
=== guiverc_ is now known as guiverc
EriC^^morning all04:22
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:29
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje04:47
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^04:47
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ducassegood morning, people06:32
JimBuntuGreat Morning ducasse , all is well?06:52
ducassehi JimBuntu! all is well here, thanks, how about you?06:53
JimBuntuducasse, It may be a bit early to tell, but everything seems fine so far. As is usual, a bit cold this early.06:55
ducassewell, i can't really tell either, but i'm awake and not crying so i assume things are good.06:58
JimBuntuThat is a fair measure, awake and not in disorder, thing must be acceptable to some degree X-D06:58
JimBuntuShucks, Harry Anderson ( Night Court ) died last night :-(06:59
ducasseunfamiliar to me, i'm afraid07:00
JimBuntuducasse, It was an oddball, late-night U.S. TV Show from the late 1980s. Probably unfamiliar to many07:01
Ben64/proc/cpuinfo isn't giving me correct cpu speeds07:01
Ben64cpu MHz: 1116.90307:01
JimBuntuBen64, I think that output could be affected by the governor, what are your ondemand/power settings?07:03
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lotuspsychjemorning JimBuntu ducasse Ben6407:21
ducassehi lotuspsychje - getting ready for work?07:22
lotuspsychjeyeah :p07:22
ducassenot happy about it? :)07:23
lotuspsychjewell i told them the news, so im curious what will happen today07:24
lotuspsychjeim curious how long i will still need to go07:26
ducassethey'll just have to start looking for someone, then - hope it doesn't take too long07:27
lotuspsychjeducasse: yeah exactly07:27
JimBuntuNo worries lotuspsychje , we can all pretend to be good candidates... then fail to show up, lol.07:28
lotuspsychjei was hoping that already you would travel overseas thousands of miles for me..07:29
lotuspsychjeafter that we can have that 'bionic beaver' houseparty07:29
TJ-Shouldn't that be the Bionic Beaver Dam Buster of a party?07:31
lotuspsychjeTJ-: first party, then bug afterparty lol07:36
JimBuntugm lotuspsychje07:38
JimBuntuOh, y'all know about the release party, right?07:39
ubot5`Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/07:39
lotuspsychje6 guys know :p07:40
JimBuntuSo few people in that channel... I wanna take it over, unsure of the rules or meaness of the ops07:42
TJ-I shall be taking a convenient vacation! all those nvidia/wayland/gnome/netplan/ifupdown/snap/PPA upgrade hell bugs can be someone elses... I'd suggest forwarding them all to SABDFL07:43
TJ-JimBuntu: you misunderstand... ubuntu-release-party is for when you're finally released from all bugs!07:44
JimBuntuTJ-, lol, all the bugs... that will be a while07:45
TJ-JimBuntu: here's how to make your fortune ... for every bug from the list I wrote above, invoice Canonical since most of them are directly caused by incomplete projects07:46
JimBuntulolololololololol. They wouldn't pay.07:47
JimBuntuUpgrade bugs? Those don't exist, it's all user error,... all user error X-D07:47
TJ-I don't think there's a channel/forum for dealing with snap bugs is there? that's left to the user effectively, to contact each individual snap author? Do we have a way to easily determine when an executable/package is a snap?07:48
TJ-With 600+ engineers you'd think Canonical would assign some of those to fix support and bug fixing, not creating them!07:49
JimBuntuTJ-, at the rate of attrition, I think you can remove the "+" now... oh wait, now you can probably swap the 6 gor a 5... oh, and now... ;-)07:50
TJ-on an unrelated note - I've figured out how to confuse the Huskies. I've just put a single slice of over-ripe bacon on top of a fence post in strong winds... noses in the air but they can't figure out where it's coming from :p07:52
akikfixing bugs will get so much more effective with the data collection, right?07:53
gogetaakik, lol07:55
JimBuntuif Ubuntu could only 1+ their efforts, on a facebook/analytica scale, bigs would be eradicated overnight, right?07:56
TJ-akik: Actually yes. Back when we used popcon properly it would reveal trends quickly and focus on bugs followed. It's because a wider audience could quickly see where problems were arising, not just the (few) who were maintaining the problem packages07:57
TJ-In the next cycle's 'Chaotic' developer conference I'm going to suggest the primary thrust be not releasing new features but spending the time clearing the masses of bugs. In many cases bug reports are no longer relevant and can be closed/expired, but in others (regressions, feature requests, etc.) it would benefit the entire Ubuntu project to get them fixed07:59
TJ-It's got to the point where in many cases it doesn't look like the package maintainers check the bug reports; it's becoming like the wiki pages08:00
