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mvohey, I get import errors for the core18 github code import (https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snap-core18/github). it saysAssertionError: Invalid sha for <Commit 9e3923f554968dc57e72dc5e0362010616c0b287>: f6761bb6d9ea518f7b476d4ed68147c44b12d7b8   - anything I can do to fix or workaround?08:56
wgrantmvo: Are you deliberately doing a git->bzr import rather than a git->git one?09:07
mvowgrant: I did not find the knob to enable snap builds from a git repo, if you can point me to it I will be very happy and use git09:08
mvoI mean git->git09:08
cjwatsonmvo: Go to the branch you want to build it from09:09
cjwatsonIt's there, rather than on the repo09:09
mvooh, ok. let me try that09:09
mvothank you!09:09
cjwatson(Once we have a semi-decent branch picker, I might add it to the repo as well to reduce confusion)09:10
mvocjwatson, wgrant going to the right place seems to have helped, I have a create-snap-package link now. thanks for your help!09:12
cjwatsonThe git->bzr thing is surely a bug, but whether anyone will ever get to it ...09:13
mvocjwatson: yeah, I don't care about this at all, I just want the snap to build :)09:13
mvoI will delete the bzr branch once sergio removed his test-snap build from it (right now I can't because there is a snap build depending on it)09:15
mvowould it be possible to get a slight increase of the default build score for core18 ?09:15
cjwatsonWe could, but is it needed?  The build queue is pretty empty apart from test rebuilds on ARM, so it should be dispatched quickly anyway09:16
mvoyeah, it seems to be fine. it initially told me 1h wait on amd64 but that was a bit on the pessimistic side it seems09:25
cjwatsonI poked a few builders back into action, which will have helped09:27
mvothank you!09:27
gpiccoliHi folks! I'm experiencing some timeouts while comment in Launchpad - after reloading the page about 8 times, I managed to get my comment published. Quick look on Google showed me a LP bug about this: #165729211:19
gpiccoliIt shows as fix released...but I just experienced the issue. Does anybody know the root cause?11:20
gpiccoliThanks in advance11:20
cjwatsongpiccoli: It's some strange periodic internal postgresql thing that we've never managed to track down11:43
gpiccoliinteresting cjwatson...so do you know the reason LP #1657292 is marked as Fix Released?11:44
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1657292 in Launchpad itself "timeout error on launchpad" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165729211:44
gpiccolii mean...which fix?11:44
cjwatsongpiccoli: because some random person did that11:44
cjwatsonlike, the bug reporter closed their own bug11:45
gpiccoliOh cool, and is it possible for me, after comment there, that no fix was released and the bug still happens?11:45
cjwatsonof course it is11:45
gpiccolicool, I'll do it =]11:45
gpiccolitnx cjwatson11:45
cjwatsonit's also useless :)11:45
gpiccolioh...meaning noone will ever try to fix this ?11:46
cjwatsonwe know about it, but the best hope we have is to upgrade to a newer postgresql and hope that we get some more information that way11:46
cjwatsonno, meaning that other people have already made the same comment11:46
cjwatsonand there are other open bugs about the same thing11:46
gpiccolireally? I'll try to find some, worth to close the newer as dup of the older ones right?11:47
gpiccolithis one was my first google result11:47
cjwatsonhmm, now I say that I can't find any11:48
cjwatsonlet me reopen this one and clean up the metadata to be vaguely useful11:49
gpiccoliGreat cjwatson, thanks a lot11:49
gpiccolitnx cjwatson12:01
acheronuks390x builders need a poke?15:30
cjwatsonacheronuk: I/O error trying to launch instances, won't be trivial to resolve, may take until tomorrow15:39
acheronukcjwatson: ok. thanks for the info15:40
ricotzcjwatson, hi, are there issues with ppa uploads not working occasionally?16:15
cjwatsonricotz: You'll have to give examples16:16
ricotzcjwatson, trying to upload a larger package which takes 2 hours here which gets stuck at the end16:17
ricotzdput doesnt show an error, just gets stuck indefinitely16:18
cjwatsonricotz: We did hear of some problems with large uploads, not diagnosed yet.  It's worth trying whichever of SFTP or FTP you aren't currently using16:19
ricotzcjwatson, it is using ftp here16:25
ricotzusing the default /etc/dput.cf16:25
cjwatsonricotz: OK, try SFTP instead as a workaround for the time being16:32
ricotzcjwatson, I see16:33
ricotzcjwatson, is this a recent problem or already randomly occurring in the past?16:35
cjwatsonSomewhat recent as far as I can tell; I suspect it appeared when I upgraded txpkgupload to Twisted 16.5.016:37
cjwatsonUnfortunately I haven't had time to look into it yet16:38
ricotzalright, I was just hoping a retry could work, since the uploader machine doesn't have a registered ssh key16:38
cjwatsonI'm afraid I don't know the exact conditions16:39
cjwatsonYou can certainly try ...16:39
ricotzok, thanks16:42
ricotzcjwatson, the retry which was in progress worked out :)16:55

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