
jibelduflu, hi06:00
dufluHello hikiko06:00
dufluHello jibel :)06:00
dufluAutocomplete fail06:00
jibelduflu, I frequently get bug 1748450 when I resume from suspend06:00
ubot5`bug 1748450 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Bionic) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGTRAP in _g_log_abort() from g_log_default_handler() from default_log_handler(message="Connection to xwayland lost") from g_logv() from g_log() from <bug 1505409>" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174845006:00
jibelduflu, is there anything I can do to debug it further?06:01
duflujibel, I put a status update in the master bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/150540906:01
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1505409 in GNOME Shell "gnome-shell crashed with SIGTRAP in x_io_error() from _XIOError() from _XEventsQueued() from XPending() from gdk_check_xpending() ["Connection to xwayland lost"]" [Critical,Confirmed]06:01
jibelI saw your comment. is there anything I can do to help?06:03
duflujibel, not sure. My mind is on the gjs major leak and crashes today06:04
duflujibel, maybe... can we ensure crash reports get the _old_ Xorg log from when they happened rather when they were reported? That would help, but might be hard06:05
duflujibel, if the problem is Xwayland bouncing itself on an "X error" then gnome-shell will crash and Xwayland would live on. If we could turn X errors into crashes for Xwayland, and not try to recover from them, then I think that would help06:08
dufluThen we'll actually get useful crash reports about the root cause, somewhere in Xwayland06:09
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:32
Nafallomorning o/06:36
didrocksgood morning06:37
oSoMoNhey Nafallo, salut didrocks06:42
dufluMorning oSoMoN, Nafallo, didrocks06:45
oSoMoNhey duflu06:45
didrockssalut oSoMoN, duflu06:50
didrockshey willcooke!07:55
LaneyURGH I'M SICK08:03
didrocks:( Laney08:03
didrocksstayed at home this week-end?08:04
Laneyhey didrocks08:05
Laneynah, did lots of stuff!08:05
Laneyincluding the 5k run ;-)08:05
dufluMorning willcooke and Laney08:06
dufluwillcooke, here's the main (unchanged, mature) leak fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-shell/+bug/1672297 But upstream are apparently working on additional fixes, even over the weekend. None of them have landed though.08:07
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1672297 in gjs (Ubuntu Bionic) "gnome-shell uses lots of memory, and grows over time" [Critical,In progress]08:07
didrocksLaney: nice ;) but urgh being sick now08:07
Laneyanyway how are you?08:12
Laneyand hey duflu08:12
willcookethx duflu08:14
willcookebad luck Laney08:14
willcookeI painted the bathroom.  I ache all over now08:14
didrocksLaney: I plan to restart doing some exercise today :)08:19
seb128duflu, hey, I read your concerns about the gjs update, can you made a summary of the problems?08:24
dufluseb128, it's all fine now I understand the bugs. They have fixes coming and no revert is required08:25
seb128duflu, great, thx08:25
dufluI was just stressed and annoyed I have to squash 200+ bug emails in the morning08:26
dufluBut they're fully triaged now08:26
dufluI *had*08:26
seb128urg, that seems a lot08:26
dufluYeah I guess someone wrote news about a final beta :)08:27
seb128how did we end up with that number? we don't get quite that many reports on other days08:27
seb128I'm just through emails, I didn't do launchpad backlog yet08:27
dufluseb128, that number is hidden in (bugs_opened - bugs_closed)... I only report the final number each week, which is tiny08:27
dufluAlso I can't report the opened/closed numbers without trawling my emails08:28
seb128well I do go through 'most recently changed bugs in main" daily08:28
seb128so I've an idea about how many bugs are "active" on a daily basis08:28
seb128that number just seemed high compared to the activity we had previous week08:29
seb128btw did you figure out the "can't be retraced" issue?08:29
seb128is/was that just dbgsym missing or lagging behind?08:29
dufluseb128, yes the hint was in errors.ubuntu.com which told me the name of the missing binary08:29
