
mupPR snapcraft#2081 closed: elf: patch everything instead of a subset of elf files <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2081>00:27
mupPR snapcraft#2083 opened: python plugin: properly handle distutils on bionic <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2083>01:04
mupPR snapcraft#1990 closed: tests: build and install snapcraft on osx <Created by elopio> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1990>01:37
mupPR snapcraft#2084 opened: Osx travis <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2084>01:37
sergiusensjdstrand, zyga:  fyi that corebird issue I mentioned, the profile seems to be vanishing from '/var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/' on every other boot01:44
Son_Goku[11:39:43 AM]  <pstolowski>Son_Goku: hey Neal! quick question, do you know if %{gofindfilter} macro is a new addition? I'm having failures trying to use it02:10
Son_Gokupstolowski, it probably is02:10
Son_GokuI haven't done any go packaging since new guidelines went out02:11
Son_Gokubut as zyga said, mock is your friend02:11
Son_Gokuyou can also enter the mock environment by doing "mock --shell"02:11
mupPR snapcraft#2082 closed: Ignore me, throwing to CI <do-not-merge-yet> <Created by kyrofa> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2082>02:28
eraserpencilHey guys, I do snaps prevent access to source codes?03:16
mupPR snapcraft#2085 opened: elf: clear the current runpath before setting the rpath <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2085>03:19
eraserpencilI have a project I'd like to deploy and test out but I'm afraid the the source code would be copied. Does making it a snap helps protect the source code?03:19
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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zygagood morning05:53
zygaeraserpencil: hey, just don't put your source code into the snap then05:53
mborzeck1zyga: hey05:53
zygaeraserpencil: snaps don't have any copy protection05:53
* zyga is worried by this:05:54
zyga<sergiusens> jdstrand, zyga:  fyi that corebird issue I mentioned, the profile seems to be vanishing from '/var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/' on every other boot05:54
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
zygawhy is bionic spread broken?06:12
mvozyga: I think there was a kernel update, if it is still broken after a retry we need to investigate06:13
mvozyga: and goooood morning06:14
zygagood morning!06:14
zygaI merged master a few times, still broken06:14
zygamvo: maybe we need to use a more recent snapshot06:14
mvozyga: aha, yes, that sounds very reasonable06:14
mupPR snapd#5065 opened: spread.yaml: move bionic image forward <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5065>06:16
mvozyga: lets see if -^ helps06:16
zygaoh cool06:17
zygaI just made the same :D06:17
zygahaha, no worries :)06:17
zygahmm, have you guys seen https://zulipchat.com/06:27
zygait's fully FOSS06:28
zygamvo: Sergio<snapcraft> reported that some apparmor profiles disappear randomly on boto06:35
zygabut very frequently06:35
mborzecki-buildmode=pie does not work in go anymore06:39
zygawhat? was it removed?06:39
mborzeckijust doesn't work, left some comments here https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5064#issuecomment-38209802806:40
mupPR #5064: tests: smaller fixes for Arch tests <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5064>06:40
zygamvo ^06:41
mvozyga: hm, hm, disappear. just apparmor or also seccomp?06:42
zygamvo: I don't know yet, trying to reproduce it06:43
mvozyga: ta06:43
mborzeckiwonder what fedora does06:44
mborzeckihm maybe it just doesn't work, non-cgo and pie06:49
pstolowskigood morning07:02
* zyga -> dog07:05
zygamvo: travis hasn't ran your PR yet07:06
zygathe one from early morning07:06
zygaActually taking the dog out now07:22
jamespageelopio: around? working on vault bits and pieces and wondered if you had time to bring me up to speed on how you are managing the vault snap07:46
zygajamespage: hey, just FYI, elopio left Canonical07:49
jamespagezyga: yeah I know ;)07:49
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
jamespagezyga: call my request a retrospective handover...07:58
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygamvo: still nothing, is travis broken today?08:08
mvozyga: not sure, let me check08:08
mvozyga: anything on the vanishing profiles?08:08
zygamvo: I tried to reproduce it but no luck08:08
zygamvo: I used xenial08:08
zygamvo: maybe it is somehow related to the specific kernel sergio is using08:09
zygamvo: I will try to sync with him today08:09
zyga(sergio is not using the stock kernel, he's on a surface enablement kernel)08:09
mvozyga: aha, and he is using xenial as well?08:09
mvozyga: travis status page says its up08:10
mvozyga: but I also see nothing building08:10
zygayeah :/08:10
zygamvo: it just started :)08:14
mborzeckiuhh go build, -extldflags & shell quoting is a mess08:20
zygamborzecki: yeah08:21
zygaI failed to make snap-exec static on suse08:21
zygabecause of rpm macros and the need to quote a space08:21
zygait just failed all the way :/08:21
zygaand the ldflags to pass static08:22
mborzeckianyways, -buildmode=pie & CGO_ENABLED does not work, fedora uses proper go build -buildmode=pie -ldflags="-extldflags '-static'" and it work, did the same for arch08:22
mborzeckizyga: i did go build -buildmode=pie -ldflags=-extldflags=-static ;) appears to work08:22
mwhudsonat some point i gave up and wrote a wrapper and pointed -ldflags=-extld= at it08:28
zygamborzecki: oh, smart08:29
zygaI'll try that08:29
mborzeckimwhudson: yeah, it's super confusing08:29
mborzeckizyga: afaik it will work if you define a macro in the spec, take a look at fedora spec08:30
mborzeckizyga: i mean, you won't have to resort to such ugly tricks08:30
Chipacamoin moin08:35
Chipacavery spotty network for me today08:35
Chipacaanything on fire today?08:40
mvoChipaca: zyga had one alarming message but otherwise it seems to be ok08:41
Chipacamvo: was the alarming message "wake up"?08:41
