
valorie!es | [AdMiN]00:00
ubottu[AdMiN]: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:00
hrochasomebody can help me to make a swap archive?00:08
hrochasomebody read me?00:11
viewer|91293can you consider Ubuntu 18.0402:30
viewer|91293I was told my Ubuntu 17.04 e.o.l02:31
viewer|91293i have kubuntu 17.04 and kde plasma 5.9.4 with my kubuntu install02:33
viewer|91293i was needing help changing my network workgroup name in kde or command prompt02:35
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IrcsomeBotSanathShetty was added by: SanathShetty10:57
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Hi10:58
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Hi :)11:07
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BluesKajHiyas all11:46
user|48873how to enable root login on the login screen12:38
Tm_Tuser|48873: you don't12:39
BluesKajthis not debian12:39
BluesKajis not12:39
BluesKajHi Tm_T , LTNS!12:39
Tm_Thi BluesKaj12:45
usrshvthere is tolls for replace update manager (discover) in kubuntu? can i update kubuntu with update-notifier from ubuntu-mate?13:20
usrshv‎‎ there is tolls for replace update manager (discover) in kubuntu? can i update kubuntu with update-notifier from ubuntu-mate?13:24
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> How can I connect to WiFi network?13:44
usrshvclick on notification, "network" (tray at bottom right).13:46
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> But network doesn't show wifi symbol13:48
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Can I enable WiFi through cammands?13:48
usrshvdid you see the checkboxes? is wifi enabled?13:49
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> That's what I'm saying I can see any option to enable wifi13:50
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> *I can't13:50
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Sorry13:50
usrshvin upper left corner of "networks" si two checkboxes.. is left one checked?13:51
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/wNglAKWQ/file_5899.jpg13:52
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/57YzIt5K/file_5901.jpg13:53
hateballsanath, perhaps your wifi card has not had its drivers installed? or there is a physical kill switch for it?13:53
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> How to install drivers for WiFi card?13:54
usrshvtry in terminal without quotas " nmcli g "13:54
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> I don't have any physical kill switch on keyboard13:54
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Ok I'll try13:54
usrshvthat will show is there wifi hardware present..13:54
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/LzFfpgd1/file_5903.jpg13:55
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> It says state disconnected13:56
usrshvtry " nmcli networking on " ?13:59
usrshvthen " nmcli g " , maybe...14:00
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> @usrshv, Didn't work14:00
usrshvthat worked before on ubuntu?14:01
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> I don't know I didn't had ubuntu14:02
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> I recently Installed kubuntu14:02
usrshv" nmcli radio all on " ?14:03
usrshvnmcli g still says "connectivity unknown" ?14:04
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/XlPCD20E/file_5905.jpg14:05
usrshvok, i simple user, so last ones: check in tray "airplane mode", then uncheck... ‎https://irc-attachments.kde.org/wNglAKWQ/file_5899.jpg14:08
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> I have it unchecked from the beginning14:09
usrshvyou need to see ! two ! checkboxes. just switch that one on and then off. Just maybe?14:10
diogenes_IrcsomeBot, what's the issue?14:11
usrshvdiogenes ‎[20:52] ‎https://irc-attachments.kde.org/wNglAKWQ/file_5899.jpg that his issue14:12
usrshvhttps://irc-attachments.kde.org/XlPCD20E/file_5905.jpg and that14:12
diogenes_did it work in live usb session?14:15
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Yes14:15
diogenes_IrcsomeBot, go to driver manager and see what driver your network card is using14:16
diogenes_and if it has an alternative driver for it14:16
usrshvIrcsomebot Alt + SPACE , type " sy " , press ENTER. driver manager in hardware section.14:18
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Where is hardware section?14:20
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> I can't see it14:20
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/VVTnG94H/file_5907.jpg14:20
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/TedZ4EVF/file_5909.jpg14:20
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Sorry14:20
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> I can see it14:21
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> 😬14:21
usrshvscroll down to the bottom )14:21
usrshvdouble click on the titlebar, to maximize window. you also can customize settings of window manager later, to auto maximize.14:22
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/07w10Iat/file_5911.jpg14:23
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> The box was unchecked, I checked it now14:23
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Applying changes14:23
diogenes_apply cahges14:23
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Loading14:24
diogenes_also you can tick the micrococe intel too14:24
diogenes_reboot afterwards14:24
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Yes I checked it too14:24
usrshvnot do that14:24
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Why?14:24
usrshvafter recent updates, i never seen that checkbox (intel) ever again.14:25
usrshvfirst install broadcom, then reboot, then install additional drivers...14:27
usrshvBetter, (of course if were network working) first update, only then look, if the proprietary drivers still availible (may glitch).14:28
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> It glitched😭14:30
usrshvHow current state? drivers downloaded?14:31
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Rebooting14:31
usrshvgood luck!14:31
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> The screen is glitched14:36
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/WtlSddvc/file_5913.jpg14:36
usrshvis network works, any way?14:37
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> No14:37
diogenes_IrcsomeBot, disable secureboot14:37
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Do I need to disable UEFI secure boot?14:38
usrshvIcsomeBot yes and NO... time...14:38
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> ?14:38
usrshvI - disabled, but... you may be need to reinstall kubuntu. my UEFI not recognized installation, after secboot disabled.14:39