dufluIt was just a glib2.0 upgrade08:29
dufluOnce everyone upgrades they will be retraceable again08:30
nhainesHi everyone!  I was asked to ping someone in here about updating the example-content package for bionic.  A merge request is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~nhaines/example-content/bionic-fcs/+merge/34329508:30
dufluseb128, interesting that ubuntu-bug reports don't tell you the binary name, only "??"08:30
seb128hey nhaines08:30
nhainesseb128: hey  :)08:30
seb128duflu, you mean? do you have an example?08:30
seb128willcooke, ^ interested in the example-content update, seems like your sort of job? ;)08:31
* willcooke reads08:31
willcookeack, I can review, but I can't merge08:32
willcookeI usually bribe L_aney08:32
dufluseb128, for example, bug 1764173, bug 1764059, bug 176405008:32
ubot5`Error: Launchpad bug 1764173 could not be found08:32
ubot5`Error: Launchpad bug 1764059 could not be found08:32
ubot5`Error: Launchpad bug 1764050 could not be found08:32
willcookeooh, nice one mardy08:32
seb128duflu, ah, apport is just using gdb afaik, so probably at this level. At least we have the procmaps and the addresses can be matched08:34
seb128but yeah, procmaps in the first one is08:34
seb1287f012e0bb000-7f012e1ce000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 15335474                   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0.5600.0 (deleted)08:34
dufluseb128, yeah it's all fine08:34
seb128so basically the process was using old glib, glib got updated, lib removed from disk08:34
seb128so the dump is pointing to a missing lib08:34
dufluThat kind of problem with ?? probably happens all the time. It's only an emergency when it happens with duplicates of a massively-duplicated crash08:36
seb128yeah, it's often during unstable cycles when components are moving often08:39
seb128ideally apport/retracers would be able to fetch the dbgsym corresponding to the version in use and not to the current one08:39
willcookedidrocks, looks like you are in the right team for the FCS merge.  I've checked the content and it's fine, and the licence looks correct, but I can't merge it, can you?08:43
willcookedidrocks should change his nick to z_didrocks08:44
* didrocks would even love zzzzz_didrocks :)08:47
* didrocks does08:47
didrockswillcooke: I guess you want an upload in addition to the merge?08:51
dufluseb128, would you be able to help sponsor this patch? https://launchpad.net/bugs/167229708:53
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1672297 in gjs (Ubuntu Bionic) "gnome-shell uses lots of memory, and grows over time" [Critical,In progress]08:53
seb128duflu, I can have a look, do you know what's blocking them to land in upstream master? is there any disagreement on the solution?08:55
dufluseb128, no disagreement, just apathy. The fix I picked is dated March08:55
dufluand hasn't needed changing since08:56
seb128k, we should at least get Trevinho to review/ack that08:59
seb128Trevinho, ^ what do you think about including the changes in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/365705963/gjs_1.52.1-1ubuntu1.debdiff ?08:59
seb128jbicha, darkxst, ^ would you be interested in having that in debian/sync over?08:59
dufluWrong timezone? :)08:59
willcookedidrocks, yes please09:02
didrockswillcooke: and done!09:04
willcookethank you didrocks!  (cc nhaines)09:04
seb128duflu, backlog for later!09:04
nhainesseb128, willcooke, didrocks: thanks!  :D09:04
didrocksyw ;)09:06
seb128oSoMoN, chromium osk & vaapi, is any of those likely for 18.04 at this point? or rather .1/SRU now?09:36
seb128oSoMoN, I'm asking because I'm moving items to a new ".1" column on the trello board09:36
seb128andyrock, hey, can you proposed package updates for the gnome-calendar & gtk segfault fixes you made recently?09:37
oSoMoNseb128, I need to add latest developments on the card, not happening for 18.04 indeed09:45
seb128oSoMoN, I move them to .1 then,t hx09:46
darkxstseb128, maybe, but probably not in time for final freeze, they still seem rather experimental and haven't had an upstream review09:57
darkxstwhat are the performance effects of spamming the GC?09:57