zygaChipaca: sergio<snapcraft> reported that some apparmor profiles go away on reboot randomly08:41
zygabut I could not reproduce this08:41
zygaand I don't know more08:41
jocanyone else using the vscode snap on bionic and seen it stop working since rev 32?08:43
zygajoc: I can try08:43
joc(`snap revert` FTW)08:43
Chipacazyga: wait is it sergio<snapcraft>, or is it snapcraft<sergio>08:43
zygaChipaca: aren't teplate specializations commutative ;-)08:44
Chipacazyga: that would be really tidy of them08:44
zygaChipaca: both of them ;-)08:44
* zyga is in a silly mood08:44
zygapulling vscode in a park at 2.5MB/s08:45
Chipacathat's not silly, that's bragging08:45
zygajust two blocks from my home08:45
mborzeckibroadband :)08:45
zygavscode snap (r32) broken on ubuntu 18.04 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/EiQuCMnT/08:46
itsfemme[m]Are you on your home wifi in the park?08:46
zygaitsfemme[m]: no, on LTE08:46
zygajoc: confirmed08:46
zygapopey: ^ FYI, vscode is missing some things and doesn't work on bionic08:46
joczyga: ack, thanks08:46
zygajoc: try sublime-text08:46
zygait works :)08:46
Chipacaso... I've got two +1's on #5027 and it's green, and master's open, so I'm going to go ahead and merge it08:47
* Chipaca is full of trepidation08:47
mupPR #5027: you won't believe how client gets initial support for snapshots <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5027>08:47
jocheh, i've reverted and all is good08:47
zygaChipaca: go go go08:47
zygaChipaca: LOL08:47
zygawith that commit message08:47
zygamvo: remember to edit the changelog on that :D08:47
Chipacajoc: FWIW reverting blacklists the revision, but if they push a new one you'll get it (which is what you want imho)08:47
jocChipaca: yep, happy with that08:48
popeyzyga: what release?08:49
zygapopey: revision 32 of vscode08:49
zygapopey: on bionic08:49
zygapopey: joc said previous revision worked ok08:49
popeyworks here08:49
zygapopey: on bionic?08:49
zygapopey: r32?08:50
popeyoh, 32?08:50
zygayes :)08:50
popeyyou should update :)08:50
zygait used to work, now broke08:50
zygawhat? :D08:50
popeytest 3308:50
popeydoes that work?08:50
zygaI literally just installed it now08:50
popeysorry, i think it didnt get promoted, 33 works I think08:50
itsfemme[m]I'm looking at their snapcraft.yaml and it seems they are moving to gtk3 for debs and rpms but did not add it to the snap08:50
zygaChipaca: I found a bug :D08:50
Chipacazyga: impossible08:51
Chipacazyga: where?08:51
mupPR snapd#5027 closed: you won't believe how client gets initial support for snapshots <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5027>08:51
zygayou won't believe what I just found Chipaca https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/86utZoMt/08:52
Chipacazyga: whaa?08:52
zygaChipaca: ouch, it's a symlink to a brkoen try mode snap08:52
zygaI mean08:52
zygaI did snap try on something I kept in ~08:53
zygathen I moved it to Documents08:53
zygaand snap refresh broke08:53
Chipacazyga: ok yes that's a bug, but not a new one -- file it?08:53
zygaChipaca: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/176497708:56
mupBug #1764977: Removing backing directory of try mode snap breaks refresh of other snaps <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764977>08:56
zygaChipaca: it's worse, I cannot snap list08:56
zygasnap remove08:56
zygathat's not even broken now08:56
zygais that a follow-up of the change pedronis landed08:56
zygamvo: ^ this may warrant a .6 ://08:56
zygaessentially I cannot refresh core now08:56
mvozyga: it breaks refreshing everything? if one snap is in broken state?08:57
pedronisit shouldn't08:57
zygait does08:57
zygatry it08:57
popey"No thank you" :D08:58
pedroniswe have a bigger bug then08:58
zygamvo: snap list, refresh et all are all failing08:58
mborzecki> that escalated quickly08:58
zygapopey: so I believe you08:58
zygajoc: can you please refresh vscode to edge08:58
zygaand see if that fixes it08:58
pedroniswe didn't change snap list08:58
joci can...08:58
zygaand communicate with popey wrt promiton of r33 to stable08:58
zygapedronis: well :)08:59
Chipacazyga: I doubt this is a new thing08:59
zygakwi 18 10:59:22 t470 snapd[2069]: 2018/04/18 10:59:22.512843 snapmgr.go:228: cannot read snap info of snap "classic-snap-analyzer" at revision x4: stat /var/lib/snapd/snaps/classic-snap-analyzer_x4.snap: no such file or directory08:59
pedronislet's put it this way, we tried very carefully not to change snap list08:59
pedronisso I'm a bit confused08:59
popeyjoc: zyga 33 is now in stable08:59
zygapedronis: can you just try it, "snap try" one of the test snaps, move it aside and see08:59
jocpopey: same error:09:00
mvoI wonder if we have an integration test for snaps in broken state09:00
popeyjoc: can you paste the error somewherre?09:00
joc```/snap/vscode/33/usr/share/code/bin/../code: error while loading shared libraries: libgconf-2.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory```09:00
zygamvo: I bet we don't09:00
zygapopey: you probably have that library installed on your host09:00
zygapopey: I wrote an analyzer for classic snaps09:00
zygathat shows missing libs09:00
mupPR snapd#5066 opened: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: introducing the snapshot backend <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5066>09:00
zyga_ironically_ it is the snap I moved to another directory09:00
zygathat broke everything for me now09:01
popeyjoc: we're on it. thanks09:01
Chipacazyga: if you move it back, does it unbreak09:01
itsfemme[m]That lib is in the snapcraft.yaml though, I just checked09:01
zygait unbreaks everything09:01
zygaitsfemme[m]: it's not loaded from there though09:01
zygapopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4sb3wxqNHD/09:02
zygatry this and see where it loads the libs from09:02
Chipacazyga: please add that to the bug report just in case it happens to people before we can fix it09:02
Chipacai'd do it myself but my network is already struggling09:02
zygaChipaca: I just updated the bug report09:03
zygaI also bumped it to critical09:03
