
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Son_Goku
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: Hi, I found the root cause why ldconfig doesn't take the virtualbox libraries into consideration. They are found after the "official" GL libraries. Here's the patch: http://paste.debian.net/1020547/12:11
WhoopieBut be careful, don't fix this bug before you have a solution for the glFramebufferTexture2D -> https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1762312:12
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: I guess, this must also be fixed in the mesa GL packages.12:17
mdeslaurbdmurray: are you looking into the apport autopkgtest failure?12:27
LocutusOfBorgWhoopie, who is adding that x86_64-linux-gnu_EGL.conf file?13:13
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: virtualbox-guest-x11 in the postinst.13:42
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: look at the diff, it's all there. http://paste.debian.net/102054713:43
LocutusOfBorgWhoopie, I need to understand why the file changed in path13:49
LocutusOfBorgbecause that change is not retro-compatible13:49
LocutusOfBorgI don't apply random patches over the internet just because somebody points me at them without an appropriate rationale.13:50
LocutusOfBorgrationale might be "mesa/nvidia folks changed filename because new glib requires the overrides to start with a number like "00_" so we had to follow the same reasoning and change them too13:50
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: totally agreed. I changed it to 00_ so that it's picked up as the first one.13:51
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: otherwise, /etc/ld.so.conf.d/x86_64-linux-gnu.conf is picked up first and the libGL and libEGL points to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu13:52
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: and as I said, don't fix it before you fix the 3D issue.13:53
willcookedoko, hi, are you waiting on anything else for this one?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-report/+bug/175954013:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759540 in ubuntu-report (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ubuntu-report: send telemetry data to ubuntu server" [Undecided,New]13:57
LocutusOfBorgWhoopie, this has been handled with update-alternatives approach, not with 10 different files in the same location, with different filename start bit14:06
LocutusOfBorgso, we have priorities for update-alternatives and this is the right approach14:06
LocutusOfBorgif mesa or whoever places that file changed the approach, yes I have to follow the change14:06
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: sorry, you don't understand it, there's a default file called x86_64-linux-gnu.conf which points ldconfig to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu14:08
LocutusOfBorgyes, and update-alternatives changes that link to somewhere else14:08
Whoopieas soon as ldconfig finds libs for GL and EGL, it throws away all other.14:09
LocutusOfBorgit doesn't add a new one14:09
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: update-alternatives changes x86_64-linux-gnu_GL.conf, not x86_64-linux-gnu.conf14:09
LocutusOfBorgohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok14:10
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: and  x86_64-linux-gnu_EGL.conf14:10
LocutusOfBorggot it now14:11
LocutusOfBorgso, who damnly put the libEGL into that path in first place?14:11
LocutusOfBorgwhat is the rationale of having an override and not using it?14:11
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: I don't understand.14:18
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: I could find an update-alternatives removal in libegl-mesa0 and libglx-mesa0, not and adding.14:19
Whoopienot an adding14:19
LocutusOfBorgupdate-alternatives --query x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf14:21
LocutusOfBorgwhat does this return?14:21
LocutusOfBorgit should return the virtualbox version14:21
LocutusOfBorgif not, what is the point of providing a file named x86_64-linux-gnu_EGL.conf when the first x86_64-linux-gnu.conf picks the stuff?14:22
LocutusOfBorgI would expect the various lib*GL* implementations to go in /usr/lib/<triplet>/something/ so they are not picked up automatically unless specified in that conf file14:23
LocutusOfBorgWhoopie, how do you reproduce all the issue? from the begin14:35
LocutusOfBorgI'm installing a bionic vm14:35
LocutusOfBorgbionic amd6414:35
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: regarding the ldconfig issue, you can check e.g. "ldd /usr/bin/glxinfo" and see that libGL.so.1 does not point to /usr/lib/virtualbox/additions/libGL.so.114:37
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: then copy /usr/lib/virtualbox/additions/00vboxvideo.conf to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/, run "sudo ldconfig" and check again. It shoud point to /usr/lib/virtualbox/additions/libGL.so.114:37
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: then reboot (be aware that you won't get the gdm screen) and check /var/log/syslog regarding the undefined symbol  glFramebufferTexture2D14:38
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: or do you also mean the cheese/gstreamer issue?14:40
bdmurraymdeslaur: I will be yes14:51
mdeslaurbdmurray: cool, thanks!15:00
LocutusOfBorgWhoopie, I can reproduce now15:52
LocutusOfBorgso, everything works just because I can't really make my module load15:52
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: which module?16:13
LocutusOfBorgmy so libraries16:13
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LocutusOfBorgWhoopie, even the official upstream binaries are not overriding GL anymore...16:20
bdmurrayandyrock: Did you get a chance to test that plymouth in my ppa?18:03
andyrockbdmurray: fix confirmed18:08
andyrocklet me comment on the bug too18:08
bdmurrayandyrock: I seem to reclear you exprienced it at every boot, is that right?18:51
andyrockbdmurray: right18:51
gpiccoliHi folks, I was trying to bootstrap an ISO image of ubuntu-server using qemu, in my server18:54
gpiccoliStruggled to pass console=ttyS0 for it, --location didn't work (was using virt-install)..ended-up giving up and using netboot18:54
gpiccoliIs there any reason to not have console=ttyS0 as default in grub.cfg of our amd64 server images?18:54
sarnoldiirc on smartos the first serial port is used for hypervisor<->guest coordination18:55
gpiccolisarnold, sorry what is smartos?19:01
gpiccolimight be a silly question19:01
sarnoldgpiccoli: joyant's cloud platform19:01
sarnoldgpiccoli: it's an Illumos OS distribution designed for easy cloud hosting stuff -- you boot to e.g. a USB memory stick or netboot, and the main zone loads configs for all the other zones, zfs pools, and starts vms in the other zones as needed19:02
gpiccoliawesome! but sarnold, seems like a distro right?19:03
gpiccoliyou're saying that a ubuntu ISO running in KVM inside smartos will have issues by setting the console= by default?19:04
sarnoldgpiccoli: think of them as similar to aws or scaleway ..19:04
gpiccolioh great sarnold19:07
gpiccoliso, they do use isos to bring-up guests..and we would have issues there19:07
WhoopieLocutusOfBorg: they do here.20:55
=== sergiusens_ is now known as sergiusens
sarnoldis something extra-special broken with ca-certificates? or is this just the usual amount of "meh debs don't upgrade well"? 1764060 1764061 1764106 1764313 1764431 1764533 176455122:34
FauxThere's a bug.23:10

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