
bugzbunnyslidinghorn: Ban the internet01:56
bugzbunnyslidinghorn: That would prolly be the best way ?01:56
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:03
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell bionic04:05
ubot5`gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.0-0ubuntu5 (bionic), package size 675 kB, installed size 7395 kB04:05
slidinghornmorning lotuspsychje  :)04:06
lotuspsychjehey slidinghorn all ok?04:06
slidinghornyep, just reading & watching vids trying to learn...stuff.04:08
lotuspsychjevacation over here, tomorrow work again..bah04:08
bugzbunnyslidinghorn: You are trying to do what?04:10
slidinghornlotuspsychje: that sucks :/04:10
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
ducassegood morning, everyone06:22
lotuspsychjehey guys10:51
lotuspsychjehi LtWorf10:53
lotuspsychjethink he's trolling us11:45
JimBuntuor needs to complete their ID10T form11:47
pragmaticenigmatroll in support channel in 3... 2... 1...11:47
pragmaticenigmaguess they can't type fast11:48
JimBuntuThat's the best kind of trolling, where you get everyone to wait and keep checking back, lol.11:48
lotuspsychjemake those silly volunteers suffer!11:49
JimBuntuAs if that doesn't happen often enough with non-trolls, people trying to hide that they are using other distros/etc11:49
pragmaticenigmayeah... that wasn't my intention... apologies11:50
pragmaticenigmau0_a158 was whom I were referring to11:50
lotuspsychjewe too pragmaticenigma no need to apologize11:50
JimBuntupragmaticenigma, yeah, that's what I figured11:51
lotuspsychjejoking around a bit :p11:51
pragmaticenigmaaparently so did the mods11:51
ubot5`UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org12:01
BluesKajHey folks12:03
JimBuntuHiya BluesKaj12:04
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj12:05
BluesKajHey JimBuntu, lotuspsychje12:11
BluesKajlooks like middle of winter here, then it's going to start raining...what a mess :/12:12
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I know the feeling... I had a bon fire this weekend, it was great... until it started raining, freezing rain that is12:13
ubot5`Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/12:14
JimBuntuP A R T Y !12:15
ubot5`Not yet!12:16
BluesKajnot for a few days , right ? I heven't checked the release schedule, I just keep updating/upgrading each day :-)12:16
JimBuntu26th last I read12:17
BluesKajalready running Bionic12:17
JimBuntuFinal freeze is Thursday, that will be the release candidate12:18
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell bionic12:19
ubot5`gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.0-0ubuntu5 (bionic), package size 675 kB, installed size 7395 kB12:19
lotuspsychjewaiting for .112:19
kostkondat .1 will make all the difference12:20
JimBuntuOh, they got 3.28 already in there.12:20
BluesKaj!info plasma-shell bionic12:23
ubot5`Package plasma-shell does not exist in bionic12:23
BluesKajheh, that's not true12:23
BluesKajplasmashell -v shows plasmashell 5.12.412:24
lotuspsychje!find plasma12:24
ubot5`Found: kde-plasma-desktop, kdeconnect-plasma, kdeplasma-addons-data, libkf5plasma-dev, libkf5plasma5, libkf5plasmaquick5, libplasma-geolocation-interface5, libplasma3, plasma-active-default-settings, plasma-applet-redshift-control (and 460 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=plasma&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all12:24
BluesKaj!info plasmashel12:25
ubot5`Package plasmashel does not exist in artful12:25
BluesKaj!info plasmashell12:25
ubot5`Package plasmashell does not exist in artful12:25
BluesKaj!info plasmashell bionic12:25
TJ-!info plasma-workspace12:25
ubot5`Package plasmashell does not exist in bionic12:25
ubot5`plasma-workspace (source: plasma-workspace): Plasma Workspace for KF5. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.10.5-0ubuntu1.1 (artful), package size 6959 kB, installed size 33440 kB12:25
lotuspsychjeand plasma-workspace-wayland12:26
BluesKajoh no12:26
BluesKajno wayland with nvidia12:27
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: bashing-om reported that latest driver on ppa making progress12:28
BluesKajdon't think nvidia's wayland efforts amount to much12:28