zygait's interesting because people who have broken snaps will stay on 2.32.509:03
zygauntil we fix it with classic package09:04
zygawhich is a bit unfortunatel09:04
zygaI'll drop what I was doing and add a spread test onw09:04
Chipacazyga: broken in general, or broken in this particular way09:04
zygasnaps that are broken09:05
zygaany old try mode snap that is removed qualifies09:05
zygabut unfortunately any unmounted snap :/09:05
mvozyga: I wonder if you could check if going to a tag like 2.32 and running snapd from there shows that its also broken or not09:09
zygamvo: sure09:10
pedronisI have the impression is not new to .509:10
zygaI can just snap refresh to older rev09:10
zygait's easier09:10
zygamvo: stable is at 2.32.3 still09:10
* zyga hums while LTE does its magic09:11
zyga100GB of traffic for my laptop as a free add-on to my low cost phone plan09:11
zygaI really missed that in spain09:11
zygaspain has LTE and all but man, not at this quantity09:11
mborzeckizyga: pushed the fix to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/506409:11
mupPR #5064: tests: smaller fixes for Arch tests <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5064>09:11
mborzeckiwhat reminds me, we should fix the install path of snapd-generator09:12
zygapedronis, mvo: confirmed, the bug is also present on 2.32.309:12
pedronisok, that makes more sense09:13
zygacan someone confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/176497709:13
mupBug #1764977: Removing backing directory of try mode snap breaks refresh, listing (at least 2.32.3, till 2.32.5) <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764977>09:13
mvozyga: :( so we need a) integration test b) fix09:13
zygamvo: I'm doing (a) now09:13
mvozyga: \o/09:13
zygaI can do (b) after09:13
zygamvo: is that a .6 then?09:13
pedroniswe are doing stat of snaps in some place, but not ignoring errors as we should09:14
mvozyga: probably, depends a bit on the diff09:14
mvozyga: but I think it does make sense09:14
pedronisyea, confirmed it's in 2.32.3 as well09:15
pedronisit's nor related to the new api stuff or the doMountSnap changes09:15
pedronisit's something older09:15
pedronisah, I think I know09:16
zygawe have "try-snap-goes-away" test09:17
zygaI wonder how it didn't catch this!09:17
pedronismvo: zyga: my suspecte is the InstalledDate code09:17
zyganeat, that's probably it09:18
pedronisit's ignoring the case where the snap is set to Broken09:18
pedronisbecause it's doing an independent Lstat09:18
* Chipaca whistles innocently09:18
mupPR snapd#5063 closed: tests: run interfaces-broadcom-asic-control early <Created by mvo5> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5063>09:19
pedronisit doesn'r eturn error09:19
mupPR snapd#5067 opened: tests: add a regression test for https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bu… <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5067>09:22
zygaI added this test, let's see what happens with it09:22
mvozyga: interessting, it looks very similar to the existing test09:23
* mvo is confused why the existing one does not work, it does not look broken on first glance at least09:23
zygamvo: yes, I don't know why that test didn't catch it09:23
pedronisit's the MountFile09:25
pedronisnot the MountDir09:25
pedronisit's the code to find the size ?09:25
* zyga tries to find what it might be09:27
zygafound it?09:28
pedroniszyga: if you notice the problem is not that the mount goes09:28
pedronisthe mount is there09:28
pedronisif you move the dir09:28
zygait's still mounted09:28
pedronisbut the symlink because dangling09:28
pedronisso we don't fail where we think we should09:28
zygathat's it09:28
pedronisso it's the size computation09:29
pedronisit's not really broken09:29
pedronisexcept it is a bit09:29
pedronisit was added in 74be4020e09:30
pedronisit's a very old bug at least09:31
pedronisit's not a regression09:31
zygawhat is calling .Size()?09:32
zygaI mean, what's where's the bug, I see that Size() returns an error if we cannot stat the file09:33
zygabut where is that used in practice09:33
zygagrepping for '.Size()' shows nothing weird09:34
pedronismy  understanding (unproven) is that we fail here:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/snap/info.go#L80109:34
pedronisbecause of the dangling symlink09:34
zygais it ReadInfoFromSnapFile09:34
pedronisit's ReadInfo09:35
pedroniswe don't retunr NotFoundError because the mount is there09:35
zygayeah, I see09:35
zygado you want to fix it?09:35
zygaor shall I09:35
pedronisI actually not sure how to fix it09:35
pedronismaybe Chipaca has an opionin, is not super clear that that value make even sense when .snap is a symlink to a dir09:36
zygasomething like htis09:37
zygayeah, the size if bogus in that case09:37
zygaI just don't want it to break09:37
zygait should really walk the snap to calculate09:37
zygabut that's a separate thing to fix09:37
mvofwiw, I am in a debug shell in try-snap-goes-away and snap list is fine and shows it in "broken" state09:38
zyga(I swapped a condition there in the paste but fixed onw)09:38
zygamvo: magic?!09:38
pedronismvo: it means the mount is gone away09:38
pedronisin the bug case it doesn't09:39
pedroniswell, not the mount09:39
pedronisthe snap.yaml09:39
pedronismvo: I think there's a difference between rm   the content of the try snap, vs moving it away09:39
mvoyeah, that would explain it09:39
mvothere must be a difference :)09:40
pedronisI mean, I understand there's a difference09:40
pedronismvo:  if the try is moved09:40
pedronisthe mount is still there09:40
pedroniswith a snap.yaml09:40
pedronisso we fail later in ReadInfo09:40
pedronisif you remove the snap.yaml09:40
pedronisthen you get the broken state09:40
pedroniswe really need two different tests09:41
zygaI pushed a small patch to my PR09:41
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5067/files check if it makes sense to you please Chipaca09:41
mupPR #5067: tests: add a regression test for https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bu… <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5067>09:41
