
mungkin734what is the best secure os for 1GHz processor 2GB ram old laptop13:03
mungkin734what about Kali13:04
mungkin734is it possible to run Kali?13:04
mungkin734what do you mean by that krytarik ?13:11
mungkin734I dont understand13:12
mungkin734I cannot talk in ##linux krytarik13:13
hateball!register | mungkin73413:13
ubottumungkin734: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.13:13
hateballmungkin734: This channel is for Lubuntu support, not distro suggestions13:14
=== juig12 is now known as paradis
paradis== Cannot send to channel: ##linux14:01
=== paradis is now known as asdffsdasdf
=== asdffsdasdf is now known as paradis
paradishttps://lubuntu.net/ or https://lubuntu.me/14:47
krytarikparadis: The channel topic confirms it's the latter.14:49
paradisbut y do search engine says otherwise?14:49
paradisI mean by putting the earlier above14:50
krytarikBecause it does find another instance too - but it's not the official one.14:50
krytarikAnd search rankings don't necessarily take into account what's official or not.14:59
paradiswho is tsimonq215:15
tsimonq2Lubuntu's Release Manager.15:19
Thedarkb-X40"Set an application to open Symbolic Link files"23:23
Thedarkb-X40Why's this happening?23:23

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