
madmangunUpgraded today and the left/right mouse click didn't work and I couldn't even bring up a shell or use function keys.  Renamed ./local/share/gnome-shell and rebooted.  That corrected the issue.00:43
madmangunTo be more precise, I was already on 18.04 as of last beta.  Upgraded from yesterday to today and had the issue00:45
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
lotuspsychjelvrp16: logout and choose wayland at login05:02
lvrp16can i set it systemwide via a config file?05:02
lvrp16this is a bootstrapped image05:02
lvrp16lotuspsychje: so that new users default to wayland05:03
lotuspsychjenot sure sorry lvrp16 05:07
lotuspsychjelvrp16: maybe check with systemd05:11
ubottusystemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units05:11
flocculantmorning lotuspsychje :)05:21
lvrp16lotuspsychje: thanks for the help05:22
lotuspsychjemornin flocculant 05:33
LaibschCan somebody help me understand what's going on in bug 991471? It still affects bionic and I'd like to see what I can do to get it fixed. IOW, how does the automatic mounting happen?06:31
ubottubug 991471 in udisks2 (Ubuntu) "multi-device btrfs filesystem automatically mounted once for each device" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99147106:31
arsdragonflyNewly upgraded to Ubuntu Studio 18.04 beta. Black screen after boot. Htop on tty1 shows lightdm has started. Any ideas?06:36
eoli3nwill netboot installer be realease the same day that desktop installer ?07:25
lotuspsychjearsdragonfly: wich graphics card and xorg or wayland?07:29
arsdragonflyNvidia 970m on a laptop and xorg07:33
arsdragonflylotuspsychje: I just spent some time tracking it down and I think it should be this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/175273907:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752739 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "PRIME Synchronization doesn't work with linux-kernel 4.15." [High,Fix released]07:34
arsdragonflyThe fix for that is still not working for many other users, and I think I'm one of them07:35
lotuspsychjearsdragonfly: did you try !nomodeset to get in?07:36
arsdragonflyYes absolutely07:37
arsdragonflyNo luck07:37
arsdragonflywait what's the ! Is that a typo07:37
lotuspsychjearsdragonfly: ubuntu-desktop works good?07:37
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:38
arsdragonflyOh a bot command07:38
arsdragonflyI don't think it has anything to do with ubutustudio-desktop07:39
lotuspsychjearsdragonfly: could be, how about other driver versions?07:41
arsdragonflyThat's a good point, haven't tried that yet07:42
lotuspsychjearsdragonfly: ubuntu-drivers list to check whats availabe07:46
peter-bittnerWhere do I report issues related to touch screen support (touch screen on notebooks, e.g. the Lenovo X1 Carbon or Dell convertibles - probably hardware independent)? Specifically, GNOME Shell "Show application" button (lower left corner) and Firefox (2-finger) scrolling, all in Ubuntu 18.04.07:57
lotuspsychjepeter-bittner: i think you might wanna open a new bug for that07:58
lotuspsychje!bug | peter-bittner 07:58
ubottupeter-bittner: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:58
lotuspsychjepeter-bittner: it would help the community if you report this problem08:13
lotuspsychjeand help yourself08:14
Yamboy1Read the topic?08:20
Yamboy1What topic?08:21
lotuspsychjeYamboy1: can we help you?08:25
Yamboy1oh i get it now08:25
Yamboy1not right now08:25
Yamboy1but i'll probably have some questions when my laptop finally updates08:25
lotuspsychjeYamboy1: you can look in the future?08:27
eoli3nwill netboot installer be realease the same day that desktop installer ?08:46
peter-bittner> it would help the community if you report this problem09:11
peter-bittnerGreat, my question re reporting the two bugs is: which is the appropriate package or component?09:11
brainwashpeter-bittner: gnome-shell and/or libinput09:16
peter-bittnerbrainwash: Thanks! ... and the Firefox issue?09:18
brainwashpeter-bittner: is that issue specific to firefox only?09:19
peter-bittnerWell, Thunderbird's chat window has the same issue, but the GNOME Editor seems to handle two-finger scrolling correctly (though slowly). Some applications work perfectly fine (e.g. Franz multi-chat), so probably an issue with a specific library the Mozilla lads are using? 09:24
brainwashpeter-bittner: could be09:27