zygamvo: did you restart https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/367998252?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification ?09:42
zygadid it fail?09:42
pedronisanyway I'm not sure it means we need a .609:42
pedronisit's been there since a while09:42
mvozyga: I didn't touch this one09:42
zygapedronis: I agree09:42
zygawe can do it later09:42
pedronisit's not super typical case09:42
zygaunless mvo disagrees09:42
zygabut I think it's ok09:42
zygaI'd like to see a deb with this09:42
mvopedronis: aha, this makes sense, yes09:43
zygamvo: maybe it's still worth doing a .609:43
zygaif it is "free" still09:43
mvopedronis, zyga I think we should pull the fix in09:43
zygaas in, people get this deb09:43
mvobut not necessarily release it09:43
zyganot SRU wait09:43
mvojust now and in a rush09:43
zygaok, I'll defer to your call then09:43
zygaman, it's getting too warm over here09:43
* zyga moves to the shade09:44
Chipacazyga: I doubt it's that path in side info that is causing this09:44
Chipacazyga: as it's able to read the snap.yaml09:44
pedronisChipaca: we found the problem09:44
pedronisit's the Size code in ReadInfo09:44
Chipacapedronis: that's what i'm looking at i think09:45
Chipacain https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5067/files09:45
mupPR #5067: tests: add a regression test for https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bu… <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5067>09:45
pedronisbeen there since 201609:45
Chipacabut the snap.yaml was read ok09:45
Chipacafor it to get to the size bit09:45
pedronisif you move the try dir09:45
pedronisthe mount is still fine (until reboot)09:45
pedronisso the snap.yaml is there09:45
pedronisbut the .snap symlink is dangling09:45
pedronisit's different from rm around09:46
pedronisanyway, it's not recent code09:48
Chipacacan we have a comment09:48
pedroniswhere? who?09:48
ChipacaI think I'm lagged to heck09:49
Chipacazyga: with that change, do snaps in this state actually appear as 'broken' in snap list?09:52
Chipacazyga: should they? :-)09:53
Chipacazyga: either that, or the comment on the task.yaml needs fixing09:53
Chipacazyga: actually the whole test won't work?09:53
zygaI didnt try yet09:54
zygaI think they should09:56
zygaBut they won’t just yet09:56
Chipacazyga: I suspect returning NotFoundError instead of ignoring the not found will dwww09:58
Chipacabut i haven't tested :-)09:58
zygaYeah, I think so too09:58
zygaI force pushed this behavior now10:03
zygalet's see what spread says10:08
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mupPR snapd#5065 closed: spread.yaml: move bionic image forward <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5065>10:09
zygamvo: let's hope master is going to be good now10:11
zygaChipaca: updated: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/506710:14
mupPR #5067: snap,tests : don't fail if we cannot stat MountFile <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5067>10:14
* Chipaca looks10:15
* Chipaca still lagged10:15
Chipaca* Ping reply from Chipaca: 41.707 second(s)10:16
zygayour packets are going to the moon and back :)10:17
Chipaca3G from the reception of a school in the middle of a field somewhere10:17
mupPR snapd#5068 opened: spread: bump delta reference to 2.32.5 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5068>10:18
zygahow are you testing that?10:19
Chipacazyga: testing what?10:21
zygathe ping10:21
mvozyga: thanks for the merge10:22
Chipacazyga: /ping Chipaca10:29
zygacan you ping me?10:30
zygamy client doesn't report the time10:30
Chipaca* Ping reply from zyga: 0.490 second(s)10:31
Chipacazyga: it's very variable today though :-)10:33
Chipacathe bar that tells me about ping goes all over the place10:33
zygaperhaps you are close to several towers and are constantly doing handover between them10:34
Chipacaperhaps the uk 3g network is made entirely of spit and wattle10:35
Chipacaand not that much wattle either10:35
zygaperhaps :)10:36
zygacome visit me some day10:36
mborzecki3G? isn't that like umts/hsdpa thing?10:39
Chipacahttps://opensignal.com/networks?z=15&minLat=51.4545&maxLat=51.4705&minLng=-0.2734&maxLng=-0.2287&s=all&t=2-3 <- i'm at the red splotch in the middle of that10:40
ogra_Chipaca, if its so much spit your data should slide through the network fast :)10:40
Chipacazyga: #176499810:42
mupBug #1764998: profiles making a run for it <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <snapd:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764998>10:42
zygaSure, just after lunch10:48
Chipacamborzecki: thanks for the review! i'll work on it in a bit11:23
mborzeckiChipaca: np11:23
jamespagewould someone be able to check who has permissions on the vault charm in the snapstore?11:29
pstolowskiSon_Goku: hey! I've re-created my spec to follow the new go guidelines, it builds locally but fails on copr on %gometa tag; I've BuildRequires: go-srpm-macros in the spec, do you know what else might be missing?11:30
zygaI’m heading home11:42
pstolowskiSon_Goku: hey! I've re-created my spec to follow the new go guidelines, it builds locally but fails on copr on %gometa tag; I've BuildRequires: go-srpm-macros in the spec, do you know what else might be missing?11:48
pstolowskiSon_Goku: ahh, thanks, let me check11:50
pstolowskiSon_Goku: Unknown tag: %gocraftmeta (copr, rawhide)11:54
Son_Gokusomeone has goofed11:54
Son_Gokupstolowski, are you in #fedora-devel?11:56
pstolowskiSon_Goku: i'm now11:57
Son_Gokupstolowski, you might want to ask for help there11:57
Son_Gokubecause I'm a bit lost myself :(11:57
* Son_Goku notes that he's been very wary to change how snapd is packaged because go is already hard11:57
pstolowskiSon_Goku: it there any BuildRequire that I could be missing? I've this ^ atm11:59
Son_Gokulet me check12:02
sergiusensBjornT_: can I bother you with a review? https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/208312:02
mupPR snapcraft#2083: python plugin: properly handle distutils on bionic <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2083>12:02
