
ptetteh227I don't know if this is a right place to ask my lubuntu question00:14
wxlif it's support related, it is00:14
JohnDoe3I have a problem with the transparency of the conky. but I do not know who is to blame for this. conky, xcompmgr or openbox (dock area). normal https://imgur.com/a/slmdk but ineed dock https://imgur.com/a/cQPXo lubuntu 18.0407:17
JohnDoe_71Rusdiogenes_: do you use conky?07:51
diogenes_JohnDoe_71Rus, hehe, i'm too grown up for conky07:51
JohnDoe_71Rushow old are you? if no secret07:52
JohnDoe_71Rushehe 3607:52
diogenes_and you still need those fancy stuff on your screen? XD07:52
JohnDoe_71Rusi need info https://imgur.com/a/cQPXo07:53
diogenes_why you need it?07:54
JohnDoe_71Rusbecause i need to know :)07:55
diogenes_тогда уж лучше конки от cairo-dock :)07:56
JohnDoe_71Rusкайро тяжелый. plank легче. Cairo-dock is heavy. the plank is lighter07:57
diogenes_for your system it's not heavy07:58
JohnDoe_71Rusthis is one of the systems. I use a flash drive on different machines07:59
diogenes_ok I see07:59
JohnDoe_71RusThe problem with the transparency conky. but only if own_window_type dock or panel08:01
JohnDoe_71Rusя не знаю в чем проблема, коньки, xcompmgк или так реализована dock область в openbox08:02
diogenes_I was using a lot of those kind of applets in the past, in my youth :) but now i don't like anything on my screen, it's just the wallpaper and that's it, now even panel, only notification area in one small corner and it is hidden all the time.08:02
diogenes_do you like Evghenyi Volnov?08:04
JohnDoe_71RusI don't know him08:07
florenceHello, it's my first day with Lubuntu!17:06
florenceThank you! I never thought my almost retired pc could go so fast in 201817:09
dannaxHi!, the sound from my laptop doesn't work... an Intel Corporation 7 Series/C21619:39
dannaxDoes anybody had troubles with the same model?19:40
wxldannax: i doubt anyone here has that exact same model but i'm sure we can figure this out. give me the results (use a pastebin) of `lspci -nnk`19:40
dannaxwxl, https://pastebin.com/ELhRar4419:42
wxlone sec dannax19:42
wxldannax: did you check `alsamixer` to see if anything was muted?19:48
dannaxYes I did19:48
wxlgive me the results also of `lsmod` and `aplay -l`19:49
wxlaaaaand `cat /proc/asound/card*/codec* | grep Codec` too19:49
dannaxwxl, lsmod https://pastebin.com/RA7mr5H019:50
dannaxwxl, https://pastebin.com/FNr34zU619:51
wxldannax: what laptop do you have again?19:56
dannaxwxl, an HP Pavilion Dv619:56
wxlwow this one is perplexing20:00
dannaxwxl, hahaha yes it is, does `hda-jack-retask` sounds familiar?20:01
wxlyeah i saw that but i'm not sure it's legit20:02
wxloh i take it back. that's probably good. it's an alsa thing20:02
wxlunfortunately i can't really help walk you through it :/20:02
dannaxwell, lets see if it works, brb20:03
wxlit should be in the standard ubuntu repos tho20:03
wxlyou should not need the ppa (which i generally don't recommend)20:03
wxli think if you install alsa-tools and also-tools-gui it should give you an HDAJackRetask menu item20:03
wxldannax: ^^20:04
dannaxwxl, gonna try with alsa-tools-gui, already have alsa-tools but it is not included20:05
wxlthat's the one dannax20:05
wxlthis is from the package list:20:05
wxli don't think it has a manpage so note /usr/share/doc/alsa-tools-gui/hdajackretask/README.gz20:05
dannaxwxl, well, good news, its working now! I did this http://blog.incognitech.in/beats-audio-on-ubuntu-hp-envy-15/20:11
wxldannax: using alsa-tools-gui didn't work?20:12
wxlor maybe that's what you did do20:12
wxlgiven the note at the bottom20:12
wxlthe reason i ask is because ppas are not supported. at any momemt they can and have disappeared or completely block support for future versions. staying with something canonical (lowercase c, mind you) is going to be the best long term solution20:13
dannaxwxl, I did it, just install the alsa-tools-gui, then I got the HDAJackRetask option on the menu, just override the config (no idea what I did), and now its working20:16
dannaxno pap needed20:16
wxlglad we got you fixed20:17
dannaxwxl, thanks!20:17
wxlthat is not something i've ever had to deal with before!20:17
wxlapparently it's a beats audio thing :/20:17
dannaxwxl, yes, it is a beats audio mess :D20:19
[itchy]hi i had some newbie question. i am on ubuntu and i want to make a bootable usb with lubuntu. i tried to do this from a windows computer few days ago and it was giving me problems. so trying with a ubuntu. is there any recommended software/method of doing this?22:25
[itchy]i seem to have mkisofs, about to give it a try with that22:26

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