
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1764322 opened: allow users to set "notes" for a node <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764322>08:45
mupBug #1764433 opened: JS test timeout <MAAS:New for ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764433>15:10
mupBug #1764433 changed: JS test timeout <MAAS:New for ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764433>15:25
mupBug #1764433 opened: JS test timeout <MAAS:New for ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764433>15:28
mupBug #1764440 opened: [2.4, UI, performance] Every browser hard refresh generates RPC calls <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764440>15:34
=== edmz_ is now known as edmz
=== narindergupta is now known as canonical
eduardo_Hi all, trying to find information as to how I could get the processor information and save it to the node during commissioning22:12
eduardo_Does anyone have any script examples to share please?22:13
roaksoaxeduardo_: what processor information is that ?22:20
eduardo_I'd like to get the processor name and number/model22:21
roaksoaxeduardo_: that information is already available in MAAS 2.4 :)22:22
roaksoaxeduardo_: but that said, you can create tags22:22
eduardo_Oh, so 2.4 pulls proc automatically? :)22:22
eduardo_I won't even waste my time then, thanks bud!22:23
roaksoaxeduardo_: https://docs.maas.io/2.3/en/nodes-tags22:23
anankewhen is maas 2.4 going to hit GA?22:42
anankeahh, I see the launchpad milestones22:44
anankelooks like roughly 3 months from alpha 1 to ga22:44
roaksoaxananke: beta2 is already being cut, it hasn't yet been annouced22:54
roaksoaxananke: we are targetting RC1 for next week22:55
anankenice. I should go through the bug list and see if it addresses anything I've seen22:55
roaksoaxananke: is there any specific issue(s) ?22:55
anankeother than general random odd behavior, unresponsive web UI, failing operations, etc? :) I'm seeing a lot of weird things22:56
roaksoaxananke: more specifics would be nice :)22:57
roaksoaxananke: e.g. how many machines do you have ?22:57
anankefor example, I just installed a new rack controller and joined it to the region controller. it has four interfaces. somehow maas decided to put two of the NICs on one fabric22:57
roaksoaxananke: well, that's probably because they are in the same VLAN ?22:57
anankeso even though it was a dual port card, I was hoping to have a separate fabric on each port, hence assigning each card on the OS different IP range: and
anankenope, they go to two different switches. completely separate networks22:58
anankeso, what do I do? first I try to create a new fabric, and I name it 'fabric-5', and I hope to assign one of the nics to that fabric22:58
anankeexcept that fabric is nowhere to be found22:58
anankek, maybe I did something wrong. I try to create it again, but then it tells me it's a reserved fabric22:59
roaksoaxananke: the only way the vlans should have ended in the same fabric if there would have been two reaosns:22:59
roaksoax1. the interface is like: eth0 eth0.1 eth0.X23:00
roaksoax2. maas has a beaconing protocol where it sends information over hte ntework to determine the physical layout23:00
anankethey're enp3s0f0 and enp3s0f123:00
roaksoaxand it discovered that those two nics are on the same fabric23:00
roaksoaxbut you should be able to move the subnet to a different fabric23:01
roaksoax2.3.2 has fixed issues there23:01
anankeroaksoax: ohh, interesting. I have maas 2.3.023:01
anankewonder if I'm encountering a lot of issues already fixed23:02
roaksoaxananke: you could be: https://launchpad.net/maas/+milestone/2.3.123:02
anankehow does one upgrade to 2.3.2? maas documentation simply says to apt install maas23:03
roaksoaxananke:  2.3.2 is not yet available in the Ubuntu Archive. It will be SRU'd soon. In the meantime, you can get it for the MAAS Stable PPA: https://docs.maas.io/2.3/en/installconfig-package-install23:04
roaksoaxananke: under "Package repositories" you can see the two stable repositories we have23:04
roaksoaxananke: sudo apt-add-repository -yu ppa:maas/stable23:04
roaksoaxsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:04
anankeroaksoax: thank you kindly. I'll do an upgrade and see how things behave afterwards23:05
roaksoaxsounds good23:05
anankeotherwise, this product seems very well polished. I have a couple racks of unused hardware that are a great target for this, and my engineers want to find an on-prem cloud-like solution to offer to our researchers23:06
anankemaas + <something> + juju may be a possible combination. I just need to figure out the middle layer, whether it's open stack or something else. I was hoping to find some existing blueprints23:07
anankehmm, apt-add-repository doesn't seem to exist on our basic ubuntu installs. interesting. requires apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties23:10
anankeI also need to figure out why ubuntu seems to have udev/kipimi issues on dell c6100 systems, but that's another story23:13
anankeroaksoax: what are some recommended ways to manage kvm on individual nodes for use with maas? I was hoping there would be something already built into maas, but the only method I'm arriving at is to use juju23:14
mupBug #1764560 opened: Non admins can add a pod <pods> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764560>23:23
mupBug #1764561 opened: Non admins are presented with the 'add machine/add chassis' froms <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764561>23:23
ananke'Node failed to be deleted, because of the following error:' and there is no error...23:27
anankehah. another 'Can't delete fabric; the following interfaces are still connected: eth0 (unknown) on <unknown-node>, eth0 (unknown) on <unknown-node>, eth0 (unknown) on' <repeats another dozen times>23:53
anankeI may have to start over again with the entire setup. it seems if nothing goes wrong, it seems to behave ok. as soon as there are any problems, it's a snowball effect and everything breaks23:54

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