Son_Gokupstolowski, so here's the macros that are available:12:05
Son_Goku* Rawhide: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/go-srpm-macros/blob/master/f/macros.go-srpm12:05
Son_Goku* F28: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/go-srpm-macros/blob/f28/f/macros.go-srpm12:05
Son_Goku* F27: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/go-srpm-macros/blob/f27/f/macros.go-srpm12:06
Son_Goku* F26: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/go-srpm-macros/blob/f26/f/macros.go-srpm12:06
Son_Gokupstolowski, just revert back to the old style and mention in the ticket that you need to support F26 for the moment12:06
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids12:07
Son_Gokuthe new style seems to be in a weird state right now and it's not supported at all in F2612:07
pstolowskiSon_Goku: doh, i see.. i hope i still have the old file around ;)12:14
Son_Gokuif you don't, you can get it from COPR dist git12:14
BjornT_sergiusens: sure12:14
Son_Gokupstolowski: https://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org/results/pstolowski/go-udev/fedora-27-x86_64/00741447-golang-github-pilebones-go-udev/golang-github-pilebones-go-udev.spec12:14
Son_Gokuold version is still there ;)12:15
Son_Gokujust download that and use it again12:15
zygaand I’m back12:15
pstolowskiSon_Goku: right :)12:18
pstolowskiSon_Goku: thanks for help!12:18
Son_Gokuno problem12:22
zygahey, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5067 is green :)12:22
mupPR #5067: snap,tests : don't fail if we cannot stat MountFile <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5067>12:22
zygamvo, pedronis: ^ can you please review it12:22
zygacan we land trivial https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/506812:22
mupPR #5068: spread: bump delta reference to 2.32.5 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5068>12:22
zygajamesh: hey12:23
zygajamesh: I saw some updates on the user mounts branch12:23
zygaI asked a question there12:24
zygaalso FYI I'm working on somewhat the same idea from another angle (persistence and updates)12:24
cachiomvo, hey, we got the +1 to go to stable12:24
zygaI will keep de-conflicting your branch as I move along12:24
zygaI hope your branch can land soon or at least shrink to 1/10th12:24
mvocachio: great, lets talk in the standup12:31
jameshzyga: that was something I missed when rebasing the branch to clear out what had already been merged.  I dropped the patch with those interfaces/mount/backend.go changes12:36
zygathanks, I'll check the rest soon12:37
jameshzyga: I'm hopeful CI will give me a tick this time around12:37
zygamy plan is to land the locking (done), mount namespace setup (in progress) and persistence12:37
zygaand then take the privs code from your PR12:37
zygaas well as the whole run-snap-update-ns as user12:37
zygaI still have to make some update changes but it's not major I hope12:37
jameshzyga: from what I can tell, read only bind mounts are broken in snapd master12:38
zygaoh, I will look into that!12:38
jameshzyga: this is due to mount() ignoring all flags but MS_BIND and MS_REC for bind mounts12:38
zygaaww, that makes sense12:39
zygaman, that's not great then12:39
jameshso MS_BIND|MS_RDONLY is equivalent to MS_BIND12:39
jameshSecure.BindMount gets it right, but required some AppArmor changes to match12:40
zygahmm hmm12:41
zygawhat's different about the secure bind mount?12:41
jameshthat's what the most recent commit in the PR is doing12:41
jameshit follows up with a MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND|MS_RDONLY mount() call12:42
zygawhat about MS_REC?12:42
zygawhat if the initial MS_BIND|MS_REC created multiple bind mounts12:42
mupPR snapd#5068 closed: spread: bump delta reference to 2.32.5 <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5068>12:43
jameshzyga: at the moment, that errors out.  Alex had some code in flatpak/bubblewrap to parse mountinfo to find out what needed remounting.  So that would be a possibility12:43
zygajamesh: I see, I think I need to look into that12:44
popeycore:( 3rd time now I have side loaded a snap and it's completely nuked xorg on 18.0412:44
zygaI read that bubblewrap code12:44
popeycorelost my entire session immediately after a snap was installed.12:44
jameshzyga: do we have any read only recursive bind mounts?12:44
zygapopeycore: xwayland or x12:44
popeycorei dont use wayland12:44
zygajamesh: no but AFAIR we made all content recursive, no?12:44
zygaand we can use read only content connections12:45
zygastill, something to look into12:45
zygapopeycore: yeah, that happened to me, though I was not on X at the tiem12:45
zygaso maybe it's more widespread12:45
jameshthere is no obvious examples in the spread tests, and I don't think you can do it with layouts12:45
zygapopeycore: did you see my pastebin for checking if classically confined snaps are made correctly?12:45
popeycorei wlil try and reproduce it12:45
popeycoreyes, but it's not my snap, it's Wimpress12:45
popeycoreand sergio has fixes too12:46
zygajamesh: perhaps it's untested, I will look into that12:46
jameshwhen AppArmor is used, read only content interface shares are protected12:46
zygaah, that's good12:46
zygaat least we're not breaking something that was working (widely) before12:46
WimpressJust returned from lunch. Will rebuild vscode now.12:46
mupPR snapd#5054 closed: snap,wrappers: address review feedback from #5043 (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5054>12:47
zygaWimpress: same shout about my pastebin that checks if snap is made correctly12:47
zygaI would make it a snap but I need jdstrand to ack an extension of system-observe interface12:48
mupPR snapd#5064 closed: tests: smaller fixes for Arch tests <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5064>12:49
jameshzyga: spread tests failed: I introduced a bug in a unit test, and the user-mounts spread test seems to be failing on debian.  I've submitted a fix for the unit test, but not sure why the user-mounts one fails in one place only12:53
zygaI'll look after the standup12:54