seb128duflu, ^09:57
dufludarkxst, over the past few weeks no performance hit has been noticed09:58
seb128duflu, darkxst, we should at least get the cairo issue/revert in and sycned, I tend to agree that the other changes are more SRU material at this point where they have time to be properly tested09:58
dufluseb128, the main leak fix is not SRU material, it's much more important than the cairo fix09:59
dufluwillcooke, seb128, if you guys ^ want to wait for upstream before committing to any leak fixes then your decision. I was doing it because both willcooke and community members asked for it10:01
dufluIt's certainly a bigger deal than that cairo crash10:01
seb128duflu, I don't think wes hould wait for upstream, but I also think such changes can have side effect and a week before release is late to land them10:02
seb128it gives little margin to gauge the impact and decide to revert if needed10:02
dufluseb128, I would agree but CPU concerns are moot if your system is slowing down and crashing from memory exhaustion. So fixing that is more important than performance concerns (which are presently zero).10:06
dufluseb128, also I only chose the one leak fix that is several weeks mature. I ignored the others10:07
darkxstseb128, duflu I am fine with cairo patch10:08
dufludarkxst, that's lower priority. Please forget it for now10:08
seb128duflu, right, it's just going against the rules of lowering the complexicity of changes as we get closed from release10:08
seb128duflu, it's lower priority but it's easier to review/approve10:08
darkxstduflu I have not seen any major leaks here, under "normal use"10:09
darkxstyes gnome-shell is using a but more memory10:09
dufludarkxst, seriously. Please read the bug and OMG too.10:09
seb128the reports make it clear there are users that see leak issues10:09
dufluI can leak 1MB per second10:09
seb128it's difficult to estimate how many users are impacted though10:09
seb128it depends how you use the shell also10:09
dufluseb128, all users10:10
darkxstduflu, under normal use? or spamming functions that are knowm to build up in GC?10:10
dufluseb128, you can measure the impact within 2 seconds of login10:10
seb128by doing specific steps10:10
dufluBy measuring memory usage, and doing nothing. It's huge10:10
seb128I'm not denying that10:11
seb128but I never had to close a session due to those leak eithers10:11
seb128(I do turn my computer off at night though, so I don't have sessions ongoing for days)10:11
seb128I'm just trying to ponderate the impact10:11
seb128yes it's an issue10:11
seb128yes it bites lot of users10:11
dufluseb128, don't shoot the messenger. If you're going to argue about the issue then please do so with the users who are passionate about the bug report.10:11
darkxstis gjs not running GJS under memory pressure?10:12
seb128but it's not a stopper for every single user10:12
dufludarkxst, GJS isn't EVER running GC for many classes of object. EVER10:12
seb128duflu, I'm not arguing against the issue or shooting the messenger, I just think you overstate the proper by making it sounds like it makes GNOME unusable for everyone10:12
dufluseb128, please tell the users that. In the bug10:13
dufluseb128, please also tell OMGubuntu who continue to write about it10:13
dufluI didn't ask to own this bug10:13
seb128I'm not denying it's an important issue10:13
dufluIn the mornings I get abused by users for not having fixed it and in the evening I get questioned for trying to fix it.10:15
dufluI'm going to EOD in a sec10:15
darkxstduflu, it may not trigger GC for certain objects but they would get cleaned up next time it runs10:15
dufludarkxst, no they don't. EVER10:15
dufluThat's the bug10:15
dufluGJS simply doesn't work for GObject even when the JS and GObject is perfect10:16
dufluI know. I found it hard to believe but it explains everything, and the fix provides a noticeable impact as soon as you log in10:17
seb128duflu, don't take it that personal, I was not questioning your work or position10:18
dufluseb128, also willcooke specifically asked me to get it done this week10:18
