
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
sforsheejjohansen: is that fix release critical? Judging by the information on the bug I'd think not13:02
sforsheejjohansen: we can oportunisticly pull it in if something that is release critical comes up, I'm just not seeing that as something that is likely to affect installation13:03
sforsheeso if it is otherwise please tell me so13:04
jjohansensforshee: well, it was to the snappy people friday but it appears they have changed their mind since. So unless they raise it as release critical it isn't14:33
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
leitaohow do I know if a device driver (.ko) will make the udeb that will be used by the d-i?20:17
sforsheeleitao: if it's listed within debian.master/d-i20:25
leitaosforshee, how do I see what is the set of device drivers that are part of the basic initrd.gz provided by d-i?20:27
leitaosforshee, because I understand that d-i has two stages, load the drivers that are part of the initrd.gz, get access to the internet for stage-2 and get the extra udeb ko files.20:28
leitaoif the above is correct, we probably want to put ipr.ko (ppc64el sas controller device driver) into this very first stage.20:29
leitaoThis is what I found looking at 175181320:30
leitaoxnox, ^20:30
sforsheeleitao: hmm it's been a while since I've had to do that, can't recall off the top of my head. Will try to look but I have to run soon.20:30
leitaosforshee, no worries. I am trying to discover what is causing this bug here, and this is my understand at this time20:31
sforsheeleitao: I think it's initramfs-tools20:33
sforsheeleitao: in hook-functions20:36
leitaosforshee, ok, let me check that20:37
xnoxsforshee, no, we are talking about d-i no? thus anna install and udebs, not initramfs-tools.... unless things fail to boot.22:43
xnoxleitao, the ipr.ko is in scsi-modules-4.15.0-15-generic-di_4.15.0-15.16_ppc64el.udeb which is loaded as part of disk detection.....22:44

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