gogetaTJ-, hahahahah08:00
gogetaTJ-, its ubuntu they always chose the worst options they can08:01
TJ-It used to be I'd cross paths with other bug-control team members all the time whilst triaging bugs. Now, I feel like I'm in a desert - I never have that happen (either too many bugs, or other bug-control members have given up)08:01
gogetaTJ-, well with unity bugs they did give up08:02
JimBuntuTJ-, Are there others, I feel like it's only you now, lol. Sorry to laugh really, I know how that must feel. Either way, you are fighting the good fight, we all thank you, albeit without words most of the time.08:03
TJ-JimBuntu: no, there are others, but the bug-control team is a Launchpad entity. I don't think most members have ever focused on IRC. I do, because it's like having a pulse on problem areas in real-time. Many users don't want to go to the 'hassle' of reporting a bug to LP but will spend hours on IRC complaining/trying to fix08:05
JimBuntuTJ-, end-users complaining on IRC about things they wont report properly, surely you jest ;-D08:06
TJ-It's understandable ... many don't have the formal, procedural, mindset required for bug triage08:07
TJ-but IRC is a very good way to see the trends08:07
TJ-Likewise forums although I stopped focusing there about 7 years ago because of users failing to respond. At least on IRC you know instantly if a user abandons you in mid-investigation08:08
JimBuntuTJ-, I am still shocked at the number of people who come to IRC looking for help, after all these years and so many other ways... makes me wanna check out usenet groups again, lol.08:10
TJ-Yeah, I used to love NNTP - still do in fact. It's a great 'shared email' type system. lightweight, easy to distribute, etc.08:11
TJ-Used to be an ISP was judged on how good it's NNTP relay feeds were08:12
JimBuntuthose days are gone, sadly.08:13
TJ-Might be coming back. The realisation of the detrmental effects of data-horders (Facebook, Google, et al) and the new European GDPR is pushing a lot of organisations into considering different solutions. Like fashion - what comes around, goes around08:14
JimBuntuThat would be cool. Let IRC make a comeback, wait... no, stay that... I don't want to deal with the masses here. Usenet/newsgroups in general, that's ok.08:16
TJ-non real time help is in most cases preferably - time to organise thoughts, test potential solutions - which is what bug reports on LP are supposed to do08:18
lotuspsychjebbl guys work08:20
JimBuntulotuspsychje, cya08:20
ducassettyl lotuspsychje08:20
JimBuntuAgreed, I don't like the "help me now" mentality. I prefer to issue various things to try and await results. Often, I think I spend more time waiting for someone to find the keys, commands than listening to results... geez, that has to be all the time if I am honest08:21
TJ-Yes, or users that think they have to interpret or selectively issue the precise commands they're given, but don't tell you - so you end up wondering why results are different to what you'd expect08:23
TJ-That's what frustrates me most - something that should take 5 minutes can drag out for hours08:23
TJ-I think we should introduce a time-based fee!08:23
TJ-"First 15 minutes free, after which £1 a minute!"08:23
TJ-JimBuntu: do you do much programming?08:24
JimBuntuTJ-, about 10% of my professional time, maybe 1% of my off-time any more.08:25
TJ-JimBuntu: I'm developing a tool of the LXC suite focusing on automatically creating application containers. It will work by using an strace analyse of the files an executable and it's children access then building an LXC config to match. As part of that it needs to analyse an strace log. I'm planning on have it launch strace itself if necessary too.08:33
TJ-JimBuntu: in that case, I can either 1) call out to strace via execve() and run the tool like the user would or 2) embed the same strace functionality via library calls. Can't decide which to use. What would be your vote?08:34
JimBuntuus the user would will probably involve less work, library calls will allow for more control, I figure... I would probably go with the option that provides details in a similar fashion to how the user would as it will be the same kind of format when automated as if directly requested later when troubleshooting.08:37
TJ-yeah... it's lighter to call out since the package doesn't need additional library dependencies too, but feels a bit unclean/hackish :)08:40
JimBuntuTJ-, external exec commands will always feel hackish, lol, but at times they are actually less hackish as they provide exactly what's needed.08:41
TJ-yeah. I got stymied in the function where I was adding the execve() call and then got depressed thinking of the extra work required to be a purist and do library calls!08:47
TJ-now all I need do it pre-check the strace executable is available and suggest what to do if it isn't :)08:48
