
xuanruiBTW, any recommendations for NVIDIA drivers?00:13
xuanrui^in 18.0400:13
xuanruialso webupd8's java package seems not to work yet..00:19
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
omarvbrainwash:I did boot live, but not run directly from USB, same error..01:29
xuanruinvm webupd8 wasn't a ubuntu problem, package mans didn't update it01:29
omarvbrainwash: how could I share you the photos of boot screen?01:30
omarvbrainwash: now Iḿ doubting if there is a HW problem,..I changed the hard disk with Windows 10, and it start properly,..no see HW problem 01:33
xuanruiHow can I get fcitx-libs-qt working in 18.04?01:43
xuanruiI got: Version of fcitx-libs-qt on system, provided by libfcitx-qt0:amd64, is <none>.01:44
xuanrui^that was fixed, but is there a way to just replace the default thing (ibus?) with fcitx entirely?01:48
omarvhi, who can take case from brainwash ?, I need to fix it ASASP...01:49
omarvASAP: As soon as posible01:50
xuanruiFalse alarm, not fixed..01:50
xuanrui fixed the IME problem, but still had random freeze problems03:07
xuanruiit happens usually on the login screen03:07
xuanruiif I happen to successfully log in then everything's usually OK03:07
xuanruiis this a known problem?03:08
xuanrui(thought it might be a driver problem, unfortunately nvidia drivers result in blinking screeen03:26
xuanruiBTW, how do we get a TTY in 18.04?03:30
quidnuncShouldn't avahi-daemon.service Daemonize the process?03:53
BionicMacHello. I updated my 18.04 nstall easlier tonight adn afetr the upgrades, which were extensive about 120+ packages, the ubuntu Universe and Multi-verse repos are no longer there in my list. Was that intended during the updates? 04:29
BionicMacNevermind I was mistaken. 04:58
leutakHey guys, is there anybody with knowledge about /etc/netplan/ and static ip? When i change this to static, as 2nd example here: https://netplan.io/examples the default route to gateway is not there anymore, vm offline..06:17
leutakit looks like netplan is ignoring my gateway in .yml , instead of 3 routes (ip show route) there is only 1 route.. bug?06:17
valorieleutak: there is #netplan here on freenode06:22
leutakvalorie: oh, thx06:26
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=== michagogo_ is now known as michagogo
ANSCHhey im trying out ubuntu 18.04 server, but i get ssl error every time i try to contact a remote https server, ssl error using both curl and wget. Tried installing openssl1.0 in case that was needed, but it didnt help. Dont know how to troubleshoot it really. curl shows error "(35) SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL", openssl s_client shows me "write:errno=104"10:59
ANSCHsome sites seem to work, some not11:01
brainwashANSCH: a quick search gives https://github.com/curl/curl/issues/152011:05
eoli3nwill netboot installer be realease the same day that desktop installer ?11:46
andreas__Hello, I've recorded some graphic glitch concerning the gnome-greeter. I'm wondering where I might find people interested in that? Should I create a bug-report? If so, where and how, or should I ask somewhere else? https://streamable.com/o598h11:56
andreas__Sorry about the focus, I've cracked the lens-glass on the cam :/11:57
ducasse!bug | andreas__ 12:02
ubottuandreas__: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:02
omarv_brainwash: are you there ?12:37
brainwashyes omarv_ 12:38
omarv_I would like to send you photo of boot starting,.  could you share you email or something..?12:40
brainwashcan't you upload it to an online image hosting service?12:41
brainwashlike https://imgur.com/upload12:42
omarv_ok, I will try12:43
omarv_brainwash: https://imgur.com/a/pyb7VX013:02
brainwashomarv_: were you able to boot into live mode from the 18.04 iso/usb?13:10
omarv_I made USB bootable with Ubuntu 18.04, I choose Try without installing , and it stop and non continue13:12
brainwashI would test this https://askubuntu.com/questions/771899/pcie-bus-error-severity-corrected13:13
brainwashalso, another page mentions pcie_aspm=off13:14
omarv_I change the hard disk and put a new one with windows 10, and it start normally, so I discard HW problem..I think13:14
brainwashthe issue could be caused by the nvidia driver13:15
omarv_yes Im doing that..13:15
brainwashso, test with pci=nomsi OR pci=noaer OR pcie_aspm=off13:16
omarv_need I to chabe13:17
omarv_need I to change /etc/default/grub ? going to recovery mode ?13:17
brainwashyou change it while GRUB is showing during boot13:20
brainwashsee your first screenshot13:20
