
Paul_Qhi 03:08
=== Paul_Q is now known as usb-hell
usb-hellanyone ?03:08
usb-hellhi can anyone help me out? I have a usb that will not write...iv'd 03:09
usb-hellsudo -r0 hdparm /dev/sxx, ive tried using dd, fdisk ,etc...to no 03:09
usb-hellavail. keeps saying the usb is in 'read only mode' ...ive tried on 03:09
usb-hellother computers, windows too- same problem03:09
usb-helli can read ,open, and otherwise access the usb contents- just can't 03:09
usb-hellformat or write to it.03:09
usb-hellsorry...i dont know why went multiple lines like that03:10

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