TJ-Right! time for a Husky run. Thanks for that. Chat later.08:48
Ben64JimBuntu: whatever the settings are, i get weird values in frequency09:34
Ben64gpu passthrough doesn't seem to work anymore either09:36
Ben64wonky bios updates?09:36
BluesKajHi folks09:57
JimBuntug'Morn BluesKaj10:01
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu10:01
BluesKajI should know better than to try dealing with admin types ...I seem to forget they aren't home users like me. My mistake on that one.  ;-)10:48
JimBuntuYou mean that clueless user?10:49
* slidinghorn yawns & frantically searches for coffee12:27
* BluesKaj empties the coffee pot13:13
JimBuntuand Gopal is back.13:41
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu, ??13:41
JimBuntus10gopal in main.13:42
kostkonfor the 99th time13:42
slidinghornI was wondering what the policy was with that kind of thing13:47
kostkonhe managed to get his bug report triaged. good job i say13:47
kostkonand 'in progress'13:48
pragmaticenigmaslidinghorn, technically cross posting is limited to the askubuntu and irc channels... However, I saw quite a bit contributed to the bug ticket that I felt it was unnecessary for them to continue plugging it in the channel.14:11
pragmaticenigmafeel like I'm talking to a wall14:38
slidinghornpragmaticenigma: lol you pretty much are.  I almost wish he'd picked a different distro just to find out it didn't work there either14:39
slidinghornbut that's mean...14:39
pragmaticenigmait's one of those... if it's not in the documenation... why do you think a newer version is going to suddenly have it... they are probably writing their code in Visual Studio (or Visual Studio Code) and it's "helper" has it because MS compiler offers that function14:40
slidinghornwhen people "threaten" to use a different distro I'm tempted to post the willy wonka "stop, don't, come back" meme14:41
pragmaticenigmaIn a way... wish there was a wall of shame for those that threaten so we can remember them when they inevitably come back14:42
pragmaticenigmaif for nothing more to remember how rude they were14:43
pragmaticenigmasorry... my brain is fogged from a very long (and snowy) weekend14:43
slidinghornNo apologies needed here14:44
pragmaticenigmaI think I'm ready to respond to those questions with, Have you googled this? Have you read the documentation? Have you triaged this on your own in anyway? If not, go do that and then we can help14:46
pragmaticenigmabut that wouldn't be very nice14:47
BluesKajnot every user has acheived googlefoo or eben know how to go about reading documentataion or even heard of launchpad15:04
slidinghorntrue, but (especially) in that case, it's no reason to be rude to folks trying to help15:07
BluesKajthe hi level questions that seem to outnumber the basic new user questions are scaring off the new users IM, and we do want new users.15:08
BluesKajearlier this morning i apologized for a misinterpretation of an admins issue and he couldn'r wait to pounce and start throwing insults..how does that look to or encourage new users?15:18
slidinghornBluesKaj: I don't think admins like that care.  They want *their* issue fixed, and to hell with anyone else15:19
BluesKajslidinghorn, well yeah that's pretty obvious, but I'm disappointed in the ops , because i've been kicked for less attitude than that15:22
pragmaticenigmaadmins are a pain to deal with... I think they read too many BOFH stories and sort of take on that persona15:22
JimBuntuThat person this morning sure didn't care if you were trying to help them BluesKaj , I think they changed their tone though15:22
BluesKajit's not just him JimBuntu ..Ive sen quite few other cases lately15:23
BluesKajyeah, pragmaticenigma , have you visited the debian chat lately? Now they have some very good examples of BOFHs :-)15:31
pragmaticenigmaI used to read the stories when I was in college... I thought they were funny, until I caught myself thinking about doing something to a customer at my job as a CSR for an ISP... I had to stop reading15:36
leftyfbI LOVED BOFH15:39
leftyfbwould never do any of the things he did to customers/clients, but man ... I was in tears at work one day reading them for the first time15:40
JimBuntuI just finished reading an awesome one... about a totally hip marketing suit15:44
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:37
JimBuntusup lotuspsychje16:37
lotuspsychjejust got home from work JimBuntu16:37
lotuspsychjeyou want my headache? lol16:37
JimBuntuNo thank you, I get enough of my own.16:38
lotuspsychjejust took 2 pills, now 30min watching trolls16:38
naccfun pills16:39
lotuspsychjelol nacc16:39
lotuspsychjenacc: yeah got them from JimBuntu those special kinda pills 'bionic beavers'16:40
pragmaticenigmayou mean that only #ubuntu DOESN'T require registration :-(16:40
nacclotuspsychje: :)16:40