yoggI try to set up a ubuntu 18.04 machine as an domain member, I have done the same steps as on 16.04 (same packages), I have nearly the same samba config (there where only minor chages with the new version)13:41
yoggthe "net ads join" works, wbinfo -u and wbinfo -g also work, but wbinfo -i mytestuser returns an error(failed to call wbcGetpwnam: WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND)13:43
yoggalso "getparm passwd" only returns the local users13:43
yogghas someone an idea what I have done wrong?13:44
yoggin the log I see a line like this: "Could not convert sid S-1-5-21-1209322253-1999911125-1235562139-500: NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER"13:52
yoggif I do an "wbinfo -S S-1-5-21-1209322253-1999911125-1235562139-500" on the 16.04 machine I get back "-1" which is ok because of the "winbind enum users = yes" line in smb.conf13:53
en1gmawhen i try to add ppa's following this guide "https://discourse.myriadrf.org/t/howto-install-gqrx-gnuradio-soapysdr-pothosware-limesuite-on-ubuntu/2402" i keep getting apt-secure errors14:37
en1gmacan someone help me out with that? never had that problem before with apt14:37
brainwashen1gma: do those PPAs support 18.04 (bionic) yes?15:01
brainwashother than that, share the whole terminal output15:03
brainwashvia a pastebin service like https://paste.ubuntu.com/15:03
brainwashyogg: I would ask in the samba channel15:04
brainwashyogg: people over there should know how to debug your issue15:04
yoggkk thx15:04
en1gmabrainwash im not sure if those PPS's work with 18.04. one sec ill do a pastebin. there are alot of PPA's in that link above that i was trying to add. i think all of give similar errors. gimmie a min and will copy and paste to pastebin15:12
en1gmabrainwash https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SYBZgzktxj/15:14
simonizor_> alot of PPA's in that link above I was trying to add15:14
simonizor_You should probably stop yourself right there lol15:14
simonizor_If you're trying to add more than like 5 or 6 PPAs tops, you're gonna have a bad time15:15
en1gmaits a guide and its supposed to work. maybe i should reinstall with 16.0415:16
brainwashdoes not have packages for 18.0415:17
en1gmai hate to do that. i just did a complete fresh install of 18.04 about 4 days ago15:17
en1gmaohhhh maybe i need to build my own15:17
brainwashare you aware that 18.04 final is not out yet?15:17
brainwashwell, I suggest contacting the PPA maintainer(s)15:18
en1gmayea in a week it is though right?15:20
en1gmaall those ppa maintainers i need to contact?15:20
brainwashnot all of them15:22
omarv_brainwash: Finally I got up the system !.. but Iḿs affraid to restart again. I did sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade, in order to ensure it.. any advise to double check and avoid future errors ?17:11
MittlesMittles> hey I'm wondering if anyone can reproduce this error with Minecraft.jar https://i.imgur.com/HRzRl8J.png I've tried just about everything with purging and reinstalling the certs for openjdk18:22
brainwashMittles: did you run "sudo update-ca-certificates -f"?18:29
brainwashwhat about removing "-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode" from the start up command?18:31
geniiIs your cert in the relative path ?18:32
Mittlesbrainwash: no difference18:33
Mittlesgenii: not sure18:33
Mittlespurging everything mentioned then installing strictly openjdk-8-jre worked18:42
Mittlesand now 9 works18:44
MittlesI think that 9 isn't pulling in the certs properly18:44
brainwashbug 174313918:46
ubottubug 1743139 in openjdk-9 (Ubuntu) "java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174313918:46
brainwashI suggest adding your findings to that report18:46
Mittlesbrainwash: done19:03
Andreas__Hello, I've got something strange going on. After a fresh install I can't login to a wayland session unless I first login to xorg, remove the trash icon (the only icon) or disable all desktop icons. Then I can switch to a wayland session. Anyone know what that is about?19:05
Andreas__Or rather then can't, it freezes and throws me back to the login screen again.19:12
Andreas__Just tried turning it back on, in the wayland session, and that seems to work fine. It's there, and not crashing anymore. I wonder if it has to do with me changing to "single display", for some reason it detects my unplugged vga connector as a display.19:17
naccAndreas__: wayland is still a tech preivew in 18.04, not sure how big of a priority it is right now19:18
Andreas__nacc: Okay, thanks. I'll look into other stuff instead. Like characters intermittently missing from the greeter.19:22
naccAndreas__: seems more worthwhile :)19:23