lotuspsychjeand look what shows up when i apt-cache search wayland: nvidia-driver-390 - NVIDIA driver metapackage12:28
BluesKajahh, my driver ...hmmm12:29
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: perhaps you should test it?12:29
BluesKajnot yet12:29
BluesKajtoo much on my plate the next few days12:30
BluesKajbesides my old HP is my testbed and it uses the nvidia-340 driver12:33
BluesKajMy new pc doesn't have a brand name since my son i built it from scratch12:36
BluesKajand I12:36
BluesKajMSI Z370  has a neat BIOS, like a hybrid UEFI/BIOS , not just a legacy mode, one can use either BIOS or UEFI ..pretty cool12:39
lotuspsychjei always liked msi mobo's12:42
BluesKajpretty good for the money12:42
BluesKajinteresting tho, no HDMI port , just VGA, DVI and Display Port12:48
BluesKajglad I have a couple of DVI to HDMI cables12:48
BluesKajsince the nvidia gt520 hdmi out doesn't seem to carry the audio signal, but the DVi port does12:50
JimBuntuwow, no audio out on that HDMI? That's whacky12:51
BluesKajthere's no dedicated  spdif audio out12:52
BluesKajJimBuntu, well so it seems so. i tried the hdmi out yesterday on the nvidia card and couldn't get any audio at all to my receiver12:54
BluesKajit's looping out of the tv optical out12:55
JimBuntuDid you remember to manually change audio out in the sound settings?12:55
JimBuntuI always expect HDMI to have audio out, but I noted that one of the HDMI inputs on my TV doesn't seem to accept audio, talk about whacky12:56
TJ-some ports may require HDCP12:56
BluesKajpulseaudio pavucontrol (which i despise)  shows the hdmi as unplugged...suppose I could go pure alsa with intel driver, something which I haven't tried yet12:58
TJ-sometimes I've noticed there are multiple HDMI/audio devices, and they're not necessarily correctly mapped/linked to the video outputs12:58
TJ-I love pavucontrol - it doesn't hide anything from you12:58
BluesKajno kidding TJ- :-)  lets face it linux audio is a mess12:58
BluesKajaamof think i'm going to try pure alsa12:59
BluesKajwith the snd-hda-intel driver13:00
TJ-that's a step backwards; since ALSA can only allow one process output at a time.13:00
TJ-"pactl list sinks" will show all the known output ports13:01
TJ-"pactl list cards" will list the devices, the associated profiles and ports13:03
BluesKajbummer , need pulse for webaudio now ..the intel snd-hda driver was sufficient on my other pcs , but without a direct spdif output I'm out of luck going with just asla13:29
BluesKajmaybe I'll invest in a decent PCI-E soundcard ...my m-audio is too old to use in the newer pice slots13:31
lotuspsychjenot sure who talked about python this week, but just saw python2.7 passing by in bionic updates15:41
lotuspsychjepython2.7 (2.7.15~rc1-1) ...15:42
lotuspsychjewelcome comoseabien16:00
lotuspsychjehere you can chat freely about ubuntu likes16:01
JimBuntuYou may have seen me talking about Python, while I dislike the whitespace method, I do like the language over all16:05
lotuspsychjeJimBuntu: ah, wasnt it about versions yes or no in some ubuntu?16:06
JimBuntuI recently talked about how I never moved out of 2.7. I guess I am not along either as I still see a lot of new tutorials related to that version.16:07
lotuspsychjeah kk16:07
JimBuntuI'm very glad to see it's still going to be included.16:08
ducasseafternoon, hoomans16:08
lotuspsychjethat was the purpose of what i wanted :p16:08
lotuspsychjeducasse: hey mate how was your day?16:09
ducasseeh, quiet. i was watching tv and fell asleep on the sofa :)16:09
lotuspsychjenice lazy days :p16:10
BluesKajhey ducasse16:10
ducassehey BluesKaj16:11
lotuspsychjeducasse: seen anything good half?16:14
JimBuntuHey ducasse, you need to share your lazy days with the rest of us, don't horde them X-D16:14
lotuspsychjewe watched den of thieves, and i liked it16:14
lotuspsychjethink they wanted to copycat HEAT a bit16:14
ducasselotuspsychje: not really, watched a bad horror movie last night - can't even remember the name16:16
ducasseJimBuntu: there's plenty :)16:16
ducasselotuspsychje: back to work tomorrow?16:17
lotuspsychjeducasse: yeah but i phoned them already, im gonna end contract16:17
ducassehow long do you have to keep working?16:18