usrshvyou know how to disable secureboot?14:40
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Then what to do?14:40
usrshvtry, you anyway can enable it later.14:41
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> @usrshv, No14:41
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> I don't know how to disable secure boot14:42
usrshvIn my laptop, i need press and keep F2 when !! computer boots !!. to enter BIOS. see in Internet about that.. you may try delete key.14:44
usrshvIf succesfull, you will see diffirent options there.. (in BIOS).14:45
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Is it safe to do that?14:46
usrshvYes, if before press anything in BIOS, you will read small text in it.14:47
usrshvFirst, search14:47
usrshvFirst, search in Internet "how enter BIOS" for you laptop model!14:48
usrshvAnd see screenshots, fear no.14:48
usrshvIrcsomeBot do you understend my runglish ) ?14:49
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Yes😊14:49
D0U91E18.04 released?15:42
geniiThe 26th15:43
usrshvDOU91E yes, but not yet, as people at REACT OS says )15:43
D0U91Ethanks guys15:46
D0U91Eusrshv, I dont understand15:46
geniiD0U91E: What version are you currently on?15:47
usrshvDOU91E joke. "It released, yes. But not yet ).15:47
geniiD0U91E: They are just making obscure references to another operating system which is never finished15:47
D0U91Ethank you - keep it stupid simple for me ... lol15:54
usrshvDOU91E "Keep it simple, stupid!" is not so fanny as your variant, friend XD... (keep it stupid, simple!). I agree!16:00
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> My problem didn't solve but still thank you guys for your awesome assistance.16:04
usrshvIcsomeBot do you disabled secureboot?16:05
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> I didn't enable it16:10
usrshvIcsomeBot  https://irc-attachments.kde.org/WtlSddvc/file_5913.jpg your screenshot, see? enabled by default. so you need disable that, as diogenes_ say?16:12
usrshvIrcsomeBot: ‎[21:37] ‎<‎diogenes_‎>‎ IrcsomeBot, disable secureboot16:17
usrshvYou not enabled it, but that vendor preset, maybe.16:17
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usrshvIrcsomeBot what will you do, then?16:25
acheronukusrshv: 'IrcsomeBot' is a telegraph to IRC bridge bot relaying messages, so it makes no sense to address it like that ;)16:33
usrshvacheronuk | How bot determine, then, to whoam i adresses? Or that spread "incoming" messagers from there?16:36
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> <--- the name there in the <>16:38
acheronuk^ me replying via telegram16:39
usrshv99 bot over there, 99 bot of us \__(*L*)__/.. Take one down and pass around, 98 bots over there... )16:41
usrshvIrcsomeBot - are you are the <acheronuk>?16:42
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> My name is Sanath16:46
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> only when I'm replying via telegram16:47
usrshv<SanathShetty> and <acheronuk> company! what you gonna do with secureboot?16:48
user|62362Hello, when approx. will be 18.04 realese? hanks for advance16:49
usrshvuser|62362 someone sayed, that 26th will... [22:43] ‎<‎genii‎>‎ The 26th16:50
user|62362thanks you, have a nice day/night )16:51
usrshvdid someon know, how autoexit konsole?17:14
diogenes_usrshv, what do you mean?17:15
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Type exit17:16
usrshvI mean " konsole -e cd /home/usrshv/tor-browser_en-US/Browser | exec ./start-tor-browser ", to konsole close itself after command executed. Thanks >> diogenes_ , SanathShetty!17:18
usrshvI need to go and fall in my bed. Good Luck, friends!17:20
geniiTry --nofork17:22
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Guest4114does anyone installed kubuntu 17.10 on usb stick?18:05
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Yes18:05
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> I did18:07
Guest4114the botmanager won't load by install any ideas?18:09
jalcineyou have to give a bit more information than that, Guest411418:10
jalcinelike what do you see? what kind of log messages are showing for you?18:10
Guest4114kubuntu 17.10 try to make a new install amd64 bit18:13
aboudreaultWhen is planned the GA of Kubuntu Bionic?18:14
Guest4114jalcine from the install gui is only error about the bootlader 2nd try I have ignored now stocks by the time server18:16
jalcineaboudreault: it might be the 26th18:18
aboudreaultjalcine, awesome18:18
Guest4114is pending by the time no installation progress :(18:20
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BionicMacaboudreault: Here ya go : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule18:53
aboudreaultha, didn't know it was on the main ubuntu site. good to know18:53
jalcinenice nick BionicMac haha18:54
ktechoHi. Is there any way to get kde apps 18.04 released today for kubuntu 18.04? Maybe in backports?19:03
acheronukktecho: what is in 18.04 apps that you want? we will be building them once 18.10 development gets under way for that, but we are in freeze right now19:13
ktechoacheronuk: what is in? I've read the announcement and everything is quite nice. I like dolphin improvements. I like having kbackup. And some others that I read about but cannot remember just right now.19:28
ktechoacheronuk: I understand about the freeze and maybe fixing pending kubuntu bugs is more important :)19:28
ktechoJust asking if some automatic building stuff were being made or if there are plans to release that :)19:29
acheronukI have been doing initial packaging for kbackup today, as we are in sorta limbo right now19:29
ktechoI would hate to wait for kubuntu 18.10 to have all of that :)19:29
ktechoacheronuk: yeah, I was looking for a backup app and maybe kbackup would suit my needs :)19:30
acheronukall this stuff builds in our CI, but outside that we have to do manual builds. well, I have a few things to upstream git builds elsewhere, but only 5 or 6 packages of interest19:30
acheronuklet me add kbackup to that19:31
acheronukktecho: building in https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/experimental19:42
acheronukI've not tried this myself yet! :P19:43
ktechoIf I add that experimental PPA, all the packages are going to be updated to experimental, right?19:46
acheronukjust grab the .deb if you want19:49
BionicMacjalcine: Thanks!19:50
acheronukseems to work: https://i.imgur.com/0Vck2XW.png19:51
ktechoacheronuk. Nice!! Will try after dinner!19:51
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Guest20255hi now grub-efi-amd64-signed unabe to install in /target/ system won't start without it :(20:53
Guest20255any ideas20:56
ktechoacheronuk: it works, thanks!21:28
acheronukkool :)21:29

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