
blahdeblahHi, any loco council members present?02:37
blahdeblahI'm on the Canonical SRE team and we need to retire/move/upgrade the site of an inactive LoCo Team, and I've been unsuccessful so far in making contact with any of the nominated team members.02:38
blahdeblahJust want to know if you have a standard process for dealing with this.02:38
tsimonq2wxl: Around? ^02:40
blahdeblahthanks tsimonq202:41
tsimonq2Oh, didn't know he wasn't a member of the LoCo Council anymore... hm02:41
tsimonq2blahdeblah: np02:41
tsimonq2Ah, here we go:02:42
tsimonq2You can reach the council via mail: loco-council<at>lists.ubuntu.com02:42
tsimonq2blahdeblah: I'd try that ^^^^02:42
blahdeblahwill do - thanks02:43
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Apr 16 16:32:21 2018 UTC.  The chair is ratliff. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:32
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:32
ratliffThe meeting agenda can be found at:16:32
ratliff[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting16:32
ratliff[TOPIC] Announcements16:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Announcements
ratliffThanks to James Cowgill (jcowgill) for providing a debdiff for xenial for ffmpeg (LP: #1697785)!16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1697785 in ffmpeg (Ubuntu Xenial) "Update to 2.8.14 in Xenial" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169778516:32
ratliffThanks to Simon Quigley (tsimonq2) providing debdiffs for trusty-artful for calibre (LP: #1758699)!16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758699 in calibre (Ubuntu Artful) "[CVE] JavaScript in a book can access local files using XMLHttpRequest" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175869916:33
ratliffYour work is very much appreciated and will keep Ubuntu users secure. Thank you!16:33
ratliff[TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report16:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report
ratliffJamie's off today so, mdeslaur: you're up16:33
mdeslaurI'm on community this week16:33
mdeslaurI just published some tasty perl updates16:33
mdeslaurand I'm trying to get some things migrated in bionic16:34
mdeslaurthat's about it, I need to pick something from the cve list16:34
mdeslaursbeattie: you're up16:34
sbeattieI'm on bug triage this week16:34
sbeattieI'm still working on my gcc-4.6 retpoline backport16:34
sbeattieI have some kernel cve triage tasks to do16:34
sbeattieAnd I need to pick something off the cve list16:35
sbeattieThat's probably the highlights for my week16:35
sbeattiejjohansen: I think you're next?16:35
jjohansenah does that mean I don't get to jump in at the end again :)16:35
sbeattieI'll figure out our team order eventually.16:36
jjohansenso this week I am16:36
jjohansenworking with cboltz on finish up 2.13 bug fixes and problems he is having around packaging16:36
jjohansencoordinate with cboltz on opensuse presentation proposals, and get those submitted16:36
jjohansenmerge rc1 into apparmor-next and then drop on the next set of patches targeted for 4.1816:36
jjohansendo follow-up on on last weeks bugs 1750594, 167970416:36
ubottubug 1750594 in AppArmor "Eventual OOM with profile reloads" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175059416:36
ubottubug 1679704 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "libvirt profile is blocking global setrlimit despite having no rlimit rule" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167970416:36
jjohansendo some revisions for policy hashing and policy versioning patching so I can get those up as wip: merge requests16:36
jjohansenproper upstreamable fix for 1750594 to replace the single case fix being used as a short term work around16:36
jjohansenfinish up further rlimit fixes for bugs discovered while working on 167970416:37
jjohansencontinue work on my LSM stacking review for Casey16:37
jjohansenwork on prompting prototype16:37
jjohansenuhmm I think that is it for /me16:37
sbeattiejjohansen: let me know if I can help on the packaging front16:37
ratliffnot sure that you left time to sleep, jjohansen16:37
jjohansensbeattie: ack16:37
jjohansenratliff: oh right, I need to add the critical item of track down time to sleep16:38
ratliffI haven't seen sarnold yet this morning, so chrisccoulson you go next16:38
leosilvahe just say morning right now :)16:39
ratliffyeah, I spoke to soon16:39
ratliffsarnold: you are up16:39
sarnoldI'm in the happy place this week, working down the mirs16:39
sarnoldI'm on socat now16:39
chrisccoulsonoh, I did start typing :)16:39
sarnoldsorry chrisccoulson :(16:39
sarnoldsocat might finish today or tomorrow, if there's any others needing bumping up to the head of the queue let me know ..16:40
sarnoldthat's it16:40
chrisccoulsonI'm still working on rust 1.25 updates. Currently 73 tests fail across armhf and arm64 because the tests appear to crash, so I'll be spending time trying to figure that out16:40
chrisccoulsonI'd like to pretend I'll have some time left over to do something useful, but I have a feeling this is going to end up wasting another week16:41
chrisccoulsonthat's me done16:41
ratliffI'll check around, but I haven't received any other requests so far, sarnold16:41
ratliffgood luck, chrisccoulson16:41
ratliffI'm on CVE triage this week.16:41
ratliffI have sprint prep and other internal work including starting a white paper.16:42
ratliffI have a couple more kpi scripts to clean up and check in, but the dashboard is full again.16:42
ratliffleosilva: on to you16:42
leosilvaI'm in the happy place this week :)16:42
leosilvaI'm did an USN for patch-esm this morning16:43
leosilvaI'm finally finished ruby updates and I'm publishing it right now *the crow says: yeahhhhh*16:43
leosilvaother than that I'll keep my hunting to get something from cve-list16:43
leosilvait's back to you ratliff16:43
ratliff[TOPIC] Highlighted packages16:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages
ratliffThe Ubuntu Security team suggests that contributors look into merging Debian security updates in community-supported packages. If you would like to help Ubuntu but are not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.16:44
ratliffSee http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/d2u/ for available merges and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details on preparing Ubuntu security updates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-hardened. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.16:44
ratliff[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions16:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions
ratliffDoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?16:44
tsimonq2Thanks for the mention. :)16:44
ratliffthanks for the debdiffs!16:45
ratliffmdeslaur, sbeattie, jjohansen, sarnold, chrisccoulson, leosilva: Thanks!16:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Apr 16 16:46:35 2018 UTC.16:46
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-04-16-16.32.moin.txt16:46
sbeattieratliff: thanks!16:46
sarnoldthanks ratliff!16:46
mdeslaurthanks ratliff!16:46
tsimonq2Thanks ratliff!16:47
leosilvatks ratliff16:48
jjohansenthanks ratliff16:49

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