peter-bittnerbrainwash: If it's apparently (just) Thunderbird and Firefox would it still be appropriate to report the issue on Launchpad somewhere? If yes, where?09:55
amharrisHi, folks.  A buddy of mine updated from 17.10 (with Wayland, and Xorg having been removed as cleanup) to the latest 18.04 on his laptop, last night, but was faced with "Started GNOME display manager" ...and then nothing, but no prompt.  He says that Ctrl+Alt+F1 doesn't work [I'm across the pond from him, so seeing and helping in person isn't going to work].  Getting into recovery and adding bionic-proposed11:16
amharristo `sources.list` is fine, but getting a network connection to actually update and try installing dependencies that allegedly fix the problem isn't possible.  Suggestions on another way to approach this?11:16
sveinseI suppose since I'm running 18.04, this is a question here: My trashcan in gnome isn't working, I'm getting messages that files cant be moved to trash. OOI, what is the setup required for having trash?11:33
brainwashsveinse: maybe check ownership of ~/.local/share/Trash11:49
brainwashother than that, I would test with a second user account11:49
Andreas__sveinse: or are you lacking permission to move the files you are trying to trash? (though I believe the "move to trash" option should not be visible if that's the case) at least where I tested just now.12:04
sveinsebrainwash: I'm using a second fs mounted on /srv, which this file sits. Where relative to this drive is it attempting to put the trash?12:05
sveinsebecuase I'm perhaps thinking that the top-level trash dir on this fs is missing and not permitted to be created12:06
amharrisHas anyone any suggestions re. the no GUI/GNOME failing issue I mentioned earlier, post-upgrade [NVIDIA GPU]?  https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2386053 is what I found last night to be most accurate.12:14
Andreas__amharris, I have no idea what the problem is. do you know if your buddy can boot a live usb/cd and use "try ubuntu"? maybe it's possible to get a network connection there and you could remote into that session and continue debugging remotely?12:24
Andreas__sveinse, can you run this in the root of the mounted volume? sudo mkdir .Trash-$UID && sudo chown $USER:$USER .Trash-$UID12:28
amharrisAndreas__: That's arguably a possibility; but remote debugging aside, do you know how/if--through the use of a live USB/CD--it's possible to update/install packages onto an existing installation on the drive?12:29
amharrisBasically, to use that to access a connection and update what's already installed.  After all, bionic-proposed is allegedly all that's necessary.12:29
amharrisAndreas__: He should actually be online soon, at a place where he'll have access to Ethernet.  I'm just hoping that an Ethernet driver gets loaded in recovery -> root12:31
sveinseAndreas__: I have. My /home is bind mounted to /srv/home, and /srv is another drive. I've tested with having .Trash on either /srv or on /home, but neither seems to work immediately. I probably have to logout first, so I'll try it again later.12:32
sveinse(or, gnome doesn't support bind mounting and is confused by it)12:33
Andreas__amharris, I'm also on a laptop with a nvidia gpu. I did a fresh install again a couple of hour ago, and most things are working as they should. So I'm not sure what the problem is.12:51
Andreas__amharris, this might work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure12:51
amharrisAndreas__: Thanks.  Also, being fair, I think my buddy may have forgotten to trigger "enable networking" in recovery.12:52
amharrisAndreas__: Never having had to use that option, I assume it's just a state toggle and you can proceed to the root shell recovery after?12:52
amharrisIf so, then this should hopefully all work12:53
amharrisAndreas__: This is what he saw upon the first reboot [it was hanging here]: https://a.uguu.se/M0p3fHma4515.jpg12:54
amharrisAnother time, this happened: https://a.uguu.se/2W46dZlpYLr7.jpg12:54
Andreas__amharris, if it's gpu related it might be worth a try to test nomodeset when booting. Adding the nomodeset parameter instructs the kernel to not load video drivers and use BIOS modes instead until X is loaded. https://askubuntu.com/a/3883413:02
amharrisAndreas__: Cheers.  Yeah, I've seen that suggestion before, but never had to use it [luckily!]  I think we tend to learn most when we break things ...after fixing them, of course. ;-)13:04
