
mparilloAnd if it doesn't, that might mean you have encountered a bug worth reporting.00:37
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Fire-Dragon-DoLany idea why xdg-open errors with /usr/bin/xdg-open: 570: /usr/bin/xdg-open: kfmclient: not found ? I don't have konqueror (use dolphin)00:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545044 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "Xdg-open should use kde-open instead of kfmclient" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:08
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Deltarodhey guys, I'm doing some research for a school project and was wondering if there was a way to look at the code base? I cant seem to find a place to review the repository anywhere02:41
ThOR27Hi! I'm having an issue with Kubuntu 18.04. I use a US International Keyboard with dead keys, and shortcuts that uses "dead keys" such as ALT+` to change window for the same app doesn't works. Also, if I try to use any "deadkey" to set any kind of shortcut it doesn't works, it keeps as no key was pressed.02:50
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user|96768I need Linux headers for the kernel 2.6.24-32 generic.05:31
krytarikWow, that's old...05:36
hateballI doubt it's in any supported release05:36
krytarikYeah, me too.05:36
user|967682.6.24-32? Yes that is what the vendor is supporting. An install on a legacy laptop appears to need a network driver compiled. It is e1000 driver. Also a USB driver would help, but also need a driver. Apparently these drivers need to be re-compiled and I have not located the correct linux header versions yet.05:38
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nullnIs there a way to copy the kubuntu installer onto a partition of my HDD? I05:54
hateballnulln: what are you trying to accomplish?05:55
nullnI'm trying to install it on an iMac5,2. I don't have any CDs on hand and a live usb wont show up in rEFInd or the default apple "hold-option" menu.05:55
nullnhateball: sorry, forgot to add the mention, see above05:58
diogenes_nulln, does mac offer pxe?06:00
nullndiogenes_: I don't know. I think it may, because I googled and found a thing called NetBoot. Not sure if that's the same as pxe.06:03
diogenes_nulln, anyways, there is a possibility to start the installer directly from the HDD06:04
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diogenes_but you need somehow to get grub running06:05
nullnoh, i just found this: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/dd-usb-to-partition.1329407/#post-14381390 replacing the usb path with the iso, do you think this would work?06:06
valorieyou have to mount the ISO to get it to work as I recall06:07
valorieah, that method does that06:07
nullnvalorie: would it be worth a shot?06:08
valorieanything is worth a try06:11
nullnok, i'll give it a shot06:11
valoriedd is scary to use the first time, but just check your path06:11
hateballDon't run with scissors06:11
nullnyeah, setting up the live usb is always a big "cut the red wire or blue wire" to me06:12
nullnalthough i get the paths right i always triple check for like 3 hours lol06:12
hateballjust make sure you dd to the device and not a partition06:12
nullnhateball: what do you mean? the idea is to image a seperate partition with the installer, so i can boot to it from the hdd06:13
hateballnulln: I mean when you dd an ISO to a thumbdrive, as I thought you were talking about now06:15
nullnahh yeah, when i set up live usbs i dd to the device06:16
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nullni thought you were reffering to the hard drive06:16
hateballyeah no I should have read more carefully :)06:16
* hateball knows nothing about Macs and EFI anyhow, goes back to "working"06:17
BionicMacWow I love the auto/instant/smart transparency of Konsole.06:19
BionicMacMakes for a nice desktop experience. The little things ya know? =)06:19
valorieI prefer yakuake!06:20
valorieeven more instant06:20
nullnexactly. the little things that kde does are why i prefer it in the long run06:20
nullnalso kde gets me the look and feel that i like06:20
valoriesame here06:21
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BionicMacvalorie: I've never tried yakuake.06:40
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BionicMacvalorie: oooo's and aaahhh's... wow this yakuake seems superb already.06:42
BionicMacAnd yet another thing I love about Ubuntu in general... So easy to install anything you want quick and painless. and fast. right at your fingertips.06:43
valorieit's like the first thing I install06:45
valoriethe second is konversation06:45
BionicMacInsta-hide your terminal!06:46
BionicMacmakes for a clean desktop and stat!06:47
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BionicMacYet, I am not so sure it will replace Konsole for me. We shall see.06:47
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valorieyou can tab it too06:51
valorieif necessary06:51
BionicMacyou mean the + sign att the bottom to open another shell right?06:51
valorieor control + alt +t I think06:53
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BionicMacshift+ctrl+t for me. thanks.06:55
