
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
smosermgerdts: so for bug 176351114:34
ubot5`bug 1763511 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "DataSourceSmartOS should default to ext4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176351114:34
smoserjust curious14:34
smoseryou have disks > 116 TiB14:35
smoseroops. 16 TiB14:35
smoser ?14:35
mgerdtsYeah, we are starting to need some big disks.14:37
mgerdtsWhether that is the optimal storage layout or not is another question.14:38
mgerdtsOn the backend it is zfs, spread across many spindles14:38
smoserthat was my next question.14:40
mgerdtsI guess a TiB isn't what it used to be.14:40
smoser16TiB ought to be enough for anyone.14:41
mgerdtsVP of engineering here disagrees.14:41
* smoser was adjusting a quote of a former CEO at microsoft14:42
mgerdtsYeah, a few words into my next reply, I caught that.  :)14:42
mgerdts16 TiB is the new 640 KiB14:43
mgerdtsTime to make a t-shirt.14:43
mgerdtsAnd refill the coffee cup14:44
mgerdtssmoser: now that I have your approval on a couple merge proposals, what's next for them?15:25
smoseri'll get them pulled in today.15:33
mgerdtsgreat, thanks.  Just wasn't sure if there was any process step that I needed to complete first.15:39
paulgrmnHas anyone been able to get the nocloud data source to work with the OpenStack qcow2 images provided by Debian? Do they not support nocloud?15:57
smoserpaulgrmn: https://asciinema.org/a/13200916:01
paulgrmnI followed that, but can't get it to work with the latest images. I also don't see cloud-init looking for the NoCloud datasource on the console during virt-install.16:03
smoserpaulgrmn: hm.. well, it worked in 2017072516:05
smoseri havent tried since. its possible they disabled that... but one woudl hope not16:05
paulgrmnYeah, that's what I was wondering --- if it was a regression or if I'm goofing up something.16:05
smoserpaulgrmn: you used https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/openstack/current/debian-9.4.3-20180416-openstack-amd64.qcow216:07
smoser ?16:07
paulgrmnI would assume my error if I saw it try "DatasourceNoCloud" and fail, but it doesn't seem to even look for it.16:07
paulgrmnI used https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/openstack/current-9/debian-9-openstack-arm64.qcow216:08
smoserarm ?16:09
paulgrmnDerp. No. amd6416:09
paulgrmnWhich has the same MD5sum as the one you linked.16:11
smoseralright. i just verified it "worked for me"16:13
paulgrmnOK. Thanks a lot. Must be something I'm doing wrong.16:13
smosergit clone https://gist.github.com/smoser/635897f845f7cb56c0a7ac3018a4f476 boot-test16:14
smosercd boot-test16:14
smosercloud-localds -v --network-config=network-config-v1.yaml            seed.img user-data.yaml meta-data.yaml16:14
smoser./boot ../debian-9.4.3-20180416-openstack-amd64.qcow2 seed.img -snapshot16:15
smoserthen i logged in as 'debian' and 'passw0rd'16:15
paulgrmnThanks for your help. I'll give it a try.16:16
smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/342428 didnt like your code.16:21
smoserand rharper had mentioned he used timit on the socket.inet_ntoa16:23
smoseri'd prefer  not to have 2 implementations of that16:23
smoser(in annother of my coments there)16:23
smoseri'll be back in ~ 90 minutes and review more.16:24
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blackboxswhab smoser , I need to rebase17:05
blackboxswpushing now17:05
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blackboxsw<smoser> and rharper had mentioned he used timit on the socket.inet_ntoa.   Yeah I addresssed that comment and pushed the common logic into cloudinit.net.network_state.net_prefix_to_ipv4_mask. So there is no cloudinit.netinfo.netdev_cidr_to_mask anymore17:49
* blackboxsw runs this branch on ec2 and openstack just to see that the output looks good17:49
smoserblackboxsw: oh. good. thanks. sorry. i didnt notice.18:26
smosererr.. read that wrong18:27
blackboxsw+1, the branch kinda started to get bigger than I'd prefer. ohh well.18:51
smoserits really not so bad. you did a good job18:55
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smoserblackboxsw: i posted some feedback there.19:07
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blackboxswsmoser: rharper wrapping up feedback. will have something up tonight on this thanks21:33
smoserblackboxsw: i'll be back in to check later.22:36

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