
paradisI recently tried to download windows 10 iso and the file is only 64.0kb12:54
paradisit mentioned that it is raw image12:54
paradisbut then after a few hours I visited the website again and try to download another but now the file size is 4.4GB12:55
paradiswhat happened?12:55
paradisis it me or is it the website or malware or anything?12:55
paradisI used newly installed lubuntu 17.10.112:55
diogenes_paradis, didn't you know? windows is malware12:56
JohnDoe71rusparadis: https://mereorthodoxy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/54353572.jpg :)12:56
diogenes_JohnDoe71rus, squidward didn't believe in magic :)12:57
JohnDoe71rushe is not squidward12:58
diogenes_ik, I'm talking about that specific episode12:59
paradisdiogenes_: what do you mean? I downloaded it from microsoft.com12:59
paradisI'm really dumb13:00
diogenes_paradis, I mean that windows itself is malware combined with spyware and adware, no matter when you get it from13:00
diogenes_even if microsoft will hend it over to you personally it will still be malware13:00
JohnDoe71rusand ubuntu with addware search not malware?13:01
paradisyou know you make have a headache rite13:01
paradismake me13:01
paradisI have a headache13:01
diogenes_JohnDoe71rus, at least you can switch it off13:01
diogenes_and it's open source13:01
JohnDoe71rusyou can not use windows. it's free world13:02
paradisbut almost every software use windows13:03
diogenes_it depends, if you love freedom or you fin yourself perfectly well being under control and enslaved13:03
diogenes_paradis, every software has an alternative13:03
diogenes_almost every13:03
JohnDoe71rusthen you use MacOS13:04
paradisis MacOS better?13:04
diogenes_that's even better, it's like you pay money to be fooled and mistreated when you decide to use MacOS13:04
JohnDoe71rusMacOS is more  control and enslaved13:04
diogenes_it's like when you have to choose between two evils, you choose the lesser one, then better go with MS than with MacOS13:05
Harelthere enybody here?15:15
Harelsomeone can help me?16:55
Harelomeone can help me?16:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:56
HarelI just install Lubuntu and it's work good and fast. I just have one problem, when I reboot it's taking 10 minuts until the OS is up16:59
wxlyou have a fresh lubuntu install with nothing else installed?17:00
wxland how much ram/cpu you have?17:01
diogenes_Harel, run: inxi -Fxrc017:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:01
Harelpntium 4 cpu and 512 RAM17:02
wxlthat's pretty darn strapped17:02
wxlmy guess is you have low speed ram and a low speed hard drive too17:02
wxlnone of that helps17:02
wxladd more, get an ssd, and you'll make a big difference17:02
diogenes_Harel, with those specs, you need to install antix OS and it will run just fine17:03
Harellook befor the install I had  mint 9 and the it took around 1 minut to restart17:06
diogenes_Harel, ok run: systemd-analyze blame17:08
diogenes_and you will see which processes take up longer time to load17:08
Harel   9min 148ms dev-sda1.device     7min 29.186s gpu-manager.service     7min 29.136s ondemand.service     7min 29.117s pppd-dns.service     7min 29.103s grub-common.service     7min 29.056s rsyslog.service     7min 28.970s avahi-daemon.service          15.226s apparmor.service           9.990s ModemManager.service           9.518s NetworkManager-wait-online.service           9.397s snapd.service           8.518s systemd-udevd.service 17:14
diogenes_oh my god17:14
diogenes_yeah, I don't have that much life to wait till such a system boots up XD17:15
geniiWhat is this running on, some Pentium 1 ?17:16
diogenes_Harel, maybe the hard drive is dying?17:16
geniiI'd check dmesg for I/O things17:16
Hareli'd check that17:17
Hareland its look fine17:17
Harelsory abuot my english17:18
Hareli alredy checked that17:18
diogenes_Harel, did you install with IDE or AHCI driver?17:19
geniiI'd hazard a guess then that it's choking at dev-sda1.device for so long because it needs to use swap but it's not available yet17:20
HarelI don't know17:29
Harelmaybe I will return to linux mint17:31
wxlHarel: if the issue is somehow related to systemd, Cindy's supposed to go to it, so that may be why you hadn't experienced issues there17:40
wxltl;dr mint may not save you17:40
Harelwxl sooo... what do I need to do?19:02
Harelthere is a forum that I can ask there?19:04
krytarikYes, ##hardware19:05
Harelcan you sand me link?19:06
krytarikYes, "/join ##hardware"19:06
Harelkrytarik its not hardware problem19:15
krytarikOh?  I thought that was well established by now.19:15
Harelthanks krytarik.. I will install mint again19:24
krytarikCool - like wxl indicated, good luck!19:25
mvdctHi all. Apologies if this goes horribly wrong. I'm more of a forum rather than a IRC person. I've been using Lubuntu for a while on an old Samsung N110. Then got hit by the Intel Mobile Graphics 945 issues with Kernel 4.13 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1724639). What versions of Lubuntu can I use which are free of this issue and/or when will new issue free versions become available? Thanks in advance.23:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1724639 in openSUSE "Bug in Kernel 4.13 : Intel Mobile Graphics 945 shows 80 % black screen" [Critical,Confirmed]23:00
krytarikmvdct: Did you try the workaround mentioned there yet though?23:02
mvdcthi. yes. thanks. it works (after a fashion).... I just wondered if Lubuntu was using kernel 4.15 or 4.16 any time soon?23:11
krytarik!info linux-generic bionic23:12
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 14 kB23:12
krytarikhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule - so in a week. :)23:13
mvdctThanks krytarik. I saw signs of "BB" on other pages... But only "april". The 26th?! Fab. I can wait for that. Thank you muchly.23:15
krytarikWelcome. :)23:15

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