slidinghornpragmaticenigma: yeah that's not very sensical16:41
JimBuntuHey, I thought we were saving these for the release rave?16:41
lotuspsychjesaving saving...we only have one life :p16:41
BluesKajrelease dates are an anti climax for us testers :-)16:43
BluesKajbeen running bionic in various stages since november...quite stable now for kde/plasma users16:44
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: seems like we got a bunch of good volunteers in here to take em all this time16:44
BluesKajlotuspsychje,  indeed :-)16:45
pragmaticenigmaWhen does Deluge become the default torrent client?16:46
lotuspsychje!info deluge bionic16:46
ubot5`deluge (source: deluge): bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.15-2 (bionic), package size 20 kB, installed size 81 kB16:46
lotuspsychjei always use qbittorrent pragmaticenigma16:47
BluesKajyup, qbittorrent is my fav too16:47
lotuspsychjewith a search function16:47
pragmaticenigmaI used qbittorrent... but either my management technique or something about the torrents I used kept causing it crash ... and when it crashed it lost all local tracking history. So my Ratio goals would get lost16:48
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: and you got it better in deluge now?16:49
pragmaticenigmahaven't had any issues that I'm aware of16:49
BluesKajpragmaticenigma, were you using it on private torrent sites?16:49
pragmaticenigmawhat do you mean BluesKaj16:49
BluesKajthe sites where you have to register and keep a certain ratio of up loads and downloads in oder to qualify for more16:51
BluesKajlike that defunct UK site ," The Box"16:52
BluesKajhaven't seen many of those around much anymore tho16:52
pragmaticenigmaI'm talking distro ISOs... I download distros via torrent, and then contribute to 4 or 5 times the amount I download before I pull the plug16:52
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: cool, oerheks also feeds torrents like that not sure wich client his on16:53
lotuspsychjethink transmission16:53
pragmaticenigmaWhat I liked about qbitorrent was it carried the tradition of showing you what segment/block you had downloaded16:56
BluesKajwell, I'm officially a "cord cutter" now, cable/sattv are gone from this household. So I'm now watching tv via my attic antenna or on the internet16:57
pragmaticenigmaI've just gotten so used to the features of deluge, I haven't really considered changing them. Features I desire are watched folders (I wrote my own pythons script to pull and drop .torrent), scheduling and remote management16:57
JimBuntuBluesKaj, did they get your internet squared away?16:57
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: sounds cool, never tested deluge myself16:58
pragmaticenigmahaven't had cable or sat since 2006. I think I started the trend :-P16:58
BluesKajJimBuntu, not til tomorro, and I suspect that old coax cable that was buried in 1976 is faulty..16:59
pragmaticenigmai like it, very similar to uTorrent and qBittorrent lotuspsychje16:59
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj, 1976?! cable probably isn't sheiled well enough17:00
JimBuntuBluesKaj, hopefully they put it in good conduit so they can pull new cable through quick and easy17:00
BluesKajJimBuntu, think it might be a month before I have cable internet here...til spring actually arrives17:01
BluesKajlooking outside one would swear it's the middle of January today17:01
lotuspsychjebelgium 25 degrees..what has the world come to17:02
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu, you give cable companies too much credit... they take path of least resistance and least amount of effort17:02
lotuspsychjewhere is that wifi tru light when you need it :p17:03
BluesKajgoig to be +13C/55F and sunny on the weekend so there's hope  :-)17:04
JimBuntuYeah, depends on the installer a lot of the time, hopefully you had good ones back then.17:06
BluesKajI wasn't home when it was installed  and wife didn't pay much attention since she was lbusy looking after our youngest who was 3-4  months old17:10
BluesKajI'm old, youngest grandchild is 1717:14
slidinghornpragmaticenigma: I didn't watch it...should we non-chalantly fill the channel?17:38
pragmaticenigmaYes, I think that would be wise17:38
pragmaticenigmacarefully though, we got to stay on topic17:38
pragmaticenigmaslidinghorn, I haven't watched it either. I assumed that was potentially NSFW and didn't need something to potentially offend others in the office on my screen17:43
lotuspsychjeanother beaver showing up18:39
lotuspsychjegrabbin neofetch18:41
JimBuntuuse neofetch for the MOTD18:42
JimBuntuthat was quick18:44
lotuspsychje:p im on an ssd18:44
JimBuntuDon't ya love the 8 second boot time?18:45
lotuspsychjegrrr no on this beaver18:45
lotuspsychjeJimBuntu: Startup finished in 6.118s (kernel) + 25.987s (userspace) = 32.106s18:46