BionicMacOH I just pulled my irc session in06:57
valoriekonversation <306:58
BionicMacI can't get away from terminal clients. I've tried.06:58
BionicMacI'm on a weechat kick now.06:58
valorieand I can't get into 'em06:58
BionicMac  Probably because it's all I've ever used.06:59
BionicMacAnd ya can't screen the gui ones.06:59
Unit193No, I started wit a (horrible) gui client, went to a horrible ncurses client, then irssi.06:59
Unit193BionicMac: Quassel has a client/core concept, so you can detach.  There's also znc.07:00
BionicMacI started with BitchX... moved to Epic for a while.. Been on irssi for about 15+ years.07:00
BionicMaclaterly tried the guis again. Quassel, Konversation and Hexchat. They are all nice.07:00
ricktimmis[m]I have become a big fan of Riot using matrix to hook back to freenode07:01
BionicMacBionicMac: =) makes it nice. Quassel is my gUI of choice in irc clients for that reason.07:01
ricktimmis[m]My favourite feature in Quassel was the integration with KDE text to speeches07:01
BionicMacthen again I run irc from different remote servers through the years so ... terminal clients kind of win the all around "useful-in-all-situations" battle foe me.07:02
BionicMacricktimmis[m]: I really need to give Quassel ful attention for a whlie.07:02
ricktimmis[m]Ah yes07:03
valorieKonversation can act as a front-end to irssi btw07:03
ricktimmis[m]We install Konversation by default now, which doesn't have TTS I don't think07:03
BionicMacUnit193: Yes, znc has proved to be extremely useful.07:03
ricktimmis[m]But that's just me trying to be future boy, having my machines talk to me07:04
BionicMacricktimmis[m]: I found myself fumbling around Konversation trying to use tor and sasl-ext etc etc. So I went back to terminal clients.07:05
ricktimmis[m]I am really excited about up coming 18.04 is looking fantastic07:05
BionicMacvalorie: hmmmmm... I likey this yakuake..07:05
BionicMaccoffe is ready!07:05
BionicMacman I can not type tonight.07:06
ricktimmis[m]Ah coffee, what an excellent idea07:06
valoriemidnight here, so away from irc I go07:06
valorienice to see ya, ricktimmis[m]07:06
ricktimmis[m]Right got to go, busy day be back later07:07
ricktimmis[m]You to @valorie {{{{{{hug}}}}}}07:07
BionicMacvalorie: 'Nite valorie07:08
* BionicMac sips Indonesian Medium Roast (from a local roaster) freshly ground by yours truly & brewed in a French Press.07:09
BionicMacThe only way to fly!07:09
Unit193BionicMac: I like you.07:09
Unit193French press and freshly ground, only thing left is to switch to a dark roast. :307:10
BionicMacWell, little known fact is... the dark roast has less (pure/clean) flavor and far less Caffeine. I've recently started drinking non-dark-roasts.07:13
BionicMacWhen the beans are roasted.. the longer/darker/more they are roasted you lose the caffeine during the process.07:14
BionicMacSO, Ihad to try for myself.. I bought my firs medium and light roast and BAM crystal meth in a cup!07:14
BionicMacTis true this science thing.07:14
BionicMacI won't sleep until the dawn. Most especially having this Indo medim roast at 2:00 in the morning.07:16
* BionicMac pours Unit193 a cup of coffee... join me =)07:17
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BluesKajHowdy folks08:37
diogenes_great, wbu?08:38
diogenes_wbu = what about you08:40
BluesKajinsomnia  :/08:40
diogenes_because of?08:40
diogenes_exams ahead? broken love? running out of money? buying a new car tomorrow? :)08:41
BluesKajnon of the above ..let's just leave it alone08:45
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furby3Hi community :) I'm a Linux newbie but software developer on windows. I'm installing Kubuntu on my server as a VM. I would like to access Kubuntu from my Windows 10 client via RDP. What is the simplest way to accomplish that (1. Access desktop with custom resolution 2.multiple connections to the same screen to be able to use multiple screens on my14:33
furby3client. 3. Clipboard, 4. File transfer).14:33
hateball!info xrdp14:42
ubottuxrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-9 (artful), package size 453 kB, installed size 2886 kB14:42
hateballnope, no special wiki page for that14:42
hateballbut yeah, if it is RDP you want, xrdp is what you need14:42
hateballfurby3: otherwise there are other protocols like VNC14:42
furby3ok, thx :)14:43
hateballfile transfers I'd suggest you do over SFTP14:43
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)14:43
hateballunless you wish to inflict great pain on yourself by setting up SAMBA14:43
hateballalas, I must dash. good luck!14:43
furby3I would love to have a drag and drop solution within the xRDP connection.14:44
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user|75585I cannot change network settings, only the VPN tab is available, so no network15:24
user|75585I am using KDE 4.4.515:24
user|75585Does that mean I need root privileges15:24
user|7786how to kubuntu usb15:36
user|7786? Hi15:37
diogenes_user|7786, what?15:48
user|54072somebody can help me?15:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:49
user|54072well, I'm a windows user but I wanna try kubuntu15:49