seb128duflu, I'm just saying that by release/freeze rules it's difficult to get a "non trivial" change like that approved that late10:18
seb128we need confidence it can't create new problems10:18
dufluI know. I was waiting and hoping upstream would land something by now10:18
darkxstand the fix is hacky at best, lets spam GC so gobjects get deleted on at a time? anyway I do have time to look through the patches tonight, but will try and do a proper review tomorrow. I would however be hesistant to upload those changes days before final freeze, even too ubuntu.10:19
seb128I asked Trevinho to follow up on some of his similar fixes weeks ago that didn't happen either10:19
seb128we are stucked in a non optimal situation now10:19
seb128it's getting late but at the same time we need to do something :/10:19
dufludarkxst, OK. Please direct reviews here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/merge_requests/11410:19
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 114 in gjs "Queue a GC when a toggle reference goes from >1 to 1" (comments: 15) [Opened]10:19
seb128duflu, thanks for the work you put into those fixes and sorry if it sounded like I was questioning what you did, I was not10:20
seb128duflu, I hope you are still able to enjoy your evening after that discussion :/10:20
dufluseb128, yeah I reduced my VAAPI fix to a one liner. Now uploading10:21
darkxstduflu, I am not an upstream maintainer, but have done a lot of work on gjs over the years10:21
dufludarkxst, still that's the place to add any thoughts10:22
dufluseb128, willcooke specifically requested that leak fix. So I suggest you just decide with him10:24
seb128duflu, I'm going to talk to him, but I'm not deciding anything here10:24
seb128duflu, I'm not in the release team and it's not in my power to decide if that can go in10:25
seb128duflu, I'm just used to work with them and I know it's going to require to be convincing to upload a behaviour change to the gc that late10:25
seb128so I'm trying to see what we can do and have the arguments we need ready for that discussion10:25
seb128duflu, anyway you did your side of the work so don't worry too much10:26
willcookedidrocks, jamiebennett tested the data collection this morning and his monitor which is connected via usb c wasn't picked up.10:45
* Laney cries at the remaining volume_key failure10:48
Laneyhelps if you spell DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS right11:10
jbichaseb128: fyi, I have mutter and gnome-shell 3.28.1 tarballs, waiting for Tre_vinho to gather the extra patches for them he wants later today11:15
jbichagood morning11:15
seb128jbicha, hey, nice11:20
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
k_alamjbicha: [ftbfs] https://code.launchpad.net/~khurshid-alam/indicator-sound/lp-1737834/+merge/34302311:37
k_alamand this: https://code.launchpad.net/~khurshid-alam/indicator-sound/lp-1700680/+merge/34302211:38
jbichak_alam: please subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to bugs with stuff that needs sponsoring11:40
jbichayour 1700680 merge has an obvious typo (the package is named -schemas instead of -schema). I haven't investigated but I suspect that fix is wrong anyway11:43
jbichaUbuntu Touch hasn't been supported in Ubuntu for a year so I suggest looking whether that support can be dropped from indicator-sound instead11:43
jbichaanyway, you already pinged Tre_vinho about indicator-sound so I'll let him take care of the reviews there11:44
k_alamjbicha: Ah right...I will rectify it.....But that package provide com.ubuntu.AccountsService.Sound interface along with various com.ubuntu.touch interfaces. Touch related things can be dropped.11:47
jbichaplease investigate what com.ubuntu.AcccountsService.Sound does and if it's still needed11:51
jbichak_alam: for bug 1741027 Please add FFe explanation so that the Release Team can review. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess11:53
ubot5`bug 1741027 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "[FFE] screen sharing panels abort using an unexistant vino gsettings key" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174102711:53
ricotzhey desktopers12:00
k_alamjbicha: alright.12:00