Andreas__How should missing characters from the greeter be reported? I'm unsure about what package is at fault, etc. ref: https://imgur.com/a/iK7BH19:49
brainwashAndreas__: gdm319:52
brainwashopen a terminal window and run "ubuntu-bug gdm3"19:52
Andreas__brainwash: thanks.19:52
brainwashoh. did you test gdm3 on xorg vs. wayland yet?19:53
brainwashI recall suggesting doing that19:53
geniiAndreas__: Do you have an Intel video card?19:56
howarthPlaying with CloudReady Chrome OS on a MacPro with HD2600 XT graphics, I noticed something interesting. While the bionics video drivers produce tearing in Netflix playback, the video drivers in Chrome OS do not.19:59
howarthI assume it must be a drm thing but you really don't seem to have access to dig down Chrome OS to see the details of the video drivers.20:00
Andreas__brainwash: Oh, forgot that once I reinstalled once again. adding something to the boot command in grub was it? could you remind me again? genii: intel + nvidia optimus 620m, currently using nouveau drivers.20:00
Mittleshowarth: be sure you're turning on gpu acceleration in your browser20:00
howarthI am using google-chrome-stable20:00
howarthor are you talking about flash?20:01
Mittlesdoesn't use flash20:01
geniiAndreas__: Might have been nomodeset20:01
howarthnot so sure about that20:01
Andreas__genii: Ah, that's it. Thanks.20:02
howarthwhen I played with Chrome OS, I had to enable flash to get the browser to play Netflix videos20:02
MittlesNetflix doesn't use Flash20:02
MittlesIt uses Widevine20:02
MittlesYou can enable that in Firefox now too20:03
howarthwell I had to enable all the extra non-free options20:03
howarthone of them was required as the default didn't work20:03
howarthbut this was under CloudReady's Chrome OS20:03
Mittlesread the article20:04
MittlesAlso the gpu drivers you're using are relevant20:05
howarthradeon with changes recommended in https://cubethethird.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/eliminate-screen-tearing-with-amd-gpu-on-ubuntu/20:07
howarththe tearing isn't horrible but is visible once every few minutes in playback20:07
howarthbasically like a scan line rupturing in random places20:08
howarthI was wondering if any of that could be related to the mesa in use20:08
howarthI have been annoyed that the bionic mesa is still -rc despite the 8.0 release having been out for awhile now20:09
howarthUnless they are waiting to start sampling out of the 8.1 mesa branch20:10
Mittlesyou really need to just turn on hardware acceleration20:11
Mittlesit's off on radeon by default20:13
Mittlesshould work fine20:13
howarthSo that is a google decision to turn it off?20:13
Mittlesit's just off by default20:14
Mittlesi sent you the instructions to turn it on20:14
howarthI'll have to check under Chrome OS to see if it is enabled there20:15
Andreas__brainwash: that seems to have fixed the missing characters. but i might have broken something else, booting took 3x the time. changing the boot sequence from 10 seconds to: 5 sec blank screen -> "black flicker" (turning display off/on, or changing gfx output or something) -> 20-30 sec blank screen -> ubuntu logo for 2 sec -> greeter showing up. think I'll try a fresh install again, then retry the debugging steps, so 20:30
Andreas__I don't mess this up. thanks for the help thus far.20:30
sublime48Hi. I'm having trouble with Intel AC 9560 wi-fi on 18.04 beta222:16
sublime48I can provide lshw output22:16
sublime48Connectivity works, but I can't get above 3 Mbps on a 100 Mbps net connection22:17
sublime48Other devices on the network get full speed22:17
sublime48this is on a Gigabyte H370 mobo using the new Intel CNVi tech22:24
omarvbrainwash: Restarted,, everything is ok,..thanks for your help and support,...23:05
briefare there any needed steps before do-release-upgrade -d? I'm getting "BAD signature from "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key (2012) <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"" eventhough apt-key update lists the key C0B21F3223:19
tomreynbrief: what are you yupgrading from / to ? lsb_release -ds23:26
brief16.04.4 to 18.04.23:36
briefpff, now, it's working23:37
briefI thought I have to search for MitM23:37
tomreynthe message "BAD signature from "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key (2012) <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" specifically suggests that this very signing key is already available, just a signature which semed to have been made by this key (or its private part) was deemed to be incorrect.23:41

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