amharrisAndreas__: I do first think we'll see what happens by using what's in bionic-proposed.13:04
amharrisAfter that, then this route; and after that, Live USB/CD.13:05
foresterHi. I use ubuntu-mate beta2 and have some issues.14:01
foresterkeyboard preferences -> typing break -> 2 (two) red/green strips (lines) are on the panel instead of only one.14:02
foresterWhen I use this option there are 2 indicators instead of 1.14:03
foresteron system tray (panel)14:03
foresterWhen I used brightness applet with default kernel, then on my notebook the backlight did not work untill I have changed the default kernel to my custom kernel from previous LinuxMint installation.14:05
foresterNow I use 4.14.27-gnu-rt21 kernel and brightness applet on system tray (in Mate) works and I can change a brightness of display.14:07
forester3. I use GoldenDict. And there is an icon of it on the system tray. And when you click on it you should see the popup submenu. But this does not work (an issue).14:11
foresterTotal: There are 3 issues. One of them is because of default linux kernel.14:12
foresterWas this helpful for you?14:28
foresterI am waiting your backfeed.14:40
PsychoBoBwhy ubuntu bionic is too slow with chrome /16:43
naccPsychoBoB: chrome is not an ubuntu package, fyi16:44
PsychoBoBwhat the browser native16:44
naccPsychoBoB: firefox, chromium, i think are both packaged16:44
PsychoBoBchromium is better 16:45
PsychoBoBthat ubuntu??16:45
PsychoBoBfor ubuntu16:45
naccPsychoBoB: i don't know about 'better' or what... also i have no issue with chrome on 18.0416:45
naccPsychoBoB: you got quieted for spamming the channel16:47
naccPsychoBoB: chromium is an ubuntu package, so it can be supported here; but also chrome works fine for many (afaik)16:47
Hans-Martinhiya, since I switched to bionic the ownCloud client does not work anymore since it does not find "org.kde.kwalletd". It seems that bionic by default supports the KDE5 version, kwalletd5, only. Is that correct?17:19
naccHans-Martin: owncloud-client from ubuntu?17:28
BluesKajok, someone here has a kde/plasma issue ?17:32
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: <Hans-Martin> hiya, since I switched to bionic the ownCloud client does not work anymore since it does not find "org.kde.kwalletd". It seems that bionic by default supports the KDE5 version, kwalletd5, only. Is that correct?17:33
BluesKajHans-Martin, sorry I have no experience with owncloud 17:37
=== lapaga_ is now known as lapaga
donflufflesi was upgrading to ubuntu 18.04 from ubuntu 17.10 but i pressed details and i dont know how to return to the selection18:04
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: its not yet reccomended to upgrade yet till final18:04
donflufflesokay my terminal will stay with the details infinitely18:05
donfluffleslotuspsychje, that doesnt even stick with what i was saying18:05
donflufflesi dont want to close it to not kill its process18:07
Hans-Martindonfluffles: at what stage of the upgrade are you? where did you press details? Normally you can't damage anything unless it has really started to upgrade.18:10
ducassedonfluffles: try pressing 'q'18:11
Hans-Martindonfluffles: or ESC18:11
donflufflesi pressed ESC18:13
donflufflesit didnt start upgrading18:13
foresterdonfluffles: What application do you use for upgrading?18:13
donflufflesand i was gonna press no either way18:13
donflufflesforester, i used the terminal18:14
donflufflesi dont sympathize ubuntu18:15
foresterwhen I use a terminal and don't want to proceed some task, then I just close the terminal. It works for me.18:15
donflufflesits way too complexic18:15
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: you already have been told not to troll18:16
Hans-Martindonfluffles: then upgrading to a pre-release version is a bad idea. Just don't do it.18:16
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: saying ubuntu is complex is only your opinion18:17
Hans-Martinbecause you will get terminals hung up in whatever process, and it's too complex for you to understand, and you come here and whine :-)18:17
lotuspsychjeits not reality18:17
donflufflesit may have fatal bugs but theyll get fixed once ill upgrade to the final release18:17
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: also i just told you its not very recommended yet to upgrade to bionic18:18
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: download the daily image and install?18:18