zygajamesh: again, I'll try to get your branch merged12:54
zygaif you want I can take it over entirely12:54
mupIssue snapcraft#2071 closed: patchelf to handle RUNPATH <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/2071>12:55
mupPR snapcraft#2085 closed: elf: clear the current runpath before setting the rpath <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2085>12:55
jameshzyga: it's late here, so I won't check back on it til tomorrow morning.  I think it is fairly clean as is, but there is definitely room for further work12:55
jameshmaybe that could go post merge12:55
zygathank you for all the work on this!12:55
jamesh(1) recursive read only bind mounts12:55
jamesh(2) get Secure.BindMount to handle file bind mounts12:56
cachiomvo, zyga, mborzecki could someone take a look to https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/1012:56
mupPR spread-images#10: New task to add debian-sid as a gce image <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/10>12:56
jamesh(2) should be pretty easy with the new secure bind mount strategy12:56
zygayes, the new secure bind mount is awesome :)12:56
cachiomvo, zyga mborzecki I have another one with the documentation to push today12:56
zygacachio: sorry, I'm not sure I follow12:57
mborzeckicachio: this is for building gce images right?12:57
zygaI see what you mean now12:58
cachiomborzecki, yes12:58
mborzeckicachio: like the whole bunch of scripts/tools12:58
cachiocreate images and update images12:58
mborzeckiok, got it12:58
cachiomborzecki, yes12:58
cachioI used those to create update all the images we are already using for gce12:58
mvocachio: thanks, looking12:58
zygacachio: that's quite a diff12:59
cachiozyga, yes12:59
cachioit started as a small branch to add debian12:59
cachiobut then I ended up adding all the scripts there13:00
zygacachio: is is spellcheck clean?13:00
mupPR snapcraft#2083 closed: python plugin: properly handle distutils on bionic <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2083>13:01
cachiozyga, I'll make a spellcheck run again13:01
popeyI know "snap remove foo", will remove my data from snap/foo/current, but *why* does "snap install foo" do that?13:09
popey(I mean I don't agree with either, but install, removing my data, that's a bit mad)13:09
zygapopey: can you expand on that please13:09
zygapopey: install should not do anything13:09
popeyi had a snap directory containing data for an application13:09
popeyi tried running the snap, and noticed thaat i no longer have the snap installed13:09
popeyso i installed it, tried running it and the config is gone13:10
popeyi literally have a code editor open and it says the file disappeared13:10
zygacurrent is a symlink13:11
zygawhere was the data exactly?13:11
popeysure, but I had a text editor open with snap/foo/current/foo.json open13:12
popeyi realise current is a symlink, but I guess a symlink to an old version13:12
popeybut I can't tell now because I have installed the snap so the link has been changed13:12
popeyi wonder if current was a broken symlink or somehow was a directory?13:13
zygapopey: I don't know yet13:13
popeymy previous full system crash appears to have crashed in the nvidia driver :(13:14
zygamaybe mutex thing again ^ mborzecki13:18
zygathat TLS mutex library13:23
mborzeckipopey: log?13:24
mborzeckior which snap13:24
popeyi was installing a local snap13:24
popeyit is always a local snap13:24
mborzeckipopey: local as in 'snap try'?13:25
popeyas in i built it and installed with --dangerous13:25
popeylemme try installing again to see if i can reproduce13:25
mborzeckipopey: hm ok, can i say, pull ohmygiraffe, snap pack and snap install --dangerous then?13:26
popeyyou can try :)13:26
popeyi just tried to reproduce it, and it didn't crash13:27
popey^ thats my crash13:27
popeyhttps://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/eb22f554-3c0e-11e8-81fe-fa163e171d9b and https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/8b8b9504-341d-11e8-8901-fa163ed44aae are also mine13:30
mborzeckipopey: wow, that's the whole xorg crashing?13:35
popeyyes, my entire desktop goes bang13:35
mborzeckinot sure that's something that can be attributed to snaps13:38
mborzeckipopey: i'll try to reproduce it with ohmygiraffe once we finish the standup13:38
zygahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1756317 looks nasty14:02
mupBug #1756317: Can set garbage for core experimental.layouts <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1756317>14:02
pedronismborzecki: mvo:  we mentioned it yesterday, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/system-options/87  should document set system14:05
pedronismvo: we didn't discuss goint to stable, I suppose we nedeed cachio for that14:06
mborzeckipedronis: let me update that14:09
pedronismborzecki: we need to document both  (and say 2.32.5+ for the 2nd one) for a while I suspect14:09
mvopedronis: yeah, we need him for this, also traditionally we prefer Mon,Tue for this14:09
mvozyga: related to the bug from greyback - pr 460014:10
mupPR #4600: configstate: validate known core.* options <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4600>14:10
zyga43 patches :)14:10
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
zygamvo: it needs a review from niemeyer14:14
mupPR snapcraft#2086 opened: tests: update metadata store integration test, no previous push required <Created by matiasb> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2086>14:16
zygagiven that .5 is in bionic, do we promote .5 to stable?14:16
niemeyermvo, zyga: That's pretty interesting.. will need to dig in a bit to remind myself about the semantics of the changes map14:17
niemeyerI think we should eventually expose something along those lines via the API as well14:18
niemeyerDetails to be figured14:18
mvozyga: .5 is ready for stable promotion we need to decide when we want to do this. traditionally we release to stable Mon,Tue14:19
mvo(cc niemeyer -^)14:19
zygadoing it now means we can still react to the outcome14:19
zygaI think Wed is late in the meaning of "mid week" but it's not too late14:19