ricotzjbicha, hi, I noticed a problem with vte2.91 in ubuntu, the revert-pcre2.patch reverts some unrelated g-i annotation changes and therefore breaking the gir/vapi compared to upstream in unnecessary ways12:04
jbicharicotz: could you talk to Egmont about that? he is part of vte upstream and he did the latest pcre patch update12:06
ricotzjbicha, could you point me to an irc channel?12:07
didrockswillcooke: was he running on wayland by any chance?12:07
didrockswillcooke: remember that we only supports Xorg for getting monitor info12:07
jbicharicotz: I've always just used email or bug reports with Egmont12:09
ricotzjbicha, I see12:09
LaneyStatus: successful12:10
Laneytests needed a writable home 🙄12:11
Laney/root existed which is why it worked when I ran as root12:12
jbichaok, we have a few other packages like that12:14
jbichaLaney: oh I did that actually but the tests still didn't pass when I tried https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/volume-key/commit/42207b3dbc12:15
jbichaI guess you had some other fixes too though?12:16
LaneyI fixed the actual bug first12:17
Laneyyou know about debian/clean?12:17
WimpressoSoMoN: Which source repo is the Chromium snapcraft.yaml in?12:17
jbichaLaney: yes, for some reason we don't use it as often12:18
Laneyroyal we?12:18
LaneyI mean, that's a weird sentence construction when talking about one of your own commits12:19
jbichaI copied that home thing from other GNOME packages12:19
jbichaI guess debian/clean is uh … cleaner12:19
Laneyyou could save an override12:20
Laneynow I get to fight with pagure12:21
jbichayou have upload rights to that salsa repo so feel free to make the clean change there :)12:23
ricotzjbicha, https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+sourcepub/8991295/+listing-archive-extra12:24
Laneylaney@bionic (master↑1|…)> git push ssh://git@pagure.io/forks/laney/volume_key.git                                                                                                                ~/dev/canonical/random/volume_key12:24
Laneygit@pagure.io: Permission denied (publickey).12:24
Laneythis thing :|12:24
Laneyoh it has a separate SSH key configuration to the thing that I filled in when I made the account12:25
jbicharicotz: ok, yes, please ask Egmont about vte since he was the one that did that part recently12:27
ricotzwill do12:27
Laneyjibel: yo, would you be able to test https://launchpad.net/~laney/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/14767038 with your encrypted usb key pls?12:56
Laneyamazingly I don't seem to have a usb key :/12:56
Laneyso the patch I made to fix the tests is not tested in actual use12:57
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
didrocksfirst communitheme interview posted! Just as 5 of them… like, a week then ;)13:18
willcookedidrocks, yay13:31
didrockswillcooke: so "known", didn't get the time to inspect what to do yet on the wayland session13:34
jibelLaney, what do you want me to test exactly?13:35
willcookedidrocks, ack thanks13:37
jibelLaney, just install the package and check if I can still access my encrypted drive?13:38
seb128jbicha, I don't think we really replied to that the other time, but are we sure a ffe is not needed to remove packages?13:38
jbichaseb128: you're the Archive Admin, you tell me :) It is very common for AAs to remove packages at the very last moment13:39
jbichaI emailed ubuntu-devel because I expect this particular one to be a bit annoying for some people (I haven't gotten much hate mail yet from Debian though)13:40
jbichagksu was already unseeded at Feature Freeze until a ffe managed to (accidentally) get it back in the Kylin install13:43
seb128sysadmins or such might still use it13:44
seb128I don't like to remove thing just before release like that13:44
seb128you might screw people13:44
seb128removals should be done early in the cycle/by ff imho13:44
seb128not that I care especially about gksu13:45
seb128just I don't like the idea to do changes without letting some time for users to give feedback/adjust to the change13:45
jbichaseb128: I don't disagree with you about the ideal of doing removals by say, FF. That just isn't the way AAs do their job13:45