donflufflesno i dont like ubuntu 18.04's desktop etc18:18
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: so why upgrade?18:18
donflufflesbeaver background looks like a 5 minute work18:19
donflufflesfor some errors to get fixed18:19
donflufflesmany and varied errors get fixed during an update18:19
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: ok stop it now please18:19
donfluffleswhat is it18:20
donflufflesfine im leaving so i wont "whine" anymore ill go and let the terminal hit me in the ass18:21
BionicMacHello ladies and gentlemen. =) 18:46
BionicMacI'm thinking it si time to just jump in head first here -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MigratingToNetplan 18:46
=== akem_ is now known as akem
Guest57597is there anybody using ubuntu 18.04 with nvidia gpu?19:58
SlidingHorn!ask | Guest57597 out with it!  :)19:59
ubottuGuest57597 out with it!  :): Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:59
SlidingHornGuest57597: you might want to pick a more unique nick so others can more easily help as well19:59
=== Guest57597 is now known as teeramisu
teeramisui cant see gdm greeter with nvidia driver, have you this issue?20:01
SlidingHornteeramisu: I didn't...can you get to a TTY terminal and review your gdm logs in /var/log/gdm/ 20:03
teeramisuSlidingHorn /var/log/gdm not exist /var/log/gdm3 is empty20:09
teeramisuSlidingHorn: gdm opening but i only see purple background gdm greeter shows in second/unknown screen20:10
SlidingHornteeramisu: so it thinks there are 2 displays, and there are not?20:12
teeramisuSlidingHorn: its like this https://launchpadlibrarian.net/363805859/bug_screenshot.png20:12
teeramisuSlidingHorn: not20:12
SlidingHornI'm confused.20:14
teeramisuSlidingHorn: nvidia detects 2 screen but there is no 2 screen and gdm's primary screen is unknown/nonexistent screen20:16
SlidingHornIf you're using the nvidia driver, use  nvidia-settings  to remove the "second" screen from the configuration20:17
teeramisuSlidingHorn: https://serving.photos.photobox.com/390679832daec9f2857946a8475110a209af3ebad8ed97958931630b0efab164b6b25f68.jpg20:20
teeramisuSlidingHorn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/176220020:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1762200 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia detects 2 screen but there is no 2 screen" [Undecided,New]20:22
SlidingHornso apply what's possible, save configuration to your x configuration file (button below apply) and restart x (log out)20:24
teeramisuSlidingHorn: it says "Failed to generate X config file!"20:26
SlidingHornteeramisu: how did you launch the nvidia-settings application?20:31
teeramisuSlidingHorn: from activities20:32
SlidingHorntry doing it with the terminal:   gksu nvidia-settings   and try again20:33
teeramisuSlidingHorn: This is withot root access https://gist.github.com/Parduk/4c3c00e373e1c1ef7688b88c8814b44c20:35
SlidingHornteeramisu: use     gksu nvidia-settings20:37
teeramisuSlidingHorn: same output with gksu20:37
teeramisuSlidingHorn: and i cant find xorg.conf where is location?20:39
* SlidingHorn has to step away for a bit - maybe someone can take over in the meantime20:39
teeramisuSlidingHorn: not in /etc/x1120:40
=== pisi is now known as Guest72497
am_exhi all21:24
am_ex I have a problem with my 2,4GHz wireless mouse when I try to copy some files via USB 3.0... Mouse cursor is freezing and moving trajectory is partial... Who knows how can I solve this problem?21:24
am_exMy system is Ubuntu 18.04, SSD 512, 16Gb DDR3, USB3.0, Mouse Logitech Anywhere MX 221:24
Andreas__Anyone else having troubles with missing characters prior to login? bug 1765384 22:03
ubottubug 1765384 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm3 greeter missing characters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176538422:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1760201 in mesa (Ubuntu) "ubuntu 18.04 GDM - missing icons and letters on login screen with nouveau + Wayland" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:23
Andreas__teeramisu: thanks, marked mine as duplicate.22:44
howarthInteresting. I had to do a clean reinstall of bionic because proposed messed up the boot and now it looks like google chromes menu widget is finally showing up22:56
howarthUnclear if this is a fix in gnome-shell or if the 66.x release of chrome fixed it22:57

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