lotuspsychjegraphical.target reached after 25.933s in userspace18:46
JimBuntuMakes me want to go check my lappy on SSD18:46
lotuspsychjeJimBuntu: your also on beaver?18:46
JimBuntuI am not18:47
lotuspsychjeon unity was much faster18:47
JimBuntuYeah, I'm signed in and at my desktop in 818:48
JimBuntuI mean, I don't think it matters much, because I don't really turn off the computers, especially the laptops18:48
lotuspsychjeyeah then i understand bootup doesnt matter much18:49
lotuspsychjebut im very paranoia18:49
JimBuntuAlthough, I got tired of waiting for the default status stuff to come up when I ssh in, so I went and stripped down all of the MOTDs18:49
EriC^^same here, it's on 24/718:49
lotuspsychjei dont like a machine alive when im afk18:49
JimBuntuUptime: 46 days, 7 hours, 27 mins... and that's probably the most recent boot18:51
EriC^^mine gets rebooted sometimes, mostly battery drains in the bathroom18:52
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: what are you doing with a laptop in your bathroom :p18:52
JimBuntuneofetch defaults are pretty nice, even displays motherboard, hadn't looked closely at that18:52
JimBuntu"that's nasty"18:53
lotuspsychjeme neither JimBuntu18:53
EriC^^lol i always take the laptop to the bathroom, i get bored without anything18:53
lotuspsychjeelectronics and bathroom steam dont match well18:53
EriC^^i end up sitting there for i dont know how long in the morning18:54
JimBuntuthis thing is gettin old, GA-Z87X-UD5H18:54
EriC^^when i was little i used to take gaming magazines18:54
lotuspsychjecool EriC^^18:54
lotuspsychjei still buy those sometimes18:55
lotuspsychjelinux magazine & PCM18:55
daftykinsi'm the same with my RSS feeds for news18:55
lotuspsychjedaftykins: you mean hooked?18:55
daftykinsspend too long in the bathroom reading news on the phone :D18:56
lotuspsychjei understand reading news, but why in the bathroom?18:56
lotuspsychjeor you have a waterproof iphone?18:56
EriC^^taking dumps is boring18:56
lotuspsychjefor under the shower lol18:56
EriC^^you just sit there waiting18:57
lotuspsychjeah the toilet..18:57
lotuspsychjea girl from work dropped her iphone in the toilet once18:57
lotuspsychjeso i asked same question :p18:57
lotuspsychjethe rice trick fixxed it again18:57
JimBuntuIf I take my phone into the bathroom, it goes in a ziplock.18:57
JimBuntuI have little kids using that bathroom18:58
lotuspsychjecan a smartphone camera be used as webcam on ubuntu? anyone tested that?18:59
JimBuntuI don't think I tried that one before19:00
daftykinsbe a bit wasteful really, i think there are android apps that might permit it19:00
BluesKajsuspend shut this pc down and had to use alt+prtscn SUB to boot,  seemed to go into suspend after I turned the power back on. it didn't respond to wakeup from the enter key19:05
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: on beaver?19:06
lotuspsychjegot the same on my desktop BluesKaj19:06
BluesKajok lotuspsychje, good to know19:06
lotuspsychjeboot desktop==gdm3==afk==screen off== cant get out19:07
lotuspsychjeso i have to hard reset and login again19:07
lotuspsychjedidnt check logs yet on that19:07
lotuspsychjeon netbook it works19:08
EriC^^i was having some suspend issues on the lenovo laptop, newer kernel fixed them19:09
BluesKajI just shut this pc down before going to bed at night , don't see the point of sleep etc .19:09
BluesKajor suspend19:09
lotuspsychjei never liked hibernate either19:10
lotuspsychjedont use, shutdown why take the risk19:10
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: was that on beaver?19:10
EriC^^no 16.0419:11
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you have a help page on hibernate acpi issues?19:11
BluesKajbesides it 's a ssd so there's no spinup and moving parts except the fans whcich seldom turn since the cpu has a cooler on it19:11
lotuspsychjewe got alot of those in #ubuntu19:11
EriC^^i'll be adding more stuff to it later19:12
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: looks pretty neat already with the red highlighted text19:12
EriC^^having some fun with making icons and stuff now19:12
lotuspsychjebbl guys19:13
BluesKajwell, time to call it a day...take care19:32
pragmaticenigmaIs there an op anywhere?19:54
daftykinsask in their channel?19:56
pragmaticenigmaI did... no response19:56
daftykinstried the trigger to highlight them all? or check idle status manually19:57
pragmaticenigmathe ops trigger in main room... no... don't need to feed the troll any further19:58
daftykinsno do it in the ops channel.20:21
oerhekstomreyn, new0 again :-D20:38
tomreynoerheks: indeed. not for long, though, i'm hungry. ;)20:38
daftykinsnever let a help-ee get in the way of a good meal :D20:39
pauljwhi everyone20:52
daftykinswb \o20:54

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