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BionicMacemma: Ok. I'm glad you pinpointed the root of the situation.03:40
BionicMacemma: In the meantime... I found a couple of really good articles on the subject. https://www.hiroom2.com/2017/08/24/ubuntu-1610-nameserver-127-0-0-53-en/ and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/162432003:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624320 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved appends to resolv.conf alongside existing entries" [Low,Confirmed]03:41
valorieBionicMac: did it help you fix your issue with your previous VPN?03:46
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BionicMacBionicMac: Yes. I ended up using my VPN providers cli application and it solves everything for me. I tried using their openvpn.ovpn configuration files with openvpn in cli and importing it into the Kde network connection wizard to no avail.04:24
BionicMacvalorie: ^04:25
BionicMacvalorie: While using their *.ovpn config files it was always and every time a dns issue. The connection was made just fine. DNS would not resolv. It was exactly related to what emma is experiencing.04:27
valorieit would be good if both of you commented in the bug report04:31
BionicMacvalorie: will do. Now that I am semi-educated on systemd and resolv.conf I may try the openvpn.ovpn files again before I file the bug comment.04:32
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user|95300XBMC or Kodi on this distro04:39
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elichai2Hi, I reinstalled plasma-pa, and now the applet is really big08:23
elichai2any ideas whats going on?08:23
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globaldnhey guys09:27
globaldnhow can I register nichname?09:27
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hay207Hi guys, is there a program to monitor my network connection and notify me of disconnections?10:43
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BluesKajHey folks12:03
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dubishello world13:07
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newtest1can some1 help me?15:19
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newtest1how can I enable Encryption/SSL with Freenode in KDE Konversation client?15:20
newtest1i can't find any networking settings in Konversation client...15:21
om26erthat's probably the wrong channel you are asking that in but search for a freenode server that is tls enabled15:21
om26ernewtest1: ^15:21
newtest1i'm sorry... I know it's enablen on Freenode side, but looks like it's disabled in Kubuntu Konversation client... If not - how can I check that it's working? I haven't any indication...15:24
om26ernewtest1: when your client is trying to connect you should be able to see if it does the SSL handshake and succeeds15:25
om26erso check the server logs15:26
newtest1where I can find logs? :)15:26
newtest1ah I see some logs in Freenode "root" window15:28
om26ermaybe post it somewhere if it doesn't expose anything private, so that we can see.15:29
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BluesKajnewtest1, konversation creates a log folder in your /home dir15:39
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emmavalorie: my problem still isn't really fixed so when bionic is back let me know where to file a bug.19:16
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valorieemma: best to comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1624320 and mark yourself as affected20:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624320 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved appends to resolv.conf alongside existing entries" [Low,Confirmed]20:46
valoriebest way to file any bug report is commandline: `ubuntu-bug packagename` which in this case seems to be systemd20:47
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emmavalorie: i do not have that bug I guess.23:34
emmavalorie: my problem is a bit different but also seems to be some tangled mess between PIA VPN -- NetworkManager -- resolv.conf23:34
emmaThe current status is that as long as I am using the VPN I am fine. If I turn off the VPN then I have to manually edit resolv.conf so that it says INSTEAD OF but if my USB wireless adapter needs to be unplugged or plugged back in then NetworkManager rewrites it to and I can no longer use the internet without the VPN.23:36
valorieso perhaps file the bug against resolved if that is possible23:38
valoriebut resolved is part of systemd23:38
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spirithawkI am new to Ubuntu want kubuntu how can I make the .iso to a install cd bootable23:47
valoriehmm, what is the right invocation23:49
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.23:50
valorienot right23:50
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate23:52
valoriethere we go, spirithawk ^^^23:52
BionicMacHello valorie23:53
BionicMacHi emma23:53
valoriehi BionicMac23:54
spirithawkthank you all23:58

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