
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:48
EriC^^morning all05:22
ducassegood morning, everyone06:08
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
BluesKajHowdy folks08:37
ducassehi BluesKaj - all well today?08:41
BluesKajHi ducasse, yes, just can't sleep ...spent too much time asleep in my easy chair last night :-)08:43
BluesKajHow about you?08:43
ducassegot woken up by the cat early today, she was up so nobody else got to sleep08:44
BluesKajdemanding your attention eh?08:47
ducasseyup, attention and breakfast08:48
ducassehad to serve food, and i could get started on my morning08:48
BluesKajgonna be "interesting" day here, cable internet tech is coming to do a "professional installation" read more costs for me. After all this trouble they'd better get it working or I'll be asking for a refund08:50
* BluesKaj needs more coffee08:52
ducassewell, good luck with that!08:53
JimBuntug'morn. Good luck on the cable install BluesKaj. Give Luna some extra love for me ducasse, after all... cats are not people.08:53
ducassehi JimBuntu - i'll do that, thanks :) how's your morning?08:55
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu thanks, i'll probly need some luck today :-)08:56
* BluesKaj heads to the kitchen for more coffee08:57
JimBuntuWell ducasse I have started my morning about 1.5 hours ahead of schedule, but it's going well so far. My back is still hurting from a fall over the weekend, but not nearly as much as it was, so that too is a good thing.08:58
ducasseJimBuntu: ouch, hope it improves soon! get better!08:59
JimBuntuThanks ducasse, it's getting better, day by day, basically hurt my tail bone and surrounding area. I can't remember the last time I hurt myself like this.09:01
BluesKajJimBuntu, I wish you luck then as well, hope your back heals well.09:01
JimBuntuThanks BluesKaj09:05
BluesKajI've had back muscle strains and pulls over the years, so I can sympathize09:06
BluesKajOK, ISP tech came and installed new cable, router working great, speed upt o 104mb DL  and 11.5mb UL ..big diff from running 7mb for the last 17 yrs or so.15:30
oerheksnice :-)15:30
oerheksDo they give you a refund?15:31
ducassecongrats, BluesKaj :)15:31
BluesKajoerheks, nope they fixed my problem so no refund15:32
BluesKajthanks ducasse :-)15:32
BluesKajthe tech guy was a real pro and fast worker, probly a contract guy, paid by the job15:33
oerheksthose are the best: no coffee and rapid labour15:34
BluesKajnow I have to call and cancel the previous ISP service15:34
ducassetime to start torrenting? ;)15:36
JimBuntuVery glad to hear it BluesKaj, 100+mbps down is great.15:41
pragmaticenigmaducasse, with those speed ... going to get in trouble faster (assuming some actions aren't on the up-and-up)15:43
daftykinsBluesKaj: excellent news :D welcome to the real internet15:47
ducassehey daftykins - painted those windows yet? :)15:50
daftykins:( meanie15:50
daftykinsnope i haven't touched a brush!15:50
daftykinsi suppose right now would be an ideal time...15:50
ducassenah, there's plenty of time, spring is just getting started :)15:51
daftykinsthere is that, although the sooner i get them done and the scaffold taken away, another one becomes easier to access15:52
daftykinsalthough young Mischief may mourn its' loss15:52
ducassethe scaffold? i guess it's great for cats to climb,,,15:53
daftykinssure is15:54
* oerheks used to be scaffolder15:58
pragmaticenigmanacc, I have no idea what that was supposed to mean16:15
naccpragmaticenigma: your message just now said "#ubuntu+offtopic"16:15
naccthat's not the channel name, afaik16:15
JimBuntu News from softpedia: Canonical Needs Your Help to Test GNOME Memory Leak Patches in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS <http://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-wants-you-to-test-gnome-memory-leak-patches-in-ubuntu-18-04-lts-520751.shtml>16:15
pragmaticenigmanacc, oh16:15
pragmaticenigmaI had a typo16:15
ubot5`#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:15
JimBuntunacc, maybe pragmaticenigma was secretly making sure Guest didn't come here16:15
pragmaticenigmahyphens are so negative... I was trying to stay positive16:16
naccpragmaticenigma: yeah :)16:16
daftykinsbelieve me, that channel is a lot more negative ;)16:16
pragmaticenigmaprobably best I don't go there then16:17
oerheksyour a genious ..16:18
oerheks#ubuntu+offtopic - support && offtopic :-D16:18
pragmaticenigmayeah! there we go16:18
SlidingHornlol perect16:20
oerheksi am not sure what will happen, guidelines say single # is an official support room.16:20
oerheks.. but you are welcome16:21
tgm4883nacc: moving this to -discuss16:46
tgm4883nacc: so what if it can change between runs of free. That doesn't negate what is required for the program to run16:47
oerhekshis question is oddly stated indeed16:47
tgm4883oerheks: well that's what the page he linked to says16:49
nacctgm4883: let's say you run free and it says you have 512M free16:49
naccbut of your memory 5G is page cache16:50
naccyou actually have 5.5 G free16:50
naccif you just discard the page cache16:50
naccbut their page says you can't run their IDE16:50
tgm4883Sure, but lets say I have 8GB of RAM. I have a SQL server that requires 4GB of RAM, a webserver that requires 2GB of RAM, and an application that requires 6GB of RAM. My server's going to be unhappy when it tries to run all three of those at the same time16:51
nacca) overcommit is common16:52
naccb) 'requiring XX RAM' unless you mlock it is not a requirement16:52
tgm4883nacc: ok, but now we're arguing over "this is the minimum the program needs to function" and "this is the configuration we're willing and able to support"16:53
tgm4883nacc: Mostly, those stated requirements are probably to cut down on support calls16:53
nacctgm4883: my point was simply, if a website says you need 'XX memory free', it's indeterminate if you actually have that much free for an application to use, unless you drop caches (at least) immediately before checking free16:54
naccas the kernel will rightfully use all of memory for page cache if it can16:54
tgm4883nacc: argueably you could take the free column and the cache column and find a relevant enough answer16:55
nacctgm4883: i suppose that's true...16:56
nacctgm4883: which i guess then should be amended in #ubuntu :)16:56
lotus|Bqtesting from phone17:42
BluesKajalright , vpn back inservice after changing dns servers in the router17:42
BluesKajMontreal Debian and Redhat sponsered DNS , kind of cool reallly :-)17:44
SlidingHornapparently people are spreading FUD in reddit comment threads about the data collection in 18.04.  I'm correcting the record as I see them21:53
daftykinswhat's the new deal, another fiasco like the amazon shopping lenses all over again?21:54
SlidingHornopt-in for upgrades, opt-out for new installs...just basic stuff, version/flavor, mfg info, country, y/n to 3rd party codecs, y/n to download updates during install, etc.21:55
daftykinsah reet21:55
SlidingHornThere are some folks who obviously have an agenda though, as some of the posts I make get downvoted from time to time21:56
oerheksthey hear *data* and heartbeat rises 15%21:57
oerhekswhen i read *bloated* i get the feeling they want to share their perfect setup.21:59
SlidingHornexactly.  I just try to answer with facts and sources...nothing opinionated21:59

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