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lotuspsychjeducasse: to be discussed togheter, i dont want to give em trouble neither..ill give them time till they find a solution16:19
lotuspsychjetechnically, i could stop now16:19
lotuspsychjewb pragmaticenigma16:19
pragmaticenigmathanks lotuspsychje16:20
ducassehi pragmaticenigma16:20
pragmaticenigmawhat'd I miss?16:20
pragmaticenigmahowdy ducasse16:20
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: nothing much, still slow in main16:21
lotuspsychjeTJ- found out studio wont be 18.0416:21
pragmaticenigmaI caught the early stages of that convo16:22
ducasseit won't be lts, you mean16:22
TJ-lotuspsychje: yeah, I published the comment earlier16:22
pragmaticenigmakind of makes sense though... I would think with Audio/Visual you'd want to be working on newer software to keep up with the changing codecs16:23
TJ-lack of manpower16:23
pragmaticenigmathat too16:23
TJ- #ubuntu-release.weechatlog:2018-04-12 18:04:50     ErichEickmeyer  infinity, slangasek: The response has been overall in favo16:23
TJ-                     │r of Ubuntu Studio not being LTS this time around. Unfortunate, but until we can drum-up the manpower, that's kindof where we're at. :/16:23
pragmaticenigmaI tried Studio when it first spun out... but I haven't looked at it in a long time. not much use for it for software dev16:26
TJ-I suppose I should try it in the digitial audio workstation system, which is centered on ardour16:34
TJ-that's got a M-Audio Delta 1010 and Evolution uc-33e attached16:35
lotuspsychjesilence before the bionic storm17:12
kostkonwaiting for our bionic master to arise17:13
lotuspsychjebbl guys tv time17:41
pauljwhi everyone18:13
BluesKajhi pauljw18:22
pauljwhey BluesKaj :)18:22
BluesKajmy new internet's been delayed til Wed morning, the cable was disconnected 19yrs ago when i cancelled my cable TV in favour of Bell sat service which was a much better deal at the time. There's a cable distrubution box in my front yard on the easement section. This part of the town has the electric, phone and cable lines run underground to all the neighbourhood residences.18:28
pauljwah, the anticipation... :)18:29
BluesKajyeah, I'm disappointed that the modem couldn't be activated today, but patience is needed due the length of time the line's been disconnected18:32
BluesKajI thought this would be the case, and unfortunately I was right18:33
pauljwyou be flying around the internets before you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious...18:34
pauljwhey daftykins :)18:35
daftykinsmuch like how my clients London apartment phone line had been detached for some time18:35
daftykinspoor BT engineer had to go in and out multiple times to reattach and test :>18:35
BluesKajand of course the weather is awful here atm, sleet, rain snow mix ..last yr at this time I was BBQing steaks on the patio18:36
daftykinswould the coax between you and the easement degrade in that time, such that a fresh run would benefit your service?18:36
daftykinsassuming it's in some kinda ducting up to the house that you could replace easily18:36
pauljwthat might be worth looking into...18:37
BluesKajdaftykins, dunno the day the cable was run to the house  I was at work and my wife told me there workmen digging trench from the box to the side of the house ...assume it's clad with some kind of protective material, but i never asked.18:40
daftykinsah well, i'd imagine they do a test of your new service at the end before connecting you in, so any loss might be known if you do what i did and go with the guy xD18:41
BluesKajthis was in 1976, and the cable worked fine up until 199918:41
daftykinsi saw his speed test out on the road in the cabinet, then saw the speeds didn't drop much once they got into the apartment :>18:42
BluesKajThe phone lines that were put in back then still work fine  so i'm assume the cable will too18:43
daftykinsmmm i dunno how cable services behave, with our tech here being broadband over the phone lines - the slightest oxidised connection can drop your speeds by a handful of megabits18:44
BluesKajthe 7mb dsl service approaches 750Kbits/sec here which is the same it's been for almost 20 yrs18:46