user|54072so I have a usb with the 17.10.1 iso15:50
user|54072my doubt is in the partitions configuration. Let me explain15:51
diogenes_try ur best15:52
user|54072the configuration right now is: C (W7) D (my data: music, data, movies, etc)15:53
user|54072is there any way to keep using my data with kubuntu and windows? can you help me with the configuration?15:54
diogenes_user|54072, first of all tell me if you have any experience with linux at all15:54
user|54072not at all, I am a windows user. I read about all the linux distros and I found that kubuntu is good for windows users15:56
diogenes_well first thing you need to know is15:57
obertkubuntu is easy15:57
diogenes_there are many different types of ubuntu versions and its derivatives (as kubuntu)15:57
diogenes_there is stable release maintainted for 5 years15:57
diogenes_there are releases which are supported for 6 months15:58
obertyou need to install yakuake though15:58
diogenes_the 17.10 that you have chosen, will be supported for a short period of time15:58
diogenes_that's why I advice you to pick 16.04 version15:58
user|54072got it15:58
diogenes_that's first, second about your data15:59
diogenes_you got disk D with data, it will be of course accessible from both windows and linux15:59
diogenes_so you don't have to worry about it15:59
diogenes_now what you have to do the first steps on windows15:59
diogenes_you need to download a piece of software called EASEUS partition manager (free version)16:00
diogenes_and resize your disk D, make at least 50 GB of free space16:00
diogenes_then you go ahead with linux installation, whenever you got any questions, just come here and ask16:01
user|54072diogenes_:  thanks16:01
user|54072one more question16:01
user|54072I read an article and used it as a base to do a dual boot16:03
user|54072well, the first time I try to install the 17.10 I stuck in the partition part. I explain:16:04
diogenes_17.10 will die in July 201816:05
user|54072got it, I'm gonna download 16.04 lts16:05
diogenes_so once again, pick either 16.04 which will be supported till 2021 or wait few more days till a new stable release is coming up16:05
user|54072so the article said: create a partition for /, other for /home and other for swap16:06
diogenes_this moth, a new 18.04 stable will be released, it will be supported for another 5 years, but as for now, dowload 16.04 and later you can upgrade to 18.0416:06
diogenes_about partitions16:06
diogenes_if you intend to have on linux also a partition like disk D on windows, where your data will be keps and survive the re-installation16:07
diogenes_then you need a separate /home partition16:07
diogenes_if you intend to keep all your data on windowses disk d16:07
diogenes_then you don't need a separate  /home16:08
diogenes_keep in mind16:08
diogenes_that everything you download on linux's /home partition, will be accessible only while you're on linux, when you go on windows, it will not be accessible16:08
user|54072copy that. As I said, I'm a rookie and the partitions are a little bit treaky16:08
diogenes_so I'd advice you to make only one single partition / (root)16:09
diogenes_no /home no /swap nothing else16:09
user|54072got it16:09
diogenes_and just store the most important date on windows's disk d of course from linxu you can copy to windows disk d16:09
diogenes_so the thing you need to do are:16:10
diogenes_1. make free space by resizing your disk d16:10
diogenes_2. when you reach partitioning in linux, go with "something else"16:10
diogenes_there you gonna find free space16:10
diogenes_3. just create a single / partition with all that free space16:11
diogenes_and install16:11
diogenes_and one more thing, you said you have windows 7 not 10 right?16:11
diogenes_because if you have windows 10, then you need a one more partition called /boot/efi16:11
diogenes_otherwise your linux won't boot16:12
user|54072right (I don't like 10)16:12
diogenes_so it doesn't run in uefi mode, you should be fine then16:12
diogenes_one more thing for you to try, is go to the live session16:13
diogenes_with 16.04 and try out your sound, your wifi and your microphone16:13
diogenes_if everything works then proceed with installation16:14
user|54072that was my doubt, because when I tried the first time: I made the / partition and everything ok, the /swap... ok but for the /home a "useless" message appeared and I thought I was doing something wrong16:15
diogenes_make only one partition / and choose ext4, after the installation come here and we will create a swap file instead of a swap partition16:16
user|54072so: 1- download 16.0416:16
user|540722- try the live session16:16
user|540723- if everything is ok, proceed to install16:17
user|540724- do it with an only / (root) partition16:17
diogenes_ext4 <=== don't forget16:18
user|540725- come back to create a swap file16:19
user|54072diogenes_: thanks a lot16:19
user|54072did I do right choosing kubuntu (as windows user)?16:20
user|54072diogenes_: thank you a lot! Have a nice day16:24
user|54072I will come back16:24
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[AdMiN]Hola, Alguien habla espaƱol ?23:34

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