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jammanadart: you around?08:42
manadartjam: I am.08:43
manadartIn Oracle HO.08:43
jammanadart: ^^09:15
jammanadart: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/861809:25
elmaciejI wrote a charm based on the docker layer - https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.24/authors-charm-with-docker12:13
elmaciejand I have an issue - it's not installing anything - juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:116 skipped "install" hook (missing)12:13
elmaciejand it's copy paste from the article12:13
elmaciejcan somebody help me with this12:13
rick_h_elmaciej: hmm, did you run charm build? normally that's because you edit the layer stuff but don't charm build or deploy the build charm (that generates the hooks)12:14
elmaciejwell I did charm build ./mycharm12:14
elmaciejand then juju deploy ./mycharm --to kvm:012:15
manadartjam: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8619/files12:26
manadartGoing to scan the current known intermittent failures.12:27
jammanadart: one change definitely needed, and a discussion of 2 or 3 things to think about12:36
elmaciejrick_h_: this is my output : https://pastebin.com/0Bmgf0fM12:40
elmaciejrick_h_: should I add more things ? I just want to deploy a docker, no relations, no interfaces ...12:40
manadartjam: Implemented all of your suggestions; much nicer. Tests using that code pass repeatedly without the buffer, so it is gone.12:52
rick_h_elmaciej: ok and you deployed "/mnt/c/Users/devep/PycharmProjects/charms/aiakafka/builds/aiakafka" so that the built charm, with the install hook, is what gets run?12:54
elmaciejyes, I deployed this one using : juju deploy ./aiakafka12:54
elmaciejand it deploys but nothing is happening inside this charm12:54
elmaciejso thats weird12:54
rick_h_elmaciej: right, but it needs to be juju deploy ./builds/aiakafka12:55
rick_h_assuming you're terminal is at the directory you're righting the charm from12:55
elmaciejok, will try now12:55
ejatello hml15:15
hmlejat: hi15:17
ejatyour work around works ..15:17
hmlejat: good news, i tried it locallly, but confirmation is nice15:17
ejatbut ....15:17
ejatlater i got this : found 0 image metadata in default cloud images15:17
ejatdo i need to configure the simplestream ?15:18
hmlejat: yes you do15:18
ejatits a must ?15:18
ejatthen bootstrap with --config swift_URL ?15:18
hmlejat: for OpenStack yes - juju pulls the images from glance and needs to know how to find the ones you want to use15:19
ejati did the simplestream15:19
ejatbut its doesnt work for me :(15:19
hmlejat: just a sec15:19
hmlejat: did you follow the instructions here: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/howto-privatecloud15:20
hmlejat:  --config image-metadata-url=$SWIFT_URL15:20
hmland you need a network defined as well for bootstrap15:20
hmlejat: usually15:21
hmlejat: try ‘wget'15:28
ejatim having problem to add this endpoint15:31
ejatopenstack endpoint create --region $REGION --publicurl $SWIFT_URL/simplestreams/images \15:31
ejat   --internalurl $SWIFT_URL/simplestreams/images product-streams15:31
hmlejat: do you have admin permissions for the project in openstack?15:31
hmlejat: but you can’t create an endpoint yes?15:32
ejatparameter error15:32
hmlejat: which parameter is causing the problem?15:33
ejat--region <region-id>15:34
ejatand some of the parameter are differ from the documentation15:35
ejatthere is no --internalurl15:35
hmlejat: which version of the openstack client are you using?15:36
hmlejat: while i figure this out, perhaps the client options have changed… you can specify a local path to the streams you created15:38
hmlejat: use --metadata-source15:39
ejat--metadata-source=~/simplestream ?15:40
ejatusing local works15:41
hmlejat: k15:42
hmlejat: which version of OpenStack are you using?15:43
ejathml: queens15:44
hmlejat: i see the problem in the doc - the instructions are for identity v2, not identity v315:44
ejathml: i suspected that15:44
hmlejat: https://docs.openstack.org/python-openstackclient/pike/cli/command-objects/endpoint.html#endpoint-create15:44
ejati guess the everything need to be change toward v315:45
ejatbtw, how to bootstrap the controller with public ip ?15:46
ejatinclude the config network ?15:46
hmlejat: juju show-cloud --include-config <openstack-cloud-name>15:46
hmlwill show the openstack config options for bootstrap and models15:47
hmlyou’ll need to define a network (private) and —use-floating-ip15:47
hml—external-network if you wish15:47
ejatok yeah15:48
hmlejat: can you test something for me please… to update the docs: see if ‘openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne product-streams public' works15:50
hmlejat: ty15:51
hmlyou’ll need to do run again replacing public with internal - that should setup the endpoint for you15:51
* ejat wondering is it only me using queens now :) 15:52
ejatboth work public n internal15:52
ejathow to use the --use-floating-ip ?15:53
hmlejat:  see if the wget line wokrs now please?15:53
ejatimage-metadata-url works15:54
ejatafter create public n internal endpoint15:54
hmlejat: perfect15:54
ejathow to use the --use-floating-ip ?15:54
ejat--config image-metadata-url=xxxxx use-floating-ip15:56
hmlejat: —config use-floating-ip=true --config image-metadata-url=xxxxx15:57
hmlejat: once you have nailed down what config items to bootstrap with - you can add them to the cloud config15:57
hmlejat: since you setup the product-streams endpoint - juju will find it automagically - so you can leave that off the bootstrap if you wish15:59
hmlejat: i bootstrap openstack with the following config: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FYPSRvfPJM/  - so i just have to do ‘juju boostrap serverstack-os tuesday’ for example16:01
ejat00:02:30 DEBUG juju.provider.common bootstrap.go:564 connection attempt for failed: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out16:04
ejatokie my bad16:04
ejatits my network access16:04
hmlejat: that happens a couple times16:04
hmlyou do see it a few times sometimes while the instance is coming up.. unless juju fails you can ignore it usually16:05
ejatok thanks16:08
hmlejat: i’m creating a pr to update the doc - thanks for your help there16:09
ejatu r most welcome .. thanks to u too :)16:09
ejatbtw, will you be at vancouver next month ?16:10
hmlejat: I will not, I’m not on the openstack team :-)  I work on juju itself16:11
ejatowh ..16:11
ejatits quite a years i stop writing my 1st charm16:12
* ejat now more being a user :) 16:12
* ejat assist @ contribute as much as i can ... 16:13
ejatasked question , file bugs16:13
* ejat missed UDS :) 16:13
ejatthats where i met all the juju guru16:13
ejatguru @ ninja16:14
hmlejat: there should be some at vancouver16:15
ejatyeah ..16:15
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acNEtHello just started working with JUJU for an openstack install can someone please tell me what the correct filesystem layout should be for the dashboard.18:54
bdxacNEt: what do you mean?19:09
bdxacNEt: `juju deploy openstack-dashboard`19:09
bdxacNEt: ^ try that and see what you get by default19:11
acNEtI deployed the dashboard but I keep getting permissions issues.  Is it supposed to be /var/lib/openstack-dashboard or /usr/share/openstack-dashboard?19:15
bdxacNEt: context?19:54
bdxto what you are trying to do19:54

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