niemeyermvo: The delta was just the stop-mode right?14:20
mvoniemeyer: stop-mode plus new API14:21
zyganiemeyer: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/releases/14:21
zygaI made the release page show some details for the last few releases I worked on14:21
niemeyerzyga: Can we please not do that?14:23
niemeyerzyga: We have a roadmap page in the forum.. just point it there14:23
niemeyerzyga: Otherwise we have two different places, most likely showing different information14:23
zygayes, it doesn't show per release details14:24
zygathe point releases we made recently I mean14:24
niemeyerzyga: it looks exactly like we want it to look14:24
niemeyerzyga: If we want to make it look different, we do14:24
zygasure, I can make that14:25
zygaI just thought it is nice to have some information on the GitHub release pages still, I just need to make sure that is in the forum in the end14:25
niemeyerzyga: We can point that to the roadmap page.. and we can tune the roadmap page to show more information14:26
niemeyerzyga: But we don't want it t be obnoxious14:26
niemeyerzyga: What we don't want is multiple people maintaining the same kind of information in different places, with different content14:27
niemeyerzyga: Our current roadmap is also much better about providing context about features described.. we need to keep that true.. I'd also prefer to not break down every single patch release in a different section..14:29
niemeyerzyga: I suggest having a call today to talk about how we want that organized14:29
zyganiemeyer: I'm not sure I agree about not having any information on point releases14:29
zygagit log is too ra14:29
niemeyerzyga: That's not what I said14:30
jocsergiusens: to answer your question from yesterday, yes seems to be a new problem with 2.4014:31
sergiusenskalikiana: can you help joc out ^?14:31
niemeyerzyga: We should highlight relevant deltas, and demote trivial changes14:31
niemeyerzyga: We don't need whole sections for trivial changes14:32
kalikianajoc: sergiusens what do you need me to help with?14:32
sergiusensnot me, joc14:32
jockalikiana: I have a snap that we've been building for a while (months), but since 2.40 is failing to build with some python/pip problems14:33
kalikianajoc: Can you paste what's failing?14:35
mupPR snapd#5069 opened: configcore: validate experimental.layouts option <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5069>14:35
kyrofaChipaca, just realized a script of mine ended up calling `snap install <snap> --channel=` (i.e. no channel at all) which was happily translated to stable instead of yelling at me. Expected?14:44
kyrofaNot really a problem, just not what I expected to happen14:45
kyrofaAnd indeed, not what used to happen14:45
mborzeckipopey: tried both install --dangerous and snap try, no issues14:46
popeyYeah, doesn't happen every time, I'm not sure what the critical way to trigger it is14:46
Chipacakyrofa: expected14:48
Chipacakyrofa: not sure if it's _right_, but it's expected :-)14:49
kyrofaChipaca, heh, no big deal, just means I need to do my OWN error checking, thanks a lot14:49
Chipacakyrofa: the other option would be to throw an error14:49
Chipacakyrofa: but stable _is_ "" :-)14:50
kyrofaYeah no complaint, just a change, wanted to make sure14:50
Chipacakyrofa: it's interesting that you say it's a change14:50
Chipacakyrofa: when did it change?14:51
kyrofaMy script used to blow up14:51
kyrofaI dunno, I'm figuring the core snap updated a while back. My script used to blow up14:51
kyrofa(if I forgot to specify a channel)14:51
kyrofaOr heck, who knows, maybe it's all in my head14:51
mupPR snapd#5070 opened: debian: update LP bug for the 2.32.5 SRU <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5070>14:54
diddledankyrofa: did you manage to get anywhere investigating my gimp build?14:55
jdstrandzyga: feel free to let me know when 3963 is ready for me to review (I see in backscroll there are failing tests, you may be taking over, etc)15:02
zygathanks, I will15:02
jocpopey: did vscode get dropped back to rev 29?15:03
cachiomvo, are you going to send to proposed the 32.5?15:03
jocpopey: because that is still not a working revision for me, the last one i have that works is 2715:04
popeyjoc: yup, needs more debugging15:04
popeyWimpress: ^15:04
mvocachio: yes15:04
mvocachio: I let you know once it gets accepted there15:05
cachiomvo, nice15:05
Wimpressjoc: I've just release rev 27 to stable, beta, candidate15:05
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
diddledanWimpress: joc: revision 29 seems ok here :-/15:09
diddledanaah. the font rendering is a problem..15:11
diddledanonly in the editor window though, the file tree is fine15:11
jocdiddledan: seems likely to be a host pc specific thing - the error is a missing lib15:12
pstolowskizyga: snapcraft doesn't seem to be supporting layouts yet, does it?15:21
zygapstolowski: I don't know15:22
zygaperhaps not15:22
zygaI usually build snaps by hand15:22
pstolowskikyrofa: do you know? ^15:22
kyrofapstolowski, it does not, but in edge you can use the `passthrough` keyword to indicate a set of things you just want passed into the snap.yaml15:23
pstolowskizyga: yeah I could do that, but would prefer something I can easily iterate on/rebuild15:23
pstolowskikyrofa: sounds great, thanks!15:23
kyrofapstolowski, actually beta and candidate too-- 2.4115:23
sergiusenspstolowski, zyga: yeah, please participate https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-snapcraft-2-41/502215:28
pstolowskisergiusens: yep, i'm just in!15:28
=== sergiusens_ is now known as sergiusens
kyrofaniemeyer, hey, thanks for merging Saviq's fix, so much better15:37
niemeyerkyrofa: np15:42
niemeyerkyrofa: Does it work now?15:42
kyrofaniemeyer, it does, wonderfully15:42
kyrofaSaves me a significant amount of time not needing to manually test on those15:42
niemeyermvo: The release notes say the API was back in .4 .. is that not out yet?15:43
kyrofaNow if only squashfuse was in trusty so I could do that too...15:43
niemeyerkyrofa: Hmm.. we have snapfuse inside core I think15:43
