ochosias to your earlier question, i guess i don't have to remind you of the UIFe17:44
ochosiand then apart from the x-d-s update that you already merged i guess there's nothing much from my side atm17:44
bluesabreochosi: yeah, just waiting for somebody to release those updates17:45
bluesabreochosi: which earlier question?17:47
ochosibluesabre: ok ok, it wasn't really formulated as a question... "Please take a moment early this week to check if all of your important branch updates have been packaged up and released, let me know if we've missed anything."18:10
bluesabregotcha... I thought that was it, but wasn't 100% :)18:16
ochosino worries18:20
flocculantochosi: some of the fonts in xfpm appear lighter than others - implies to me they're inactive - screenshot in bug 176416518:56
ubottubug 1764165 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Tab fonts looks disabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176416518:56
flocculantcould possibly have talked about this during the cycle, but can't find any reference to it18:57
flocculantchecked on daily not just here btw ;)18:58
ochosiflocculant: but that's the same for all tabs with greybird...19:08
ochosinot limited at all to xfpm19:08
flocculantoh right19:09
ochosijust check any other application and compare19:10
ochosimousepad prefs: http://i.imgur.com/nWNrEGR.png19:10
flocculantochosi: well desktop settings looks ok19:10
flocculantochosi: I would expect if I started moving a slider or something that the font would look active19:10
flocculantanyway *shrug* I guess19:11
ochosinow i get it19:13
ochosisorry, i misunderstood your issue19:13
ochosii thought you were talking about the notebook tab text19:13
ochosiof inactive tabs19:13
ochosibut you were talking about the gtkscale values19:13
ochosithose values are just hints, the rest doesn't have the disabled style19:13
ochosithat's just so that the amount of text in the tabs doesn't get too much19:13
ochosiand i think that's still a general greybird style19:14
ochosidesktop settings is still gtk219:14
ochosiplus i don't see any scales there19:14
flocculantochosi: okey doke - just wanted to make sure it wasn't something you'd want to deal with :)19:57
flocculantnot convinced still though lol19:57
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-verve-plugin 1.1.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-verve-plugin-1-1-1-released-tp50903.html (by Isaac Schemm)19:57
flocculantnot seen that word for a long time - and last time it was The Verve19:58
krytarikflocculant: You got the verve, duude. :P19:59
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-verve-plugin 2.0.0 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-verve-plugin-2-0-0-released-tp50904.html (by Isaac Schemm)20:22
krytarikAnd looking at the screenshot now, I guess I have to agree with you here.. >_>20:26
krytarikLooks disabled!20:26
flocculantnight all :)20:29
krytarikNighty. :)20:29
jarnosCan you upgrade from Xenial to Bionic before release and maybe perform some tests? I tried the ISO already using grub on existing installation..22:08
jarnosIs it so that Indicator plugin is not used anymore? I found the xfce-pulseaudio-plugin is great.22:14
ochosiindicator-sound isn't used anymore22:17
ochosixfce4-indicator-plugin is still used22:17
bluesabrexfpanel-switch can be used to upgrade to the Xubuntu Bionic panel layout after a distro upgrade22:23
GridCubefor some reason after today's upgrade i can no longer launch vlc or smplayer22:57
GridCubesmplayer complains that it doesnt have access to libGL.so.1, even tho locate does found it, and vlc says "cannot instantiate dialogs provider"22:58
TJ-Did you restart the X server after the package upgrades?23:03
GridCubei just tried to install libgl1 and libgl1-mesa-glx and the first one just said "it can not be installed" the second one said that it was in it's most recent version but trying to reinstall it said, "it can not be installed, can't download"23:08
TJ-libGL is provided by the Xorg drivers for the GPU, so e.g. nvidia provides it's own. 23:10
GridCubei'm using the generic drivers23:17
GridCubethe problem seems to be that libgl is not reachable right now23:18

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