jbichathey want until the end of the cycle to get around to processing removal bugs that were filed months sooner13:45
seb128well some packages are buggy and need to be removed for valid reasons13:45
seb128your seem to be more "want to kill cruft"'13:45
seb128andyrock, hey, I see you reply to emails ... did you see my IRC ping earlier?13:48
=== amano_ is now known as amano
andyrockseb128: nope14:15
andyrocklooking for it14:15
andyrockseb128: kk I'll try to do that by the end of today14:15
andyrockdebdiff right?14:15
seb128andyrock, yes, thx14:16
Laneyjibel: yeah14:22
seb128tjaalton, hey, could you have a look at / upstream https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1754693 ?14:22
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1754693 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xwayland crashed with SIGABRT in st_renderbuffer_delete()" [High,Confirmed]14:22
ricotzis there a schedule for the bionic point releases already? I am curious about the date for 18.04.114:23
seb128ricotz, that's a question for -release more than desktop, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule doesn't have it so I expect it's not decided yet14:27
seb128ricotz, it's probably somewhere in July14:28
seb128willcooke, Laney might know?14:28
ricotzseb128, thanks, judging from the past it might be July 19th14:28
didrocksif you have access to some hardware with nvidia, I would be interested into you running xrand on your machine (wich some connected monitors) and print the output14:35
didrocksjibel: maybe? ^14:35
jibeldidrocks, intel or amd here14:38
didrocksok, thanks :)14:39
Laneydidrocks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xQr7tN4DKQ/14:43
didrocksLaney: thanks! That's what I expected :)14:43
seb128didrocks, is it different from intel machines?14:48
seb128jibel, did you look at the keyboard selection bug in ubiquity yet?14:48
didrocksseb128: it's not, but for the selected element, there are multiple frequencies support (where I have a duplicated line here), so my regexp needs more work14:49
seb128ah ok14:49
didrocksI was a little bit restrictive, let me ensure it's better supported + tested14:49
seb128is that the usb-c monitor not listed issue?14:49
didrocksLaney: do you have any tool to select the freq? like, can you get 1920x1080@50hz?14:50
didrocks(for DVI-I)14:50
Laneydon't know14:51
LaneyI just use g-c-c14:51
Laneysome nvidia tool exists doesn't it?14:51
didrocksI think the syntax would be: 1920x1080     60.00  59.94    50.00*+    60.05    60.00    50.0414:51
didrocksbut unsure14:51
didrocksyeah, nvidia-config or such?14:51
didrocksor nvidia-settings14:51
LaneyI'm not on that computer, it is remote to me14:52
Laneyso can't check14:52
Laneyts_eliot could probably help you14:52
didrockshum, good idea, tseliot: do you know in case you have multiple freqs available for a given resolution what is the xrandr syntax if you don't select the first one?14:53
didrockslike instead of    1920x1080     60.00*+  59.94    50.00    60.05    60.00    50.0414:53
didrockswhat is the output if I select 1920x1080@50.0014:53
didrocksI don't see anything in g-c-c to select the freq…14:54
LaneyI don't think I've ever done that14:57
* didrocks tried some naïve xrandr command and needed to reset it via g-c-c :p14:57
didrocksme neither ;)14:57
didrocksI would like to avoid betting on a syntax14:58
tseliotdidrocks: the rate followed by "+" is the preferred one. I think that's the one that is applied if you don't specify it15:02
didrocksah, I get it!15:03
didrockswas able to reproduce it :)15:03
didrocksso, you can have:15:03
didrocks   1366x768      60.02 +15:03
didrocksbut selected is:15:03
didrocks   1280x720      60.00    59.99    59.86*   59.7415:03
* didrocks reverts, it's too blurry to cope with it :)15:03
didrocksI have what I needed, thanks tseliot15:03
Laneythis sounds unfun15:03
Laneyno good API to get this stuff?15:04
didrocksLaney: note that I found15:04
tseliotdidrocks: np15:04
Laneywhat does g-c-c do?15:04
didrocksLaney: oh, btw, g-c-c enable you to select the rate if you onlly have one monitor15:04
didrocksjust noticed that15:05