BluesKajover the same underground lines18:47
BluesKajthe soil here is very sandy so water drains away very quickly since the water table is close to 30 ft before there's any clay18:54
JimBuntuThe issue with coax is water ingress. I have seen it disconnected at the base of radio towers and drain for many minutes19:11
JimBuntuLet's hope the old adage is true... "They used to build things to last."19:12
BluesKajthink the cable just needs to be connected to the tap inside the distribution box19:18
BluesKajmy neighbour uses the same old cable for his internet, tv and phone bundle from the same company I signed with19:20
daftykinsah he left19:39
ducassehi daftykins - painted those windows yet?19:42
daftykinsnewp :)19:42
daftykinsbusy workin' and fighting ants that have broken into my kitchen! :D19:42
daftykinshow's you today?19:42
ducassei fell asleep on the sofa earlier, so done remarkably little :)19:44
daftykinsah har19:45
daftykinsEriC^^: \o19:45
EriC^^hey daftykins o/19:45
EriC^^how's it going?19:46
daftykinsi put some miles in on the bike today to get to some clients, very tiring :>19:46
EriC^^haha, cool :D19:46
daftykinsEriC^^: not bad thanks! just ate and now relaxing with some youtube sub videos :)19:46
EriC^^i'm sitting with 6 donuts19:46
EriC^^drooling and eating, homer simpson style :D19:47
daftykinsmmm i'll help you with those! :)19:47
EriC^^mcdonalds has a nice offer with them19:47
EriC^^6 for like $5 or something19:47
EriC^^the nutella sucks though, i got 2 from yesterday still in the box19:48
EriC^^hello diabetes :D19:48
daftykinsmcdonalds nutella doughnut?19:48
EriC^^lol yeah19:48
EriC^^the rest are actually good, i think a company called 'mccafe' makes them19:49
EriC^^ah wait19:49
EriC^^must be the mcdonalds cafe or something19:49
daftykins:D you might remember we don't have fast food, so i enjoyed trying mcdonalds breakfasts whilst i was in London recently19:50
daftykinsmmmm tasty19:50
daftykinsnice coffee too19:50
EriC^^ah right19:50
EriC^^yeah i love mcdonalds19:50
EriC^^i'd love a dunkin donuts donut sugar powdered and blueberry jam in the middle19:51
ducassecool video, i used to have a ps/2 model 80 :)19:51
kostkonoh another lgr fan :)19:52
EriC^^has anyone tried the airbar? (the bar that makes any screen a touch screen) ?19:53
daftykinsnope, not a fan of touch screen tech though i must admit19:56
EriC^^i wanna get one for my grandma19:57
EriC^^i had gotten her an i3 lenovo last year i found an awesome deal on, but i think her getting used to a mouse was a little optimistic of me19:57
kostkonhmm a bit pricey for being a small plastic bar with an short usb cable attached to it19:58
EriC^^i remember i tried teaching her bash scripting when we first got it, wasn't happening19:58
EriC^^yeah but a touch screen laptop is like $500+ on any site i could find so it's a good deal, i dont think id be able to use it on ubuntu though, also you cant close the laptop with it installed i guess19:59
EriC^^i wonder how well it works though20:02
kostkonyou can't close it fully yeah. but at least it's magnetised so it's easy to reattach i assume20:02
EriC^^hmm some guy is saying it worked on linux mint, nice20:03
daftykinshehe scripting might be a bit of a jump from being new to the machine :D20:04
daftykinseww Mint20:04
kostkonfrom the same guy " don't like touching my screen, so i've been experimenting with different styli and paintbrushes"20:05
kostkonwhy did he even buy it in the first place20:06
kostkonLinux mint users..20:07
oerheksi dislike touchscreens too20:11
daftykinsthe distro with no purpose20:11
oerheksif the keyboard would be a touchscreen, that would be oke20:11
EriC^^there's a tiny box that projects a laser keyboard onto any surface that works as a keyboard20:16
EriC^^pretty sick, james bond stuff20:16
daftykinsah yeah a friend of mine at Uni said they bought those for the engineers who kept spilling things onto keyboards and damaging them20:17
oerheksi have one, for the old palm handheld .. some sort of bluetooth, but exclusive20:17
oerheksno way to make it work with windows,mac or linux :-(20:17
oerheksit would be used in a clean environment, a nurse would easily wipe the keyboard20:23