kyrofaniemeyer, I can't install snaps in a trusty lxd instance, should I be able to?15:44
kyrofa(core itself can't install)15:44
niemeyerkyrofa: I don't know if we have other constraints, but the point of having snapfuse was precisely to make containers work15:46
zygakyrofa: trusty guest on which host?15:50
kyrofazyga, xenial15:50
zygakyrofa: what's the error you see?15:50
kyrofamounting issues, it's been a while since I tried, let me fire one up15:51
mupPR snapcraft#2087 opened: Add configuration for AppVeyor <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2087>15:59
mvoniemeyer: .4 is not out in stable yet16:06
mvoniemeyer: I mean .5 is in bionic so .4 is there by implication. but its not available in a stable core snap or in a stable distro release yet, we can release that today (the stable core with .5 is ready) or Monday, its our call (plus we need to get an ack from the store)16:08
niemeyermvo: ok, got it thanks.. let's have that call shortly and we can also use a bit of time to discuss our options there16:10
* kalikiana heading out for the day16:12
kyrofazyga, huh, nowadays it's "error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snaps/core: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: no such file or directory"16:14
kyrofaSeems snapd isn't running16:14
zygawhat's the status of the snapd.service?16:14
kyrofaYikes, systemctl doesn't work either, dbus is busted16:15
kyrofaLooks like installing snapd borked things, it pulled in a kernel even though it's a container, wonder if that has something to do with it16:15
Chipacakyrofa: wrt channels (now that i got around to looking), last relevant change seems to be 2016-0916:18
kyrofaChipaca, I shall plead insanity, then!16:19
Chipacakyrofa: you could also shout and posture and claim that I must be wrong16:19
mvokyrofa: hm, I think we have or had a kernel dependency on trusty16:23
Chipacakyrofa: snapd inside a trusty lxd?16:24
kyrofaChipaca, yep, on xenial host16:24
Chipacakyrofa: I _think_ that isn't meant to work, but I'm not 100%16:25
Caelumzyga: I'm posting on the factory list now, that list is actually alive16:25
kyrofamvo, yeah, looks like that's the case16:25
Chipacastgraber: could you remind me if that's expected to work?16:25
zygaCaelum: thank you, please keep me posted on the developments :)16:25
Chipacastgraber: 1604 running lxd, a 1404 container in that lxd, running snapd16:25
stgraberChipaca: not supposed to as 14.04 containers don't have apparmor running16:26
mvokyrofa: its a recommends nowdays but still will get pulled in by default. still, that should not kill your dbus :/16:26
Chipacastgraber: thanks16:26
Chipacakyrofa: neener neener16:26
kyrofaChipaca, I'm tired of you telling me no today16:26
* Chipaca is extremely professional in all his interactions16:26
kyrofaThanks for clarifying Chipaca, mvo, stgraber16:27
Chipacakyrofa: hey, don't blame me. Blame .... Elves on strike. (Why do they call EMAG Elf Magic)16:27
* Chipaca puts away the bofh excuse generator for another year16:28
* zyga takes a break and goes for a walk16:31
mupPR snapcraft#2055 closed: python: bring back support for older versions of pip <bug> <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2055>16:32
niemeyermvo: Ready when you are16:33
niemeyermvo: Hmm.. nm.. I guess your EOD is now at my 1PM local time..16:51
Chipacaoh look at that, it's beer o'clock, and it's lovely outside17:09
pstolowskizyga: layouts do not let me bind a subdir under /usr/lib - I get cannot update snap namespace: cannot create writable mimic over "/usr/lib": permission denied; is that by design?17:13
* genii checks his Beer O'Clock alarm, but it's it's stilll a seemingly forever 3 hours and 47 minutes away yet17:13
pstolowskizyga: ok; so i'm trying to do this: /usr/lib/tcltk/x86_64-linux-gnu/tk8.5:17:13
pstolowski      bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/tcltk/x86_64-linux-gnu/tk8.517:13
zygaWhat is the denial17:14
zygaI’m on a bike now17:14
pstolowskizyga: [68891.838823] audit: type=1400 audit(1524071502.757:492): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed mntpnt match" error=-13 profile="snap-update-ns.scid" name="/tmp/.snap/usr/lib/" pid=15755 comm="3" srcname="/usr/lib/" flags="rw, rbind"17:15
pstolowskizyga: ha, enjoy it then, let's talk tomorrow!17:15
pstolowskii'm about to eod anyway17:15
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|eod
zygaWhat is the yaml again17:17
zygaThe source name looks bad17:18
mvoniemeyer: sorry, real life commitments, but if you have a free slot in 1h I shall be able to attend17:26
niemeyermvo: I certainly do, but don't want to run into your evening.. I didn't realize we had shifted time so much already that my early afternoon is already off-hours for you17:27
mvoniemeyer: no worries, a quick syncup is fine17:31
mvoniemeyer: I ping you in ~1h, ok?17:31
niemeyermvo: Deal17:31
pstolowski|eodzyga: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/VgpRx43PVJ/17:34
mupPR snapd#5071 opened: tests: replace snap try when possible to speedup tests execution <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5071>18:09
mvoniemeyer: I'm in the hangout channel now18:41
niemeyermvo: OMW!18:43
pbekis there a way to contribute to https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/syntax? the most valuable parameter "version-script" is missing.18:57
mupPR snapcraft#2003 closed: patches: make the ctypes patch more robust and add armhf arch triplet <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2003>18:59
popeypbek: https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/blob/master/build-snaps/syntax.md19:05
popeypbek: that's the repo with those docs in.19:05
sergiusenspbek: there's a link at the bottom19:31
mupPR snapcraft#2088 opened: grammar: support compound on..to statement <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2088>21:15
mupPR snapcraft#2089 opened: many: remove support for remote lxd per project containers <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2089>22:09

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