didrockswell, only if you manually set a refresh rate which isn't the preferred one15:05
oSoMoNWimpress, sorry I was out for a while, dunno if your question was answered, in case it wasn't: https://code.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/+git/snappy-packaging15:08
WimpressoSoMoN: Thanks.15:08
WimpressIn a meeting but I have some questions for you. I'll be in touch tomorrow.15:09
Laneythis cold sucks15:19
* Laney is leaking everywhere15:20
Laneyhey Trevinho!15:20
Laneyhow's it going?15:20
TrevinhoHi Laney15:20
didrockspoor Laney, get some hot drink!15:20
tjaaltonseb128: ok, moved it to mesa for now15:20
didrockshey Trevinho15:20
TrevinhoGood... You?15:20
TrevinhoDidrocks hey15:20
Laneyare you on your phone or something?15:20
* Laney doesn't believe you are typing these words manually :P15:20
seb128tjaalton, thx15:21
TrevinhoLaney: switching between the two15:22
xclaesseis it known that ssh-agent is broken in 18.04 ?15:33
xclaesseanyone knows how to fix it ?15:34
Laneyworks fine here, so it's not broken15:39
Laneyjibel: did you get to try volume-key?15:39
LaneyIf we can upload this then hopefully the MIR will go through15:40
TrevinhoLaney: can you please publish https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3223 ?15:41
LaneyTrevinho: looks like it needs a bit of a review, so can't do right now15:48
TrevinhoLaney: mh, ok seb128 already review part of the code so could also do it if has time? :)15:54
didrocksjdstrand: hey, do you have any idea when you will be able to review my apparmor fix for evince?16:05
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jbichaTrevinho: sorry to ping again, but you're going to be giving me patches to apply against mutter & gnome-shell 3.28.1, right?16:44
Trevinhojbicha: yeah, I'll do it later today16:49
TrevinhoI'll prepare PR for salsa and one for ~ubuntu-team16:50
jbichawe don't use ubuntu-team so um…16:50
Trevinhodidrocks: can you reabase https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/70 again (Or add the flag to allow project devs to edit the branch)?16:52
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 70 in gnome-shell "ui: Theme lookup should respect XDG_DATA_DIRS" (comments: 10) [Opened]16:52
* Trevinho loves his bot16:52
didrocksTrevinho: I don't think you can allow editafter the fact (and I think I did)17:07
didrocksTrevinho: rebased17:09
Trevinhoah ok17:10
didrocksthanks Trevinho :)17:12
jibelwillcooke, FYI the job which promotes the images has been fixed and 20180916 is now in current17:19
jibel20180416 :)17:19
willcookethanks jibel17:33
LaneyWe can sync volume-key once LP picks it up and j_ibel or someone gives the thumbs up that I didn't break it17:44
* Laney is uploading to Debian17:44
LaneyI forgot to actually say "run the tests fatally" in the changelog17:46
sarnoldoh swet17:51
sarnoldsweet, too. :) thanks Laney17:51
Laneysarnold: sweat would be OK too17:52
Laneyyou had to set --pinentry-mode=loopback basically17:53
Trevinhojbicha: mhmh19:44
Trevinhomarco@tricky:/data/GNOME/mutter (debian/master):✗ $ gbp pq export19:44
Trevinhogbp:info: Generating patches from git (debian/master..patch-queue/debian/master)19:44
Trevinhogbp:error: patch-queue/debian/master not a valid tree-ish19:44
Trevinhonm I wanted to import and actually picked the wrong bash completion19:56
oSoMoNgood night everyone20:37
seb128LocutusOfBorg, could you commit your gtk 3ubuntu1 update to the vcs?20:46
seb128'night desktopers20:47
jbichaximion: hi, I guess we want https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-software/commit/e52d2fa5 in bionic and it should be harmless?21:50
jbichaand I'm assuming the other icon sizes won't work until appstream.ubuntu.com gets a newer asgen?21:51
ximionyes and yes21:53
ximionthe 128x128px version should work though21:53
ximionthe change is completely harmless21:53
ximionfor the asgen update we are battling a very weird crash when the garbage collector marks a memory region, that appears to only happen on Ubuntu at the moment21:54
ximionjbicha: ^21:57
=== sergiusens_ is now known as sergiusens

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