oerheksincl battery and rubber cap on the powerconnection ... but a mis-buy :-(20:25
oerhekskat-in-a-bag, as the dutch say20:26
daftykinsah for something which is left unknown?20:30
daftykinsor remains a mystery20:30
oerheksno, i found out it was palm handheld only20:40
oerheksi tried to sell it again, but to honest to tell the truth 'will it work on windows?'20:41
kostkonit belongs in a museum :P20:46
kostkonhold on to it it's gonna become a museum piece soon20:46
daftykinsagreed ^ :D20:52
Bashing-om\o/ : First thing to test, try "grub-script-check /boot/grub/custom.cfg" (you can add22:21
Bashing-om                  a -v to that to get a better idea of where specifically the problem is, if there is a22:21
Bashing-om                  syntax error). Please pastebin your custum.cfg though.22:21
oerhekstomreyn, just reading back, new0 has 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 502 not upgraded. .. time to start apt-get dist-upgrade?? and i see you work on the backslash mess..22:21
Bashing-omBad bad paste .. bad paste !22:21
tomreynoerheks: :) plenty of those22:22
tomreynyes, thanks for pointing out the missing updates. once the apt errors are gone i'll have him install those. should be ... sooooon22:22
Bashing-om\o/ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523 is now hitting the streets !22:22
oerheksRemove the corrupted one22:23
oerhekssudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list22:23
oerheksOpen software-properties-gtk22:23
oerhekssudo -i software-properties-gtk22:23
oerheksThis will open software-properties-gtk with no repository selected.22:23
oerhekssudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.save /etc/apt/sources.list22:25
tomreynoerheks: hmm nice idea there22:26
oerheksthis .save file is standard22:27
tomreynoerheks: but is the one they have now really corrupt?22:28
tomreynright now i think it'll be fine22:28
oerheksi have no clue what caused those trails..22:28
tomreynthe trailing slashes on the respositry URLs? me neither. but i guess once they're gone it *should* work, unless the IL mirror is not in good shape22:29
oerheksthat kernel name points to canonical team ppa kernels, i think too ... https://pastebin.com/3LEy2wp5  https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/744768022:29
oerheksLinux version 3.13.0-53-generic (buildd@phianna)22:30
daftykinsisrael - might be a bad memory but i think we've seen folks have bad repos / be blocked before from there22:30
tomreynthere might be naughty proxy foo going on there22:31
tomreynsurprisingly there's just one mirror there22:33
oerheks.. and 2 days behind22:34
oerhekswell, i think there are more mirrors.22:34
tomreynand https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.isoc.org.il-archive explains where the trailing slashes come from22:34
oerheksnasty .. oke i open a Heineken, because the bottom says i need to drik it today22:36
tomreynhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors#yui_3_10_3_1_1523918111772_55 lists *1* for .il22:37
oerheksi think they do that because you could drink it the same day, and get alcoholic22:37
tomreynmakes sense!22:38
oerheksbut .. buying meat for today, is always cheaper.22:39
oerheks35% off22:39
oerheksbad idea, heineken en reboot22:48
oerheksi often say: don't drink & sudo ..22:49
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1740618 in umit (Ubuntu) "Remove gksu from Ubuntu" [Undecided,New]22:49
akikwhat's the replacement for gksu?22:50
Bashing-ompkexe ??22:50
Bashing-omCorrection : pkexec ??22:51
akikwith double ?22:51
akikcan you run any binaries as root with pkexec?22:53
Bashing-omakik: Well, when pkexec was 1st inrtiduced .. was a rig-a-mo-tole to have an app with admin privileges .. For instance : http://www.webupd8.org/2015/03/how-to-run-gedit-and-nautilus-as-root.html . One had to at the least create a access rights file .23:00
akiki hope they are not taking sudo away too23:01
Bashing-omakik: I looked at plexec back then ,, and ran away screamming .. I found that ' sudo -H ' finctioned for all my GUI use cases .. and in 18.04 (xubuntu) still does .23:05
tomreynbuenos noches, amig{a,o}s.23:15

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